Author(s): / Language(s): Romanian
The Romanian Librarians Association (ABR) is the national professional body that brings together representatives of all types of libraries and which, through professional divisions and sections, supports the theoretical and practical development of librarianship and information sciences by studying the main scientific issues and by organizing meetings. periodic scientific meetings, exchanges of experience and good practices, while contributing to increasing the degree of standardization of specific activities at national level.The section „Old Book. Conservation. Restoration” is one of the 11 professional sections of ABR which, since its establishment, has managed to bring together specialists in the field of books and cultural heritage, from various institutions with a role in the process of protection and enhancement of cultural heritage, initiating and carrying out, during all this period, training and professional development programs, conferences, symposia, debates, workshops.Regardless of the names under which it has operated during the 30 years of activity “Conservation. Preservation. Restoration”; ”Old book. Conservation. Restoration. Digitization”; The section “Old book. Conservation. Restoration”, through the topics and issues debated in the workshops, scientific sessions, had significant contributions to raise awareness of the role of mobile cultural heritage in preserving national and local cultural identity and social cohesion.Annually, in two sessions, both in the spring and in the itinerant ABR Conferences, with massive participation and active involvement of book lovers, specialists in the field of conservation of cultural heritage, cultural and scientific personalities, central and local authorities , representatives of cultural and educational institutions, were presented numerous and important communications that touched on current issues, focusing on legislation to impose the best possible protection of the country's movable and immovable cultural heritage, as well as on the vulnerable aspects of libraries, respectively on finding alternative methods to remedy them. Of particular importance were the book launches that took place during the events of the section, and I would like to mention the volume Biblioteca Batthyaneum la sfârşitul secolului al XIX-lea. Cartea – catalog a lui Varjú Elemér, adnotată şi comentată (Biblioteca Batthyaneum at the end of the 19th century. Book - catalog of Varjú Elemér, annotated and commented), Bucureşti, Editura Bibliotecii Naţionale a României, 2014. Writing, annotation and afterword, Dr. Doina Hendre Biro; Cercetări privind aeromicroflora din mediile de bibliotecă: studii de caz privind analiza microbiologică a microaeroflorei din bibliotecă (Research on aeromicroflora in library environments: case studies on microbiological analysis of microaeroflora in the library), by Dr. eng. Vasile A. Deac, prof. Ionela Burz, eng. Alexandru Deac - Gheorghe Şincai County Library, Oradea; other bibliometric works, case studies, working procedures regarding the classification of documents, evaluation of patrimony documents, itinerary of objects.My professional career, as a specialist in librarianship and, especially, in the field of conservation of collections and movable heritage legislation, led me to lead this section from 2009 to 2019, so I was an active witness of the professional joy shared by the participants to the activities of this section, so special and valuable for the extension and permanence of national and international collaborations in order to protect and enhance the national documentary heritage.I feel extremely honored to be able to open the volume that brings together, under the coordination of my colleague and friend Ph.D Silviu-Constantin Nedelcu, the works presented at the spring session of the section „Old Book. Conservation. Restoration”, within the Association of Romanian Librarians (ABR), held in Bucharest, on May 21, 2020, with the theme "The old Romanian book (XVII-XVIII centuries)”.The volume Cartea românească veche (Sec. XVII-XVIII) (Cartea românească veche (Sec. XVII-XVIII)), the first of the section „Old Book. Conservation. Restoration”, is the result of the collaboration of specialists from various info-documentary institutions. Long awaited by our guild, it is, along with other notable publications published by ABR, on the main axis of information and documentation sciences, being a landmark for issues related to the history of books and printing, preservation and restoration of documents in libraries from Romania, models of good practices, old and rare book funds, documentary archives, existing publications in the monastic patrimony, the patrimony of the ecclesiastical libraries and the importance of annotations and notes on the old book in deciphering the local history. Also, current topics are treated on the issue of old book procurement, in accordance with the legislation on public procurement and European directives in the field, the status of documents and special collections, etc.The ontology and the complex issues addressed in the volume emphasize the role of the library in the process of research, conservation and enhancement of the national cultural heritage and the need to harmonize the main and secondary legislation applicable in libraries, in all its components.The theme of the volume leaves open the way to both theoretical and practical approaches, current and in resonance with technological developments and changes in the social and cultural paradigm in relation to the patrimonial potential held. Reading this volume, we will discover, in rigorously scientifically documented articles, information and valuable elements on conceptual, theoretical and practical aspects of the field, adapted to the receptive requirements of the specialized reader.Ph.D c Petruța-Mihaela VOICUPresident of the University and Specialized Libraries DivisionVice President of ABRHead of References Service"Carol I" Central University Library