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Review of: Language and Style, Dan McIntyre & Beatrix Busse, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2010.
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Review of: Language and Style, Dan McIntyre & Beatrix Busse, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2010.
The paper analyzes syntactic style intensifiers in three Croatian jeans-prose novels: Kratki izlet by Antun Soljan, Kuzis, stari moj by Zvonimir Majdak and Bolja polovica hrabrosti by Ivan Slamnig. It covers phenomena and procedures at the syntactic level (decomposed predicate, ellipsis, reticention, nominative sentences, parceling, inversion, repetitions and epithets) in which we find discrepancies from the usual sentence structure. Since jeans-prose is concerned with stylization of spoken language, procedures such as ellipsis and reticention are used to make impression of spontaneity and unpreparedness, while repetitions can reveal emotional state of protagonists besides contributing to easiness and relaxation.
This present study adapts feminist stylistics framework to examine and analyse the gender representations and language of the laugh of the Medusa a speech written by Héléne Cixous. The paper, using a content analysis method, will mainly focus on issues related to gender representations and the language to interpret and uncover the implied and underlying meanings of the text. Héléne Cixous in her speech brings samples from the ancient Greek mythology of Medusa to give advices to her young female audience to write for themselves. She highlights the challenges and struggles that females have been repressed themselves through the patriarchal society. She encourages young girls to express themselves, their strengths and strong points in bravely through writing and boys to understand the feminine world. The study will scrutinize the speech to reveal the foregrounded features related to gender.
The article deals with the process of forming Junior pupils’ lexical competency in the structure of the speech theory activity. The most effective principles of the method of forming lexical competence on a functional basis are determined. In primary classes the girls’ lexical competence is bigger than the boys’ one. There are some indicators which established the level of speaking development and creative abilities in primary classes. They are: phonetical, lexically-semantic, syntactic and stylistic devices; stylistic figures: rhetorical questions on the elements of intonation expression. We can’t separate these indicators from general communicative competency. The lexical competence depends on the environmental influence and as for the competence the potentialities are socially conditioned. Therefore, lexical competence are related to the special and intellectual abilities which person’s individual-psychological peculiarities, which are the conditions for successful realization of speaking and creative action.
In the Qur’ān, it is stated in thirteen places that the Prophet was asked with the sentence “They ask you ... Say:” and answers are given to these questions. Nine of these questions are related to judgment and five of them are related to the unseen. Questions about the unseen are about past, present and future. In these verses, questions about the nature of the unseen are left unanswered, only information about how is provided. As a person who lived in the past, the question about Zulkarneyn was conveyed in ambiguous expressions and admonition themes in the Qur’ān’s own narrative style. Questions about the law consist of basic issues that determine the characteristics of Islamic society, from family law to war law, from halal food to alcohol and gambling. The answers given to these questions have escaped from particular events and turned into norms of universal law. There are also some criticisms about the questions in some answers. This study is limited to the questions and answers that come with the “They ask you ... Say:” sentence. Questions and answers are classified under the headings of law-unseen. While analyzing the related verses, the occasions of the revelation mentioned in the sources are explained. Considering the volume of the article, the subjects of the verses were considered only in terms of question-answer relationship. In this study, it is concluded that the questions pointed to by with the “They ask you ... Say:” sentence are a stylistic feature that the Qur’ān uses to pass universal answers.
The article contains a description of the advertising genre, which is a sponsored article published on websites. Advertorial is large advertisement deliberately styled to look like the editorial guise of editorial material. The author lists and thoroughly analyzes structural elements and vocabulary of this type of texts, showing their persuasive character.
The article discusses the interpretative and methodological potential inherent in the synergetic application of two categories paradigmatic for cultural studies and cultural literary theory: translatio and memory. It is argued that both categories, viewed as cultural metaphors and combined with each other, may serve as a complex model for the interpretation of cultural phenomena. The starting point for developing such a model is the insight that both concepts have undergone a similar semantic evolution in the discourse of cultural studies, and may now be represented as radial categories with a “prototypical centre” and metaphorical-metonymical extensions, translatio going far beyond interlingual “translation proper”. Next, some further contact zones between translatio and memory are outlined: firstly, their functional analogies, which are reflected in parallel metaphors depicting memory and translation (such as the “palimpsest” and the “devouring of the Other”). Secondly, the metaphor of the “dissemination of memes” is discussed as the most promising idea that brings together the discourse of translation studies with reflection on the mechanisms of collective memory, drawing attention to ethical and political aspects of both translatio and memory. The image of the “dissemination of memes” is also a point of departure for its derivative metaphors of “translation as memory transmission” and “memory as a space of translatio”. The conclusion is that the interactions between memory and translatio that engendered these metaphors could be put to use in comparative investigations. Finally, some representative research problems are formulated based on various configurations of literal and metaphorical meanings of both terms. It is emphasized that the coming together of divergent yet close pathways of translation and memory studies could be of mutual benefit to both fields of inquiry.
