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Роман о пеtролеју! Извештај од двестотинеипедесет страна, написан од једног од најмлађих, Антуна Зишке, колико јуче тек лансираног репортера великих париских и европских листова.
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Роман о пеtролеју! Извештај од двестотинеипедесет страна, написан од једног од најмлађих, Антуна Зишке, колико јуче тек лансираног репортера великих париских и европских листова.
Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has become a defining moment in European security for this generation. For the second time in the post-Cold War period, Europe has witnessed a full-scale war on the continent, yet this time one of the belligerents (and the main aggressor) is a state possessing nuclear weapons. In February 2022, the Kremlin strategy was to quickly invade Ukraine and set up a proRussian government in Kyiv, which would not only end Ukrainian sovereignty but also further destabilise the security situation in the region and beyond. Russia’s actions, however, failed to achieve such a result. This was largely thanks to Ukrainian resistance but also the mass support, including weapons, money and humanitarian aid, provided to Ukraine by the West.On April 25th 2023, New Eastern Europe hosted an expert roundtable discussion on the current lessons learnt from Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and to prepare recommendations for NATO and its member countries ahead of the July 2023 summit in Vilnius. The summary of this roundtable, with some important lessons and recommendations, is presented here.
W podejściu personalistycznym chodzi przede wszystkim o szczególny rodzaj wrażliwości, o nasłuchiwanie rzeczywistości i postawę zaangażowania w jej zmianę dla dobra osoby ludzkiej. To nie gotowe odpowiedzi, lecz drogowskaz dla naszej pracy intelektualnej i naszego zaangażowania społecznego.
Twórczość Czesława Miłosza tworzy arkę, na której pokładzie mogą spotkać się ludzie odporni na pokusy świeckich utopii, a zarazem przeczuwający fałsz w spokoju wiary będącym „po prostu samozadowoleniem”; ci, którzy nie są i nie chcą być posiadaczami prawdy.
Profesor Urszula Żydek-Bednarczuk związana była z Uniwersytetem Śląskim w Katowicach – początkowo z Instytutem Języka Polskiego, a następnie z Instytutem Nauk o Kulturze i Studiów Interdyscyplinarnych, gdzie pracowała w Zakładzie Komunikacji Kulturowej oraz kierowała Pracownią Języka w Mediach. W latach 80. jako lektorka języka polskiego przebywała na Uniwersytecie im. Marcina Lutra w Halle w Niemczech. Była członkiem Zespołu do Spraw Kwalifikowania Lektorów Języka Polskiego jako Obcego w Zagranicznych Ośrodkach Akademickich, a od 2003 roku – Państwowej Komisji Poświadczania Znajomości Języka Polskiego jako Obcego. Przez wiele lat współpracowała z katowicką Szkołą Języka i Kultury Polskiej, była też m.in. kierownikiem letniego kolegium polsko-austriackiego. Prowadziła wykłady z zakresu bilingwizmu w nauczaniu języka polskiego jako obcego na studiach podyplomowych kształcących nauczycieli. Jej działalność dydaktyczna znalazła wyraz w postaci współautorstwa bardzo popularnych podręczników do kształcenia językowego.
Krahas revistave të njohura shkencore, kulturore e letrare, që filluan të dalin në Prishtinë “Përparimi” dhe “Jeta e re” , pas Luftës së Dytë Botërore, një vend me rëndësi zë edhe revista “Gjurmime albanologjike”. Në fakt, kjo revistë rrugëtimin e filloi nga viti 1962, kur edhe u botua numri i parë, që asokohe ishte organ i Katedrës së Albanologjisë të Fakultetit Filozofik të Prishtinës. Kryeredaktori i parë i kësaj reviste ishte profesori i nderuar Idriz Ajeti, ndërsa redaksia përbëhej nga Ali Hadri, Enver Gjerqeku, Shefqet Pllana dhe Idriz Ajeti. Pra, kjo revistë shkencore filloi të botohej dy vjet pas hapjes së Fakultetit Filozofik në Prishtinë më 1960. Shkrimet në këtë revistë botoheshin në dy gjuhë: në shqip dhe në serbisht. Punimet në numrin e parë, ishin nga fusha e gjuhësisë, historisë dhe folklorit. Ato shoqëroheshin edhe me nga një rezyme në gjuhë të huaj si: gjermanisht, frëngjisht e rusisht. Në numrin e parë me punime kontribuuan studiuesit e vendit, si: Idriz Ajeti, Hasan Kaleshi, Ali Hadri, Shefqet Pllana, Hilmi Agani, Anton Çetta, Haxhi Krasniqi e Syrja Pupovci dhe të huaj, si: Danilo Barjaktarevic, Miodrag Sijakovic, Mirko Barjaktarevic, P.Z. Petrovic, Dragutin Micovic, Milan Budimir dhe Milivoj Pavlovic.
The opinion on global warming is sharply divided. On the one hand, we have the climate change denyers with different arguments for their position. On the other hand, there are the climate change affirmers, also suggesting a variety of arguments to support their case. Both fact and value figure in the psychology of climate change
Stress is defined as non-specific reaction of the body or mental state to any external stimulus that disturbs the body’s ability to regulate the balance of internal biological mechanisms. Stress responses may be caused by many factors. It may be due to social stress which includes personal issues and life happenings or physiological stress including vigorous exercise, pain, feeling of intense heat or cold sensations and psychological or emotional stress for example anxiety, sorrow, fear and chemical stress including imbalance in blood and oxygen supply.
