Centrum – prowincja, peryferie, marginesy. Wędrówka pojęć w świecie dyskursów, znaczeń i aksjologii
The author ruminates on conceptualization of the titular concepts in different spheres of the public space in contemporary Poland: in academic discourse (linguistic and literary), as well as artistic, political and minority discourses (of ethnic and sexual minorities). The organizing rule in this debate is the center‑periphery relationship, while the point of reference consists in a scheme of three types of influence: a) the influence of the center over the peripheries; b) the influence of the peripheries over the center; c) a symmetrical mutual influence. In her interpretation of source texts, the author focuses on outlining the consequences that come with the relationship of domination (represented by the first scheme), the emancipatory tendencies of the peripheries and attempts at pluralistic integration resulting from the third scheme. The author concludes with the statement that both those relationships as well as the meanings of the concepts of center, province, periphery or margin are always inscribed into a particular cultural context and negotiated within those bounds.