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The book discusses relations between pedagogy as a scientific discipline and education as a specific type of social practice, the issues related to education of teachers, their preparation for a job, and further professional development, as well as key issues regarding teacher education: integration of the pedagogical theories with educational practice, key values in educating teachers, inspirations and prospects for this professional group.
A critical analysis of the determinants of African refugeeism and an evaluation of the system of protection and humanitarian aid. The author discusses all the aspects of refugeeism and includes a reflection on both its causes and current unsatisfactory attempts at solving this problem.
The author analyses from an anthropological and a military perspective the shaping of cross-cultural awareness as well as the forms and methods of its implementation within multinational military contingents. She also attempts to evaluate the impact of taking into account the cultural factor on the effectiveness of operations conducted by international military forces. She portrays the decreasing importance of technological advantage over intangible issues. In such a situation the cultural factor plays a fundamental role, proving that it is necessary to “rearm” soldiers in cultural and cross-cultural awareness. This tool should be a means to an end, which is restoring safety and growth opportunities – with respect for local cultural norms – in countries troubled by long-term violence, poverty and a lack of perspectives for civilians.
Praca jest swoistym kompendium wiedzy na temat istoty i badań zjawisk określanych mianem patologii społecznych. (…) Stanowi cenną pozycję w polskim piśmiennictwie geograficznym. Autor ujmuje problem patologii społecznej w sposób szeroki i wyczerpujący. Podejmuje próbę nie tylko zestawienia różnych perspektyw i ujęć badawczych, lecz także uporządkowania tego rozległego materiału.dr hab. Iwona Sagan, prof. UGKsiążka Tomasza Witesa wprowadza nowy wymiar teoretyczny i w tym sensie jest oryginalna i wnosi istotne wartości do rozwoju geografii. (…) Podjęty w niej problem patologii społecznej ma istotne znaczenie dla teorii i metodologii geografii, ma także znaczenie praktyczne. Autor postanowił osadzić problem zarówno w ujęciach obecnie już historycznych, jak i współcześnie dominujących.dr hab. Stanisław Mordwa, prof. UŁ Tomasz Wites – geograf, pracownik Wydziału Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, sekretarz Zarządu Głównego Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego. Specjalizuje się w geografii człowieka. Autor książki Wyludnianie Syberii i rosyjskiego Dalekiego Wschodu (2007), stypendysta tygodnika „Polityka”, Fundacji na Rzecz Nauki Polskiej, laureat wielu innych nagród.
The author concentrates on four humanitarian and philanthropic initiatives that were undertaken in the Second Polish Republic by American social activists from such organizations as the American Relief Administration, Joint, the Rockefeller Foundation, or the YMCA. The book presents how American social norms and family values were transferred to allegedly backward Poland. The author uses gender and social class as main categories of analysis and highlights religious and ethnic dimensions of the analyzed initiatives.
The author presents the image of a modern father - present in the child's life and involved in his upbringing. The book contains a comprehensive discussion of the topic, from the theoretical description of family history, through the psychological approach to parental behavior, to the presentation of the author's typology of fatherly attitudes. The author describes and analyzes paternal attitudes in the Polish rural environment on the example of the Płock poviat. The issues raised are also presented from the perspective of the respondents themselves, analyzing their perception of the role of the father and the feelings associated with her, as well as the factors conditioning the participation of men in childcare.
