Zakon o zaštiti životne sredine u Srbiji: postojeća rešenja i pravci noveliranja
After the Law on Environmental Protection had been adopted in 2004, a number of special laws came into force and a number of important international conventions were adopted. In the meantime, the Law on Environmental Protection was amended, but it did not bring a satisfactory level of consistency between the Law on Environmental Protection and new legislative acts. This paper analyzes the disadvantages of the Law on Environmental Protection that have occurred during the eight years of its implementation. In addition, the paper points out the possible solutions and directions that could be made in order to change those disadvantages and harmonize the Law on Environmental Protection with the EU legislation. This paper analyzes the terms in the Law on Environmental Protection and their relations with the terms stipulated by special laws, the consequences of the lack of legal definition of environmental information, the importance to stipulate principle of protection from negative effects of GMO and the importance of establishing environmental inspection in the organizational and functional sense by this framework Law.