Bibliografický súpis časopisu Slovenský národopis (1953 – 2002)
Bibliographic catalog of the magazine Slovenský národopis (1953 - 2002)
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Bibliographic catalog of the magazine Slovenský národopis (1953 - 2002)
The collection of well researched chapters assesses the uses and misuses of history 25 years after the collapse of Soviet hegemony in Eastern Europe. As opposed to the emphasis on the recovery of memory or revival of national histories that seemed to be the prevelant historiographical approaches of the 1990s, the last decade has seen a particular set of narratives equating Nazism and communism and so providing opportunities to exonerate wartime collaboration, cast the nation as victim even when its government was allied with Germany, and acknowledge the Jewish Holocaust while obfuscating its meaning and significance.In their comparative analysis the authors are also interested in new practices of performing ‘Europeanness.’ Therefore their presentations of Slovak, Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian and Slovenian post-communist memory politics move beyond the common national myths in order to provide a new insight into transnational interactions and exchanges in Europe in general. The juxtaposition of these politics, the processes in other parts of Europe, the modes of remembering shaped by displacement and the transnational memory practices enable a close encounter with the divergences and assess the potential of the formation of common, European memory practices.
In over seventy-five years of its activity, the Association of Polish Teachers Abroad, in accordance with the Statute, has promoted Polishness in exile, and cared for preserving both the mother tongue and Polish culture. The Board has performed its duties socially, thus serving God and the homeland. A slogan “I nic nad Boga” [And nothing above God] was placed on the banner of the organization, which was solemnly consecrated on 13 October 2002. This short inscription, which is extremely rich in content, fully reflects the values that the subsequent generations of teachers of Polish Schools of Native Subjects in Great Britain have been faithful to over the years.
У монографії висвітлюються історичні передумови виникнення, становленнята розвитку сучасної військової символіки, узагальнюється діяльність органівдержавного та військового управління України щодо розробки, впровадження таправового утвердження військової символіки у період 1991 – 2012 рр.
The album publication is a tribute to the soldiers from “Krybar” group, who fought in Powiśle during the Warsaw Uprising, trying to recapture the Warsaw University campus. Despite numerous efforts, the insurgents were not able to repel the Germans from the university. The former soldiers of “Krybar” describe their life during the uprising “in the shadow of the university fortress” and talk about their war fates. The book includes nearly one hundred quotations from their memoirs and unique photographs taken by one of “Krybar” soldiers, captain Stanisław Kopf “Malarz”. The book received the Klio prize in Varsaviana category.
Nestanci osoba uključuju različita kršenja ljudskih prava; kršenje prava na sigurnost i slobodu, dostojanstvo osobe, prava na život, prava na zaštitu od nasilja ali i mnoga druga, te je zato temeljno polazište u rješavanju pitanja zatočenih i nestalih osoba pravo svakog pojedinca na život, nepovredljivost njegove slobode i zabrane zlostavljanja te pravo obitelji da saznaju istinu o sudbini svojih najbližih. Problematika vezana uz pronalaženje nestalih osoba dio je implementacije procesa tranzicijske pravde. Pritom, moramo imati na umu da se u zemljama nastalim raspadom bivše Jugoslavije, tranzicija odvijala, i još se odvija, na dva kolosijeka: 1) tranzicija iz ratnog društva u mirnodopsko društvo, posebno u pogledu standarda pravde i prihvaćanja međunarodnih kriterija za odgovornost u oružanim sukobima; 2) tranzicija iz jednostranačkog društva u pluralističko društvo tzv. zapadne demokracije.
This book examines the controversy over the plans to construct a deep geological repository for highly radioactive waste in the Czech Republic. Since the 1990s, state authorities have identified a number of locations as potentially suitable for the construction of the repository. However, the plans have met strong opposition from the affected municipalities, as well as from local and national NGOs. The controversy has lasted for almost two decades now, and arguably has not progressed much since the beginning. This book provides a detailed account of this controversy based on interviews with key actors, observations from public meetings and debates, policy documents, technical reports, and media coverage. With inspiration from literature from the field of science and technology studies (STS), the book analyses the controversy in terms of how risk and uncertainty are dealt with in the negotiations. Ultimately, the author suggests that a shift from a risk-based to an uncertainty-based perspective may offer a way out of the negotiation deadlock.
The monograph examines the theoretical and practical aspects of the transformation of the political institutions in modern Ukraine. The methodological and theoretical principals of the transformation of political institutions in Ukraine are revealed, the interaction study of political institutions and civic society at the present stage of democratic development is carried out, the impact on the transformation of the political institutions of electoral processes, mass media and other factors of socio-political changes is analysed. // The book is intended for scientists, politicians, and a wide range of readers.
