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This article is aimed at bringing out the relevancy of postmodernism in understanding the phenomenon of elder abuse. The article which is based on review of the available literature on postmodernism and elder abuse argues that postmodernism is an eye opener in understanding elder abuse. It relevancy in understanding elder abuse rises in its beliefs of recognition of multiplicity, complexity, dynamism, context specificity and having grounded knowledge about any social phenomenon. The article argues further that such relevancy has significant implications on frontline workers like social workers who deal with elder abuse situations. Limitations of postmodernism with regard to understanding elder abuse are also provided.
In this article, the author tries to recapitulate the echo of globalization in legal and sociological literature, concluding that legal philosophers are largely neutral regarding the phenomenon of terrorism and terror, warning in their studies of the widespread political and diplomatic practice of turning a deaf ear by states when it comes to the notorious norms of international public law and international relations. The author points out that even the philosophers of the law are note prone of any predictions regarding the apparent violation of international normative norms, not trying to anticipate the fate of law in the circumstances of the absolute power. The sociological theoretical thought, relying on its weight on the postulates of “interpretative sociology”, as well as ethnomethodology as one of the off-springs of this school of thought, also circumvents a thorough analysis of the phenomenon of violence as a postmodern, almost implicit, and therefore a “legitimate” form of modern communication. In this sense, the author sets out the theoretical points of Jean Baudrillard, the French sociologist, philosopher and political scientist, who, making the essential difference between “globalization”, on the one hand, and “mondialization”, on the other, tried to demystify the etiopathological reasons for constituting violence as a specific feature of globalization. The causes of terrorism are seen by Baudrillard in the destruction of universal values that were dissolved in the Mondial, losing any commitment from the perspective of the idea of humanity. The author concludes that the only thing left for human nature is to transform, in the sense of self-knowledge and insight into the actual character of social forces, if it wants to remain free and meaningful, to the extent of the complexity, cleverness and elusiveness as totalitarian consciousness is transformed.
The text is a reflection on the subject of using the motif of death in photography. It is not, however, about mentioning the photographer as a person memorizing events. A witness of events is replaced by an artist using the subject in order to build their own artistic strategy, to create symbolic works with deepened reflection on death, violence and cruelty, but also constituting a contemporary form of taming death. The medium of photography is used here both in the context of form, which can bring about certain practical effects, and in the context of a specific feature of photography, which is for example its ability to „embalm time”.
Between the diversity of problems that Romania is confronting with at the beginning of 21st century, the discrimination represents a reality that reached and reach edge situation, sometimes becoming manifest through violent actions against individuals, against groups or entire society. The 20 years that followed the revolution brought substantial changes in our perceptions regarding the phenomenon of discrimination, and its causes and negative implications are prevented by the Government Urgency Ordinance no. 137/2000 concerning the prevention and the punishment of all forms of discrimination and Law no. 202/2002 concerning the equality of chances between men and women. The special situation of Romania, the social, economical and cultural features within the context of outrunning the transition stage, the particularities of integration in EU asks for an approach centered on quick changes that take part within Romanian society.
International terrorism is maybe the most important problem of our era. It directly affects the West of which we can say that it has become a true involuntary defender of the Islamic fundamentalism. In order to win the battle with international terrorism, European countries must develop strategies bearing in mind the characteristics of the phenomenon. In this article we try to present some of the possibilities Europe has in the struggle against Islamic terrorism.
Les événements de 11 septembre 2001 ont été une occasion pour rediscuter beaucoup de problèmes graves de l'humanité. L'article de Tod Linberg est une analyse des transformations que le monde en général et la société americaine en particulier ont souffertes après le 11 septembre, aussi bien que des causes profondes qui les ont provoquées, des conséquences qu'elles auront et des solutions qu'on a pour les dépasser.
Après la chute du communisme on remarque une "nostalgie" de la Guerre Froide et et de la suprématie des certains états.On peut dire que la Troisième Guerre Mondiale a déjà commencé. Il est un conflit sans frontières, une conflagration à la fois inter-étatique et intra-étatique provoquée et entretenue par la Russie, dont l'autonomie énergétique est est une véritable arme.
