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The present article deals with Kiriakos Darzilovitis, a Greek-educated Slavophone and the second Christian printer of Selanik. This article touches on some of the main points in Kiriakos’s biography, with two main stations: first, his trial by the city’s Tanzimat council because of the seditious books he was accused of printing; and second, the closure of his bookstore some years later, orchestrated by two Orthodox metropolitans and the local Ottoman authorities. The article follows how an ordinary Ottoman subject was consciously able to manoeuvre his way through different lingual, ethnic identities, citizenships, and even legal jurisdictions. More importantly, Kiriakos’s life story sets an example for the limits of such “navigation.” Indeed, the different governing authorities in the late Ottoman world could punish an individual for not fulfilling the expected commitments of each identity he or she asserted.
Although Ottomans accepted polygamy according to the tenets of Hanafi Islamic law, they argued over its social and legal aspects throughout the classical period. In the late 19th century these debates became explicitly connected to contemporary political events. Authors supported or opposed polygamy by referencing marriage and divorce rates in Europe, Protestant missionary activity in Africa, and their belief in the civilizational superiority of the Islamic world over the West. Polygamy was not only contested through modern politics. It was also discussed in light of the genre of Muslim religious polemics. In 1898 three modernist authors debated these issues in the journal Malûmât: Fatma Âliye, legal scholar Mahmud Es‘ad and Russian Muslim educator and reformer Ismail Gasprinskii. Their correspondence, entitled Ta‘addüd-i Zevcât’a Zeyl, deliberated polygamy with regarded to modernist political reform, European colonialism, capitulation agreements, and international trade. They also used arguments from anti-Christian religious polemics. By arguing these issues within the integrated field of religion, these authors used a Hamidian-era discourse describing an Islam compatible with Ottoman notions of modernity.
Review of: Yahya Araz, 16. Yüzyıldan 19. Yüzyıl Başlarına: Osmanlı Toplumunda Çocuk Olmak, İstanbul: Kitap Yayınevi, 2013, 196 shf. ISBN 978-605-105-118-5
Review of: Douglas E. Streusand, Ateşli Silahlar Çağında İslam İmparatorlukları: Osmanlılar, Safeviler, Babürlüler, Çev. Bahar Fırat, İstanbul: Ufuk Yayınları, 2013, 352 shf. ISBN 978 605-531-454-5
Review of: Özlem Kumrular, Kösem Sultan: İktidar, Hırs, Entrika, İstanbul: Doğan Kitap, 2015, 329 shf. ISBN 978-605-09-3052-8
After the conquest of the Morea by Mehmed II, this region was tranformed into an Ottoman province governed by Elvanoğlu Sinan Bey. Morea was subdivided into 17 districts. These districts were Balya Badra, Vostiça, Hulumiç, Vumero, Krevukor, Arkadya, Leondar, Korintos, Kalavrita, Minhalu, Bezenik, Kalandriça (Halandriça), Sandomiri (Sandomeri), Grebena (Grevena), Ayo İlia, Gardicko and Mistra. The great number of these districts has the same name as their center. The district of Patras was also named by the name of its center that is the town of Patras. Patras was known in the Ottoman period as Balya Badra. The aim of this article is to study the town of Patras, its population and economy between 1460 and 1715 years. This study is based on the Ottoman Archives sources, especially on the Ottoman survey register (tahrir) concerning the province of Morea. After the presentation of the sources fournishing rich data about Patras this article examined the population growth, the average of growth, the process of Turkicization, conversion and Islamization in the town. We draw the tables showing the names of the quarters of the town of Patras, the number of tax-payers and their confessions. In 1514/1515 there were one Muslim quarter, 20 Christian and 8 Jewish quarters, a Cipsy and a Christian müsellem community in Patras. In 1715 the town has 13 Christian and 4 Muslim quarters and a Jews community. The information about the agricultural production, the total amount of taxes and the jobs practicing by the inhabitants of the town of Patras was also given.
The Ottoman-Safavid conflicts from the early sixteenth to the mid-seventeenth century took place in two geographical spaces, namely Irak-i Arap (Iraq of the Arabs), and the Caucasus. Since the Caucasus is always a strategically important region from many perspectives, it was also a contested space between the Ottomans and Safavids. From the very beginning, Ottomans and Safavids were trying to control the Caucasus and constantly battling for the upper hand over the other. By focusing on the Ottoman-Safavid competition over the Transcaucasia in the period from 1603 to the mid-seventeenth century, this article examines the politics of these two empires in this competition with a special emphasis on the role of local actors in this conflict, particularly the maneuvers of Georgian groups.
