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Autor zarysowuje przewidywalne kierunki rozwoju linii lotniczych, zarówno tradycyjnych, jak i niskokosztowych.
We wprowadzeniu do artykułu przedstawiono cele powziętej analizy oraz zarysowano problematykę pomiaru i prognozowania popytu na usługi portów lotniczych. W dalszej części zaprezentowano podstawowe kategorie pasażerów korzystających z transportu lotniczego oraz główne narzędzia w analizie popytu na takie usługi. Wyniki analiz empirycznych popytu na usługi trzech regionalnych portów lotniczych w Polsce poprzedziły opis metod prognozowania ruchu w takich przedsiębiorstwach. W dalszej części zaprezentowano projekcje ruchu pasażerskiego w portach lotniczych w województwach pomorskim, wielkopolskim i śląskim. Wyniki analiz uzupełniono opisem spodziewanej mobilności ludności w wymienionych regionach.
Artykuł prezentuje ogólną strukturę konkurencji w sektorze portów lotniczych, strukturę konkurencji z punktu widzenia pozyskiwania usługobiorców przewozów i jej determinanty, strukturę konkurencji z punktu widzenia pozyskiwania usługodawców przewozów i jej determinanty, a także grupy strategiczne w sektorze portów lotniczych.
Autorzy na wstępie szkicują krótką historię portu lotniczego w Gdańsku. Następnie przedstawiają tendencje i perspektywy rozwojowe ruchu pasażerskiego w tym porcie w pierwszej dekadzie XXI wieku, dotychczasowy rozwój infrastruktury oraz prognozy dotyczące powiększania się zdolności usługowych portu po realizacji zaplanowanych inwestycji. Na koniec prezentują przyjęty w 2008 plan inwestycyjny portu.
Autorzy zaczynają od przedstawienia krótkiej historii portu lotniczego Katowice w Pyrzowicach oraz historii Górnośląskiego Towarzystwa Lotniczego SA. Następnie prezentują rozwój ruchu pasażerskiego, ruchu cargo i siatki połączeń w tym porcie w pierwszej dekadzie XXI wieku, a także formułują prognozy rozwojowe w tych zakresach. Następnie odtwarzają rozwój infrastruktury portu od 1994 do 2010 r. oraz naświetlają plany rozwoju infrastruktury do roku 2032. Jednocześnie analizują wpływ infrastruktury na zdolności usługowe portu. Wreszcie skupiają się na efektywności Górnośląskiego Towarzystwa Lotniczego SA.
Artykuł otwiera zarys historii Portu Lotniczego na Ławicy. Następnie autor charakteryzuje infrastrukturę lotniczą w porcie (płaszczyzny lotniskowe i zabudowę kubaturową), a także przedstawia cele planu inwestycyjnego. Prezentuje także strukturę ruchu pasażerskiego w porcie (w tym profil pasażera na podstawie badań własnych), rozwój ruchu lotniczego, strategię cenową względem przewoźników, a także wpływ lotnisk berlińskich na rozwój ruchu lotniczego w poznańskim porcie lotniczym.
This book deals with reverse logistics from the economical point of view. Various types of losses occurring in this business system can diminish the performance of the system, and thus the competitiveness of the whole company. These losses are the main focus of this book. By “losses”, we refer to the effectiveness- and efficiency-related problems. The issue of performance of reverse logistics (especially the barrier and bottle neck identification) has already been addressed in two publications Management of reverse flows, and Specifics of reverse flows management. Effectiveness in reverse flows systems aims to define the research problems of bottle necks restraining the value recovery from reverse flows. Main chapters are organized as follows: Chapter 2 deals with performance tracking of reverse logistics, Chapter 3 elaborates on outsourcing and Chapter 4 deals with the informational systems supporting reverse flows. All research areas combine theoretical knowledge obtained by literature research with empirical findings. Both quantitative study among representatives of the enterprises operating in the Czech Republic, and one enterprise case study were used.
Work on this paper was completed in January 2010. One of the key questions in our research regarding the new gas export pipeline linking Russia with EU concerns the role which Nord Stream will play in Gazprom’s strategy for Europe, considering the changing market conditions and the losses the company sustained in 2009. We proposed the thesis that Gazprom will try to use all available measures, including Nord Stream, to improve the price competitiveness of Russian gas and also to guarantee sales of this fossil fuel. We also assumed that the company may become ready at some point to gradually adjust to the conditions existing on an increasingly liberalised EU gas market. In February 2010, Gazprom decided to make a move unprecedented in its previous policy, which confirms the theses presented in this paper. The Russian company competing for its share in the European gas market, decided to temporarily adopt (as it claims) more flexible provisions on longterm contracts with its key European partners (ENI from Italy, E.ON from Ger ma ny, GdF from France) and Botas from Turkey. The main change is the link age of the price of part (10–15%) of the gas sold by Gazprom to gas prices on exchanges.
