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1. Významné životné jubileum profesora Jána Dorul'u, by: Peter Žeňuch 2. K životnému jubileu Svetlany Michajlovny Tolstej, by: Katarína Žeňuchová 3. Odišla docentka Elena Krasnovská, by: Peter Žeňuch 4. Za Zuzanou Profantovou, by: Katarína Žeňuchová 5. Obzretie sa za 16. medzinárodným zjazdom slavistov, by: Peter Žeňuch, Mária Košková, Katarína Žeňuchová and Peter Zubko 6. Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia a 40. výročie lektorátu slovakistiky na Univerzite Sv. Cyrila a Metoda vo Veľkom Trnove v Bulharsku, by: Daniela Konstantinovová 7. Lapko, R. (ed.), “Martin Luther po päťsto rokoch”, Bratislava: VEDA, vydavatel’stvo SAV, 2018, 87 pp., by: Paulína Šmeringaiová
Review of: Eštok, G. (2020). (Ne)dávne hľadanie strednej európy. (in English: (Un)Delayed Search For Central Europe). Košice: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2020. 192 pp. ISBN 9788081529245.
Reviews of: Nataša Jagdhuhn, Post-Yugoslav Metamuseums. Reframing Second World War Heritage in Postconflict Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022., 259 str.; Sanja Potkonjak i Tea Škokić, Gdje živi tvornica? Etnografija postindustrijskoga grada, Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Zagreb, 2022., 307 str; Senka Božić-Vrbančić, Prekarnost. Priče iz Ubera, Jesenski i Turk, Zagreb, 2023.,159. str.; Ivana Katarinčić, Estetika i etika baleta. Ambivalentna opstojnost, Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Zagreb, 2022., 299 str.; Tomislav Augustinčić, Goranovo proljeće. Mjesto i društveno sjećanje u kontekstu pjesničkog festivala, Hrvatsko etnološko društvo, Zagreb, 2023., 112 str.; Uvooo! Eviva nam kumpanija, poša nam je alavija! – etnografija Lastovskoga poklada. Joško Ćaleta i Iva Niemčić, Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, JU Park prirode Lastovsko otočje, Zagreb, Lastovo, 2022., 248 str.; Social Impact in Arts and Culture. The Diverse Lives od a Concept, Iva Kosmos i Martin Pogačar, ur., Založba ZRC, Ljubljana, 2022., 391 str.; Affect’s Social Lives. Post-Yugoslav Reflections, Ana Hofman i Tanja Petrović, ur., Inštitut za spominske i kulturne študije ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 2023., 302 str.; Lica gladi. Sit gladnom ne vjeruje, Tanja Kocković Zaborski (ur.), Melanija Belaj, Jelena Ivanišević, Ana-Marija Vukušić, Željka Jelavić, Maja Žanko, katalog izložbe, Zagreb, Etnografski muzej, 2023., 102 str; In the Frictions. Fragments of Care, Health, and Wellbeing in the Balkans Conference, University of Zadar, 27–29 April 2023.
What have been the major stages in the unification of part of geographical Europe? After four decades of division, the opening of the iron curtain in the second half of 1989 marked a break in the strategic order. In fifteen years, NATO, and then the EU, took in three former Soviet Republics and USSR satellites. The USA won the Cold War and the post-Cold War, leaving the EU to carry part of the burden from the victory by taking on board countries impoverished by communism.
This text presents an overview of the topics dealing with the Modern Balkans in the journal Études balkaniques during the last decade (2014 – 2023). The prevalence of economic and social history as well as urban studies is visible enough. Other well-covered thematic clusters are identities and Otherness, international relations, etc.
This review presents and groups a total of 64 articles by various authors published in the journal Études balkaniques (2014 – 2023) on the development of the Balkans from 1945 to the present. Most conventionally, they can be divided into two large groups, the first of which can be called “thematic publications”, problematizing various conceptual issues related to borders, Europeanization, nationalism, etc. The second group consists of two subgroups of texts that either deal with two Balkan countries or a Balkan and another country, or are devoted to the political, social, economic and social development of specific countries in the region.
Book review: Velinova, Malinka, Antoaneta Robova, Teodora Tzankova (dir.). Normes etréécritures/ mythes et reformulations. – Philologuitcheski forum, Issue 1 (15), 2022,ISSN 2534-9473. [Велинова, Малинка, Антоанета Робова, Теодора Цанкова (съст.).Норми и пренаписване/ митове и преформулиране. –Филологически форум, брой 1(15), 2022, ISSN 2534-9473; Norms and Rewritings/ Myths and Reformulations].
How the ideas, religious beliefs and scientific discoveries have spread, were imported or transferred along newly established commercial trade routes to territories further away from India in the east and the west of the world from the third century to the twelfth century CE and how those evolved into forms that surpassed the original models is what William Dalrymple displays with unparalleled raconteur skills in his most recent book, The Golden Road.
Indian writer and poet, Sumana Roy is one the authors who lends her voice to the plants, sharing her passion for trees with those who see the world as a fascinating arboreal figure. Published in 2017 in New Delhi by Aleph Book Company, reprinted in 2021 by Yale University Press, her book How I Became a Tree, a work of non-fiction, is an exquisite example of what it means to engage with the world in an arboreal logic, perceiving trees as sentient and dynamic entities.
Aparently a story for children, Shalome Rides a Royal Elephant – written and illustrated by Jael Silliman, an author, scholar, and women’s rights activist, a tenured Associate Professor at the University of Iowa who has written extensively about the Baghdadi Jewish community to which she belongs – tells the story of the first Jews of Calcutta.
This work presents the results of a study of the currently preserved private library of Petar Danov, the Master. A bibliographic identification of the collection is performed, the data are analyzed chronologically, in linguistic and thematic aspect. Most significant Bulgarian and foreign authors and their works related to the interests and creative pursuits of Petar Danov are researched. The inscriptions and autographs left on individual specimens are studied in details. The study is the first attempt to present the private library of Petar Danov thouroughly, with full bibliographic database, by exploring even the limited historical records of some modifications in it as a result of persecution, confiscations of books and repressions against supporters of his teachings.