Review of: Meltem Toksöz, Nomads, Migrants and Cotton in the Eastern Mediterranean: the making of the Adana-Mersin Region 1850-1908, BRILL, Leiden & Boston, 2010, 224 shf. İSBN 978 90 04 18576 0.
Review of: Özer Küpeli, Osmanlı-Safevi Münasebetleri (1612-1639), İstanbul 2014 (Yeditepe Yayınevi), 335 shf. İSBN. 978-605-5200-43-5
The famous Ottoman scientist, compiler and reformer, Şemsettin Sami is one of the authors of the well-known encyclopedia „Kamusü'la'lam“, in which we come across to few observations with statistical evidence about the former Vilayet of Kosovo. The Sanjaks of Peć and Novi Pazar were a part of it and occasionally, some other towns and cities which are a part of todays Sandžak region. One of them is Tergovište, todays Rožaje. The author of the paper brings up Şemsettins short and interesting observation about Rožaje, at the end of 19th century.
U povijesti Bosne i Hercegovine bilo je nekoliko događaja koji su imali veliki utjecaj ne samo na njezine žitelje, nego i na okolne narode i države. Jedan od njih je pogubljenje posljednjega bosanskog kralja Stjepana Tomaševića i pad Bosne po Osmansku vlast 1463. godine. Iako se ova godina navodi kao pad Bosne pod Osmansku vlast, Osmanlije su puno ranije, skoro čitavo stoljeće, bili prisutni na ovim područjima. Prije dolaska Osmanlija Bosansko je kraljevstvo bilo u političkom, kulturnom i gospodarskom razvoju. To posebno vrijedi za vrijeme vladanja kralja Tvrtka I. (1353-1391). On je iskoristio krizu Ugarsko-Hrvatskog Kraljevstva i proširio svoje kraljevstvo. Bosna je tada imala najveći teritorij u svojoj povijesti i bila najmoćnija država na zapadu Balkana.
Tijekom Prvog svjetskog rata na istoku je Anadolije poubijano oko 1,5 milijuna Armenaca. Koji su tragovi ostali u domovini ovih ljudi? Koju je pouku iz krivice tadašnjeg vremena izvukla Turska? Ovo je putovanje u zemlju u kojoj prošlost ne prolazi. Starija žena sa sela koja nekadašnju armensku crkvu koristi kao skladište i kršćane do danas naziva “nevjernicima”. Kurdski simpatizer Kurdistanske radničke stranke (PKK), čiji je otac u Prvom svjetskom ratu htio spasiti jednog Armenca, ali ga je nehotice ubio. Hamburški redatelj Fatih Akin, koji je o događanjima iz 1915. snimio film i zbog čega mu turski nacionalisti sada prijete. Odvjetnica, kojoj je baka netom prije svoje smrti pričala kako je ona zapravo Armenka i da su je kao dijete oteli njezinoj obitelji. Armensko-turski novinar Hrant Dink, ubijen na sred ulice.
After geographical discoveries of the 15th and 16th centuries the economic system based on trade began to develop in the real sense at the planetary level. During the 18th century, just before the start of the industrial revolution, the system experienced a peak. Naval powers played a key role in its global development, as their commercial and military fleets enabled the constant fluctuation of the goods on all oceans and continents. The trade of European naval forces with India and other parts of Asia was particularly significant regarding the commercial aspects and large profits were achieved especially in the triangle of slave trade between Europe, Africa and America. In this context Austria was mostly just an observer because its effect on the global commercial efforts was dominantly continental. However, with the development of the 18thcentury Austria invested also more efforts to increase its share in the global trade and the accumulation of trade capital. The Court Chamber was efficiently organized for the new conditions of economic activity in 1714 through a thorough set of reforms. The division of chambers into independent commissions was fully achieved. It was an adequate administrative basis for the start of the Austrian trade expansion to the east and southeast throughout the rest of the 18th century.