The paper deals with the relation between verbal expressions and mental images. As claimed by cognitive linguists, “understanding a verbal message” requires that two kinds of mental imagery be evoked: rich images, which are encoded in individual lexemes, and schematic images, conventionally related to grammatical structures. Based upon this principle, an analysis of a Polish poem and its English translation is carried out, in order to demonstrate that a complicated interplay between the two kinds of mental imagery underlies the texts and accounts for their interpretation.
The author proposes a new critical model for translation analysis. The method is based on translation tropics, an idea presented by Douglas Robinson in The Translator’s Turn, which appears here in a much expanded and modified form. Five tropes (irony, metonymy, synecdoche, hyperbole and metalepsis) describe five types of translator and the respective affective motivations that inform decision-making in translation: the translator’s affect towards the Other of the source text and culture. One trope in particular (metonymy) is examined in more detail. The analytical part, which presents practical results achieved with this theoretical tool, is based on the alphabetical translations of Charles Bernstein’s poetry by Peter Waterhouse and his VERSATORIUM group.
The present study investigates to what extent the effect of cross-linguistic differences on L2 idiom comprehension is modulated by the presence of a context. Sixty students of German as a foreign language (L1 French) completed a comprehension test consisting of metaphorical idioms in the L2 that differed from their L1 equivalents conceptually and formally and were presented with or without context. The results show that an increasing degree of conceptual and formal distance as well as the absence of context are generally associated with lower performance in the idiom comprehension test. However; the analysis of interactions shows that the presence of the context was especially supportive for conceptually different items, whereas the facilitative effect of formal similarity considerably diminished with increasing conceptual distance.
The poetic temples of François Habert (1508?–1561?) are one of the last vestiges of the tradition of allegorical temples, very popular in the time of the Rhétoriqueurs. But there remains very little in his poetry of this type-cadre and its characteristics. The comparison of his temples with the temples of Jean Lemaire de Belges and Clément Marot shows the poetic debt of this author towards his great predecessors and at the same time his way of appropriating tradition. As an évangélique he restores the metaphor in its original meaning: the pagan temple of courtly literature becomes church again.
Académie Française has been a guardian of tradition and a symbol of continuity of the French literature and culture for nearly four hundred years. The speeches provide a link between the past and the future at least by the obligation of a new member, elected to replace one that passed away, to give a eulogy presenting glory and praising works of his/her predecessor. Based on several speeches, the paper discusses, in the first place, evolution of reflections on literature and predecessors’ works and, in the second place, provides an example of breaking with tradition: election of the first woman to Académie Française and justification of this radical change. The speeches constitute a bulwark of tradition, since their form and the way predecessors are presented do not change but constitute a reflection of change.
The first part of the paper is to introduce the main motif of Bernardino Ochino’s Trajedyja o Mszej (Tragedy on Mass) published in Polish translation in 1560. The work tells the story of a trial of the personified Mass indicted by figures that can be identified with the Reformation and the individuals engaged in it. The Author discusses the structure of this literary dialogue and describes briefly the characters involved in the plot with their polemical background (these include in particular personifications of the Mass, the Lord’s Supper, and the Roman Church, as well as figures of the Pope, Satan, Holy Spirit, and a metonymic protagonist named the Lover of God’s Glory). The second part presents the context of literary tradition, where Mass was personified for controversial purposes, mainly by authors connected with the Reformation. The motif of a personified Mass was probably introduced in Swiss pamphlets of the 1520s (Krankheit und Testament der Messe by Niklaus Manuel, Querela Missae by Johannes Atrocianus). The concept of accusing Mass of dishonesty and performing her trial was recognised as an innovation of English Protestant writings of the late 1540s (esp. William Punt’s and William Turner’s dialogues). The aforementioned texts are juxtaposed with Ochino’s dialogue to show the probable origins of the concept used in his text, as well as to specify additional motifs combined by him (and consequently the Polish translator). The similarities between Ochino’s work and the texts chosen, as well as Ochino’s connections with the places of publication of these texts, allow us to see them as part of a small yet consistent subtype of Protestant polemical writings, which Ochino chose to use and modify for controversial purposes.
The paper analyzes usage labels in contemporary RussianThe paper analyzes usage labels in contemporary Russian language dictionaries. The original sources include: The Russian Dictionary, edited by A.P. Yevgenyeva, two editions of S.I. Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language, Changes of the end of 20th century, edited by G.N. Skluarevskaya, The Stylistic Dictionary by G.Y. Solganik and The Russian Defining Dictionary by V.V. Lopatin and L.E. Lopatina. The analysis used shows that the problem of stylistic gradation of contemporary Russian vocabulary in dictionaries by far has not been solved. There is no integral system of stylistic account of the Russian vocabulary.
