Dete kao žrtva ubistva u pravu Srbije
Violent offences directed against body integrity of other persons are in¬disputably considered as the most dangerous forms and aspects of criminality. They are known as the offences against body integrity or “blood offences”. Due to its significance, nature, characteristics and consequences, the crime of murder, for which all contemporary legislations prescribe the most severe types and measures of punishment, particularly stands out among these criminal offences. There are three types of murder. They include: 1) ordinary (common) murder, 2) murder committed under mitigating circumstances and 3) murder committed under aggravating circumstances, for which the most severe punishment is prescribed – the punishment of long – term or life – time prison. All contemporary criminal legislations are familiar with various forms and aspects of the crime of murder, depending on the division criteria. Murders committed out of various (different) motives that inspired their perpetrators to cause the death of another person, particularly stand out among other types of murder. Depending on its nature, type, contents and characteristics, perpetrator’s motive, may appear either as an aggravating or as a mitigating circumstance. This paper discusses the term, characteristics, and elements of the crime of murder in the cases when the attribute of child as the element of their description, from both – theoretical as well as practical aspect.