The research is devoted to political identities of urban community in Odessa. On the basis of theoretical developments and empirical basis, the research deals with the political identities of urban community in Odessa through the parameters of space and time, geographic and demographic factors, organisation and functioning of local economy, foreign policy orientations, religious environment structure, forms / methods of memory policy, the resource potential of the society, language and cultural policy, the specifics of communication networks and due to the analysis of citizen participation in local self-governing authorities, activities of political parties, public organizations in election campaigns to central and local authorities.
The brochure provides the generalized analysis of the main factors influencing the local processes of formation and transformation of political identities in Poltava city community. The content and specificity of identity policy in the city are determined, their constitutive role in structuring the political and social field of Poltava is proved
The book presents scholarly account of interaction between religion, ethnicity and politics in Ukrainian Halychyna region from Post-World War II Soviet time to present days in independent Ukraine, period that reveals variety of quite different patterns of interaction between religion and politics, religion and ethnicity.
The monograph presents a study of the manifestations of political opportunism of decision-makers in the formation of state expenditures for social protection and social security in the conditions of financial and economic crisis of 2008-2009 in Ukraine. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the political regime and political and socio-economic orientations of Ukrainian society, their role in the implementation of fiscal manipulation. Considering the political conditionality and economic feasibility of decisions aimed at improving social standards during the crisis, the peculiarities of the process of their development, adoption and implementation, as well as the electoral consequences in the post-crisis period are analyzed.
The problem of corruption is one of the most prevalent issues in the Montenegrin public discourse, whereas the fight against corruption is one of the priorities of the state institutions, judging by strategic documents and statements of the officials. As service providers and institutions responsible for the common interest of citizens, local self-governments are particularly vulnerable to corruption. The effects of corruption at the local level cause not only the stagnation of the economy, but also increased unemployment rate, decrease of trust in administration and so on. Recognizing the need for stronger involvement of civil society organizations in this field, a project titled „Corruption at the local level- zero tolerance” has been initiated. It has been implemented by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) in cooperation with the Institute Alternative (IE), NGO Bonum from Pljevlja and NGO Nada from Herceg Novi, with the support of the Delegation of the EU to Montenegro through IPA 2011 and co-financing of the Royal Norwegian Embassy. In line with the criterion of balanced representation of the northern, central and southern parts of the country, the project encompasses 14 Montenegrin municipalities: Bar, Budva, Cetinje, Danilovgrad, Herceg Novi, Kolašin, Kotor, Mojkovac, Nikšić, Pljevlja, Plužine, Podgorica, Rožaje and Tivat. The intention of the authors of the monitoring report covering the period of implementation of the Local Action Plans for the fight against corruption (LAP) from 2009 to 2014 was to review the heretofore results in this field, provide an overview of implementation of the action plans, point out to problems and oversights which occurred during the implementation and planning, as well as to present useful recommendations for improving future local action plans.
The main objective of the paper is to assess the temporal and territorial convergence/divergence of the NUTS 2 regions of the EU with a focus on the Czech and Slovak NUTS 2 regions. The study is based on a comparison of NUTS 2 GDP per capita indicators. The source data is based on the Eurostat dataset Regional gross domestic product (PPS per inhabitant in % of the EU27 (from 2020) average) by NUTS 2 regions for the period 2010-2021. In this paper, GDP has been analysed only in terms of absolute or relative amounts, and other factors have not been taken into account. The results of the study demonstrate the heterogeneous development of Czech and Slovak NUTS 2 regions, where the example of Slovak regions shows a long-term gradual internal convergence of NUTS 2 regions, while in relation to other EU countries there is an external divergence, resulting in the second worst position in terms of GDP/cap. In the case of the Czech NUTS 2 regions, internal divergence has been identified, where individual regions are economically "moving away" from each other, unfortunately, the Czech Republic has been stagnating in the long term in relation to other EU countries.
The pension system is a very important social policy instrument of the state. An incorrectly set pension system, or one that does not respond sufficiently to the often contradictory developmental changes in its individual parameters, can cause social disharmony, not only between or within generations. The aim of this paper is to assess the regional aspect of the consequences of the current Czech pension system based on the principles of solidarity and equivalence. It seeks an answer to the question whether, from a regional perspective, the pension system is more likely to induce social harmony or to provoke conflict among regions. The starting point is an analysis of selected parameters of the pension system of the Czech Republic in the period 2010-2021, the results of which are followed by a regional analysis of average gross wages and average old-age pensions, including an assessment of the relationship between them, using normalized data for both indicators. Five types of positions of the Czech regions are identified in determining solidarity donors and solidarity recipients. At the same time, some points are pointed out that should not be overlooked in the context of pension reform, as they could be a source of social conflicts in the future.
