TOTUL E FOARTE NORMAL - scenariu de spectacol
The project "EVERYTHING IS VERY NORMAL - DIALOGUE WITHOUT TABOOS." is organized by the Replika Cultural Association and co-financed by the National Cultural Fund Administration - AFCN.
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The project "EVERYTHING IS VERY NORMAL - DIALOGUE WITHOUT TABOOS." is organized by the Replika Cultural Association and co-financed by the National Cultural Fund Administration - AFCN.
With security incidents and breaches growing each year, email is still used as the major entry point to server malicious content that results in credential theft or malware infections enabling malicious threat actors to mount complex attacks. This paper is intended to document a new approach for detecting suspicious and malicious emails leveraging techniques such as security analytics, natural language processing to discover the intent of the email, as well as artificial neural networks to support more complex rules for classification. This solution can be used in a basic mode to flag which emails are safe and which are not, at the same time it can also be used by security analysts to gain a better understanding of the attack vectors and speed up the investigation process.
In the following we present a part of an environmental awareness programme developed for the lower primary school. An important element of the programme is the playful introduction of knowledge, exploration and action-based involvement, which not only changed the children's attitudes but also their patterns of action. They have been able to find information on the topic independently and to see the connections between the local and the global. They recognised bad routines and were able to transform the actions of themselves and their surroundings for a more sustainable future.
Flipped classroom method is a pedagogical approach in which the traditional concept of classroom-based learning process changes, students are already familiar with the teaching material before the lesson, so they can spend classroom time by activities and tasks facilitated and managed by the lecturer. The study presents the principles of the flipped classroom method and also its practical steps and methodological possibilities. In addition - by the presenting good practices and inspiring examples - it describes possibilities and experiences of the university implementation of the method.
Flipped classroom method is a pedagogical approach in which the traditional concept of classroom-based learning process changes, students are already familiar with the teaching material before the lesson, so they can spend classroom time by activities and tasks facilitated and managed by the lecturer. The aim of the study is to present the results of a questionnaire survey mapping the application of the flipped classroom method in university education in Slovakia. The questions of the questionnaire used in the research on the one hand research to what extent the flipped classroom method is known and applied in the practice of university education, and on the other hand to find out what the experiences and feedback of the lecturers during the implementation of the method.
„Innovation is an economic phenomenon." According to Schumpeter's economic theory, economic development is due to innovation in a dynamic environment, where old markets are destroyed and replaced by new ones - the so-called creative destruction. The object of the study in this report are enterprises in the tourism sector with a subject of activity in the Southern Black Sea region. Subject of the research - the relation "innovation - blue growth“ in the tourism industry. The main purpose of the study is to conduct a survey to summarize the opportunities for innovation in enterprises applicable in the tourism sector, whether they lead to increased competitiveness, whether companies generate higher profits after the introduction of innovations, whether the number of their employees, what investments they use to realize the innovations. The survey is specialized and therefore the representative sample includes opinions of managers from the highest management level - 67 representatives of the tourism business in the period June 2017 to January 2019. The topic of innovation in tourism will be increasingly developed and will arouse increasing interest, given the dynamic development of the sector and technology.
The current challenges facing traditional colleges and universities — including higher tuition, budget cuts, and course shortages — cause many students to search for alternatives. Online education offers many benefits and advantages while still providing programs and courses of high quality. All levels of certificates and degrees are available online. Here, you can learn about some of the positives to pursuing an online education. Some of the advantages to online learning include course material accessibility, flexible scheduling, more academic options, and the opportunity to build valuable skills.This paper is presents the challenges of online learning on the accounting and finance disciplines.
Long-term care for people in need (elderly, children, people with disabilities) is carried out in Romania under a fragmented, unclear and contradictory legislation. In addition, control bodies (and primarily the labor inspectorate) have so far shown little concern for identifying cases of undeclared work and, in general, for the protection of long-term home care workers. The paper presents the legal grounds in which this type of activity can be performed and presents aspects of the dysfunctionality of the current regulations, which are generally centered only on the needs of the beneficiaries, not including worker protection rules.