In spring of 2015 I was in Naivasha (the largest maximum security prison in Kenya) sitting in a circle with 50 inmates. We were doing Mindfulness training together. Many of these men had very long sentences and some even faced death penalties. When the training was over some inmates declared “I may be in prison for the rest of my life, but I am now free”. The following week, I was assessing the coursework of successful people who were doing a Master in Business and Administration in a UK university. I was reading their personal development portfolio (i.e., a piece of work in which they had to enhance their self-awareness). Reading their words gave me great sadness. These future leaders were imprisoned by their beliefs, thoughts, emotions and habits. Internalised expectations had determined the square meters of their own cell. Then, a few months later, I was receiving some deep inner self development training in the mountains, when someone made me see my own dark and compressing inner prison.
The challenge of raising children with ADHD often requires helping them contend with one of today’s pervasive social problems: bullying several factors place ADHD children at greater risk for being unsuspecting targets. The tendency to behave in an attention-seeking and/or immature fashion, coupled with decreased social awareness of the impact of their actions, leaves ADHD children more susceptible to bullying and less equipped for appropriate responses. This vulnerability makes it critical for parents to be proactive in coaching ADHD children in ways to become “bully-wise.”
We can perceive peace as one of the most beautiful ideals of humanity, but also as a prerequisite for the survival of humanity. New weapons that were developed during the 20th century have the potential not only to kill the enemy, but also to destroy humanity as a whole. At the same time, the destruction of life on Earth does not have to be a direct intervention of war arsenal, but e.g. also as a result of further environmental pollution. Peace, the possibilities of its construction and maintenance thus naturally became a subject of interest for social work. The aim of the contribution, which has the character of a scientifc essay, is to approximate the infuence of the peace concept on the development of social work. General methods of scientifc work were used in the preparation of the contribution.
A Commentary on Shaw, D. B. (2017). Posthuman Urbanism: Mapping Bodies in Contemporary City Space. Rowman & Littlefield.
Од успеха романа Ухвати зеца (2018), Лана Басташић једно је од водећих имена женског ауторства у постјугословенској књижевности. Али ова исказна реченица као да самом својом изричитошћу поставља нека потпитања. Намећу се, као најважнија, два: шта је то „постјугословенска књижевност?” И: шта је то „женско ауторство?” Додајмо и треће потпитање, које нема нужно везе с првом реченицом овог текста, али има с његовом разрадом: да ли и какве везе све то има с феминизмом и антифашизмом?
The article discusses the role of the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes (ÚSTR) in addressing the criminal legacy of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia. ÚSTR focuses on historical research, education, and public awareness to ensure that the atrocities of the past are not forgotten. The institute collaborates with various institutions and individuals to document and analyze the crimes committed during the totalitarian era. It also provides support for the rehabilitation of victims and the prosecution of perpetrators. ÚSTR's work includes organizing conferences, exhibitions, and educational programs to promote understanding of the totalitarian past. The institute plays a crucial role in preserving historical memory and preventing the recurrence of totalitarianism. Through its efforts, ÚSTR aims to foster a society that values freedom, democracy, and human rights. The article highlights specific projects and initiatives undertaken by ÚSTR to achieve these goals. It also emphasizes the importance of international cooperation in addressing the legacy of totalitarian regimes. Overall, ÚSTR's work is essential in ensuring that the lessons of history are not lost.
Prema saznanjima, deset do petnaest procenata ukupne svetske populacije ima neki oblik onemogućavanosti.1 Kako je Damjan Tatić u uvodu svoje studije Zaštita ljudskih prava osoba sa invaliditetom iz 2011. godine zapisao: „[U] svetu je tada živelo oko 650 miliona osoba sa nekim oblikom invaliditeta” (Tatić, 2011: 14). Takođe je, u istom tekstu, konstatovao da kada se uzmu u obzir i članovi porodica tih osoba, to znači da skoro dve milijarde ljudi, na neki način, indirektno oseća posledice invaliditeta.
In the context of efforts to find the proper motivation or explanations for a certain kind of apathy in the Albanian language of thought in completing different areas of lingustics with subdisciplines and with trends in contemporary reviews that study the aspect of the language use, given a certain lack of attention to such entities, as the discourse and/or text and opinions (that in the current stage have “ occupied” significant areas in the European and transatlantic language of thought) one is obliged to exempt as impact factor the lack of pressure that social development exerts or should exert on the language of thought, urging it to be focused also on this problematics, which is very relevant to every day speaking practices.
The least known in Jakov Xoxa’s intellectual and creative activity is its research part. Written during a decade and a half in the form of school texts, lectures and university publications, it was incorporated neither in the publication of his complete work in Pristina (eight volumes, 1971) nor in Tirana (six volumes, 1983).
The volume reviewed here is the most complete edition of Nicolaus Olahus’ work to date. It has been published in a prestigious series, “Opere fundamentale” (Fundamental works), curated by the Romanian Academy and the National Foundation for Science and Art, which follows the model of the French Pléiade.