The objective of the paper is to identify the determinants of the success rate of submitted projects for European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) funding for municipalities in Slovakia in the 2014-2020 programming period. Regressors used in the created econometric model include proxies for project writing experience, municipalities' demographics, and financial indicators. In the model, we also use other characteristics: the share of projects that were submitted by female mayors of municipalities and the share of projects approved for a municipality whose mayor was supported in the previous elections by the parliamentary parties participating in the government between 2014 and 2020. Our results indicate that experience with submitting grants, the unemployment rate, the share of the population in productive age, debt per capita and affiliation to a political party, and women's leadership have a significant relationship with the success rate of municipal project proposals, although not always in the direction we expected.
The need to assess sustainable processes and states is a driving assumption for the paper, having as an objective to explore the assessment model of the Transitioning Performance Index by the European Union. The purpose is to analyze for 24 out of the EU-27 countries for the year 2020 using multivariate, the distribution of performance within the 37 indicators used for the estimation of the transitioning performance index. The results produced 24 principal components of which the first 8 accounted for 89 percent cumulative variation and 10 accounted for 93 percent. The 24 countries selected were further classified into 4 groups based on the PCA results and the observable correlations between the original variables and the PCA were also determined. The results showed that the main indicators and the new PCA could be used as policy and decision-making guidelines for individual countries to determine strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for inclusive and sustainable development initiatives and programmes.
The pandemic has paralyzed the world and the European economy, with the exception of the tourism sector. The aim of the paper is focused to the functional evaluation of a selected tour operator with national scope and foreign background. In this paper, we follow the scope of the travel agency and its reflection on the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. We analyze its operation in the period 2011-2022. The research took place in 2021 during the summer season. The number of clients depends mainly on the political stability of the destination, travel arrangements and the overall behavior of visitors, which cannot be influenced by the tour operator. We compare the pre-pandemic and post-pandemic periods and the current situation in tourism in Slovakia. We also focused on forms of tourism assistance and individual aid schemes. In the pandemic period, it was dominated by domestic tourism, and so travel agencies and tour operators began to orient and adapt their products to Slovak clients.
The tertiary-educated population is considered an important production factor in the economy. This paper focuses on the development of the tertiary-educated population in Slovak municipalities over the last thirty years. In this paper, we focused on examining the development of human capital at the level of Slovak municipalities, which ultimately represents a development in more than 2,800 territorial units. The aim of the paper was to present the spatial aspects of the development of the tertiary-educated population in Slovakia. Furthermore, we wanted to examine what changes occurred during the observed period in the supply of the tertiary-educated population among the municipalities of Slovakia. Moreover, we examined the relationship between the development of the tertiary-educated population and the population density. Tertiary-educated population represents the highest level of human capital and is associated with positive socio-economic effects not only for individuals, but also for larger society. High population density indicates the presence of a larger number of firms, as well as a larger number and a wider variety of services, which are characteristic for cities. In this paper, we estimated the functional relationship between the increase in the tertiary-educated population and the level of population density at the municipal level. The results show that in a municipality, where one extra inhabitant lives per square kilometre, the number of tertiary-educated inhabitants increased by four between 1991 and 2021.
In 2015; thanks to Egypt; the League of Arab States returned to the idea of establishing joint Arab forces. The idea is not a new concept; it first appeared in the 1950s. Under the Treaty on Common Defense and Economic Cooperation; the Joint Defense Council was established as a body responsible for coordinating the military effort of the Arabs. The AL then tried to respond to external conflicts and resolve intra-Arab disputes using peaceful means of resolving them; with a view to respecting the countries territorial integrity and Arab unity. The threats that appeared in the region after the Cold War; including terrorism; and the effects of the social protests known as the Arab Spring on the Middle East – the development of terrorist organizations; civil wars – led to the resumption of talks on military cooperation in the fight against the challenges. At the 26th Arab Summit in Sharm el-Sheikh in March 2015; it was proposed to create a joint Arab force as a rapid reaction force. For this purpose; the organizational structure was reformed and the competences of the Arab Peace and Security Council were expanded. Then; a draft agreement was developed specifying the goals; tasks; method of operation and financing of these forces. Arab countries; despite their initially positive approach to the idea; were divided when this document was prepared. Opposition from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states led to the project being frozen in time. These countries chose military cooperation by forming ad hoc coalitions.