In the present study the concept of smuggling and tobacco products was analyzed. The relationships and relationships between the two concepts are indicated. The main issues and challenges of smuggling and illegal trade are characterized. Measures have been proposed to improve countering smuggling and illicit trade in tobacco products.
Despite delays, a lack of short-term results, as well as turbulent domestic political agendas, the North–South Gas Corridor (NSGC or NSI) remains a priority for all of the Central European states. There are significant differences among them in terms of the level of market liberalisation, progress in building physical infrastructure, and with short-term priorities; however, first and foremost in common is a deep need to diversify both gas supply routes and suppliers. The goal is to achieve this using the same tools in each country—the development of new infrastructure, especially new interconnectors and underground gas storage facilities, contractual and trade arrangements (the introduction of physical and virtual reverse flows), market liberalisation, and the promotion of competition, spot markers and contracts with alternative gas suppliers. The V4 governments and regulators should be expected to continue coordination of efforts amongst themselves on a common regulatory framework for unified wholesaler trading zones, in parallel with the EU Single Market process (an integrated entry/exit network, a single virtual trading point, mergers of trading zones, etc.). In the long run, regional market liquidity might be increased through the establishment of a common gas trading hub, possibly at the future LNG terminal in Świnoujście, Poland. This could strengthen the hand of all of the purchasing countries from the region vis-á-vis their traditional suppliers, namely Russia and Norway.
Urban mobility is changing in the most cities in the developed world. More importantly, these changes are no longer related to the continuation of past trends, such as the significant increase in motorization in the second half of the 20th century. Instead, cities are increasingly seeing the impact of more destructive changes, whether as a result of technological innovation, socio-economic change or new political interventions. The significant and unexpected growth of urban bicycling; the growing importance of the car- and bicycle sharing; multimodal travel supported by smartphone travel applications; and rediscovery of walking in urban conditions are not only the common experiences in many cities, but they have become the main focus of the urban transport policy in the cities around the world. This study aims to address the issues of the sustainable mobility, how and via which policies and incentives will be realized and what are the challenges the automotive companies are facing. The methodology used for the study conduct is an analysis of primary and secondary information, a review of researches by leading consultancy companies, opinions and researches of the European institutions, and a regulatory framework to clarify the problems and opportunities for mobility. In order to solve the connectivity, safety and environmental issues, the automotive industry should work with other industries, institutions, NGOs etc.
The Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 of the European parliament and the Council known as REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of CHemicals), is imposing serious responsibilities on companies that manufacture or import chemicals into the territory of the EC in quantity bigger than 1 t/year. The present study examines the obligations of the importers and the problems in case of some non-standard business schemes and types of substances. Solutions are proposed, some of which are successfully implemented in practice.
Climate change, resource depletion, technical progress, growing consumer awareness and changing requirements causes companies to look for new production methods. They may concernvarious areas of the company’s activity, starting from product design, procurement organization, optimization of production processes, control of manufactured products and services, through improvement of work organization and reduction of production costs, and ending with the implementation of modern solutions based on digital technologies. The purpose of implementing new production methods is to improve labour mobility, optimization of the use of raw materials and resources, costsreduction, increase efficiency, productivity, etc. In the literature, there are many different types of methods that can be used by modern enterprises. It is practically impossible to present all methods in this study. The authors focused on the presentation of selected methods, which are characterized on the one hand by innovation and, on the other hand, by the possibility of implementation. Particular attention should be paid to methods focused on environmental aspects. This group presents basic information on environment-conscious manufacturing (ECM), life-cycle assessment (LCA) and waste management and recycling. These methods allow to implement the concept of sustainable development and are directly related to the 17 goals set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and adopted by UN member states. In the group of methods related to next generation production management, the focus was on Matrix shop floor control and cooperative manufacturing. Of particular importance is cooperative management, because cooperation in practice is considered as a specific resource and one of the most important factors of a competitive position. The next group of methods concerned production planning and control. Drum Buffer Rope (DBR) and theory of constraints (TOC) were discussed as part of it. From the company’s point of view, methods related to manufacturing processes are very important, including group technology (GT) and cellular manufacturing (CM). Another group focused on commercial aspects, including demand chain management (DCM) and competitive intelligence (CI). The chapter also presents methods related to auxiliary software support, advanced organizational manufacturing and focused on product design.In the first case, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) was discussed, in the second, virtual enterprises (VE) and World Class Manufacturing (WCM) were presented, and in the third, the assumptions concerning the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and House of Quality (HOQ) method were shown. Additionally, Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Computer-Aided Process Planning (CAPP) are discussed within the framework of methods focused on cost and quality manufacturing.
