![Български старопечатни издания в библиотеката на Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“](/api/image/getissuecoverimage?id=picture_2021_61552.jpg)
Български старопечатни издания в библиотеката на Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“
The current text is a review of Anna Angelova's book „Bulgarian Oldprinted Editions 1806–1878: A study of the collection of the Sofia University Library „St. Kliment Ohridski“, 416 p., hardcover. The book includes two author's studies, a catalog of printed editions, stored in the library, and 734 handwritten notes from books and newspapers, left as written traces by owners, readers, and donors. The publication of the notes and a part of the author's analyzes are assessed as contributions to the history of the book. A number of criticisms have been formulated regarding the language normalization of manuscripts and titles and regarding the numerous typographical errors, which are noticeable in the book. My recommendation is for a more in-depth and extensive analysis of the studied corpus. Anna Angelova's book gives me a reason to keep insisting on a full digital corpus of the Revival editions and full-text publications of all old printed books on the Internet, including handwritten notes on them.