Идеята на автаркия от домашната икономика в глобалния капитализъм: антропологически рефлексии
Self-sufficiency as the idea of autarky and self-reliance is a growing topic in crises time, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. Leaving aside debates on the possibilities of a new global order, this text explores self-sufficiency as a value and practice “always there”, as generations of anthropologists have shown in their work on the household as an economic institution. Several key authors examining dialectics between mutuality and market realms are considered, with a focus on the way in which these contradictory logics play in families' strategies of making a living. Dynamics of process and change are evoked through case studies on Macedonia and the major contributions of two little-known authors – J. Obrębski (1930s) and D. Rhubottom(1960s). I argue that while markets tend to colonise the territory of communal economy, autarky, as a certain idea of autonomy, remains powerful.