The monograph aims to discuss the Armenian-Turkish relations in the media discourse of the 21st century, predominantly on the basis of French and Russian-speaking mass media on the Internet, with particular emphasis on cognitive analysis of media materials and their influence on exacerbating or alleviating the Armenian-Turkish conflict.The Armenian-Turkish conflict, triggered by the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire and lasting for more than 100 years, has been widely discussed in media coverage, including on the Internet. Most of the research material therefore comes mainly from the Internet and includes online editions of paper publications, including traditional periodicals, digitalized official publications, blogs, forums, and even Wikipedia. The choice of the research material is motivated by approaching the subject via the analysis of information transmitted in any direction, in any medium, and in any form to any recipient, because an undefined recipient (i.e. everyone) often seeks out and retains information without paying attention to its source.The above approach has also conditioned the research timeframe, which covers the first and partly the second decade of the 21st century (with the origins of the conflict in the beginning of the 20th century briefly sketched out for context). The choice of languages, on the other hand, was dictated both by the fact that the Russian and Frenchspeaking media practically “accompanied” this conflict from the first moment onward, as well as by the fact that the former reflects its Eastern and the latter its Western perception.The present study constitutes the first foray into the topic and is an essential part of understanding and improving the processes taking place in French and Russianspeaking media discourses, among other things: 1) critical analysis of the abovementioned discourses, 2) influence of the media on the processes occurring in the perception of discursive information at the level of consciousness and subconsciousness of the recipients, 3) attempts to distinguish discursive fact and falsehood from the perspective of cognitive analysis of discourse models, 4) the paradigm of truthfulness of discourse at the level of its compatibility with reality.The examples analyzed in the book in both languages are identical or at least relatively substantially similar, taking into account the perceptual characteristics of both French and Russian.The monograph presents the theoretical foundations of the research (in particular, the philosophical and socio-psychological framework), introduction to the theory of discourse (the social functions of language, the place of information in cultural and relation-forming discourse, the critical analysis of discourse, the directions of research and discourse analysis) and the channels of information flow, along with their cognitive analysis (issues related to, among other things, the specificity of the language of the media, the illocutionary structure of discourse, and the categorization of discourse are taken into account).A fundamental place in the study is occupied by the matter of the semantic structure of the so-called plexuses (as components of cognitive analysis), which, derived from K. Popper’s paradigm of worlds, create discursive space and space for empirical translation (or materialization) of discourse. In addition, the monograph covers issues related to the normative meaning of discourse in correlation with national ideology and the analysis of manipulative discourse tactics. It also presents the influence of socio-political and economic factors on the linguistic structure of discourse.Moreover, the research presented in the monograph includes the influence of the noun genocide (from Greek genos – genus, genealogy, origin, and Latin cide, from caedere – to kill, to massacre) on its subliminal reception by the participants of the discourse, as well as ethnocultural stereotypes and the specificity of the sociolinguistic analysis of the ideological propaganda war. It is worth noting that the social interaction of the understanding of genocide in Armenian-Turkish relations was also taken into account in the study.The conclusion is that the discourse includes a number of clearly separated semantic codes, which in this case can be divided into historical-patriotic, legal-judicial, religiousspiritual, visionary-analytical, economic, critical-oppositional, state and raison d’etat, civilizational-European vs. barbarian-Asian, and national superiority.
The volume discusses the dynamically changing identities among Buryats and other nations of Eastern Siberia and Inner Asia. The wide range of articles has been organized into three clusters – Ethnicity and Nation-Building Processes, Buddhist Identities, and Landscape and Indigenization. Some of the papers present anthropological empirical research of particular groups, while other adopt a perspective of literary or ecological studies. Constituting an interdisciplinary endeavor, the volume tries thus to link the diverse phenomena under investigation and different research methodologies, and to show them in a wider context of historical and transnational processes. Lastly, it aims at bringing new theoretical perspectives to studies of nations and peoples of broadly understood Inner Asia.
In Poland and in Latin American countries socio-economic development has large environmental costs. The ruling elites, in the name of economic growth, do not care enough to follow the recommendations for such resource management as to reduce all types of pollution and emissions harmful to humans and the environment. The societies themselves are also not fully aware of these changes. This publication is a continuation of the topics discussed in earlier monographs, which were the result of joint research of Polish and Latin American geographers within many projects dedicated to urban issues. It is the second of the two volumes published in 2021 and contains texts presenting new case studies and new ideas about sustainable development, risk and local development in Poland, Colombia and other Latin American countries. Thousands of pages have already been written on sustainable development. However, the subject is still relevant. Processes occurring in the environment, especially the climate change, only emphasize the need for further research and discussion on the subject. In this monograph we return to the issue of understanding and implementing the idea of sustainable development in Poland and Latin America. We also join the discussion on sustainable urban development and governance. Finally, by presenting a few examples, we address the issue of the conflicting nature of sustainable development policies in some countries and regions. The book also introduces the reader to the issue of education on sustainable development. As part of the cooperation of Polish and Latin American geographers academics of the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies of Warsaw University have been lecturers at doctoral studies in urban and regional sustainable development and post-doctoral studies in Earth and Environmental Science at the University of Manizales in Colombia (Doctorado en Desarrollo Sostenible y Posdoctorado en Ciencias de la Tierra y el Medio Ambiente). Doctoral students and lecturers from the University of Manizales have visited Poland many times in joint symposia and workshops. In 2017 a Polish-Colombian monograph in Spanish was published in Colombia and in 2018 two scientific monographs, both in Spanish and English, were brought out by the University of Warsaw Press. This volume is the second of the two published in 2021 and contains only English texts on sustainable development, risk and local development in Poland, Colombia and some other Latin American countries.