Książka jest pierwszym na polskim rynku wydawniczym przeglądem innowacji stosowanych w przedsiębiorstwach komunikacji publicznej, a także wprowadzanych w organizacji przewozów transportu publicznego. Autor usystematyzował wiedzę na temat podstawowych grup stosowanych innowacji, a także dokonał ich analizy pod kątem zgodności z definicją i modelami tworzenia i wdrażania innowacji obecnymi w naukach ekonomicznych. Czy wprowadzanie innowacji w przedsiębiorstwach transportu publicznego to jedynie zabieg wizerunkowy? Czy też przeciwnie, za ich wdrażaniem przemawia realizacja długofalowych celów przedsiębiorstwa (organizacji), a innowacje stanowią element długofalowej strategii rozwoju organizacji i efektywnego zarządzania nią? Na rynku transportu publicznego powstaje ciekawa płaszczyzna potencjalnego konfliktu między celami społecznymi i związanymi z realizacją celu publicznego a priorytetami zarządczymi służącymi osiąganiu celu ekonomicznego.
The book delivers a rich set of foundations, state-of-the-art knowledge, new approaches and methods for the purpose of anomalies detection, maritime traffic analysis as well as risk and reliability assessment. It addresses relevant research problems at the intersection of maritime transport in global economies, reliability and risk assessment, and information systems and data processing. The book provides a theoretical overview of available maritime data sources and approaches for maritime data analysis, as well as a set of novel tools and methods for maritime data retrieval, fusion, and analysis. The proposed methods are evaluated on real-life AIS data, covering the entire world and more than 200 thousands of vessels, illustrating how they may be used for anomaly detection and risk assessment. The primary audience of the book are researchers from the fields of computer science and maritime transport as well as logistics service providers, shipping companies and port authorities companies that need support in managing security, safety, and risk of maritime transport services in global economies by making use of large-scale data processing.
The world is experiencing a severe change and transformation in every field with the effect of globalization that emerged in the last quarter of the 20th century. These changes make themselves felt primarily in the economic area. In particular, the globalization and liberalization of financial markets bring along a series of changes, opportunities, and risks in both economies and financial systems worldwide. Owing to the effect of economic globalization, and the emergence of complex and dynamic financial transactions that significantly redound the uncertainties, notedly in emerging markets, have gradually increased market participants’ financial risks. This process has augmented the efforts of banks, non-bank financial institutions, institutional investors, and companies to search for methods and tools to better control the risks they face by applying complex strategies to hedging. To this end, parallel to the development of new financial instruments and markets that led to the emergence of complex and dynamic financial transactions, risk measurement and management techniques have also significantly changed. The global risks that have recently arisen from different sources like health, energy, food, climate, military, politics, etc., are more evident in the economic area. Many studies have been conducted in the academic literature to measure and understand the economic impacts of these global risks based on different sources and to develop solutions. This study, titled “Economic and Financial Issues in Emerging Markets,” is the product of such an effort. This study contains fifteen chapters written by twentynine academicians and experts in their fields. The book includes mainly theoretical and applied studies on risk, return, exchange rate, stock market, emerging markets, economic growth, energy, and logistics.
Globalization has serious effects in many areas. One of the areas where these effects are seen intensely is the financial markets. Financial markets are important for researchers as well as for investors. Investors are always trying to maximize their profits by investing in the right areas. In order to invest in the right area, it is necessary to obtain correct information by following the studies on financial markets. Researchers, on the other hand, need to carry out their research in an objective way. In addition, researchers are trying to obtain more detailed results using current techniques. Thus, it offers the right information to the investors.
Technological developments and globalization has changed human nature. This change directly affects all stages of human life. At this point, it becomes inevitable to carry out research on people and human life. All studies carried out in the field of Social Sciences aim to understand human, human life and human nature. In this work, which was put forward in order to understand the human, different studies from different disciplines were discussed and a step was tried to be built in order to reach this goal, albeit to some extent.
The Conference Proceedings contain papers presented at the International Scientific Conference on: "TRENDS AND STRATEGIES FOR THE RECOVERY OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL SYSTEM AFTER THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC". It has been held during the period 15-17 March 2023 within the project "ASSESSMENT OF ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON THE TRANSPORT SECTOR AND MEASURES FOR RECOVERY", funded by the Scientific Research Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science under the Contract No. INI - KP-06-DK2/4 of 30.03.2021. The project has being implemented by a team from the Department of Transport and Energy Economics at the UNWE. The scientific forum brought together scientists from the social sciences, with the primary objective of identifying and discussing options for early management of crises arising from pandemics and strategies for post-crisis recovery. Thirty-three papers were presented during the Forum. Conference participants also held a roundtable discussion on "Issues of Sustainable Development and Economic and Societal Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic". The International Scientific Conference was attended by scientists and researchers from 10 different scientific organisations, including the University of National and World Economy, University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarski", Todor Kableshkov University of Transport, MB University in Belgrade, Serbia, Institute for Population and Human Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, University of Food Technologies - Plovdiv, Institute of Psychology - Ministry of Interior, Thracian University - Stara Zagora, International Higher Business School, University of Economics - Varna, the Higher School of Insurance and Finance, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.