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The global environment, the demographic changes, the new cultural paradigms, the inexorable pro-gress of technology, the information distribution, the modification of the job profiles, the advance of science and the restoration of knowledge result in intensive dynamics of acting and necessity of an innovative approach to adjustment and existence in the contemporary world. The changing na-ture of the environment imposes the need of constant excellence and updating of knowledge and skills. For a particular organization, this primarily means maximization of the human resources and increased efficiency as well as provision of competitive advantage, whereas for the employees it means work efficiency, as well as lowering the level of resistance to changes. Therefore, the objec-tive of the text is to approach the concept of lifelong learning, which is actually the primary aim of the Lisbon Strategy (European Council 2000), to the aspects of career development, i.e. it deter-mines and describes the role of the lifelong learning regarding career management and career plan-ning.
Towards diversity, integration orassimilation? In the Western Europe contextre search into the impact of the group composition on its results, cohesion, team performance and members’ satisfaction is interesting but not conclusive. In fact, whereas some studies pointed to the existence of a significant effect of diversity on team results, others found no significant or even negative relationships. In the Polish context, studies concerning social diversity show that even among leaders in the CSR the awareness of the social differences and how they can be used is relatively low. Much common attitude is that firms develop the strategy of equal opportunities.What is the direction of the Polish Army? When Poland became a member of the NATO and later joined the European Union, homogeneous composition of the army (especially in terms of sex), began to diversify. In my research projects' manalyzing how the Polish Army reproduces its existing hierarchical structure and how it produces – within the meaning of Giddens – it again, using its own resources of the diversity. This subject has not yet been under taken in a holistic manner in the Polish contextal though some aspects of it have occurred in a few studies. The goals of my research project are to diagnose dimensions of social differentiation of professional soldiers and to determine how they are used by the Polish Army. I assume that in the professional dimensions soldiers will be formally differentiated according to the hierarchical subordination. However, not obvious will be the differentiation in terms of social characteristics.
The aim of the paper is to issue the reflection on contemporary societies and ambiguity of interpretation of the phenomena of globalization, individualism, pragmatism, technicisation on the axionarmative order. Social differentiation is no a mere interpretation of the progress of time and the development of human societies, because it is multi-dimensional phenomena. The differences which are not recorded of causative power but being awarded may or may not inspire other actions. The authoress rises important question to what extent attitudes towards diversity, oscillating between acceptance and indifference – and even hostility affect the development of tolerance, and what forms of tolerance appears in postmodern societies.
The article contains analysys of interpersonal communication, including business communication and shows its strong dependence not only on the process of constructing messages, but also on the process of decoding meanings by viewers. Ability to adapt the structure and content of the message to the characteristics and expectations of the particular viewers groups may significantly affect the efficiency and accuracy of the communication process. Main obstacle to universal acceptance of messages meanings by different audiences are shaped primarily by cultural differences manifested on many levels during communication process. This article aim is to analyze the role of the mindreading technique in particular aspects of the communication process as well asto identify the impact on this technique caused by intercultural differences and similarities.
The aim of this study was to evaluate some selected nutritional habits of young people in Lodz the choice of food products and trends in these habits/choices over 15 years. The study group was school youth aged 12-19 years attending primary, middle and secondary schools in 4 districts of Lodz. The study involved 622 students: 309 girls (49.7%) and 313 boys (50.3%). Eating habits of young people in Lodz were analyzed based on the author's interview questionnaire modeled on the international interview questionnaire used in the study HBSC. Only every third child eats (30.7%), milk daily, 43% declared the consumption of dairy products (cheese, milk drinks), 25% brown bread and about 60% of young people eat fruit/vegetables every day. 24% of young people do not include fish. in their menus. A the same time, 55% of the students declared the consumption of fast food and almost half consumed soft drinks several times a week. In the observed period there was a decreased of unfavorable trends in some of the eating behavior of young people, eg.: the decline in consumption of sweets and soft drinks, and increased consumption of fruit and vegetables.
