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The eruption of Krakatau volcano in 1883 is one of the most powerful eruptions in the past nearly 150 years. Based on the average air temperatures in Belgrade from 1881 to 1886 and average maximum and minimum air temperatures in Šabac from 1883 to 1885, we have tried to analyze whether the mentioned eruption had an impact on weather and climate conditions in Serbia. Bearing in mind that the mentioned measurements were not standardized, we have also tried by analysis of the former official state media to determine whether there are potential signs of possible connection. It turned out that neither measured data nor news reports indicate unusual weather conditions. In other words, there is no evidence that would indicate that an extremely powerful eruption of Krakatau in 1883 caused any weather disturbances over Serbia.
The author uses palynological data to offer a reconstruction of landscape and climate in the vicinity of the Eneolithic settlement of Kartal. The pollen section should be considered extremely valid, since it is made in buried soil. The period of the Bolgrad-Aldeni accounted for the climatic optimum of the Holocene. This fact has been repeatedly pointed out by experts. This warm and humid cycle of oceanic climate largely contributed to the development of agrarian cultures of the early Eneolithic. Termination of life in Kartal in the period of the Bolgrad-Aldeni and subsequent population gap, which falls on the second half of the VI Millennium (5500—5000 BP), based on available data, was not accompanied by any abrupt climatic fluctuations. However, by the time Cernavoda I population appeared in Kartal, the climatic situation had become much less comfortable than in the Gumelnita period. In the most general terms, we can talk about a much more continental climate, general aridity and, consequently, low humidity.
Today, because of the population growth, the tendency on cities and urbanization increase gradually. Depend on these tendencies, the requirements of planning and location of the settlements and facilities areas on cities are came up with the migration from rural areas to urban areas. In this process, in addition to physical and environmental factors especially the socio-economic factors should be regarded as main component of sustainable urbanization. And also sustainable policies for urban development created by local governances have an effective role. Furthermore, determination of the urban development areas through the cities, land use and land cover structures are required as well. However, both the industrial areas, military facilities, public facilities areas are located in core of the cities even if without sub-scale urban land use planning. So these areas have to be re-allocated with urban regeneration projects to support for better urbanization. Based on the evaluations mentioned above, this paper outlines the requirements and criteria for location of urban regeneration areas. And also it is comprised to some approaches for integrated urban regeneration projects for provide the sustainability.
The long-term protection of cultural heritage is an essential condition for sustainable development and preservation of territorial identity, and good documentation and registration of heritage objects allows to know, preserve and transmit them over time to future generations. The recording of cultural heritage currently uses different techniques and methods of documentation, especially in the field of architecture and urban planning. For the documentation of historical sites, different methods can be used to obtain 3D digital models that offer the possibility of documenting in accordance with the preservation of the original architecture and local specifics, as well as the creation of 3D archives. This article highlights the technical ways of obtaining digital models of heritage architectural ensembles and presents a case study of the rehabilitation of the Cioabă Chințescu kula, Șiacu village, Slivilești commune, Gorj county.
The paper focuses on identification of rare landscape structures in model areas of South Moravia with traces of traditional and regionally conditioned ways of farming, assessment of their significance in the protection of agricultural land resources, environmental protection, and provision of eco-system services. The potential of future use of these areas, the possible sustenance of traditional ways of farming, or the possible renewal of extinct landscape structures are other key topics of the paper. The aim of the paper is to find the answers to the following research questions: What are the surviving rare historical landscape structures in the model areas with respect to the categories of land use, how are they being currently managed? How are the surviving historical landscape structures in the model areas protected in the view of the environmental and landscape protection? What are the options of renewal of historical landscape structures?
Řeka Ohře měla vždy pro území severozápadních Čech mimořádný význam. Vytváří totiž v jeho protáhlém tvaru přirozenou podélnou osu, která od sebe odděluje geologicky odlišné útvary. Česká část povodí Ohře (zvláště na dolním a středním toku), o rozloze 5 614 km2, patřila vždy k nejhustěji obydleným územím našeho státu. Kromě rybářství Ohře poskytovala místnímu obyvatelstvu mnoho užitků. Sloužila k zavlažování zemědělských pozemků, plavbě dřeva, byla zdrojem vodní energie, což logicky vedlo k výstavbě pil, mlýnů a hamrů po celé délce jejího toku. Většina území, kterým řeka protéká, je „venkovským prostorem“ (viz tabulka č. 1) a její povodí je v současnosti využíváno pro různé aktivity venkovského turismu, k nimž se řadí rekreace (nejčastěji formou druhého bydlení), vodní turistika, cykloturistika, pěší turistika, lov, rybolov, jezdectví a hipoturistika aj.