The upwards trending of violence in various countries, including Romania, especially in the last decades of the last millennium. This is a social reality whose negative and destructive effects and consequences cannot be ignored by lawyers, criminologists or sociologists or institutions with a role in prevention and social control. The recrudescence of violence, the increase of the intensity and the extent of crimes against persons and properties, multiplication of facts of corruption, bribery, fraud and organized murder in Romania have aggravated the social problems existing in the sphere of our society. To analyze the televisual discourse in order to see if it includes a violent language, on what period of time, on what kind of TV programs. To see if TV spectators were warned about the violent content of one programe.
U gomili članaka o nasilju u školama pročitao sam i epizodu koja se nikako ne bi mogla odrediti kao nasilničko ponašanje već, u najgorem slučaju, kao drskost - koja mi se učinila kao vrlo znakovita. Dakle, navodi se da je jedan učenik, kako bi isprovocirao profesora, upitao: "Oprostite, ali u eri interneta, što Vi radite ovdje?"
The aim of this paper is to analyse the relation between the concepts of violence and nonviolence in the political theory. How these two concepts are correlated? Where is the dividing line between violence and nonviolence? By analysing some theoretical presuppositions of violence and nonviolence the author seeks to contribute to the scope of the political theory. Rather than presenting an anthology of different definitions of the violence and nonviolence, the intention of this article is to analyse different definitional criteria proposed by social scientists. In this regard, it will be first analysed the concept of violence in political theory. The analysis will be focused on the correlation between violence and power, force and aggression, as well as on the typologies of violence. Then, it will be analysed the concept of nonviolence and its relation with the concept of violence. The author concludes that violence and nonviolence are intertwined within the human society and thus create a dialectic circle.
The Act on the Prevention of Violence at Sports Events, which regulates the behaviour of participants in sports events, contains numerous novelties related to this form of criminal offences. Large sports events are frequently tarnished by serious violence, such as property damage and intentionally harmful physical assaults with occasional fatal consequences, which call for an adequate response from the state authorities responsible for this form of criminal behaviour. This paper discusses the most relevant legal provisions related to violence in sports, and analyzes certain disputable issues and the existing case law, with specific reference to particular problems arising in judicial practice.
Scientific knowledge of different aspects related to conjugal violence is highly important for people directly involved, such as researchers, practitioners and the entire society. In this respect, globally, specialised studies continue to advance, offer correct definitions, clear descriptions, convincing assessments to certain issues, encouraging thus long-term research, since some specialists have managed to overcome restrictive or ideological methods and explanations. Moreover, in practice, debates reach almost all social, political and legal dimensions regarding appropriate and efficient forms of preventing conjugal violence. Unfortunately, in Romania there are fewer research and prevention approaches of this social problem. In general, attention is directed to domestic violence and conjugal violence is dealt with only implicitly. Considering the given context, the aim of the paper is to outline, by analysing specialised literature, a new research direction and implicitly, social intervention. I specify that this article represents a stage in the ongoing postdoctoral research project, entitled “Conjugal homicide. Aggressors and victims”.
The aim of this article is to present ways of understanding and developing empathy in the context of peer relationships in children. It seems essential to define the correlation between empathy and the reduction of school violence and aggression. Empathy is a component of interpersonal communication and a condition for the proper functioning of a child in a peer group. Active listening and mindfulness training improve the bond between members of the school community and, in the long run, limit risky behaviour in children. Empathy connects with other components of social competence, such as assertiveness, collaboration, communicativeness and influence. The ability to understand others’ emotions and behaviours, feeling compassion and an ability to look at reality from a different perspective are very crucial in resolving conflict situations. Experiencing the unique world of events, thoughts, feelings and desires of another human being is possible only in a personal relationship that creates opportunities for establishing and maintaining positive social relationships. The article describes ways to develop empathy at school, such as drama and Rosenberg’s “The Non-Violence Arrangements”.