The call for enhancing social integration grows out of a generalized feeling that fundamental institutions of society, like the family and the community, are functioning badly; that children and young people are too often abandoned or brutalized; that criminal activities and corruption are on the increase. It also reflects concern over the weakening of public institutions, and a perceived decline of civility and tolerance in day-to-day social relations. In this context, enhancing social integration can be understood as promoting harmonious interaction and solidarity at all levels of society. When this dimension of the concept is given priority, it becomes the opposite of a process of disintegration.
Starting from the System Justification Theory, the aim of this paper is to explore levels of general system legitimation, inequality perception and meritocracy perception among Croatian citizens, as well as to determine whether there is a difference between social groups of lower and higher social standing in this regard. Survey research on a sample of the Croatian general population (N = 353) revealed that on balance the respondents do not perceive the Croatian social system as legitimate, equal and meritocratic. Regression analyses showed that retired persons express a substantially higher level of system legitimation and meritocracy perception when compared to employed persons, while higher religiosity was also a significant predictor in this regard. When it comes to the inequality perception, only female gender was a significant predictor. The results are discussed within the framework of the contemporary theories of meritocracy and system legitimation, as well as with reference to specific social and economic characteristics of the Croatian society, such as the Croatian War of Independence, transition to capitalism, welfare state development and labour market situation. Overall, the study results provide only a partial confirmation of the System Justification Theory.
More and more slum dwellers are left homeless as their shacks are being either bulldozed in broad daylight or burnt to ashes by hooligans in the dead of night to clear up the settlements, leaving them in the wobble in and around the capital city, Dhaka. Slum evictions and attempts of rehabilitation are quite old phenomena here that started since the mid-70s. A number of resettlement camps located far to the periphery of the city were selected for the rehabilitation. The squatters, however, re-infiltrated the city soon after as the camps had no job or commuting facilities. The outcome of the most recent rehabilitation project in Bhashantek, Mirpur through Public-Private Partnership (PPP) is not different from the previous ones because it too ignored the need for an environment conducive to work and live in, and fixed the price at a level that will rule out the so called target group. It is essential to include both affordability and sustainability issues in a housing project to make it successful. However, housing affordability is frequently defned and assessed only in terms of economic viability. Other important issues, such as sustainability, housing location and quality are sometimes overlooked which are the reasons behind the failure of slum rehabilitation initiatives by the government in Bangladesh. This paper has explored the affordability and sustainability issues in low income housing with reference to experiences of slum rehabilitations initiated both by the state and NGOs or development partners. Analysing the taken rehabilitation schemes the paper has identified the way forward to provide affordable and sustainable housing for slum dwellers and low income people of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
People with physical disabilities often encounter isolation, segregation, and discrimination in their interactions with others. The number of people living with some kind of disability is quite large. According to some estimates in the world there are over 500 million people with some kind of light or heavy physical disability, either mental, physical or sensory impairment. Society considers both types, and visible physical damage and intellectual power as deviant because they deviate from normative concepts of 'normal' (expected) states, and such persons are faced with sanctioning processes that lead to social stigma. In this context, a disabled person obtains a deviant identity not necessarily because of what they have done, but because others have labeled the label with the printed undesirable differences that deviate from the total imaginary image. The identity of a disabled person differs from the identity of the perpetrator of deviant actions. Deviants can choose their (deviant) role, while a disabled person does not choose their status. Contemporary attitudes tend to see people with visible physical disabilities differently from other people; some people watch them today with pity or completely avoid them. The question of disability management raises two problems: first, when does disability become a problem for individual? More important, how does the disabled person manage society's stigma?
The aim of this study is to demonstrate whether the Kuznets Hypothesis states that there is an inverted-U relationship between economic growth and income inequality is valid for Turkey. The income inequality and gross domestic product data covering the 1964-2015 period have been obtained from the University of Texas Inequality Project and Penn World Table version 9.1, respectively. Besides, additional control variables used have been obtained from various data sources. ARDL bound test approach developed by Pesaran et al. (2001) has been employed to test the hypothesis and to reveal the presence of a long-term relationship between variables. Findings reveal that not only the Kuznets Hypothesis but also Kuznets fluctuations proposed by Milanovic (2018) are valid for Turkey. According to the result of the cointegration test based on the bound test approach, there is a long-term relationship between the variables.