Land cover and use changes are a constant challenge for planning and territorial research, due to their connection with sustainability. The natural environment is an infrastructure generating goods and services for citizens, and has not only an environmental value, but also an economic and societal one. However, the world in general and Romania in particular continue to witness changes affecting the green infrastructure negatively, even within the natural protected areas. One of the causes may be the low environmental awareness of planners, who continue to work according to outdated conceptual models, no longer connected to the progress of landscape and urban ecology.
This paper presents the issue of water management in the Czech Republic. Based on research, authors compare two management concepts with sight to the ownership of the water company. In some cases, water companies are owned and managed by regional self-government (ideal type of regional public water sector) and for others examples water companies are owned by private sector (ideal type international corporate water sector). The paper compares both approaches in the Czech water sectors by the methods of ethical management and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Therefore, beyond the scope of the law, how both types of management implement ethical instruments effectively in managing strategic material. The contribution explains the specifics of the Czech water development in the last twenty years and examines the situation in 2018/19. In the research, authors compared the water sector in 63 regional and district towns and according to three categories – economic (division of financial gain), CSR (code of conduct, social initiatives) and management quality (strategical planning). The article presents the results of their research. At the end of thesis they make recommendations for public administration how to implement more effectively the ethical management of water supply in the Czech Republic.
Ülkemizin yoğun dayanışma çabası gösterdiği bir dönemdeyiz. Doğu Anadolu fay hattının güneyinde ve çevresindeki geniş bir bölgeyi etkisi altına alan depremlerin yarattığı bu kriz döneminde, risk yönetiminin önemini hatırlama gereği yine ortada kalan ve yeterince sahiplenilmeyen bir gerçekliktir. Hâlbuki gelecek için artık bugünden sistematik önlemler alma konusunda hiç gecikme yaşanılmamalıdır.
Deprem gerçeğiyle bir kez daha yüzleşen ülkemiz yaşanan sarsıntılar neticesinde çok büyük insani ve ekonomik kayıplar vermiştir. Depremlerin beraberinde getirdiği ölümler, korku ve panik sosyal yaşamı neredeyse durma noktasına getirmiş ve büyük göçlerin yaşanmasına da zemin hazırlamıştır. Bölgede yer alan bireyler evlerinin yıkılması ya da ağır hasar almış olmasından kaynaklı olarak barınma ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak ya da güvende hissetmek için farklı bölgelere göç etmiştir. Yaşanan bu göç dalgasının bölge adına normal yaşama dönme yönünde orta ve uzun vadede sorunlar oluşturacağı yadsınamaz bir gerçektir.
Deprem jeolojik bir doğal afettir. Depremin büyüklüğü, kırılan fay uzunluğunun ortaya çıkardığı enerji ile ifade edilirken, deprem sonucunda meydana gelen can ve mal kayıpları, yapısal hasarlar gibi unsurlar ise oluşan depremin şiddetini belirler (Ergünay, 2009). Ülkemizde, 6 Şubat 2023 tarihinde Kahramanmaraş Pazarcık ve Elbistan merkezli büyüklükleri sırasıyla 7,8 ve 7,6 olan yıkıcı depremler yaşanmıştır (ODTÜ, 2023). Depremin meydana geldiği merkez bölgelerde 11’ e kadar ulaşan deprem şiddeti, Kahramanmaraş, Hatay, Malatya, Adıyaman, Gaziantep, Adana, Kilis, Diyarbakır, Osmaniye, Şanlıurfa şehirlerinde binlerce yapı enkazı oluşmasına neden olmuştur (AFAD, 2023). Çevre Şehircilik ve İklim Değişikliği Bakanlığı yaptığı incelemeler sonucunda, yıkılmış ve ağır hasarlı yapı sayısının 164 bin 321 olduğunu tespit etmiştir (URL-1).
6 Şubat 2023 tarihinde Kahramanmaraş, Gaziantep, Malatya, Diyarbakır, Kilis, Şanlıurfa, Adıyaman, Hatay, Osmaniye ve Adana olmak üzere on ilde ciddi can ve mal kayıplarına neden olan Türkiye saati ile 04.17’de ve 13.24’te Kahramanmaraş Pazarcık ve Kahramanmaraş Elbistan merkezli (sırasıyla Mw 7,8 ve Mw 7,7) iki deprem meydana gelmiştir. Söz konusu depremlerde en kritik konulardan biri ilgili kırıkların Türkiye aktif fay haritası ile birbirini üzerlemeyerek farklı alanlardan geçmesidir (İTÜ, 2023). Yeni bir bilgi olarak ele alınan bu durum depreme dair tüm unsurların da farklı açılardan ele alınmasının gerekliliğini ortaya koymaktadır.
