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This is an ethnography-based study on social epidemiology of seks work. It concerns risk-generating factors for various blood-borne diseases and sexually transmitted infections. It features the world of female and travestite sex-works of Serbian capital city and its surrounding, mostly of those street-based, but some of them working in agency or as an escort also. The main topic of the study is to list, analyse and discuss factors and circumstances responsible for social epidemiological vulnerability of the members of this marginal population. The data is acquired by performing in-depth interviews mostly, but also by using survey on harm-reduction and prevention of HIV/AIDS, HCV and STI. Sex work has been discussed only as a referential frame for social epidemiological analysis, where general theoretical views on it have been featured, but in that matter, which had not obscure the primary goal of the research. The methodology of recruiting the informants and collecting the data has been presented, alongside with the basic ethnography of sex work in Belgrade, including life circumstances leading person to become the sex worker, initiation to sex work, way somebody’s professional routine is organised, and the (il)legal frame of it. Professional behaviour of sex workers, concerning various ways of endangering their health has been discussed, focused primary on the issues like having protected or unprotected sex with clients, partners, and pimps – motives for doing so and circumstances of such performances; economic hardship; substance abuse. Structural violence has been identified as a major force of determination concerning relations within the sex work milieu, where it is revealed that such violence has been multidirected, from- and to every principle category, engaged in sex work milieu this way or another: sex workers, their spouses, relatives or partners, clients, law enforce officers. It is concluded that sex working population could become epidemiological bridge to wider population eventually, but that harm reduction and prevention focused to the sex workers solely would prove to be futile unless it is realised that the legal status of their profession contributes much to their vulnerability, together with customers’ irresponsibility by insisting on risky practices when buying sex.
Pojmu silovanja moguće je pristupiti iz brojnih perspektiva jer je to praksa koja je kontinuirano (sve)prisutna od početka pisanja historije svijeta, a istovremeno se o njoj najviše šuti i u najvećoj mjeri se tabuizira. Kad kažemo silovanje, odmah pomislimo na neravnopravan odnos moći između moćnog muškarca i nemoćne žene. Silovanje se dešava i muškarcima, dešava se u drugačijim odnosima moći, uzimalo je različite oblike i bilo društveno tretirano na različite načine. Jedna stvar je definitivno konstantna – silovanje kao pojava postoji u svim društvima, u doba mira i rata, u svim sferama javnog i privatnog.
Czechs were among Nazi Germany’s first foreign victims, with Prague the last capital to be freed at the end of World War II. Capitulation, occupation and oppression cast a long shadow which persisted into the post-war period.
Rodno zasnovano nasilje je kršenje ljudskih prava i oblik diskriminacije i označava svaki čin nasilja koji ima za posljedicu ili će vjerovatno imati za posljedicu fizičku, psihičku, seksualnu ili ekonomsku povredu, odnosno patnju, uključujući i prijetnje takvim djelima, prinudu ili namjerno oduzimanje slobode u javnom ili privatnom životu. Rodno zasnovano nasilje je jedan od najviše rasprostranjenih oblika kršenja ljudskih prava i fenomen koji je duboko ukorijenjen u rodne nejednakosti, počiva na rodnim normama i nejednakim odnosima moći. Može se manifestovati u različitim oblicima ili kao kombinacija više njih: fizičko, emocionalno, psihološko ili seksualno nasilje te ekonomsko nasilje. U ovom tekstu, rodno zasnovano nasilje razumijemo u širem smislu, uključujući i nasilje na osnovu seksualne orijentacije i/ili rodnog identiteta.
Since most of the available researches and documents that are analyzed cannot find clearly distinguished data by regions as well as separately for these two regions (one of the exceptions is the research of the CURE Foundation "Women who inspire"), a general overview with somespecifics for a better understanding of the state in the field will be done. After that we will give an overview of some local specifics. It should be noted that the regional divisions do not follow the administrative ones as four analyzed municipalities in these two regions belong to the municipality of Eastern Sarajevo, and two belong to the Romanija region.
