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Парадигма отворене науке савременог академског друштва обухвата промене у целокупном научноистраживачком процесу, почев од отвореног приступа подацима, отвореног рецензирања, до приступа научним радовима. Свесни чињенице да је неопходна и промена у евалуацији научноистраживачког рада, да се злоупотребљавају и често погрешно тумаче наукометријски параметри, поготово фактор утицаја часописа, покренуте су декларације на глобалном нивоу како би се заузео заједнички став свих учесника у евалуацији научних резултата. Једна од првих иницираних декларација, DORA (Declaration on Research Assessment), конституисана је пре више од пет година. Сваке године, број институција и појединаца који приступају/потписују Декларацију расте, а тежња да се наука ослободи бремена комерцијалних издавача и постане заиста отворена, чини је све актуелнијом.
The Archive Institution has a special role in the preservation and protection of archival documents and for this purpose appropriate conditions must be created. An important role is played by the application of scientific working methodology and following strict procedures regarding the service of documents for the stakeholders. Special attention in this scientific paper will be paid to contemporary practices, for the technical protection of archival funds in the future as well as the basic duties of the archivists of the ASHAK Storeroom Sector.
The archivist figure is appointed to the tradition, culture and the preservation of cultural heritage and its legacy to future generations. The more professionally prepared an archivist is, the more evident the reflection of this legacy becomes. The need for qualified archivists has always been a necessity. Although archivistics is generally recognized as a manual science, this does not mean that it cannot embrace technological change. A well-informed archivist is always an added capacity to protect in the face of contemporary and on-going documentation. In order to be a specialized archivist it’s not enough to be a traditional archivist, nor to have learned the base program of knowledge in the archivist’s field. Today a specialized archivist must be capable of breaking the risen barriers between the archival document and the researcher, between tradition and advanced technology, between the will to open archives and the information guarantee. The archivist’s profession, today more than ever, needs harmony between theory and practice, basic principles of archiving, various disciplines with archiving and history.
Archival records, which have been submitted to the Kosovo Archive during different periods by certain institutions, organizations or individuals, have been systematized in the archives repository as assessed on the spot by the leaders of the institution. In many cases, archival fonds have been allocated by placing them in, allegedly “temporarily” places or due to lack of space. From time to time we have organized various workshops in order to make their organization adequate, at the same time to make more accessible not only the work of the staff within this institution, but also the highest quality service for researchers in various scientific fields. As such, the Archives of the Republic of Kosovo, in the framework of development and modernization trends, consider it necessary, in addition to systematization and storage of records, to move to the digitalization phase. Therefore, to reach this level, in the framework of this paper I will discuss the thesis of reorganization, systematization and the need for digitalization of archival records.
Në Konferencën IV Ndërkombëtare të Arkivistikës do të paraqesim një punim tipik të punës arkivore, i fokusuar te rëndësia e përpunimit të lëndës arkivore. Ky punim merr shkas nga problematikat e hasura nga puna disavjeçare në Arkivin Qendror të Shtetit. Jo rrallëherë ndodh që të konsultosh një dosje arkivore për qëllime pune apo studimore, aty vëren se titulli i dosjes nuk përputhet me materialin e ruajtur brenda saj. Pikërisht përgjegjësia profesionale dhe njerëzore do të jenë në qendër të punimit, duke e vendosur theksin në statusin që të jep titulli arkivist. Punimi do të jetë i fokusuar në anën metodike të arkivistikës si dhe do të t’i japë përgjigje pyetjes pse është i rëndësishëm përpunimi i saktë dhe profesional i dokumenteve arkivore dhe pasojat negative që sjellin ato në informim. Punimi do të jetë i mbështetur në literaturë të teorive arkivore si dhe në përvojën personale të punës.
