Defended PhD theses in Bulgaria in the field of linguistics, literature, history, folklore, ethnography and art studies
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Defended PhD theses in Bulgaria in the field of linguistics, literature, history, folklore, ethnography and art studies
In the proposed paper the author has published for the first time two of the Greeks inscriptions found by him and Ivan Venedikov during archaeological excavations conducted by them between 1958 and 1970. The first inscription is the upper part of a marble slab and it contains an honorary decree concerning more than one – possibly two – citizens of the city of Neapolis (or Neopolis, accordingly). It is interesting to note the absence of reference to “the city council and the people” of Messambria. Some privileges are not expressed with their full text in the inscription, which complicated the reconstruction of the damaged or missing text. The author assumes that Neapolis from the decree was the same city as that on the Aegean Sea (in the present-day Kavala in Greece). The second decree was issued in honour of the ancestors of Dionysios, son of Omphalion, who held important posts in the city. His father occupied the priestly position of hieromnemon (hieromnamon in the Doric cities). That occupation appeared for the first time here in the colonies along the Western Black Sea coast. Both inscriptions should be dated to the 3rd century BC.
Salonica was the centre of the national idea in the Ottoman Empire, which distinguished it essentially from the cosmopolitan Ottoman cities along the Asia Minor coast. The Bulgarians had a significant role to play in the political and ideological ebullience that had gripped the city in the first decade of the 20th century. Its representatives were among the most prominent proponents of the national, socialist and anarchist idea that inevitably influenced the Jewish community in the city. Even though its Jewish population did not identify itself with the national-liberation aspirations of the Christian population, the proximity of the Balkan nation states and particularly of Bulgaria had a tangible effect on the city and predetermined its fate.
The text presents the results of a student study on the ways in whichmedia and journalists act in the first months of the emerging healh andhumanitarian crisis in 2020, conducted in the beginning of February 2020. Thecontext of this choice is important, as in February Bulgarian media still speak of a"virus like any other", the primary messages of the experts were: "no place forpanic", "no serious danger", "a virus, which is less dangerous than the seasonalflu". The study presents the results of approaches to subjects and speaking figuresin different media and shows, through which they informed society in the firstmonths of the crisis. The authors of the study are the fourth year students from the‘Radio’ profile, FJMK, SU. Authors: Dorotea Tsvetanova, Iliyana Marinkova,Denitsa Dyankova, Tereza Kancheva, Emiliya Kircheva, Kristina Yordanova,Viktor Nikolov, Lyuba Garkova, Borislav Valov, Maria Stancheva, ElmiraDzhoma.
In this paper, the motif of wedding in the novel Nečista krv (Impure Blood), by Borisav Stanković is analysed from the viewpoint of erotological theory of George Bataille. The wedding is observed as a celebration resulting in psychoerotic release of the individual. The erotica manifested here has a key role in profiling two different cultures, the urban culture and the rural culture, personified in the Effendi Mita’s and Gazda Marko’s families. By comparing the urban and rural weddings, distinctive erotic features of the two cultures are perceived, as well as differences in character and aim of the celebration.
À travers une perspective multidisciplinaire, basée sur les connaissances historiques et pointant vers de nouvelles recherches sur le patrimoine culturel et historique des Juifs de Belgrade et de Paris, il s’agit de souligner les similitudes et les différences dans l’existence, la préservation et la présentation du patrimoine juif dans deux environnements géographiquement éloignés, historiquement et socialement différents. L’objectif est de tenir compte du contexte historique, culturel et artistique du patrimoine culturel juif historique et la question inextricablement liée de l’Holocauste. L’article cherche à lancer une discussion sur le Bataclan, le quartier juif de Paris, et Dorcol, une partie de Belgrade où les noms de rue témoignent de la vie de la communauté juive. Le but de l’article n’est pas seulement de comparer et de souligner le lien, mais aussi de promouvoir la diversité du patrimoine culturel de la France et de la Serbie.