The problem of income inequality is globally relevant, receiving the attention of both scientists and politicians. Lithuania as a small country has made significant progress in approaching the standard of living in Western Europe. However, there are still differences in economic growth between separate population groups. Thus, the problem of income inequality remains very acute. Currently, researchers are widely discussing the risk of income inequality to the country’s society by analysing its causes and proposing various solutions. Although scientific debates address income inequality across regions, such studies are often limited to examples of large countries. Meanwhile, there is a lack of studies on regional income inequality in small countries, so the question of whether a small country is characterised by regional income inequality remains open. This research aims to examine the level of regional income inequality in Lithuania. We hypothesised that Lithuania has a high level of regional income inequality and this is one of the causes of the high income inequality in the whole country. To estimate regional income inequality, we used the most common measures: Gini coefficient, decile ratio, and the coefficient of variation. The analysis was performed at level 3 of the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS), according to which Lithuania is divided into 10 administrative counties. For this research, we chose the indicators illustrating income per capita on various levels, i.e., gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, average disposable household income per capita, and gross hourly wages, as the various types of income can be used. For the estimation of GDP per capita and average disposable household income, we analysed the data provided by the Lithuanian Departmen tof Statistics (Statistics Lithuania) for 2014–2017. Due to a lack of data to estimate gross hourly wages, we examined the statistical data from the Lithuanian Department of Statistics for 2014. The results show that the hypothesis has not been confirmed. According to the research results, there is a small distribution of income between different regions of a small economy, although the level of economic development of different regions differs. The study findings are important not only from an academic perspective for identifying the causes of income inequality and raising questions for further research, but also for regional economic policymakers. The obtained results show that decisions related to a more equal distribution of income in Lithuania as a small country are determined not only by the specificity of its regions but also by the general trends of the country.
The Protestant Reformation of the 16th century brought, among other things, the development of the educational system, through which it transmitted its moral, moral-religious and religious values. The United States of America was formed as a Protestant society, its values influencing the lives of Americans. However, not only American society was influenced by Protestantism, but also the whole of modern society. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate if there are significant differences between Protestant values and those of traditional churches (in this case, the Romanian Orthodox Church). The results of the study demonstrated the existence of these differences in favor of Protestantism.
Based on the tenets of the theory of cultural capital (P. Bourdieu) and the results of studies on the social dimension of education, the paper analyzes the connection between the social origin and educational orientation of the student population of the University of Niš. It also focuses on family socio-economic status and cultural-educational status as socially differentiated factors of educational orientation (choice of program of study). The paper presents the results of the study carried out from April until June 2019. The sample included 374 students from 13 faculties of the University of Niš. A comparative analysis of the social origin of the students (operationalized through the educational and socio-professional status of their parents and the financial status of their families) represented the starting point for the study of the social determination of their educational orientation. The findings indicate that children of agricultural workers and farm laborers more often choose the Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Pedagogy and Faculty of Economics, while children of business professionals and professionals with a non-business background more often choose the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Law, compared to the students with origins from other socio-professional groups. Since the research has confirmed the existence of social differentiation in educational orientation, it is necessary to design and realize adequate educational policy measures to overcome social inequality in education.
Nakon entuzijastičnih rasprava i izrade izvještaja o kulturnoj politici i kulturnom razvoju u Republici Hrvatskoj krajem devedesetih i početkom dvijetisućitih (Cvjeti¬čanin i Katunarić, 1998; Katunarić i Cvjetičanin, 2003), događa se pad javnopolitič¬kog interesa za ovu problematiku. U posljednjih dvadesetak godina ne nedostaje istraživačkih interesa za pitanja kulture, ali se događa fragmentiranost debata, pa tako nema cjelovitih rasprava o kulturnom sustavu, nego eventualno o dnevnopo¬litičkim diskusijama o izmjenama zakona, pojedinačnim strateškim dokumentima i nedostatcima akcijskih planova. Ponegdje se dogodi i rasprava o lokalno-političkim kulturnim i/ili medijskim pitanjima te pritiscima odozdo određenih stručnih skupina i inicijativa, pri čemu je najjači utjecaj organizacija civilnog društva u području kulture i umjetnosti. Tomu procesu nije pomogao ni globalni krah medijske industrije, konti¬nuirana komercijalizacija kulturnih proizvoda i usluga, rast digitalnih posrednika te daljnja prekarizacija kulturnog radništva čime se smanjio prostor kritičke rasprave i izvještavanja.