Kapsayıcı tasarım kavramı, mekânsal erişilebilirliğin ötesinde tüm yaşamı içine alan kapsayıcı bir anlayışı ve kapsayıcı bir yaşamı ifade eden geniş anlamları bünyesinde barındırmakta; mekânsal erişilebilirlik, toplumsal erişilebilirlik, zihinsel erişilebilirlik, sosyal erişilebilirlik, dijital varlığa herkes tarafından ulaşım (Johansson vd., 2015: 418), yaşamsal bütünleştirici anlayışlar, toplumsal bütünleşme gibi kavramları kapsayan ve sadece mimari alanı değil, disiplinlerarası birçok alanı kapsayan bir yapıya sahiptir. Yaşamın genel akışı içerisinde olağan sayılan bireylerin zorlanmadan erişebildiği mekanlar, parklar, sokaklar, sosyal ortamlar, araçlar, hizmetler, kurumlar, faaliyetler ve yaşamın içindeki tüm fonksiyonlar bireylerin tamamı için erişilebilir olamamakta; özel gereksinimi olan bireylerin yaşamın her alanında var olmasının önünde çeşitli engeller bulunmaktadır.
6 Şubat 2023 tarihli Kahramanmaraş merkezli yıkıcı çifte depremde on binlerce kişi hayatını kaybetmiş ve birçok aile acı bir şekilde dağılmıştır. Ondan fazla ilimizde büyük bir enkaza neden olan deprem, en savunmasız kesim olan çocuklar ve gençler için de büyük bir tehlike oluşturmuştur. Bu bağlamda, çocuklar ve gençlerin fiziksel yaralanmalarının yanı sıra, ailelerini kaybetmiş olmanın yarattığı psikolojik travmalar önemli bir sorundur. Yaşanan olumsuzluklar çocukların ve gençlerin travma sonrası stres bozukluğu, depresyon, umutsuzluk, kaygı ve benzeri psikolojik rahatsızlıklar geliştirmesine neden olabilir (İşmen, 2016; Kardaş ve Tanhan, 2018).
Türkiye’de Şubat 2023 tarihli Kahramanmaraş merkezli ve müteakip bir dizi depremin yol açtığı can kaybı ve yıkım deprem bölgesi ile sınırlıdır. Ancak deprem tüm Türkiye toplumunda kollektif bir travma yaratmıştır. Deprem, bölgedeki ve bölgeden göç eden depremzedeler kadar yurt genelinde ve yurt dışında bulunan, bölgede kayıpları ve tanıdıkları olan, bölgeyi bilen ya da yaşananlara tanık olanları derinden etkilemiştir. Depremin ilk anından bu yana, Türkiye toplumu bu travmayı kapsayıcı bir dayanışma tavrı ile iyileştirmeye çalışmaktadır. Bundan sonraki süreçte yapılması gereken, bu acı deneyimden evrilen toplumsal bütünlük duygusunu temel almak ve kapsayıcı müdahale mekanizmaları ile pekiştirmektir. Makale, ulusal, bölgesel ve yerel politikalarda kapsayıcılığı sağlamak için kırılgan depremzedelere özel önem verilmesini savunur
On April 6th, 1667, Dubrovnik was hit by a disastrous earthquake. Seven nunneries were destroyed in the earthquake and the eighth, the Convent of St. Peter and Paul, burnt down in a fire that broke out as a consequence of the earthquake. The data on the number of casualties are contradictory; therefore, so are the data on the number of casualties among the nuns. Due to the vast number of casualties suffered by the nunneries and nuns, there was the issue of their fate after the earthquake. Archbishop Torres took advantage of the temporary absence of authority and decided to leave for Ancona together with the nuns. In his report on the journey he claimed that he had arrived at this decision because he deemed the nuns vulnerable as the government was not able to provide them with adequate accommodation and the necessary enclosure. However, one might argue that the archbishop, in making this decision, was actually more worried about himself than the nuns. As he was a representative of the head of the Church, should he not have stayed and provided spiritual comfort to the suffering population, especially, as he himself states in his report, because the survivors among the people were happy to see him alive? What prevailed was probably the fact that Archbishop Torres, just like any other foreign archbishop, was not satisfied with his post and had not been able to fully integrate in the town or with its people, the majority of which did not speak Italian. Maybe the fact that someone needed to take care of the nuns who had survived was his perfect excuse to leave the Republic. Although the nuns were extremely well received in Ancona and were opposed to an instant return home, the government wanted to bring them back as soon as possible. Apart from the intimate feelings of concern for their daughters, sisters and aunts, there were economic reasons that motivated the government as well. Nunneries had great shares in Italian banks and as long as the nuns were in Ancona the interest payments, which the government wanted to use for the reconstruction of the convents, were suspended. Patriotism may also have been a motivation for a quickest possible return of the nuns as the government wanted to have the nuns on their own ground, thereby showing that the earthquake had shaken them, but had not destroyed their ability to look after their citizens. Their eventual hurry in bringing back the nuns, whom they had, at first, accommodated at the Franciscan monastery in Ston, is also documented by the letters the nuns sent them, in which they mostly complained about the poor accommodation and food.