Книги 2017
Selected bibliography in the field of Bulgarian Studies published in the current year.
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Selected bibliography in the field of Bulgarian Studies published in the current year.
Data about scientific events in the field of the humanities in Bulgaria in 2017
The High Level Group on Modernization of Higher Education pays special attention and explores the issues of quality of education and new models of teaching and learning, taking into account the lagging behind of European higher education institutions and the reduced competitiveness of European higher education. This paper presents current EU policies aimed at achieving better quality of learning in higher education, recommendations to national authorities and higher education institutions as well as the more important guidelines on modern teaching and learning methods reflected in the publications of the High Level Group on the Modernization of Higher Education. Recommendations and guidelines are illustrated with examples of good practices selected by the High Level Group.
The purpose ot the present study is to develop and experiment a motivating didactical model, including a system of pedagogical strategies, technologies and techniques, and teaching didactical materials and order to increase the quality of training of the students of the subject "Pedagogy of the Technology and Entrepreneurship Education". The results of the study of Academic motivation level found that the academic motivation of the students has a very good level of devolopment - the share of students with a strong and moderate level of academic motivation predominates.
This research investigates the impacts of the implementation of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education in Environmental Chemistry course to enhance environmental literacy of prospective chemistry teacher. The research method used was quasi-experiment. Problem based learning (PBL) approach was implemented at the control group, while PBL-STEM was implemented at the experimental group. The dimensions of Environmental literacy to be concerned were environmental competence, environmental knowledge, and attitudes towards environment. The results of research reveal that PBL-STEM education can be used as an effective approach to improve the environmental literacy of prospective chemistry teachers. The average improvement of environmental literacy and its dimensions in the experimental group was significantly higher than the control group.
Olive mill wastewater (OMW) is considered as phytotoxic and thus an environmentally hazardous material, it is one of the most severe environmental factors that reduces and limits growth and development of plants. This study was conducted under laboratory conditions in order to evaluate the effect of OMW at three concentrations on seeds germination and seedling growth of maize (Zea mays L.). Seeds were soaked then placed in petri-dishes and irrigated with 1, 5 and 10% v/v concentrations of OMW. A control was moistened with distilled water. The germination percentage, root and shoot length, phytotoxicity percentage of root and shoot, and contents biochemical like total proteins, oil, total soluble sugars and starch for both the endosperm and the embryo of maize were observed. The results obtained showed beneficial effects using low concentrations of OMW whereas the treated plants with 1% of OMW showed a slight improvement in all the above growth parameters and contents biochemical, but the highest levels 5 and 10% of OMW had a negative effect compared with control.
The text deals with the idea of conducting a lesson based on a real novel as an opportunity for active participation of students. Shown is the ability for students to build hypotheses, organize their discussion, create logical reasoning, seek argument from the literary text and find their graphical image. The research done, the new vision of learning material, enhances the lesson learning. The production of aesthetic material leads to emotional satisfaction in children.A practical development of lesson, based on the novel “Tartuffe”, is shown.
The lecture deals with the issues of metaphorical transfer. It defines translation as an interlanguage or, metaphorically speaking, as occupying the position of the demotic text on the Rosetta Stone. It proves with examples of metaphors’ translation into different languages that any denial, deviation or distortion of the metaphorical transfer is a symptom of the qualitative impoverishment of the target text in comparison to the source text.
The general aim of this article is to promote the idea and organization of foster care as a protection measure and social service as reflected by the media. The media plays an important role in introducing, popularizing and evaluating the foster care – showing examples of both „bad“ and „good“ practices. The positive direction it creates is to inform the public about the service by showing these practices. The negative direction, the sceptical thinking and even the denial of this new form of care for children in need and risk, which is still seeking its place in Bulgaria and worldwide, come from the media suggestions that the foster parents are living and often profiting on the back of the children.
The paper deals with prostitution in 18th century Ottoman society, Bulgarian lands including. Legislation on prostitution, resting both on the intransigent rules of religious law (sharia) and on the more tolerable Ottoman state law (some customary laws included), is taken into consideration. The paper is based on comparative analyses of literary narratives, “urban legends” and documentary sources from Ottoman archives related to prostitution and its persecution. The archives dating from the 18th century show that all measures (systematic and accidental) undertaken by the Ottoman authorities to combat and wipe out prostitution – mainly through imprisonment and expulsion of prostitutes and state servants caught in immoral contacts with prostitutes – had but a minimal effect. It was realized in the 19th century that prostitution is nothing but the “necessary evil” and that it is better to control through legalization of brothels and taxation of prostitutes (after the western pattern) than to apply rigorous measures, death penalty including.
The paper presents the authors’ research on gravestones found in villages near Sudak. Most gravestones date back to the second half of 19th and early 20th centuries. Gravestones in the villages near Sudak have their own history. The most ancient one is dated by 1218 a.h./1802–1803 c.e., and the most recent one – by 1362 a.h./1943 c.e. The gravestones found in Khoz, Tokhlukh and Tarakhtash can be classified in three groups:1. Ancient gravestones;2. Fragments (remnants) of ancient gravestones; 3. Top parts of the ancient gravestones – fez, dal fez [turban], sarykh, fragments of an astrakhan cap.Crimean Tatar gravestones found in these three villages were made in pillar on in slabstone form. The face plate contains inscriptions, called epitaphs (from Greek έπιτάφιος – “specific of gravestone”). The other sides of gravestones contain engravings (decorations and drawings): the Islamic symbol of a star and crescent, Koran, ewer and plants, including fig-tree, six-petal flowers, etc.The tradition of Crimean Tatar gravestones, found in Khoz, Tokhlukh and Tarakhtash villages near Sudak, originated from Ottoman Turkey. There is also some similarity between the gravestones in Sudak and the thombstones from the Roman period on the territory of contemporary Turkey.
