Vocaţia de bibliotecar.
It is an article about the library and book, about the past, present and perspectives of the librarian profession, about the attractiveness of this trade.
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It is an article about the library and book, about the past, present and perspectives of the librarian profession, about the attractiveness of this trade.
Biblioteca 2.0 nu mai reprezintă doar un concept ci, devine din ce în ce mai mult, o realitate de necontestat în mediul online, serviciile şi resursele sale fiind acceptate şi explorate cu interes de consumatorii de informaţie, utilizatori şi non-utilizatori deopotrivă. Catalogul de nouă generaţie este unul din pilonii de bază ai acestei construcţii moderne, care nu doar că înlocuieşte tradiţionalul şi învechitul OPAC, dar oferă căi spectaculoase, serendipitale și inovatoare de descoperire a informaţiei prin accesul, local şi la distanţă, la datele bibliografice şi la conţinutul integral al documentelorgestionate/abonate de bibliotecă. Articolul analizează contextul şi motivele care au determinat decizia de schimbare a vechiului OPAC, prezentând caracteristicile funcţionale ale catalogului de nouă generaţie, actualizat la cerințele secolului al XXI-lea, pentru a răspunde aşteptărilor şi nevoilor de informare ale internauţilor atât de obişnuiţi cu spaţiul şi instrumentele Web 2.0.
Mircea Filip collection were integrated in the Scientific Library in 2016. It contains patrimony of great importance. The author invites readers to an exciting journey into the world of books; gathered in a life of Man; to discover together their charm and wisdom; the spirit of the characters created in different time spaces. True biblical values have today become the books on which the dedication or Ex-Libris of the author is preserved
The paper in the rst place denes the term electronic library and its role in the development of library management. Historically, electronic library lies between traditional and digital library. Integrated library system is emphasized as a precondition for the development of an electronic library. The integrated library system enables the unication of library operations. Special emphasis in this paper is put on the development of electronic library in our country. Also, the automation in Serbian libraries from the 1980s to the present, as well as di«erent library systems in Serbian libraries are presented, with a focus on their advantages and disadvantages.
This article is dedicated to the Library of Museum of Theatrical Art in Belgrade, with the intention of representing its historical development, since the year 1952, when first mentioned as the Department of Library, Press clipping and Theatre’s bibliographical collection, until the time of forming of the modern department of Library, Press clipping and Digital collection. It presents reader with the organization of work in the Museum, with the emphasis on the defined jobs in Library itself, that are materialized trough work with users, collecting, studying and preserving materials of historical and development importance for the theatrical art in Serbia. This article provides a valuable introspection into the Library's fund, counting over 9.000 monographic, and over 200 units of serial publications. Also, it is focused on the issue of the lack of storage space and inadequate work conditions when it comes to working with users in Library premises. In addition to this, it reflects on the project of digitalization of funds of Museum of Theatrical Art of Serbia, which started at the beginning of 2008, with the goal of providing users with information services outside of the Museum’s premises. The ending part of the article on Library of the Museum of the Theatrical Art of Serbia emphasizes priorities in Library’s work and promotes activities in the forthcoming period.
Bibliographic descriptions preparation has been and remains an issue of cataloguer. Tha first cataloging rules appeared in the 19th century and over the years have been revised and updated. The most important meetings with the participation of international experts in the theory and practice of the bibliographical descriptions were those of Paris (1961) and Frankfurt (2003)
This article reflects the bibliometric research book on Wilhelmi collection, founded in 2004. The collection consists of approximately 979 titles in 1726 copies of documents covering all fields of science
Dans la pratique de catalogage en vigueur aux 17e–18e siècles, les soucis qu’on qualifierait aujourd’hui de bibliothéconomiques ne se sont pas affirmés. Cette affirmation porte également sur les bibliothèques dont le fonctionnement est déterminé par des prescriptions d’ordre monacal (constitutiones). Puisque les possesseurs ne pouvaient pas prévoir à long terme l’enrichissement de leurs bibliothèques, les possibilités d’acquérir de nouveaux livres sur des critères thématiques furent extrêmement limitées. Seulement une partie infime des bibliothèques fut soumise à un classement thématique détaillée (exécuté soit par le possesseur en personne, soit par son employé). La structure interne des bibliothèques, ainsi que les transformations thématiques de leur corpus constituent une source historique importante, puisqu’elles permettent d’étudier les tendances générales de la réception des idées occidentales dans la Hongrie de la période en question. Les deux phénomènes que nous devons impérativement retenir sont d’abord la sécularisation (la baisse de la participation des livres théologiques ou ecclésiastiques), puis la formation des collections patriotica (consacrées á l’histoire nationale).
