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One of the important aspects of the learning process is the issue related to the readiness of teachers for its effective organization. This article is an attempt to determine the place of didactic competence in the structure of professional and pedagogical competence of the teacher, as well as to define the term „didactic competence“ and make a theoretical analysis of studies on this issue to date.
The application of drama education in the training of pre-service teachers in biology is an issue of particular relevance, which allows focusing on specially organized situations where students acquire different knowledge, skills and professional competencies based on experiential and emotional reflection. This article presents the educational potential of drama method of formation of professional competence of pre-service teachers in biology. Presented a comprehensive model to implement the elements of drama education in a specific pedagogical discipline in the training of pre-service teachers in biology.
In this article is presented a cognitive-didactic model based on which can be generated testing items, which assess the achievements at school students in the physics section „Mechanical oscillation”. The model is based on the extended Bloom’s Taxonomy and can be used in conventional physics education at Secondary school as well as in e-learning. An example test, which was constructed by applying the presented model, has been offered.
This paper attempts to put forward some problems of foreign language teaching in relation to cross-cultural communication. The introduction of cross-cultural issues in foreign language teaching is a logical consequence of the integrative tendencies which are getting more and more popular. The new circumstances require a different attitude towards the learners. They should be viewed as subjects of their own culture on the one hand, and as representatives of the foreign culture through the language studied, on the other hand. The problem is discussed in terms of its cognitive, emotional and pragmatic dimensions. The acquisition of proper language communication is placed within the context of cross-cultural education. However, the skills and attitudes that go with this acquisition process are ignored.
Children with disabilities are a dynamic social group, strongly in need of support that social work can provide. The topicality of the theme is reinforced by the fact that many children are drawn from institutions and are aimed at community services, where the idea is to implement a fundamentally new approach to their care, hence the important role played by various experts in the implementation of direct social work with children with disabilities. Social services are a milestone in politics, which is relevant to effective social inclusion and participation in society of vulnerable groups.
The phenomenon of resilience is a subject of various studies in recent decades. Scientific articles and real life situations from the practice of assisting specialists, examine the phenomenon and its factors. Interest and difficulty are the criteria for detection of resilience in certain target groups. Parents at risk of parting with their children is one such group occupying a large percentage as users of the social services in the country. This article addresses the question: how to identify parents who experience resilience, so that their life experience subsequently be used to improve the psycho-social support in the provision of social services.
The trend of escalation of the number of children with special educational needs, in resource centers data, increases the importance of resource specialists in this field. This relatively new professional field already has its successes, but there is more to be done to be more effective and useful. The special features of supervision convert it into a possible alternative form of solving problems with professional orientation and future professional achievements in the study area. The established efficiency of supervision in international aspect makes it attractive, but the sudden implementation could cause significant disruptions. The study of attitudes and ratio to supervision in its future fields of activity will not only facilitate eventual entry, but also a prerequisite for the quality of its offering.
Application of a variety of methods stimulating early development is crucial for students with special educational needs (SEN) in kindergarten and general education schools. Over the last decade art therapeutic methods have proven effective in working with children with SEN by providing a new path to knowledge. Through the use of art therapeutic techniques, selected activities can be tailored according to the developmental level of children. This strength-based approach helps children overcome fears and increase self-esteem. In the present article, we explore the educational aspects of art therapeutic work with children with SEN and identify the factors that have a significant impact on their development and social functioning in particular.
It is assumed that practicing musical activities during the educational process of the children contribute to their emotional development. In addition to formal education at school, most of them are realized in extracurricular activities and children’s leisure time. The focus of this report is on the impact of organized musical activities (in children’s leisure time) on children‘s development. The analysis of the influence of the musical activities provides an opportunity to highlight important aspects of the pedagogy of leisure time and cultural participation by practicing music.This report presents the results of research on self-assessment and attitude to the personal development of two groups of children aged 11 to 14 years. One group includes children who attend organized musical activities in their leisure time, and the other group – children who don’t attend such activities in their leisure time.
After the emergence of Kant’s book in 1798 about anthropology from a pragmatic point of view, the field of pedagogical anthropology appeared and developed continuously. Therefore, it is of a great importance to know Kant’s ideas exposed in his “Anthropology”. He argues that anthropology is a discipline influenced by philosophy, culture and history. The pedagogical anthropology is no exception to this pattern. The aim of this review is to identify the major issues in Kant’s work which are fruitful in relation to education.
The aim which is set in the research is a consistent analyzing of Hegel’s sensible world. Thus, it explicates the distinction between sensible and supersensible world. An important part is the specific, different understanding of the Subjective spirit’s structure, so as the entire Phenomenology. Such comprehension lays the metaphysical foundations and grounds of ethical life, like primordial, conceptual mediation. This prompting into representation of the bilateral dynamic between sensible and supersensible, to the unity and balance of feeling and reason understood like responsibility and necessity.
This article analyzes the Being and the problems of modern man, as well as the relation between individual and society through the works of Erich Fromm. Issues such as destructiveness of individuals and communities, outlined are the “diseases” of modern times: alienation, broken identity, loneliness.
This theoretical study presents conceptual views on the psychological mechanisms through which the regime, the social-educational work and the prison subculture influence on the mental functioning of prisoners.The penitentiary institution provides constructive and destructive transformations of the conscious layers into unconscious ones, as well as the reverse process.
This article is devoted to the structures and frameworks of the professional associations in West Central Bulgaria during the XIX century. The guild-embedded professional life of Bulgarians in the region reveals itself rich in various influences, resulting from migrations, wars, politics, religious life. Each guild owned a complex of traditions, rules, beliefs and cult of a patron saint, particularities, sets of connections and secret slangs, often jealously guarded by its members. The guilds` mutual funds, just like those of the church communities played a key role in the supply of credit to production and trade. The difference is found in the relative amount of supply, which is lesser within the guilds.
The article presents one of the tragic stories that took place during the World War II in occupied Poland. It describes the fate of one rural family playing an important role in Markova and its surroundings by engaging it in various public initiatives. The article describes the situation in occupied Markova, the chronology of the crime against Jews and Poles, the efforts to punish the perpetrators, and the actions aimed at perpetuating the heroic life and death of the Ulma family.
The parliamentary elections held in March 2016 led to the victory of Robert Fico’s SMER party and the defeat of the traditional right-wing parties. This earthquake-like electoral change altered the stable but otherwise diverse party scene in Slovakia. Besides addressing the general result of the elections, the paper also tries to explore the party preferences of ethnic Hungarian voters. It examines the share of the votes for the MKP, which is an ethnic Hungarian party and the Most–Híd (’Bridge’ in English), which is a liberal interethnic formation.
The main aim of this paper is to give a general overview of diaspora policies with an emphasis on kin-state activism in Central and Eastern Europe. The first section of the paper will summarize the main theoretical approaches to diaspora studies, which are marked by the emerging tendency toward typology construction. In this part I will explore the most relevant typologies within this field of study from a critical perspective. The second section of the paper will turn to existing diaspora policies, offering a structural collection of the most commonly adopted diaspora engagement practices in Central and Eastern Europe. I will examine why and under what conditions kin-states in this part of Europe seek to engage co-national communities living beyond their borders, with special regard to the similarities.