The second issue of the Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai, Digitalia, offers a selection of papers and projects that were presented on the occasion of the first conference of the Digital Humanities Transylvania Centre, DigiHUBB, titled ‘Early digital computing in Eastern-Europe’, held on the 28 and the 29th of November 2017 at the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca. The conference was inaugurated with the key-note speech given by Professor Willard McCarty, one of the first scholars to enthusiastically support the launch and the activities of DigiHUBB, the first digital humanities centre in Romania. In his plenary lecture, professor McCarty underlined the fact that the prospects of a new centre always brings into mind the causes of the disappearance of once brilliant ones, with the main reason being the lack of an intellectual agenda. In his paper entitled The programmer and the scholar: A conversation which opens the volume, the professor interrogates the meaning of the ‘common understanding’ that is vital for the resistance of the digital humanities as a field, a common ground understood as ‘a fundamentally interdisciplinary and methodological enterprise’ that gives value to the field of ‘intellectual ecology of the arts and the letters’. For McCarty, the programmer and the scholar are not two different kinds of people but ‘two states being in an evolving cognitive resonance’. Thus, the intersection between machine and the enquirer creates an intersection ‘where a genuine digital humanities – a practice of as well as in the human disciplines – takes place.’
The prospects of a new centre for digital humanities brings to mind those once prominent centres that have disappeared, hence the question of what they did or did not do that would have made the difference. Here I suggest that they failed for lack of an intellectual agenda. Drawing from the early history of digital humanities, an ethnographic vignette of my own research, close attention to the machinery of computing and work in the history of the physical sciences, I suggest a beginning to such an agenda.
After several preparatory activities in the early 50s, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences decided that it is necessary to have an electronic computer in Hungary. The Research Group for Cybernetics was established in mid-1956 and charged with the task of obtaining one. As commercial solutions proved to be impossible at that time it was decided to build the clone of a recently developed Soviet computer. The M-3 was a medium sized member of one of the first families of Soviet computers. Complete documentation and a package of key components were received in the framework of scientific cooperation. (Similar clones were built in Tallinn, Beijing, Erevan and M-3 was later manufactured in Minsk) Building of the M-3 started late 1957 (with the author's participation). Some life-signs were emerging in 1959, while more-or-less stabile operation was reached in 1960. Several improvements were made over the original design. Magnetic drum memory was exported to Timisoara for MECIPT. Despite its low performance, M-3 was successfully used to solve many real-life problems both for scientific-engineering calculations and in mathematical economics. Applications in other fields, like linguistics started too. The most important contribution of M-3 was its role in educating computer experts: many of the future leading personalities - both on the development and on the application side - got acquainted with computing around the M-3. M-3 served academic computing until 1965, extended with three more years at Szeged University. In the first part of the 60s commercial computers started to arrive to Hungary both from the USSR and the West.
The history of computer-oriented higher education in Hungary started in 1957, when Prof. László Kalmár started the education of “applied mathematicians” at the University of Szeged. (The author graduated in the second year of this course, later called the “Szeged School.”) This paper starts with the computing experience around M-3, the first computer made in Hungary, and the use of this experience for educational purposes. It then continues with the initiatives of the University of Szeged, and, after surveying some basic and higher-degree courses, goes on to the institutions of higher learning offering education in computer studies, all the way to the programmer and program developer mathematician courses started in 1972 at three science-universities. However, the institutions of technical education will not be discussed in such detail; although teaching applied computing skills necessary for the technical field had begun quite early, the teaching of professional IT specialists was started only around 1990. The paper contains a table listing the first elective and founding subjects and the first specializations and independent training programmes offered by each university and college. Finally there is a short overview of the connections between contemporary professors and a list of the first conferences organized for IT teachers in Hungary.The IT History Forum (iTF) within the John von Neumann Computer Society (NJSZT) was founded at the beginning of 2009. At one of its events, it occurred to the author that information about the beginnings should be gathered while the persons in question are still alive. The study took 3 years to prepare and is the product of a large-scale collaboration: a total of 130 contemporary and present day teachers, researchers, and librarians participated in the work. Typotex published the material in the form of a book in 2012 . This study, which provides insight into the everyday lives of 30 institutions, is the source for this paper. (The book includes a name-index containing 300 entries and a list of almost 500 definitive contemporary articles, textbooks and technical books published until 1980.) – The paper is concluded with a brief presentation of the digitalised “Data Archive” (see the iTF website: http://itf2.njszt.hu) that serves to preserve the history of computing in Hungary.
This article is centered on the story of the pioneering endeavors in the field of informatics in Romania and more specifically in Cluj-Napoca. Stemming from personal experience and reverence towards the very first professors and specialists that opened up this vast and formidable domain, this article which reads as a history of Romanian informatics, has the added benefit of filling in a noticeable gap in texts that take into account this interesting subject. Spanning from the 50s and all the way up to the 90s and tracing the opening, and transformations, and eventual closure of research centers, laboratories, and various institutional collaborations, this article brigs a better understanding of the efforts and challenges that are always seem to be intertwined with progress, but which were eventually overcome through the persistence of brilliant scholars, and sometimes even the occasional favorable policy. Special attention is given to the entity of the Calculus Centre at Babeș-Bolyai University, founded in 1975, as the author himself was its director for 17 years until it was dismantled in 1992. This too however did not mark and end, but rather a new beginning, a different model of institution that was meant to tackle the ever-changing issues informatics face today.
The paper presents a pioneering period (68-76) in the context and with the difficulties of those years remembered all of a sudden in 2006 on the occasion of the celebration of Herbert Francke in Bremen. This leaded without further explanations to a partial restart of the educational activity in the ‘graphic-imagery’.