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Neoliberalism influences are evident in the editorial practices of many high-ranking scholarly journals. Given the importance that journals have in tenured/tenured-track academics’ careers, they are an important arena to analyse and in which to implement best practices. I argue that Shari Stenberg’s (2015) concept of feminist repurposing can be used to make visible the impacts of neoliberal practices and also helps to disrupt them by enacting different alternatives in the university system, of which scholarly journals are a part. In order to illustrate what a feminist ethics of editing would look like, I analyse the feminist-inspired practices of Computers and Composition’s editorial staff. Drawing on published interviews and survey I administered, I show how feminist repurposing editorial roles from gatekeeper to colleague and mentor have beneficial impacts on the scholarship produced.
This article is the second part of the historiographical review of publications on the history, language and culture of the Old Believers of North-Western Belarus. It analyses this problematic in the modern period (1990–2022). The review presents characteristics of both Belarusian and foreign (Lithuanian, Polish, Russian) historiography. The modern period is marked by the growing interest to the Old Believers in Belarus. As a result, a considerable volume of historical, ethnographic, linguistic and art history research has been published. A significant part of these studies is devoted to the Old Believer population of North-Western Belarus. The paper defines the main directions of scientific analysis of this problematic, characterizes methods and sources of the conducted research. We conclude that in spite of a rather significant volume of published researches, a number of important questions concerning the history, language and culture of Old Believers of North-Western Belarus have not been elaborated by now.
1. Ernst Israel Bornstein: Die lange Nacht.' Ein Bericht aus sieben Lagern. Europäische Verlagsanstalt, Frankfurt am, Main, 1967, 246 s. 2. Hilburg, Erwin K. J.: Der Chassidismus (Germania Judaica, Neue Folge 24 25, Vil. Jahrg. Heft 2/3, 1968, p. 31). 3. Urzidil, Johannes: Der lebendige Anteil des jüdischen Prag an der neueren deutschen Literatur (Bulletin des Leo Baeck Instituts, Tel-Aviv 1967, Jg. 10, Nr. 40, pp. 276-297). 4. Simon Hart et Joseph Polišenský: Praha] a Amsterodam v 17. a 18. století - Prague et Amsterdam aux 17-e et 18-e siècles. (Československý časopis historický - Journal historique tchécoslovaque XV, 1967, pp. 827-846). 5. Vyskočil, Josef: K problematice dialogu marxismu s křesťanstvím a judaismem - Les problèmes d’un dialogue entre, d’une part, le marxisme, et, de l’autre part, le christianisme et le judaïsme. (Filosofický časopis - Journal de Philosophie, 16/1968, pp. 699-720). 6. Sadek, Vladimír: Martin Buber (1878-1965) a jeho pojetí náboženství - Martin Buber (1878-1965) et ses conceptions religieuses. (Prostor, Prague 1968/2, pp. 77-86, ronéotypé.)
Reviews of: 1. Charles Wengrov: Haggadah and Woodcut. An Introduction to the Passover Haggadah Completed by Gershom Cohen in Prague. Sunday, 26th Teveth 5287 / December 30, 1528. Schulsinger Brothers, New York 1967. Passover Haggadah, Shmuel Mohr, Bene-Beraq, 1988. 2. Shammai Waks: Grief is My Song (Ma trojer lid) Los Angeles, 1966, 104 pages. 3. Růžena Bubeníčkovi, Ludmila Kubátová, Irena Malá: Tábory utrpení a smrti. - The Camps of Suffering and Death, Svoboda, Prague, 1969, 490 pages. 4. Arnold Pauckert: Der jüdische Abwehrkampf gegen Antisemitismus und Nationalsozialismus in den letzten fahren der Weimarer Republik. Hamburg, Leibniz-Verlag, 1988, 311 S.
The present article reveals the mimicry of feudal political privileges in their new dimensions in the nineteenth century – censorial privileges. The main censorial privileges (property, education) that became most widespread in the 19th century are examined. Some more significant conclusions are also drawn about the nature and structure of some of the more significant censorial privileges in contemporary societies.The present article reveals the mimicry of feudal political privileges in their new dimensions in the nineteenth century – censorial privileges. The main censorial privileges (property, education) that became most widespread in the 19th century are examined. Some more significant conclusions are also drawn about the nature and structure of some of the more significant censorial privileges in contemporary societies.
Reviews of: 1. Ludmila Vrkočová: Hudba terezínského ghetta (Die Musik des Theresienstädter Ghettos) Jazzpetit 8/1981, 43 Seiten mit 51 Bildbeilagen 2. Witold J. Tyloch: Gramatyka jçzyka hebrajskiego. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1980 3. Martin Litvin: The Journey. Galesburg Historical Society, Galesburg, Illinois, 1981. XL + 473 pages, 22 plates