L’œuvre historique de Charles de Gaulle a-t-elle eu de l’influence sur les événements politiques en Serbie? La réponse est oui, même plus qu’on ne le pense. Le parallélisme du comportement politique pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale du général Milan Nedić avec celui du maréchal Philippe Pétain et du colonel Dragoljub Draža Mihajlović avec celui du général de Gaulle est fascinant. Les deux militaires serbes ont été formés par l’armée française. Comme Pétain, le général Nedić a décidé de se soumettre à l’occupant en créant un État serbe fantoche. Comme de Gaulle, le général Mihajlović est convaincu de la victoire des Alliés, refusant la capitulation et décidant de continuer le combat. La constitution gaulliste de la V République de 1958 a-t-elle inspirée les rédacteurs de la constitution serbe de 2006 ? Dans une certaine mesure oui, mais peut-être pas assez. Voici une analyse du rapport des Serbes face au gaullisme.
The paper presents the life and work of Eugene of Savoy, a famous military leader at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries, whose achivements left a mark in the history of numerous countries, from Austria, through Germany, Italy and France, to Serbia. The biography of Prince Eugene has a mutinational, “pan-European” char- acter, bearing in mind that he came from an Italian family (princes of Savoy), that he was raised in the environment of the French royal court, and that he served three Habsburg emperors (Leopold I, Joseph I and Charles VI). Napoleon considered Eugene one of the seven greatest commanders of history.The article contains presentation of young years and military career of Prince Eugene, especially during the Great Turkish war (1683-1699) and after, includin presantation of crucial battles of Zenta (1687), Petrowaradin (1716) and Belgrade (1717). The Prince’s fame was secured with his decisive victory against the Ottomans at the Battle of Zenta in 1697, earning him Europe-wide fame. The Battle of Zenta proved to be the decisive victory in the long war against the Turks. Renewed hostilities against the Ottomans in the Austro-Turkish War consolidated his reputation, with victories at the battles of Petrovaradin (1716), and the decisive encounter at Belgrade (1717). Of all Eugene’s wars this was the one in which he exercised most direct control; it was also a war which, for the most part, Austria fought and won on her own. The war had dispelled the immediate Turkish threat to Hungary and was a triumph for the Empire and for Eugene personally. In the period after the Second World War, during the period of growing popularity of European integration and cooperation, as well as supranational ideas, there was a reinterpretation of the historical role of Eugene Savoy as an archetypal character “pan-European”, “hero of European culture”, “builder of Europe”. The period of the Austro-Turkish wars in which Prince Evgenije participated and his great victories over the Turks had an exceptional influence and significance on the history of the Serbian people (Great Migration 1690). A large number of Serbs also took part in the campaigns and battles led by Eugene of Savoy.
Uglješa Šajtinac zeigt im Drama Das Banat (2007) das proble- matische Zusammenleben von Donauschwaben (Joseph, Erwin und Magdalena Wolf) und Serben (Dobrivoje, Đuđa, Svetislav) im Banat während des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Im Kontext von historischen Umwälzungen und politischen Konflikten versuchen die Figuren im Drama entweder die alte kollektive Identität zu bewahren oder eine neue zu bilden, und ihre Kohäsion mithilfe verschiedener Kategorien festzulegen: Geschlechts (Geschlechtsidentität), Territoriums (territoriale Identität), Klasse (ge- sellschaftsökonomische Identität), Religion (religiöse Identität), Nation (nationale Identität), sowie Politik (politische Identität) und Kultur (kulturelle Identität). Aus- gehend von der Theorie des britischen Historikers der Soziologie Anthony D. Smith (1939–2016), eines der Begründer der Nationalismusforschung, werden in diesem Aufsatz im Kontext des Chronotopos des besetzten Banats (1941–1945) unter- schiedliche Manifestationen der kollektiven Identität untersucht, mit dem Ziel, die Kohäsionskraft dieser Kategorien aufzuklären. Ergebnisse der Analyse zeigen dass Geschlecht, Territorium, Klasse und Nation nicht einen genügend starken Grad der Kohäsion aufzeigen und die Figuren, die auf diesen Kategorien ihre Identität auf- gebaut haben, könnten sich in den neuen Zeiten nicht erhalten, im Unterschied zu denen, die sich für Politik und Kultur entschieden haben, die die Grenzen der Zeit und des Raums überschreiten und eine stärkere Verbindung unter den Figuren her- stellen. So können Dobrivoje und seine Schwester als Kommunisten im neuen Staat fortleben, während andere Figuren sterben oder das Banat verlassen müssen, um eine neue Heimat in der Weite auszusuchen, in der die kulturellen Elemente wie Kunst (Film und Musik) und Fremdsprachen die Verbindung unter den Menschen sichern, trotz den ethnischen und anderen Unterschieden.