Document "Socio-economic indicators by municipalities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina 2016" represents the basic socio-economic indicators of FBiH development by municipalities and ranking the local community according to the level of development. When determining the general development index of each municipality in FBiH, the following indicators were used: the level of employment of the population, the level of unemployment, the number of primary and secondary school students per 1,000 inhabitants, the absent population compared to the 1991 census and the tax revenues per municipality percapita.
Zbornik radova s Međunarodne naučne konferencije pod nazivom GENOCID NAD BOŠNJACIMA, SREBRENICA 1995–2020: Uzroci, razmjere i posljedice predstavlja izuzetno važan doprinos naučnom sagledavanju namjera, uzroka, ciljeva, razmjera i posljedica izvršenog genocida kao i drugih zločina protiv vrijednosti zaštićenih međunarodnim pravom. Međunarodni kao i drugi naučni skupovi neophodni su kako bi se sagledale i sublimirale činjenice iz perioda agresije, a zbornik radova ostaje u naslijeđe budućim generacijama kao opomena da se zločini nikada i nikome ne ponove. Zbornik sadrži 39 radova u kojima su predstavljena nova istraživanja i saznanja koja s interdisciplinarnog, odnosno društveno-političkog, historijskog, sociološkog, psihološkog, demografskog aspekta elaboririraju rezultate istraživanja o događajima u Bosni i Hercegovini u razdoblju 1992‒1995. Posebnu vrijednost daju i radovi koji tematiziraju društveno-političke posljedice nakon 1995. godine. Zbog obima naučnih radova, zbornik je podijeljen u dva jednako vrijedna i značajna dijela (I i II tom). Koncepcija strukture sadržaja sistematizirana je u šest tematskih cjelina. Prvi tom obuhvata 15 radova, a drugi 24 rada. Zbornik počinje predgovorom prof. dr. Rifata Škrijelja, rektora Univerziteta u Sarajevu, a završava Zaključcima s Konferencije, koje u ime Naučnog odbora potpisuje akademik, prof. dr. Mirko Pejanović.
The paper discusses the international obligations of states and international organizations, which derive from the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Likewise, the Convention is an international instrument that is an expression of general customary international law. Therefore, it binds the contracting state parties and the non-contracting state parties. The paper analyzes the obligations to prohibit the direct commission of the crime of genocide, non-participation in its commission, prevention and punishment of the perpetrators of this international crime. As a separate chapter, the article deals with particular consequences created for states (and international organizations) following the violation of obligations under the Convention. As these are serious breaches of the obligations arising from the peremptory norms of general international law, a separate and aggravated legal regime of responsibility for states (and international organizations) is therefore provided in international law. In addition to three forms of reparations: restitution, compensation and satisfaction, it refers to the application of other sanctions (measures).
Numerous crimes against children were committed in the aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992–1995). In this paper, the subject of research will be a review of crimes against children in Sarajevo, Mostar and Srebrenica. Numerous documents, data, statements, information, findings and numerous verdicts of convicted war criminals before the ICTY and before domestic courts testify to the crimes committed in these three cities. The mass and manner of committing crimes against children in Sarajevo, Mostar and Srebrenica, as examples of crimes against children throughout the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, prove that the aggressors did not have a sensitivity to the youngest and most protected category of civilians.
The commemoration of the genocide against Bosniaks only in the area of Srebrenica can be interpreted as a way to localization the genocide and accept that the genocide against Bosniaks committed in the period 1992–1995 is reduced to a local level. Reducing genocide to just six days in July 1995 is a kind of trap. The genocide against Bosniaks in the Srebrenica area cannot be separated from the genocide committed between 1992 and 1995 in all occupied cities and cities under siege. The perpetrators of the Srebrenica genocide are the same structures that committed genocide in the rest of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Greater Serbia policy, inspired by ideology, which aims to exterminate the Bosniak population and annex Bosnian territory to neighboring Serbia, pursued a genocidal policy towards the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bosniaks continuously in the period from 1992 to 1995. The goals of this paper are to show the genocidal character of the aggressive war against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and to point out the mistake, which is reflected in localization of the genocide against Bosniaks.