In the following article I offer a survey of early Hungarica source materials in the Cambridge libraries, as well as a brief history of some of the major acquisitions.
The fact that the development of science is possible only when access is made to the results and the conclusions associated with the research which was conducted has been familiar for a long time in the scholarly community. In the 1990s this reflection became an impulse for the establishment of the Open Access movement (OA) and for the construction of the first open archives which were supposed to accelerate the flow of information. The article familiarises the reader with the premises of the OA concept which contributes to the popularisation of knowledge and its development, it presents on the basis of the example of the Jagiellonian University Repository the manner of the functioning of repositories, the benefits which are associated with the opportunity to publish works in the open access framework and it indicates the position which institutional digital libraries may assume in scholarly communication.
The current IT revolution moves mass social communication to the Internet. This communication is very frequently conducted by means of “traditional” methods such as e-mail or social media messengers. The author points out that in the case of communities which feature more formal relations of collaboration (especially research and scientific ones) such tools may be inadequate, and in order to come to terms with the risk of the emergence of information chaos she suggests the use of specialised internet instruments of communication, examples of which are discussed in the present work.
Social media provide considerable opportunities for quick and inexpensive publication of information, and consequently also for scholarly gleanings. This tool furnishes the possibility of communication between scholars themselves and of the popularisation of one’s accomplishments, results of research and instances of success of scholarly institutions. Scholars more and more frequently and eagerly embrace social media, not only for promotional purposes. Internet profiles or blogs are established by eminent scientists as well as by local and global institutions, such as NASA. The article discusses selected profiles devoted to scholarship (ones the present e.g. the most recent scholarly gleanings, ones that commemorate historical events etc.) and websites of scholarly institutions. Their accounts on two major social media portals were evaluated: Instagram (NASA, Brooklyn Museum, sciencedisplay Knowledge Is Power) and Facebook (Science News Magazine, American Museum of Natural History, British Museum), in order to describe the way in which popularity may be utilised in a positive way, and concomitantly to publicise frequently noncommercial activities of scholarly nature.
The object of the article is to analyse the application of norms and standards of bibliographical descriptions of electronic documents by selected scholarly publishers. The text familiarises the reader with the norms concerning bibliographical footnotes appended to electronic documents as well as the Citation Style Language and its application in bibliographical management software. A quantitative analysis was performed upon the guidelines for authors published on the websites of the publishers. The systems of references, the principles of the creation of bibliographical footnotes and the examples of descriptions were compared, and the compatibility of these items with the PN-ISO 960 norm was verified.
In the community of scholars scholarly periodicals perform various functions, inter alia they create a space for communication in the said community, they are the first outlet where results of research may be published or they are helpful in the evaluation of scholarly literature. Serial publications may also furnish inspiration for the flourishing of scholarship itself. After the Arianta database we assume that in Poland 84 library science and scholarly information periodicals are published. One of such titles is “Nowa Biblioteka. Usługi, Technologie Informacyjne i Media” (until 2014 known as “Nowa Biblioteka. Zeszyty Monograficzne Koła Naukowego Bibliotekoznawców Uniwersytetu Śląskiego”). Until the end of 2015 the periodical of the Student Association of Library Scientists of the University of Silesia in Katowice was the only periodical of student library science associations on the citation index list of periodicals of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education – Part B. Bytaking these reasons into account one performed a bibliometrical analysis of the periodical.The study material involved all publications featured in the periodical since its establishment in 2015. Serial publications were studied in depth. The formal and content-related features were taken into account, which in this case applied only to the part Artykuły i komunikaty [Articles and reports], thus showing the directions of research of scholars. The statistical changes of the “Nowa Biblioteka” were presented as well as the estimated directions of development.
The article constitutes an analysis of the foreign Polonica published in the years 2001–2014 in Poland’s neighbouring countries. It explores the form of writing, the chronological and linguistic range, and the scope of themes of the publications released in the particular countries. The article was developed on the basis of a bibliography of foreign Polonica featured in “Nowa Biblioteka” in the years 2016–2017.