The expansion of the Internet technologies in the 21st century brings intellectual property, and in particular copyright, as a key element in the digital age. The modern media is no longer just a means of mass communication, it is something much more comprehensive that merges media, computers, telecommunications, and dominates in social and cultural life. Information is just one of the many types of cultural media content. This paper presents a ULSIT’ project to raise awareness of copyright and related rights in the university environment and the opportunities that the protection and use of intellectual property rights in the media provides for the economic development.
Flood risk management is a dynamically evolving field that covers all aspects of flood protection. A circumstantial reading of foreign and Bulgarian specialized literature can establish a complete similarity in the understandings of flood risk management.
The management of civil aviation safety is one of the main responsibilities of the state. It develops, implements, implements and constantly improves strategies and processes in order to ensure control over all aviation activities, complying with all international and national standards for ensuring safe, scheduled, efficient and economical air transport.
The COVID-19 pandemic has enormous social and economic consequences and lasting effects on teachers, students, their parents and society. To prevent the educational crisis from degenerating into a disaster for an entire generation, all the actors involved must act together as effectively as possible.Education can thrive based on standard content created in the academic system, and especially on human, direct relationships between teachers and students.Educational policies have caused all the factors involved to modify their pedagogical activity and the teaching-learning process in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, from face-to-face teaching to distance education, thanks to digital technologies.A coherent vision of education during crisis can only be developed and implemented by calling on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a program that includes a series of concrete objectives that OUN member states must meet in order to fully integrate the concept of sustainability in their actions.
In any economic dynamic, starting new businesses is vital because it generates new jobs, increases income and added value through new ideas, technologies and products needed in society. New businesses accelerate change at the structural level and pursue the evolution of resources to produce goods and services adapted to the market (GEM, 2022). In this context, the key factors which interconnect entrepreneurship, and the labour market are public institutions and the profile of the company. Based on this nexus, the salary and social insurance policies are established, restrictive agreements are applied, aspects regarding work safety are established, all these modelling the attractiveness of the entrepreneurial environment. Consequently, employers' practices regarding salaries, investment in training, opportunities for advancement and others outline the trajectory of employee’s careers (Burton, Fairlie and Siegel, 2019). Entrepreneurship ant labour market intersect in many ways through the human capital involved and the profile policies which affect entrepreneurial performance. The correlation between political factors and entrepreneurship can lead to increased employment and reduced unemployment (Parker, 2009). In addition, the current crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine are affecting the economic environment, implicitly entrepreneurship, in the EU Member States. Therefore, through this paper we want to identify the problems underlying the development of entrepreneurship interconnected with the labour market in the EU, and to outline the prospects of entrepreneurship-labour market construct.
For many years, the IT industry has been quite globalized, as companies started looking for talent outside of their national borders and specialists were willing to relocate in order to get interesting jobs. The restrictions in place during the COVID-19 pandemic took the IT industry to a completely new level of globalization, as it became a full work from home exercise that lasted, depending on the country, from a few months to two years. This brought along both challenges and opportunities for candidates and for companies in the world of IT. From the perspective of developing countries that play an important role in software development, Romania included, there are important effects that generated changes in the preferences of the local workforce and drove salary levels up, close to those in Western Europe. The current exploratory study aims at identifying the perspective of IT recruitment companies in Romania on the changes that occurred on the market since March 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic started.
The objective of the article is to evaluate, based on primary research, the effectiveness of the public aid of the entities during Covid-19 pandemic within their activity to be supported or, on the contrary, stopped the operation. At the same time, a proposal is made to evaluate the effectiveness of these supports from the point of view of business entities and public administration using SOAR analysis. The results showed that blanket support is not that effective, and a dialogue is necessary, which can be opened precisely with the help of the national recovery plan, when it was calculated that there could be an improvement from 38% to 76.25 in 2027.