Many will claim that life without pain is not a life. Yet, pain makes life so much harder to bear. In its fullness, pain takes life away from the present moment leading it into a longing for a time of its absence (even if this would mean the end of life itself). If life is defined by pain is it worth living? After all, we may not be experiencing pain in every moment but every moment carries a potentiality for pain. While its presence may vary from person to person, we all share this intimate exposure and vulnerability to pain and it is part of what defines us as humans. How we deal with pain on an individual level is not entirely in our control. Culture and the society we are embedded in provide us with the vocabulary for communicating pain and the stance on its value. The question then arises: How do we treat pain on a cultural and individual level? Bodily, sensory pain is perceived spontaneously, directly. Our bodies and their senses make us vulnerable to pain as well as susceptible to the pleasures of its opposites. Pain is defined as exclusively negative making our attitude one of resistance and the desire to be rid of it. This is, in itself, a result of a historically and culturally shaped vision. Simultaneously with avoiding it, however, we encourage and stimulate it, we seek it and it fascinates us. In any case, there is no indifference in or towards pain. When we are the ones inflicting it (torture, sadism), usually we seek explanations and further insight into this behavior. This paper aims to provide this insight. Torture and sadism, extreme forms of inflicting pain, were one of the instruments of committing genocide of Bosniaks in Srebrenica, July 1995. Our general conclusion is that pain, especially in its extreme form, cannot be perceived as anything other than pure negativity of human suffering.
The doctrine of the Srebrenica genocide is a painful example for humanity that will forever serve as a warning wound to the world towards this, once, protected zone of the United Nations. One of the two great-power projects, which had a devastating effect on the South Slavic area, and which is the creator and performer of the Srebrenica pain, is basically deeply anticivilization and dehumanizing. Genocide in Srebrenica happened in spite of everything the international community, whatever they meant by that phenomenon, knew about the project and its actors. Especially since certain international values occurred and formed after the Second World War, it has been shown that an international arbiter is possible who can prevent the occurrence of genocidal intentions. The Srebrenica experience is astonishing in the heart of Europe, which has done almost nothing to prevent it from happening. And twenty-five years after him, he is just as unsuccessfully working to regain life in something that should be the eternal wound of the international community. Most responsible address as to why the Srebrenica genocide took place is the international one. And no “washing” of the unclean and dishonest conscience of international officials is and cannot be effective. And two and a half decades later, the same address bears the sole responsibility that everything that erases the memory of this monstrous act is erased, that crimes are kept silent, that convicted war criminals are glorified in certain parliaments that are bearers or those who were mere supporters of the mentioned projects. Such a sense of injustice, under the auspices of the international community, is stifling Srebrenica society, and thus Bosnia and Herzegovina and South Slavic. Political groups, power and, finally, the human nature of the universal code are to blame for everything that is happening in Srebrenica after two and a half decades. It is well known that often times large-scale media manipulations cause smart and determined individuals, as well as highly developed social and moral consciousness, to sink. That is not why justice should be done. There is no justice in the face of crime. And he may have an understanding. The only elementary justice that anyone who has committed a crime can try to establish is: first to realize that he did it, second to be sorry for what he did, third to repent for what he did, fourth to admit that he did it and fifth to finally bear all the consequences of every possible justice for what he has done. However, Srebrenica carries one dimension that is much larger than what is called a mass crime. It carries a postgenocidal dimension. The greatest sacrifice made by an innocent man in relation to his ethnic, religious or racial affiliation should carry planetary condemnation. If, even twenty-five years after the crime, there is no such condemnation, based on universal values, but many things are covered with a veil of oblivion, remembrance and non-confrontation, then it is a warning example for society and the international community, which is just as dehumanizing. And anticivilization, as much as the project that produced it.
