Developing cooperation between science and the economy in the area of renewable energy sources based on the example of the DeENet network
The aim of the paper is to analyze projects focused on decentralized energy supply systems, energy-optimized design and construction, as well as energy-efficient industrial processes and sustainable energy supply concepts. In view of the above, projects such as the following were analyzed: "Regiony w 100% Odnawialne" ("100% Renewable Regions), "KLIMZUG", "Zabytki i Energia" ("Monuments and Energy"), "Klimaregio", "Sieć elektroenergetyczna przyszłości" ("The Power Engineering Network of the Future"), "Polsko-niemiecki dialog klastrów" ("Polish-German Cluster Dialog"), "Energooszczędne budownictwo i mieszkanie" ("Energy Efficient Construction and Housing"), "dEcoSense", "Manager Energetyczny – IHK" ("Power Engineering Manager - IHK") d "Okrągły stół energetyczny Północnej Hesji" ("Northern Hesse Energy Round Table").