Audiodeskrypcja – przedmiot akademicki, praktyka muzealna czy wyzwanie dla informatyków?
Social integration and activation of people with visual impairment is one of the most important challenges in modern democratic countries. Due to the rise of awareness, there has been an increase in number of projects undertaken by cultural institutions to enable visually impaired consumers receive culture in a broad sense. The process is vital because, culture has become more and more visually oriented. Audio description (a way of translating visual to auditory) is one of the best ways to enable blind people to receive sport and theatrical events but also exhibitions and works of art. The main problem discussed among specialists in the field right now is the question of objectivity, that should be the main rule to follow, while creating a description and what how it should be used. Another vital issue is the participation of people with visual impairment in the cyber environment and exploring the ways in which state of the art technology can help the efforts of audiodescribers, museums and art galleries in matters of enabling. For several years prof. Aneta Pawłowska from the Department of Art History at University of Łódź, has conducted a research project which main aim is to provide audio descriptions for a number of museums in Łódź. The main aim of constant drive for improvement, interdisciplinary character of the works and the cooperation with Department of Spanish and Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics is to research audio description as a method of enabling, teach it’s basics to the students and create descriptions for cultural institutions in Łódź.