U radu se govori o značaju medresa, kao obrazovno-vjerskih ustanova u osmanskom periodu na širem tuzlanskom području. Autor rada navodi raznovrsne podatke koji govore o radu medresa, njihovoj organizaciji, misiji, značaju i uticaju na obrazovne i ukupne prilike na ovom području. Posebno je istaknuta činjenica da su to bile noseće ustanove obrazovno-vjerskog sistema i da su prve iznjedrile školovane kadrove, potrebne osmanskoj vlasti. Poseban značaj na tom planu u Bosni Hercegovini imala je Gazi Husrefbegova medresa u Sarajevu, te Berhambegova medresa u Tuzli. Ove ustanove su kroz svoje obrazovnoodgojne procese najznačajnije uticale na širenje orijentalno-islamske kulture, znanja i civilizacije, koje su postale važnim i sastavnim dijelom bosanskohercegovačke ukupnosti
U periodu od 1973-1998. godine radeći kao orijentalisti u Zavodu za zaštitu istorijskih spomenika i spomenika kulture u Prizrenu, nastojali smo da, osim velikog broja spomenika materijalne kulture, sakupimo i stavimo pod zaštitu bogatu kolekciju rukopisnih djela, čiji su autori bili viđeni građani ovoga grada ili namjernici koji su duže ili kraće vremena ovdje boravili. U ovoj zbirci nalaze se, prije svega, originalna djela klasične turske poezije nastale u periodu vladavine Osmanskog carstva, a uspjeli smo da pronađemo i nekoliko istorijskih djela napisanih u prozi od kojih smo neke objavili. U toku ovog istraživanja saznali smo da je jedan službenik osmanskih državnih institucija u Prizrenu, koji je emigrirao u Tursku, napisao djelo na temu balkanskih ratova. U traganju za ovim djelom uspjeli smo da se sretnemo sa najstarijim sinom pisca ovoga djela Ismailom Dilege koji nam je rado ustupio rukopis svoga oca. Rad na ovom djelu trajao je veoma dugo. Naslov djela glasi “Balkanski ratovi i Prvi svjetski rat“. Original pisan osmanskom arabicom i transkripcija teksta na latinskom pismu uskoro treba da izađe iz štampe.
Grad Livno nalazi se u jugozapadnoj Bosni i Hercegovini, u području Dinarskih Alpi. Leži na 724 m nadmorske visine na istoku centralnog dijela Livanjskog polja, većim dijelom na obroncima i u podnožju brda Bašajkovac, iz kojeg izvire kraška rijeka Bistrica. Livanjska kotlina bila je naseljena i u predhistorijsko doba. O tome svjedoče mnogobrojni ostaci materijalne kulture- gromile i gradine, kao i pojedinačni nalazi iz najstarijeg vremena ljudskih naseobina. U vrijeme rimske ekspanzije na Balkansko poluostvro, Livanjsko polje bilo je postojbina velikog ratničkog ilirskog plemena Dalmata, koje su nakon višegodišnjih borbi, Rimljani uspjeli pokoriti. Iz tog perioda očuvan je ostatak trase rimskog vojnostrateškog puta preko prevoja Vaganj na Dinari i druge slične saobraćajnice. Izvori koji se odnose na historiju Livna i livanjskog kraja, prije dolaska Osmanlija, su veoma šturi i rijetki, pa nemamo potpuno jasnu sliku o tom periodu i susrećemo se sa pretpostavkama.
Osmanlijsko carstvo koje je nastalo početkom XIV vijeka, zasnovano na temeljima svoje tradicije i svoje vjere, predstavljalo je pravi primjer jedne moćne srednjevjekovne države. Nakon neuspjeha na tlu Evrope, ovo carstvo je od XVIII vijeka sa svojom imperijalnom strukturom, i kao velika sila, kako na vjerskom tako i na kulturnom polju, počelo da preuzima model zapadnih država. Prije preuzimanja ovog modela, osmanlijsko carstvo je vršilo napore na jačanju svoje države, ali do toga nije došlo.
Orjentalizmi, uglavnom turcizmi, veoma su prisutni u crnogorskom jeziku i toliko su stopljeni sa autohtonom leksikom da ih je u dosta slučajeva teško razlikovno identifikovati. I pored toga turcizmi u Crnoj Gori nijesu specijalistički izučavani, niti o njima u lingvističkoj literaturi postoje tematizovani radovi, studije ili rječnici. Ovo isto može se reći i za onomastiku kao važnu lingvističku didciplinu. Ovđe se na prvom mjestu misli na toponimiju i antroponimiju sa apelativima iz orjentalnih jezika, što je i predmet našega priloga