Why is music present in so many aspects of our lives? One potential answer lies in the emotions we feel in a variety of situations when listening to and experiencing music. In response to music, we cry, we laugh, we shiver; we feel sadness and nostalgia, but also joy and ecstasy. However, the areas of study that analyze these diverse aesthetic experiences raise interesting questions. Are these experiences emotions? If so, what kind of emotions are they? How do these emotions arise? The author looks for answers to these questions and discovers the curiosities of musical emotions' psychology.
School is a place where cooperation is of particular importance. Achieving the primary objective, which is the education and upbringing of children and young people, depends on the cooperation of teachers, students, parents and the local community. The following study is devoted to the topic of cooperation of school and family environments. This theoretical and empirical study discusses the main issues related to the implementation of the idea of cooperation between parents and teachers in Polish schools, as well as showcases the problems and prospects for its development. The volume is addressed to teachers, parents and those who remain committed to building a school based on dialogue.
This publication constitutes the result of reflection and research on the connections between people’s “dark” personality traits and their preference for self-presentation in photographs as well as how they are perceived based on photographs. The book includes a review of the literature on the dark triad of personality (psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and narcissism) and image in the context of self-presentation and perception of others, including perception on the basis of photographs, and features a description of the conducted research. It is addressed to those interested in the topics of self-presentation, the dark triad of personality, and psychological research using photography as a medium.
A bilingual book of poems by Petro Murianka (Piotr Trochanowski), originally written in Lemko and translated into Silesian. The poems introduce readers to minority literature and the linguistic and cultural diversity of Poland. Łymkowsko duszyczka is a contribution to the minority discourse and a proposition of literary dialogue between ethne living in Poland, but above all an opening of the Lemko world to Silesian recipients, most often completely unfamiliar with Lemkovyna – with the hope that they will want to get to know it better.
The monograph proposes viewing classification as not only a cognitive process that organizes knowledge, but also one that promotes the dynamic development of science: initiating new directions, concepts, branches of science, trends, sub-disciplines, etc. In structured knowledge it is easier to detect places yet unmarked in science. Thus the object of the presented research is the significance of ordering the scientific knowledge in the form of classification in the field of social sciences, in the discipline of pedagogy. Methodological resources of hermeneutics proved to be useful in analysis and interpretation of scientific source texts and official documents. The structure of the monograph consists of the table of contents, introduction, four chapters, conclusion, bibliography, list of diagrams and tables, personal index, summary and note about the authors.
The book „Educational and professional activation of inhabitants and the quality of life in peripheral cities” edited by Adam Bartoszek and Urszula Swadźba constitutes a comprehensive, and statistically based discussion of the problems of the activation of the so-called human capital in peripheral cities of Silesian and Opole voivodship in question. The article opening the volume entitled „Human capital in a local environment” by Adam Bartoszek is a theoretical introduction to the assumptions of studies on the problems of making the human capital active at the level of local communities. The article by Bożena Pactwa entitled „Human resources and demographic processes on selected peripheral cities of Silesian and Opole voivodships” stands for a demographic analysis based on statistical data from the yeares 1995—2008. A detailed analysis by Rafał Muster entitled “Problems of the activation of the human capital on local job markets in the light of statistical analyses and opinions of those in charge of public services of employment…” deals with the issue of the activation of the human capital on local job markets of Lubliniec, Racibórz, Nysa and Prudnik. Urszula Swadźba, in her article „Educational activity as an expression of local strategies and an innovative nature of human resources in small and middle-sized cities” deals with the problem of an educational activity of people inhabiting the places in question. Another article by Adam Bartoszek entitled „Educational and professional mobility of inhabitants and the quality of life in peripheral cities” presents the results of a survey conducted in four intentionally selected peripheral cities in the Upper Silesia (Racibórz, Nysa, Lubliniec and Głogówek). The analysis was structured as a comparative diagnosis contrasting the opinions of the heads of households with the opinions of the leaders of local communities, constituting a cross-sectional representation of various communities of small and mieddle-sized cities. The article by Marek Dziewierski entitled „An identity of place and adaptation strategies of the inhabitants of small and middle-sized cities” is a summary of the stage of qualitative studies. It deals with the issue of the relationships and interdependences between a social identity of the inhabitants of peripheral cities and their life choices connected with education, work or a preferable place of living. In the final chapter of the book, Adam Bartoszek and Urszula Swadźba summarize the consequences of the mobility of human capital for the quality of life in the studied cities.