In this paper the author analyses the attitude insisting on the negative influence of sexual variations on individuals and society. He is focused on the dominant attitude of society which may be summarised in the following way „variations in sexuality are not something good“. This dominant attitude is advocated in their latest conclusions even by Serbian leading sociologists. He is also dedicated to analysing historical genesis of that attitude and he has attempted to answer the following questions: Is this kind of attitude dominant nowadays simply because it is correct? What does history teach us about that? If this attitude should be re-defined then how should variations in sexuality be alternatively categorised? The author has given special attention to the arguments confirming sexual variations as innate, but also to those claiming they are attained, and also to historical evidence on „detrimental role“ of the same sex orientation. In his conclusion the author criticises unnecessary tabooing.
The paper is focused on explaining the meaning of the term „queer“ by using linguistic and semantic analysis. It also attempts to explain how the queer theory emerged in the background of the political movement for gay and lesbian liberation that developed quite substantially in the second half of the 20th century. Special attention has been given to the influence of the French post-structuralist Michel Foucault who could be considered father of the queer theory and to its „deconstructive“ tendency to an essentialist concept of homosexuality seen as a phenomenon that is unchangeable in historical and cultural terms.
The paper examines perceptions of the fairness of income distributionin Serbia from a comparative perspective. The analysis is based on data collected under Round 9 of the European Social Survey in 2018/2019. Perceptions of the fairness of personal income in Serbia are compared with those from three post-Yugoslav countries (Montenegro, Croatia and Slovenia) and three developed capitalist countries (Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom). The research findings indicate that the vast majority of Serbian citizens perceive their personal income (gross and net pay, pensions and social benefits) as being unfairly low. From a comparative perspective, it is noticeable that the perceived fairness of income distribution is influenced by a contextual variable that combines the effects of economic development, degree of income inequality and path dependency. Income from work (gross and net pay) is more often perceived as unfairly low inthe post-Yugoslav countries of the Western Balkans (Serbia and Montenegro) than in the post-Yugoslav countries that are members of the European Union (Croatia and Slovenia). When it comes to perceptions of the fairness of pensions and social benefits, the two groups of the post-Yugoslav countries do not differ from each other. All types of income are more likely to be perceived as unfairly low in the Western Balkan states than in the developed capitalist countries.
The main question of the study is how intergenerational educational mobility relates to an individual’s integration into society. Mobility is measured by comparing the highest educational attainment of the different generations. Although educational mobility is a widely researched field, there are only a few examples of it being examined in detail as an explanatory variable of the individual’s social integration. The added value of our research is on the one hand the examination of the relationship between the broadly interpreted dimensions of individual integration and educational mobility, and on the other hand an analysis of the differences between integration patterns by cohorts corresponding to the institutional expansion of education. We used the data of a questionnaire survey administered to a nationally representative sample within the framework of the Mobility Research Center project of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences’ (MTA) Excellence Cooperation Program. The secondary analysis specifically explores the different patterns of intergenerational educational mobility and individual social integration using the same data source.
In the present article we investigate the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of stepfamilies and compare their living arrangements with those of intact and one-parent families. We use census data from 1990, 2001, and 2011, and also the microcensus of 2016. We try to understand whether the social disadvantages of stepfamilies are connected with the fact that generally the parents in these families have a more unfavourable status within the social structure or whether these disadvantages are rather connected with the family structure itself. In reference to the social disadvantages we analysed the income poverty rate and the difficulty in making a living, while in relation to the social networks of adults in stepfamilies we investigated the bonds of friendship and family networks. Our findings show that the social disadvantages of stepfamilies are the consequence of both the unfavourable social status of parents in stepfamilies and the family structure itself, but that the effect of the unfavourable social status of parents (for instance the educational level of parents) is stronger.