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, human rights are enshrined in the Dayton Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the constitutions of the entities: the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska. According to the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms has priority over national legislation in the field of human rights protection. The exercise of human rights and freedoms of citizens in the municipality of Srebrenica in the period from 1995 to 2020, which are guaranteed by the Dayton Peace Agreement and relevant international conventions and other positive instruments for the exercise of human rights, was impossible, especially for Bosnian citizens in Srebrenica who were in the process of exercising the rights of returnees. This research analyzes the forms of human rights violations in the municipality of Srebrenica from 1996 to 2020. The paper presents proposals for the institutional protection of human rights of returnees to the city and municipality of Srebrenica.
The biggest and most serious crime is the crime of genocide. Precisely because of the severity and complexity of genocide, as a social and security phenomenon, its research must be approached with special care and with the application of scientific theoretical and methodological procedures and concepts. In that way, modern scientific-theoretical knowledge and insights based on their concretization are obtained in empirical research of the crime of genocide. Namely, only through a continuous combination of scientific theory and practice we can gain valid and adequate knowledge about the crime of genocide, its essential characteristics manifested through various forms and methods of execution. If there is a dysfunctionality of the combination of scientific theory and practice, it will inevitably affect the results of research, regardless of the type of research, whether it is scientific, professional-methodical or specifically operational research. In order for such phenomena not to occur, it is necessary to critically and in-depth consider the previous theoretical-empirical research in order to understand the stated problems and overcome possible problems that may arise because the practice does not follow the theory. On the other hand, the interdependence and interdependence of theory and practice is not easy to see. If the separation from each other is real, spatial and temporal, then there is no unity between them, which leaves a trace on the success of the research and the results obtained on the actual scale of the crime of genocide.
Više nego išta drugo, zaborav i prešućivanje smiruju savjest zločinaca. Praštanje neoprostivog zločina jeste zazivanje novog zločina. Dužni smo raskrinkati zločince objelodanjenom istinom, ne skidati ih sa stupa srama – nikada. Ponavljajmo riječ “Srebrenica”, podsjećajmo na zločin genocida u svakom trenutku, danju i noću, neprestano, da ga i potomci zločinaca, i potomci žrtava, kao i sve buduće generacije svijeta, uvijek imaju na umu i nikada ne zaborave. Za to su nam potrebni: a. svjedoci; b. dokazi. Jedan od onih koji ovu najveću ljudsku moralnu obavezu svjedoka zločina izvršavaju na najbolji način jeste Kadir Habibović. Umjesto nijeme žrtve, sam Bog kao da je htio da on postane gromoglasni svjedok genocida. Njegova knjiga Život protiv smrti postala je vječni stup srama za sve zločince genocida u Srebrenici i svojom snagom istine pokrenula je klizeće brdo dokaza. Ovo je prilika da još jednom podsjetimo i zločince, i žrtve, kao i cijeli svijet, na zločin genocida u Srebrenici.
Women who are victimized as a result of all kinds of violence against women, women’s disempowerment, gender inequality, social impositions and expectations, continue to be victimized in our country as in many parts of the world from past to present. Women face gender inequality even before they are born. In reproductive age, they are blamed for the sex of their babies, their right to education is denied, they are subjected to mobbing in working life, and their social roles and responsibilities continue at home. In order to prevent gender-based violence, empower women and improve their health, support systems need to be established, preventive services need to be planned and accessible. Midwives should evaluate every woman and girl they encounter in terms of violence. Health managers should develop health service policies that integrate preventive and protective services with psychosocial support services and ensure that they are easily accessible when needed. This review, which is based on the literature, aims to share information about the institutions where women who are victims of gender inequality can receive help in cases of violence and other problems.