There were some rules that have been used at „G.T. Kirileanu”Library – Neamţ during the organization process: • The term / subject is written in an inarticulately form, singular number; exceptions: some collocations ( ex. Public Finances, Communications etc).• Homonyms will be avoided; using parenthesis, we will be able to give more informations about the domain of activity our subject bellongs to. Ex. computer (structure), computer (to create programs), computer (virus).• Concerning synonimy, the problems will be solved by using specific terms, such as „see”, that will send us to some related terms / subjects. Ex. FoxPro see Visual FoxPro In the same time, TINLIB – a professional computer program – allows us to enrich the list of keywords, along with the inseration of new bibliographical recordings.The database of „G.T. Kirileanu” Library is properly organized in this moment. It is used by a lot of readers and their number is growing permanently.
The activity of a library may be appreciated by the quality of its services offered to the public and by the impact of these services upon readers. Inspite of the economical difficulties, libraries seem to be going through a benefic period; that is because of the informational development, the presence of computers in libraries, the use of informational computer programmes in librairies.There are some principles, according to which we might appreciate the activity of a library and, maybe, the most important is the relation between input (the resources that enter the library, the revenues) and output (the result, based on those resources).In order to estimate the activity of public libraries from the Mureş County, we had used some standards printed forms that required information on collections, aquisitions, the way of organizing the public services etc.Using the number of the inhabitants as a criterium, public libraries may be devided into 5 groups: the first group is represented by small villages with no more than 1000 inhabitants and the last group – towns with more than 10000 inhabitants. Each group deals with specific problems, such as: lack of editorial novelties, unspecialiazed personnel, apathy of the readers and, unfortunatelly, the lack of interest of local authorities.
Spovid općena (‘General Confession’) is typographically unattractive little book. This is the only work by Blaž Baromić characterised by a ‘printing mark’. On the basis of size and proportion of the only preserved copy, a geometric analysis of formal components of the book was conducted and some lesser known facts of printing art in the time of incunabula came out. A printing plan was reconstructed – method of harmonisation of all surfaces – due to formatting of the printing form in a quart. The body size (German Kegelhöhe) as a basic unit in a manual proto typometer was established. This is Cicero of Baromić Senj Press, with the size (4.12 mm) very close to German letter size called Reinländer or Brevier (11 Didot's dots or 4.136 mm). All typographic sizes in Spovid are possible to measure with hole units without rest in duodecimal measure system and their role can be supported in Pythagoras’s and Christian symbolic of numbers.Geometrical analyses of the book reveals the extension of Baromić’s knowledge and answers to the question: why in this little book (not in a Missal) a proportional sign was printed, why this sign has a form of sexton (1 : √3) and why is placed on the third page of the last ternion?
In the article the author brings together a complete list of all published papers and articles in the Senj Almanac. The list is formatted in two parts: first contains alphabet list of all the authors and their articles which were published in the Almanac without classification and the second part contains list of all the articles and papers selected by the Almanac’s volumes. The articles were listed in the order of how they were published.
The magazine „Schlesische Volksblätter” was published from 1822 to1824 in Wrocław by Grass and Barth and was edited by Gräve und Härtel. The issues of the articles reflected the theological, pedagogical and social events. Sermons and lectures concerning the problem of religious tolerance and fight with superstitions constituted a special part of the magazine. The reasons for discontinuation of further issuance of the magazine are unknown.
The publication reflects the results of a survey on “Personal bibliographic indexes”, conducted in the period from 02/01/2019 to 08/31/2019. The questions to the respondents are aimed at obtaining information about their library software, the standards for bibliographic description they use in the preparation of personal bibliographic indexes, the type, form, access and information enrichment of the indexes, information about bibliographic databases, etc. The results of the survey outline conclusions and provide guidelines for future decisions regarding the creation, organization, presentation and access to bibliographic resources, in particular personal bibliographic indexes.
Support Vector Machines are a widely used tool in Machine Learning. They have some important advantages with regards to the more popular Deep Neural Networks. For the problem of image classification, multiple SVMs may be used and the issue of finding the best hyperparameters adds additional complexity and increases the overall computational time required. Our goal is to develop and study Monte Carlo algorithms that allow faster discovery of good hyperparameters and training of the SVMs, without impacting negatively the final accuracy of the models. We also employ GPUs and parallel computing in order to achieve good utilisation of the capabilities of the available hardware. In this paper we describe our methods, provide implementation details and show numerical results, achieved on the publicly available Architectural Heritage Elements image Dataset.