The public procurement system has suffered major challenges caused by the Corona crisis caused by Covid19, which has exacerbated existing problems. All state institutions, from town halls to hospitals and schools have been caught unawares by the current pandemic unprepared with the necessary equipment. Faced with an unforeseen and extreme emergency, the European Commission and national governments have suspended the provisions of national legislation in the field, trying to make it much easier to purchase equipment. Pandemic COVID19 has created an exceptional situation regarding the procurement of products, services and works, provided by both the Directive 2014/24/EU on public procurement and public procurement laws (Law 98/2016 on public procurement and Law 99/2016 on sectoral procurement). In other words, in case of unforeseen events or when the goods, services or works can be provided only by a certain operator, the “classic” public procurement procedures, procedures that involve both the publication in SEAP of a participation notice and different deadlines and documentations does not apply. This article analyses the changes from the public procurement sector in the period 2020 from Romania. Following the analysis, a series of practices used by public institutions during the pandemic period are identified: in order to reduce the risk of spreading the virus, public institutions have issued their own regulations on how to carry out telecommuting activities, as well as the necessary hygiene measures and restrictions; for public institutions that did not have additional responsibilities during the state of emergency, the provision of funds for procurement for staff protection was provided within the approved budget; as a rule, additional budgetary funds were made, mainly from savings made on other categories of non-essential expenditures.
Since the aggression of Russian Federation in Ukraine, Europe experiences an influx of refugees coming from the neighbouring State. The response of private persons, non-governmental organizations, civil society and the Romanian government were prompt and oriented towards giving effect to the idea of international protection that vulnerable persons such as those applying for the status of refugee should benefit from. In order to put in place an effective framework of protection, the Government of Romania not only permitted access into the Romanian territory, but also adopted special legislation on temporary protection, in accordance with the measures undertaken by the European Union. The aim of this paper, on the one side, is to analyse the specific rules of International Law applicable to refugees, implications for the States and on the other, to emphasise the reasons for which the response coming from the Romanian authorities and society is an example of good practices.
The publication presents a sample of research on the impact of the employer brand as a marketing tool on the behavior of human resources /attraction, turnover and their subsequent retention/ and on the market performance of companies in a period of recovery after the Covid-pandemic and in particular with an emphasis on their reciprocal response in the conditions of and after clearly defined risk circumstances and uncertainty for the business. The research was conducted among 55 enterprises from the food industry in Bulgaria and covers the period 2021-2023. Enterprises are grouped according to various characteristics, such as enterprise size (small, medium, large), branch of the food industry – dairy, meat, bakery, etc. and geographic region of the country. The study is carried out under the assumption that the performance of the business with a well-developed and strong employer brand will be positively influenced by it.
Child-related crisis prevention and recovery strategies have a key place among strategies for rebuilding societal systems after the COVID-19 pandemic in both the short and long term. The pandemic has registered difficulties in accessing key services for probably the largest group of vulnerable children – children living at risk of poverty and social exclusion. It is essential to track the impact of the pandemic not only on traditional poverty indicators, but also on financial investment to address the consequences and achieve access and quality of key services.
In an era of global connectivity, language and literature education faces the challenge of navigating multilingualism, cultural diversity, and technological advancements. This paper explores the challenges and opportunities in language and literature education in the era of global connectivity. Through a qualitative research approach, interviews, focus group discussions, and classroom observations were conducted with 30 Arts and Sciences students and teachers. The findings reveal significant themes related to cultural diversity, multilingualism, and the integration of technology in language learning. The study emphasizes the importance of inclusive pedagogies, critical thinking development, and the incorporation of authentic and diverse literary works. Recommendations are provided for educators and policymakers to promote intercultural understanding and enhance language and literature education. The limitations of the study suggest areas for future research, including long-term language proficiency and diverse contextual considerations. Overall, this paper calls for ongoing innovation and collaboration to meet the evolving needs of language and literature education in an interconnected world.