The work touches upon cognitive bases of the educational process. Increase in the roleof individual subjectivity oriented towards the value of truth, which is present in didacticprocess because of social and cultural changes taking place, as well as the acceptance ofknowledge pluralism in didactics, determines the necessity of reconstructing the process ofeducation.Contemporary division of the educational conceptions into classical, humanistic, integrativeand constructionist ones determine the changeability of important features ofthe stages the educational process. That is why the present research concentrates oncognitive bases, that is important elements existing in each process and determiningthe course of the educational process. By definition, the relation between the subjectlearner and the subject of her/his cognition is important. A reference was made to the cognitionaspects accepted in didactics, notably the axiological one determining a direction ofthe process via cognitive values, the social one showing an attitude of knowledge to reality,the philosophical one describing world qualities and their cognitive representations, as wellas the psychological one defining the actions of an individual cognition.Theoretical and methodological assumptions of the research on cognitive bases werepresented. The justification of the two stages of research, the theoretical and empirical one,was indicated. The first stage includes a reconstruction of the types of learner and teacheractions from the didactic studies conducted so far, the features of their subject of cognition,and a description of cognitive actions from the perspective of psychology and logic. Theirgeneralization was used to create a model of cognition-transformation which is called ofknowledge.The second stage of research covered the results of empirical studies on the use ofknowledge transformation in a description of the course of the educational process inthe educational practice in the junior high school. The types of knowledge dominant inthe educational practice as well as their connection to a differentiation of individuallearners’ cognitive experiences were described.Finally, the perspectives of studies on cognitive bases of the educational process werepresented.
The work constitutes part of a lively current in contemporary humanities research — masculinity studies. In the theoretical chapter, the author introduces and maps the latest international research in this area. In the analytical chapters that follow, he demonstrates the possibility of using these methodologies in the area of domestic literary studies. Applying the new concepts discussed in the introduction to the analysis of literary texts enables the author to demonstrate the unconscious and often difficult-to-express tension that the unstable limitation of gender categories — not necessarily related to our “here and now,” but, as it turns out, quite common and transhistorical — introduces in the discussed texts. The analyses of selected works expose the tensions that are at first glance invisible, unnamed, but fundamental, thus opening up the field of further inquiry for subsequent researchers. All the discussed plots demonstrate how changes in political, social, cultural and economic conditions have modified the definition of what is “masculine” or “non-masculine,” and how the characters have confronted these changes, sometimes attempting adaptation, at other times contestation. Between the lines of these texts one can find uncertainty, anxiety and a desire to establish an (imagined) ontological foundation for the male gender, which, however, is lacking in the secularizing, fluid reality. Moreover, almost every one of these changes resonates in the male bodies.
The purpose of the study is to diagnose the importance of social media for self-esteem, modes of online self-presentation and body image behavior of young adults. The monograph presents the research results which confirm that, among other things, for about 30-40% of young adults, social media are a space that significantly affects attitudes toward their own bodies. This is because they constitute a space for creating one’s own image, a source of motivation to engage in behaviors aimed at improving body image and taking care of one’s appearance, but also a space for social comparisons relating to one’s body image. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of forming a strong “bodily self” and an internal locus of control, the need for prevention of disorders related to body image disorders, psychoeducational interventions and the role of health education in the context of the research issue undertaken in the study.