This paper presents theoretical results on estimation the condition number with application in image restoration problems.
The purpose of the article is to clarify the specific features of documentary information resources determine the theoretical foundations of the process of their classification, development of classification models based on documentary and source methodology. Research methodology. Methods of historical document science, source studies, archival science were applied, which allowed establishing the attribute of the documentary information resource and its classification within the limits of document science theory. The scientific novelty of the work is to establish the specific features of documentary information resources, identify information characteristics, disclose internal and external features of documents, their further classification as a documentary source of information stored in archives, museums, and libraries. Conclusions. The study made it possible to generalize the theoretical knowledge of historical records management and source study about the specific features of the documentary-information resource and the process of their subsequent classification. Systematization and classification of documentary and information resources expand the possibilities of studying the theoretical foundations of a document, allows you to create a holistic comprehensive vision of the external and internal features of a document as an information resource and a means of communication from the point of view of theoretical and thematic-applied problems. Historical records management, archival studies, and source studies provide for the use of interdisciplinary methodological foundations of scientific research of documentary and information resources. The process of classifying documentary and informational resources of a specific problem-historical study includes the fact that they are an organic component of the informational past of Ukraine.
Purpose of the article. Guided by the new methodology, to find out the communicative features of the functioning of documentary and information resources, to investigate the theoretical aspects of establishing communication links, to establish their role in the formation of social and communication relations of society. Methodology. The study used the methods of the theory of social communication and records management, such as methods of scientific analysis and synthesis, survey-analytical, historical, classification, and terminological methods. The above methods made it possible to reveal the essence of social relations established with the help of documentary and informational resources. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the establishment of the communicative features of documentary and information resources, scientific and theoretical reflection on their existence, a retrospective reflection of time and reality using the latest scientific and methodological tools for studying the social and communication ties of society. Conclusions. In the study of documentary and information resources, as a reflection of time and space, revealed their communication links, the scheme of the act of social communication, which is determined by the presence of communicator, recipient, message, channel, feedback, a documentary form of communication act provoked by purpose, motives, and means.
The focus of this paper is to display the role and significance of bibliographies, bibliographers and bibliographic activities held and preserved by the Institute for Oriental Studies of the University of Sarajevo. Bibliographies are mostly published through the journal Contributions to Oriental Philology. However, there are also several independent bibliographies, done by researchers and librarians. A researcher who deserves special focus, due to her approach to the body of work and her contribution to Oriental studies, especially bibliographies, is Bisera Nurudinović.
Information Retrieval Systems are software that save and carry out the management of the information contained in documents. Any Information Retrieval System is based on a mathematical model. The main mathematical models on which the Information Retrieval Systems are based on are: the Boolean model, the Vector Space model, the probabilistic model and the linguistic model. In addition to these classical models, in the recent years there have been added the models based on clustering methods, Latent Semantic Indexing and Support Vector Machines. The present article describes the principles underlying these models, the advantages and disadvantages for each model, with a view to clarify the role these models play or may play in the information retrieval process..
This paper deals with main issues that a public library has to face today. It brings up major problems that libraries come across in times of crises, such as: lack of financial resources, lack of specialized personnel, lack of proper space and lack of support from authorities. It is a thorough analysis of these problems, also of the role and importance of libraries in this society. It emphasizes the fact that a public library is more then just a cultural center, in which people come to relax. For, the library has a clear cultural aspect, but the most important one is that of the formation and information of the people.
The cataloging of old and rare books is one of the top activities in a library. This action demands solid librarianship knowledge, as well as good knowledge of the history of books and printing, abilities to decipher and interpret notes, paleography, notions of conservation and also probity and judgement. Therefore, it takes time to shape a specialized librarian. The activity of such a librarian is somehow similar to scientific research.This activity requires much attention and accuracy, the description must give as many details as possible, so there is also a list of useful tools which a librarian can and should use when cataloging old or rare books.