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The impartial analysis of “Istoria slavyanobalgarska” shows that Paisiy’s language can not be fully related neither to Church-Slavonic, nor to colloquial Bulgarian. In epilogue Paisiy presents his linguistic scheme and standard by defining the language of his “Istoria slavyanobalgarska” as Slavonic-Bulgarian – a new linguistic hybrid which has been present in the Bulgarian literature till the 1840s. The linguistic hybrids strengthen their position in the Bulgarian and Serbian historiography and mark the period between the decline of the Church-Slavonic tradition and the beginning of the linguistic revival.
Reviews: Petru Caraman şi lucrarea vieţii lui. Conceptul frumuseţii umane reflectat în antroponimie la români şi în sud-estul Europei. Prolegomene la studiul numelui personal, ediţie îngrijită, indice şi bibliografie de Silvia Ciubotaru, introducere de Ion H. Ciubotaru, Ed. Universităţii „Al.I. Cuza”, Iaşi, 2011, 769 p. (Livia Cotorcea); Scurtă istorie a Slovaciei. Elena Mannová, coordonator. Traducere din limba slovacă şi indice de Eva Mârza, Radu Mârza. Editura Enciclopedică, 2011, ISBN, 978-973-45-0627-9, 476 p. (Dagmar Maria Anoca); Minorităţi în zonele de contact interetnic. Cehii şi slovacii în România şi Ungaria. Editori: Jakab Albert Zsolt-Peti Lehel. Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităţilor Naţionale. Kriterion. Cluj-Napoca, 2010. ISBN 978-606-92512-2-5; ISBN 978- 973-26-1011-4, 288 p. (Dagmar Maria Anoca); Translatologické reflexie. Umelecký preklad z/ do románskych jazykov [Reflecţii translatologice. Tălmăcire artistică din/ în limbi romanice]. Katedra romanistiky Filozoficekj fakulty UK v Bratislave. Zostavili PhDr. Jana Páleníková, CSc., doc. PhDr.Paulína Šišmišová, CSc., Vydavateľstvo AnaPress Bratislava, 2010.308 p. (Dagmar Maria Anoca); Antoaneta Olteanu, Rusia imperială. O istorie culturală a secolului al XlX-lea, Editura All, Bucureşti, 2011, 408 pag. (Ecaterina Hlihor).
Review of: Uma Das Gupta, A History of Sriniketan. Rabindranath Tagore’s Pioneering Work in Rural Reconstruction, New Delhi, Niyogi Books, 2022, 234 pp., ISBN: 978-93-91125-44-8.
The article is a review of basic publications that refer to, relatively speaking, the Bulgarian philosophy of war. This concept includes the numerous attempts for an ontological and value-based interpretation of the Bulgarian combat experience, as well as conceptualization of the war as a social phenomenon by Bulgarian philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, military theorists, etc.
The volume 1821-2021. The Bicentennial of the Revolution led by Tudor Vladimirescu, coordinated by Sevastian Cercel and Georgeta Ghionea, brings together 22 papers signed by representatives of the academic and university environment which belong to some prestigious institutions in Romania (“C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, University of Craiova, University of Bucharest, “George Baritiu” Institute of History, of the Romanian Academy from Cluj-Napoca, “Ovidius” University from Constanța, Valahia University from Târgoviște).The volume is the result of the National Symposium dedicated to Vladimirescu (1821-2021. The Bicentennial of the Revolution led by Tudor Vladimirescu), initiated by the researchers from institute from Craiova, held on May 14-15, 2021. The volume is structured in three chapters and all the papers are subordinated to the maine topic.
Editiones sine fine, t. 2, red. Krzysztof Kopiński, Janusz Tandecki, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Toruń 2021, ss. 222, il. Paweł Babij, Pieczęcie rycerstwa obcego na Śląsku do 1335 roku w zbiorach Archiwum Państwowego we Wrocławiu, Archiwum Państwowe we Wrocławiu, Wrocław 2021, ss. 119, il. barwne Pavel Krafl , Dvě studie k synodálnímu zákonodárství (Würzburg 1287, Kališ 1420), Ius canonicum mediiaevi, t. 2, Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa, Nitra 2021, ss. 119 Alice Colantuoni, Multilingual Traditions in Multilingual Contexts. State of the Art and Methodological Problems in the Study of the „Chronicle of Morea” (XIV c.), „Byzantion”, 91, 2021, s. 75–98 Statuta Universitatis scholarium iuristarum studii generalis Paduani ab anno 1331 ad annum 1404 (Codex Bibliotecae [!] Cathedralis Gnesnensis 180), wstęp Krzysztof Stopka, tłum. na wł. Magdalena Wrana, tłum. na ang. Paweł Marcinkiewicz, współpr. red. Tomasz Babnis, Natio Polona. Fontes et Studia, t. 3, Archiwa Państwowe, Uniwersytet Opolski, Opole 2020, ss. 216 + [1] + [174] ss. fotokopii Olga Miriam Przybyłowicz, Dokumenty i dyplomy klasztoru klarysek w Gnieźnie. Sposoby uwierzytelniania dokumentów w praktyce kancelaryjnej konwentu św. Klary. Inwentarz, „Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne”, 115, 2021, s. 359–418 Janusz S. Bień, Traktat Parkosza. Eksperymentalna edycja elektroniczna, „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza”, 26, 2019, nr 1, s. 27–69 Georgios C. Liakopoulos, The Early Ottoman Peloponnese. A Study in the Light of an Annotated Editio Princeps of the TT10–1/14662 Ottoman Taxation Cadastre (ca. 1460–1463), Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt Fund Series, Royal Asiatic Society, Gingko Library, London 2019, ss. 649 + 31 tabel + 38 map + 23 inne ryciny Paulina Pludra-Żuk, Nieznany spis zajęć na wydziale artium Uniwersytetu Krakowskiego z lat 1474–1477, „Analecta. Studia i Materiały z Dziejów Nauki”, 30, 2021, z. 2, s. 99–116 Witold Brzeziński, Życie szlachcianki w późnośredniowiecznej Wielkopolsce. Magnificae et generosae. Zagadnienia demograficzne i majątkowe, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego, Bydgoszcz 2021, ss. 832 Zbiory polskie, red. Arkadiusz Wagner, współpr. Danetta Ryszkowska-Mirowska, Anna Wronka, Tegumentologia Polska, t. 3, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń 2021, ss. 512, il. Tomasz Maćkowski, Gdańskie odznaki żebracze (XVI–XVIII w.), „Studia Historica Gedanensia”, 11, 2020, s. 149–161 Magdalena Bober-Jankowska, Błąd czy wariant? O technikach redakcyjnych Adama Naruszewicza, „Napis”, 26, 2020, s. 127–148 Jakub Łukaszewski, Szyfr Jana Żdżarowskiego (–1551) na tle metod kryptograficznych używanych w Polsce w pierwszej połowie XVI wieku, „Biblioteka”, 25 (34), 2021, s. 29–77 Jerzy Kaliszuk, Sławomir Szyller, Badanie rękopisów średniowiecznych według Łukasza Gołębiowskiego, „Analecta. Studia i Materiały z Dziejów Nauki”, 29, 2020, z. 1, s. 7–69 Aleksandra Kuligowska, Dialog kultur naukowych. Teoretyczne koncepcje metody historycznej Brygidy Kürbis w kontekście niemieckojęzycznej refleksji nad uprawianiem historii, „Rocznik Polsko-Niemiecki”, 29, 2021, s. 45–60