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Celem artykułu jest próba oceny znaczenia uczestnictwa Polski w jednolitym rynku europejskim dla wybranych uwarunkowań mobilności edukacyjnej i zawodowej młodych Polaków. Zasadniczą tezą jest natomiast stwierdzenie, że udział Polski we wspólnotowych programach edukacyjnych zwiększa szanse młodych ludzi na rynku pracy.
Instituţiile vechi de învăţământ fac parte dintre depozitarele patrimoniului cultural şi ştiinţific al unei societăţi. Valorificând sursele inedite ale Arhivelor Naționale a Republicii Moldova, surse ce ţin de trecutul şi evoluţia unor instituţii de învățământ cu cele mai vechi tradiţii din spaţiul dintre Prut şi Nistru, suntem în măsură să afirmăm că istoria școlii este o oglindă a societății, ea conservând mentalitatea și cultura unei epoci uitate.
The innovation process is a complex activity of creating, developing, using and disseminating modern or modernized innovations (theories, methods, technologies, etc.). This is the process of transforming scientific knowledge into innovation, the process of constantly transforming an idea into a product, technology or service. The goal of the innovative processes is the development of the school as a pedagogical system and special social organization, the achievement of qualitatively new higher educational results and the increase of the competitiveness of educational institutions. This process is motivated, intentional, conscious, aiming to transfer the education system to a new qualitative state, in a way of development. This article addresses the issue of innovation in education, which is a superior, primary product of pedagogical creativity, validated by its originality and confirmed relevance at the social level, at the scale of the educational system and process. The article carries out an analytical review of the field of educational innovation. The situation of innovation in the education system is evaluated, how much it means reform of the system and how much innovation, but also how innovation can be stimulated in the education system. Innovation in education encourages teachers and learners to explore, research and apply all tools to discover something new. Innovation is an essential component for many economic, social and technical fields, and education is no exception to this.
The past years of pandemic have forced the population in every country to a different way of living, working, studying and interacting with each other. The article attempts to analyze and assess the digital skills of the population in Poland during the Covid-19 pandemic. It assesses the situation associated with the educational process from the point of view of teachers, children and their parents, taking into account the circumstances and conditions related to training, including state administration support. It uses data from documents of the Ministry of Science and Education and various publications and data from the Central Statistical Office (CSO) in Poland. Demographic indicators are selected and the structure of the rest is analyzed for the period 2005-2021, and for the covid situation the period 2018-2021.
U Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine od 2015. godine u primjeni je Zakon o zaštiti i postupanju sa djecom i maloljetnicima u krivičnom postupku FBiH19. Zakon predstavlja strateški zaokret i donosi određene novine u oblasti maloljetničkog prijestupništva. Temelji se na rješenjima savremenog krivičnog zakonodavstva, međunarodnim standardima i iskustvima dobre prakse drugih zemalja. Zakonom se utvrđuju posebna pravila postupanja prema djeci koja su u sukobu sa zakonom, mlađim punoljetnim osobama i djeci koja su žrtve ili svjedoci, pri tome poštujući najbolji interes djeteta te omogućavajući da dijete, u skladu sa uzrastom, iskaže svoje interese. Njegova primjena u praksi zahtijeva pravovremenu reakciju i osposobljavanje svih nadležnih organa, prvenstveno stručnih osoba organa starateljstva, odnosno centra za socijalni rad.
Knjiga „Rodni stereotipi: Zvuči poznato?“ predstavlja veoma korisnu i interesantnu publikaciju koja nas suočava s predrasudama kreiranim oko pojmova roda i feminizma. U dvanaest tekstova prikazano je kako rodni stereotipi egzistiraju unutar društvenih i ideoloških matrica, ali i kako oni, u svakodnevnim i konkretnim situacijama, postaju sastavnim dijelom naših vlastitih zabluda. Realnost i konkretna patnja, koje se mogu prepoznati u brojnim navedenim životnim situacijama i pričama, djeluju kao žestok podsjetnik na teške i bolne sudbine žena na ovim prostorima, ali i kao koherentan i stručan materijal za edukaciju u oblasti rodnih studija i proučavanja rodnih stereotipa. U tom kontekstu, vrijednost ove knjige jest što na jednostavan način, prikazujući realne situacije, uključuje čitaoce u prepoznavanje takvih situacija te ih ujedno senzibilizira na pružanje otpora prihvaćenim i etabliranim rodnim stereotipima.
The claim of morality in the existence of individuals and groups is a natural constant of all times. The materialization of moral conduct requires both subjective instances established at the level of each individual (such as moral conscience) and external benchmarks. The present study finds out the diversity and complementarity of external sources for optimizing the regulation of moral agents’ actions: regulatory documents (such as codes of ethics/ deontology/ codes of conduct or behaviour), individuals or groups of individuals responsible for supervising/ supporting the moral and ethical quality of professional activities (such as ethics counselors or ethics committees), institutions and their actions. In addition, the study points out the characteristics of some sources of optimization, respectively, of the ethics counselor, integrity advisor, the ombudsman, according to the provisions of the Romanian legislation. The components shown are also relevant to the sphere of educational action.
Općina Srebrenica nalazi se u istočnom dijelu Bosne i Hercegovine. Graniči s općinama: Bratunac na sjeveru i sjeveroistoku, Višegrad i Rogatica na jugozapadu, općinom Milići (dio bivše općine Vlasenica) na zapadu, a na jugu granica ide rijekom Drinom u dužini od 40 km koja je i međunarodna granica između Bosne i Hercegovine i Republike Srbije. Površina teritorije općine Srebrenica je 529,83 km2. Prema popisu stanovništva 1991. godine na prostoru općine Srebrenice živjelo je ukupno 36.666 stanovnika ili 0,84% od ukupnog stanovništva Bosne i Hercegovine. Bošnjaka je bilo 27.572 ili 75,20%, Srba 8.315 ili 22,70% i ostalih 779 ili 2,12%1. Gustina naseljenosti u općini iznosila je 69,6 st/km2 (u Bosni i Hercegovini 85,6 st/km2). U političko-administrativnom pogledu 1991. godine Srebrenica je imala 19 mjesnih zajednica u kojima se nalazilo 80 naselja od kojih je jedno pripadalo gradskom, a 79 seoskom tipu naselja. Prema prirodnom priraštaju koji je iznosio 13,2‰ 1991. godine, općina Srebrenica bila je na petom mjestu u Bosni i Hercegovini i to poslije općina Žepče, Velika Kladuša, Živinice i Kalesija. U periodu 1992‒1995. godine na području općine Srebrenica, kao i na prostoru cijele Bosne i Hercegovine, dogodile su se krupne demografske promjene. Masovni zločini koje su nad nedužnim bošnjačkim stanovništ-vom vršile tzv. Vojska RS i policija RS, pod vojnom komandom ratnog zločinca Ratka Mladića i političke direktive ratnog zločinca Radova-na Karadžića, dostigle su vrhunac u općini Srebrenica kada su srpske oružane formacije okupirale “sigurnu zonu UN-a” Srebrenicu, jula 1995. godine, i počinile genocid nad nedužnim bošnjačkim stanovništvom.
The present study is devoted to the problems related to the selection and implementation of digital educational platforms. The process is complex and difficult and very much depends on benchmarking. In order for this analysis to be effective, it is necessary to define the requirements for the software tools in advance. In conclusion, conclusions from the empirical analysis are formulated.