Wybrane aspekty taoistycznej praktyki wéiwúwéi
The article aims to explore some aspects of the wéiwúwéi (Ⅽ↓Ⅽ) practice recommended by the DàodéjÎng byexamining it in various contexts. Five theses are postulated: (1) we read in the DàodéjÎng about an ontological principle which states that the functionality of the entity is determined by its structure which is a nonentity; (2) wéiwúwéi can be performed by inspiring by personal example; (3) wéiwúwéi can be realized as a result of a transcendental orpsychological transformation of the subject by liberating the agent from conditions; (4) wéiwúwéi can be performed as permission for the errors of one's subordinates; (5) The ideal ruler as proposed by the DàodéjÎng is characterized by low time preference.