Introduction. Social support is a process in which a person tries to satisfy the needs of another person, resulting in this person’s feeling liked, loved, respected and valued. Aggressive behaviours are intended to cause physical and moral harm to other people as well as cause them to lose socially appreciated values, inflict physical or moral pain upon another human being. Material and methods. The research was carried out among secondary school students from Biała Podlaska District, in Lublin Province. The research was carried out using the random questionnaire survey technique supervised by the author of the work. Results. General aggression among women was related to support of self-esteem in a statistically significant way. The level of general aggression among men was significantly influenced by the support of the sense of value and general social support. No difference was demonstrated between social support and general aggression among respondents aged 19-21. General aggression of youth aged 18 was related to the level of financial support and general social support. Conclusions. The sense of social support differentiates secondary-school youth with various levels of social support in the scope of aggressive behaviour; differentiation is more accented with respect to gender than age division.
This paper looks at the problem of intimate partner violence against women, given that this is one of the forms of domestic violence. The paper provides certain characteristics of this form of violence, both in terms of causation as well as in terms of extent and prevalence. Furthermore, the paper points out to the facts that show violence in spousal or partner relationships to be, in fact, violence against women. For this purpose, this paper presents the results of numerous studies that confirmed the aforementioned stance. In addition, data gathered from the Municipal court of Nis is also presented, which confirms that the perpetrators of domestic violence are prevalently men. Violence against women is perceived in context of protection of fundamental human rights guaranteed by the highest domestic and international legal acts. Nevertheless, the facts show that despite numerous positive steps both in law and in practice, there has been no decrease in the rate of violence against women. Therefore, further efforts must be made.
Weather the silence of bystanders is consent or not in cyberbullying type incidents has risen a scientifically debate in the field of victim-aggressor-witness dynamics research. Silence implies consent represents a concept of social interaction, which generally states that people tend to assume lack of a response or opinion to an action as a tacit approval of that action. Our research team has developed the project Keeping youth safe from Cyberbullying, aiming to deeper understand the dynamics of different cyberbullying aspects in online environments among youth. Our focus was in analyzing the relationship between consent silence, seen as a core concept in bystanders’ mindset and other psychological or behavioral traits like awareness, anonymity, fear, shame, school popularity and self-worth that fuel the tank of silence, in 140 high school students. Results show that consent silence represents the most significant predictor of future bystander type of response behavior when youth are directly or indirectly involved in cyberbullying incidents. Conclusions and implications are discussed.
In the international relations analysis, the phenomenon of power has always been an important factor. The definition of power, in other words, what power is very relative. Therefore, theories of international relations such as idealism, realism or neorealism have very different approaches to power. Traditionally, power was approached as a hard power and this aspect of power was important. However, together with Joseph Nye, the soft power approach came into prominence as an important concept in the discipline of international relations.
At the end of the 20th and the beginning of 21st century the scientific community has begun to study the problem of youth violence, which has become more and more prevalent in all societies, regardless of their level of social development. The study of violent behavior in the Serbian society has a short tradition. The first major study of the manifestation of violence among elementary and high school student began in 2006 as part of UNICEF’s project “School without Violence”, after which more and more researcher studied this phenomenon, although there is still not enough studies that are addresses this problem. Studies dealing with this issue often focus on elementary school children, while the issue of youth violence is neglected. The aim of this work is, first of all, to address the methodological difficulties that arise during the study of youth violence, and then to analyze the specifics of the available empirical studies of youth violence in our society.
In this paper, a case study of a feud will be elaborated on, which started 21 years ago and has not been finished yet. First conflict began in 1901 when three men from the D. family battered a head of a neighbouring family Z. H. A year later Z.H. taking revenge killed a head of a D. family. In all consequent conflicts (1974,1975, 1970, 1980, 1991) ended in killings or wounding, the families involved in the feud exchanged the roles of avengers and victims. In this feud case study, five killings and eight attempts have been noted so far.