Traumatic experience such as the Holocaust requires traumatic ways of representation. Those who dare to write about it encounter various dilemmas and difficulties in finding the right ways to write about something that cannot be written about. Train trope is a usual symbol of the biggest XX century trauma because rail- way system and different types of cars enabled transportation of millions of people from the whole Europe, whose lives were terminated in the death camps, as well as their wealth, gold and other valuables. Trains found their way in literature with both survivor writers and those who didn’t experience the Holocaust. The symbol of train had been interpreted within psychoanalysis of dreams as passage of time and life before it started to operate as a symbol of the very death in reality. In this paper we tried to investigate how train trope functions in this trauma based literary genre with those writers who were inside and those who felt them as cultural heritage. Those who were inside death trains, such as Elie Wiesel, insisted that the only way of representation has to be in documentary and realistic style. On the other hand, writers who were lucky not to experience the hell on Earth couldn’t write from the ‘inside’ and had to find other ways of representation. Their styles vary from allegory in Kosinsi’s autofictional novel to magic realism in David and Thomas’s novels. Thomas also adds Freudian psychoanalysis while Pinter experiments with stage representation.
The central hypothesis of the article is that the attraction of authoritarianism on a populist background has a long tradition in Romanian society, particularly from the perspective of public intellectuals’ support for the holders of political power. The contribution highlights, using the methodological tool of ideology analysis, the influence that intellectuals have had on the development of a particular dominant political culture in Romania. I argue that the central elements of the Romanian political culture, to the social design, development and consolidation of which representative public intellectuals have contributed, over time, are the following: anti-individualism, anti-democratism and providentialism. These features have been grafted on a Manichean background driven by ethno-nationalism, which remains prevalent in contemporary Romania. Elements of this dominant political culture have been socially enacted and transmitted through the discourses, attitudes and behaviours of public intellectuals of different generations, most of whom have entered into the political arena. Thus, they have legitimized the various directions in which political populism has manifested itself over the last century. In the process, public intellectuals became propagandists for parties and/or political leaders who have presented themselves as providential harbingers of „change” or „reform”.
This article describes the methodology and the findings of a research about women, former political detainees, memory discourse about the communist period and political persecutions. It points out the difficulties and the unexpected results of such sensitive work. It argues that the narratives of former political detainees about their life experiences are influenced by both frameworks of memory as well as by their habitus of modern women belonging to the Romanian interwar middle class.
In this article I return to St. Marina, on whose folkloric image and faith I worked many years ago. My goal is to supplement my previous observations with new ones and to expand the territorial scope. Special attention is paid to the veneration of the saint’s sacred relics in the Mediterranean and the reactivation of her cult. I also consider the transformational models in the believers’ notions of the cave and nature, and the periodic renewal of those notions through archaization and return to archetypes personified in the cult of St. Marina.
The article studies the connection between structuring of the Sofia urban space from the end of the 19th to the middle of the 20th century and esoteric communities in the capital (spiritualist, theosophical, anthroposophical, Rosicrucian, freemasonic, co-freemasonic, including some of the NRM). A “case study” of present districts of Krasno Selo, Pavlovo and Ovcha Kupel is made with historical and cultural studies approach. Both the processes of their emergence, settlement, planning, and the socio-cultural profile of their inhabitants, some of whom were associated with occult societies, are explored.
The presentation addresses issues related to the construction of the socialist canon in the Bulgarian theatre on the basis of certain postulates and ideologemes that provoked the creation of new totalitarian mythologems (Jung, Kerényi). By its very nature, European totalitarianism of the 20th century did not tolerate gods other than those whom it had named itself. Rejecting the centuries-old faith in the Christian god, the system had to elevate its idols. Here the magic that art and artistic image possess was put into reconsideration. Totalitarian culture and art incorporated the powerful tradition of esoteric notions of image in order to create a new religion with new rituals that affect consciousness through the archetypal in a grand spectacle (Debord). In this theatre, the stage incarnations of totalitarian mythologems about the party leader, the positive hero, the youth, the masses, etc. became the main means of forming the type of socio-political thinking necessary for the power.
The study is an attempt to outline the mechanisms of memory and forgetting by narratives about displaced and destroyed villages Zhivovtsi and Kalimanitsa, to trace the rural history and individual life trajectories before and after creating the dam, to analyze ritual practices in the past and nowadays. Attention is paid to the processes sacralisation-desacralization-resacralization.