![PARTICULARS REGARDING TEACHING STYLE IN MILITARY PHYSICAL EDUCATION](/api/image/getbookcoverimage?id=document_cover-page-image_1250939.jpg)
The topic addressed in this paper, namely the teaching style in military physical education, has been rather little addressed and studied by specialists in the field. Therefore, in the first part of the article, the teaching style valid for any instructive-educational process is conceptualized and defined, according to the specialized literature. Then, based on the contributions of psycho-pedagogical researchers, the typology and classification of the teaching style in general, but also specific to the teaching process in the field of physical education, are presented. In the second part, the aspects related to the teaching style in the field of military physical education are addressed. Considering the fact that in order to fulfill the objectives set by this category of instruction, a particularly complex training process must be completed, the main purpose of the article is to determine the specialists in the field of military physical education not to focus on a certain educational style, but to try to adopt a combined one, adapted to the needs of the group, level and stage of training.