Архивистът като архитект и медиатор на колективната историческа памет
The article focuses on the contemporary mission of archivists as architects and mediators of the retrospective documentary memory of society. In this aspect, the stress is laid on the need to use more up-to-date and adequate from a scientific point of view terms in the disciplinary field of archivology, corresponding to the complicated nature of the documents in their capacity as historical sources. The author's thesis is that, in the process of filing, expertise and scientific and technical processing of the funds, before historians archivists consecutively pass through the following logical and interrelated stages: euristic, textological, hermenuetic, archaeographic and historiographic. Archival processes and activities implemented within the above-mentioned stages prove that it is precisely archivists who have the primary responsibility in the contemporary complicated world to be co-creators and translators of collective historical memory to ensure that will be an objective base for future search.