The work reveals stylistic features of socialist realism based on the novels of Soviet writers who received the Stalin prize. The analysis is based on description of the language units which are the key words for understanding the principles of the socialist realism in forming of the new person in the developing Soviet society. The work also exposes connection between the language and style of Russian social realistic novels in cultural-historic context.
The author presents the analysis of A. Akhmatova’s poetry from the point of view of a musical sonata form. The Second and the Third Piano Concert by Rakhmaninov is brought to mind as the poet reaches the unity in multiplicity of presented metaphors and the dramatic development of melodics of a poem.
In the present paper, the peculiarities of G. Grebenshchikov’s American text are analyzed from a theoretical point of view and metaphor is considered as a cognitive mechanism. The authors’ metaphoric models serve as a key for understanding the writer’s intention and help to overcome the difficulties of perception of the writer’s text. The metaphors “America – Mechanism” and “America – Organism” are revealed and compared. Grebenshchikov’s conceptual blend “American Babylon” is reconstructed. The research was carried out on the basis of archive documents from the writer’s personal materials.
The paper comprises a description of the religious language used in the Renaissance. It addresses the topic of the literature of Reformation and Counter-Reformation (Catholic Revival) periods and its significance as a uniting force for a given community of believers. Moreover, the paper describes the linguistic solutions and means of persuasion used to achieve that purpose. The study material are three sixteenth-century texts: two that originated in two Christian denominations – Catholic and Protestant ones (sermons published by Piotr Skarga and Petrus Artomius on the occasion of the Assumption Feast of Mary the Virgin in 1595) and one that derives from Islam (Surah 7 of the Quran “The Heights” translated by the Tatars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, 16th century). The analysis covers the structure of these historical texts, the exponents of dialogue and the linguistic means of persuasion which include, among others, evaluative and directive language as well as stylistic devices. Research has shown that the three religious polemical texts can be classified as persuasive literature of the Reformation. They comprise linguistic exponents with impressive and expressive functions. In the linguistic layer, the texts contain universal features of the religious code, such as openness and polysemy, which are expressed by analogy, comparison, metonymy, metaphor, and making non-assertive utterances. The paper discusses lexis excerpted from the texts and denoting values as well as volitive and imperative and persuasive and emotive vocabulary with noticeable dichotomic references to what is good and what is bad. These elements arrange the sacred space of the religious texts and constitute the axis of integration for a given community of believers. The result of religious discourse of the Reformation is the presence of the exponents of the rhetorical style in Polish texts, which is manifested by the use of quotations from authoritative religious works, i.e. mainly from the Bible and the Quran.
Subject to analysis in this article is T. Chełchowski’s Godzinki moskalofilskie. 300 dni łaski carskiej za każdorazowe odmówienie tych godzinek z pokorą i skruszonym sercem [Moscophile Hours: 300 Days of Grace for Each Saying of the Hours with Humility and Contrite Heart]. The Hours is a text that fits the general poetics of the political disputes typical of the Polish émigré milieus at the turn of the 20th century. At the same time, the text retains a lot from the Polish literary tradition. Taking into account the fact that the text exploits a prayer as a textual genre (Canonical Hours), and acknowledging the roots of the genre, the Hours can be classified as a travesty (trawestacja in Nycz’s approach) or as an idiosyncratic token (okaz in Wojtak’s terms) of the prayer genre. The generic linkage is realized by constructing the text of the Hours in seven parts (Matins, Prime, Terce, Sext, Nones, Vespers and Compline) with its introduction, hymn, verses, responsories and prayers; by consecutive use of metre in invocations and hymns; by an apostrophic opening of the hymns; by positioning verses and responsories after hymns or prayers; as well as by stylistic and semantic references (invocations addressed to the Tsar and hymn protagonists, modelled on apostrophes to God and Mary; paraphrases of biblical and prayer collocations). Departures from the canonical text-type include: the reduced form of the final antiphon, lack of prayer and an introduction that is modified per each hour.
In the era of hipsters, of brewing craft beer or cold brewed coffee, of minimalism and of quality food, naming a restaurant, a café or a pub is of great importance. Our comparative study focuses on analyzing urbochrematonyms in two cities: Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and Regensburg, Germany. We will examine names of restaurants, pubs and cafés in these two cities, trying to establish to what extent the influence of foreign languages and cultures is reflected in their naming. We will highlight the naming mechanisms used by their owners as marketing strategies. This analysis will indicate the naming trends in two urban places, our focus being the better understanding of how managers use mental representations of global and glocal concepts in order to achieve uniqueness.