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İş, teknoloji, ticaret ve kültür alanlarında beraberinde getirdiği avantajlar nedeniyle Japon dili incelemelerine olan ilgi artmaktadır. Birbirleri arasında ilişkilerin olduğu bu alanların üniversite öğrencilerinin ilgilendikleri seçmeli derslere yansıması doğaldır. Bu yüzden seçmeli ders olarak verilen Japon dili derslerinin öğrencilerin ilgi, beklenti, ihtiyaç ve öncelikleri incelenerek geliştirilmesi gerekmektedir. Farklı kültürleri anlayıp yorumlamak için gerekli bilincin oluşması insanlar arası etkileşimin tüm boyutları için önemlidir. Bu çalışmada Japoncanın seçmeli ders olarak tercih edilme nedenlerinin, dersi seçmeyi tercih eden öğrencilerin müfredat içeriğinde neler görmek istedikleri dâhil olmak üzere dersten beklentilerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bir devlet üniversitesinin Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi’nde öğrenim gören on dokuz öğrencinin seçmeli ders olarak Japoncayı tercih etme nedenleri ve beklentilerine yönelik açık uçlu sorulara verdikleri cevaplar içerik analiziyle incelenmiştir. Araştırmaya 13 kadın ve 6 erkek öğrenci katılmıştır. Araştırmada kültürel boyutlara olan ilgi ön plana çıkmıştır. Dört katılımcıdan biri iş yaşamına etkisini tercih nedeni olarak görmüştür. Aynı oranda kişi, bilen kişi sayısının azlığını neden olarak öne sürmüştür. Katılımcıların yaklaşık üçte biri Japonca öğrenmenin zorluklarıyla birlikte başarılabilir olduğundan, sürecin keyifli ve eğlenceli olmasından bahsetmişlerdir.
芸術のための芸術という観点から、文学作品はに美的な作品感 覚を求める姿勢やそれを娯楽の一つの媒介として見られることが多 い。近年ではカルチュラル・スタディーズや比較文学の立場から、 文学作品をそれが深く結びついている、書かれた時代・空間におけ るの社会、文化や地政学的なコンテキストの中で分析し、それらと の影響関係の文脈で再考察する試みが増えた。 近年では外国語教育における文学作品の活用という、比較的に 新しい試みが見られるようになった。しかし、特にトルコにおける 日本語教育の場合、完全に文学作品からなる教科書はあまり使われ ていない見当たらない。ところがそれにも関わらず日本の文学作品 は日本語の様々な特徴を含み内在し、作家の姿勢、語りの内容や登 場人物の行動パターン、作中に起こる個人的及び社会的な出来事を 示すによって日本文化が生きる一つの場である。 そこで、本稿は日本の小中学校の国語教科書に使用されている 児童文学が、日本語及び日本文化の教材としてどのように利用出来 るかを検討する。そのために新美南吉の「ごん狐」(1932)という 作品を取り上げる。特に作品における日本文化にまつわる用語など や諸要素に焦点を当て、作品の教材利としての活用の可能性を検討する。 キーワード:文学と外国語教育、日本文学と日本語教育、日本文 学と日本文化教育、新美南吉、「ごん狐」
Japoncadan Türkçeye yapılan çevirilerde, Japoncada sıklıkla kullanılan fakat Türkçeye aktarımı sözkonusu olduğunda çeviri sorunlarına sebebiyet verebilen çeşitli sözcük, ifade ve gramer kalıpları karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Dilbilimci Berke Vardar tarafından çeviribilim1 alanındaki çeviri sorunları “Biçimsel-Sözdizimsel, Sözlüksel-Anlamsal ve Deyişbilimsel” olarak gruplandırılmakta, Japoncayla Türkçe karşılaştırıldığında da dilbilimi açısından bu sorunlar “Biçimsel, Sözdizimsel ve Anlamsal” farklılıklar şeklinde kendini göstermektedir. Bu unsurlara Dilbilgisel farklılıkları da ekleyebiliriz. Kaynak dil ve hedef dil benzer gramer yapısı özelliklerini taşımasına rağmen, Japoncadan Türkçeye yeniden yapılandırmalarda çeviri sorunları, sadece bu iki dil arasında karşılığı bulunmayan kavramların çevrilemezliği ile sınırlı kalmayıp, dillerin farklı kültür yapısına sahip olmaları sebebiyle de daha belirgin bir şekilde ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Japoncayla Türkçe arasındaki çeviri sorunları dilbilimi açısından ele alınıp, 2016 yılında Türkçeye çevirisi yapılmış Aya KİTO’nun “İchi rittoru-no namida” (Bir Litre Gözyaşı) adlı eserinin Japoncadan Türkçeye aktarımı süreci sırasında ortaya çıkan sorunlar başta olmak üzere, eserin örneklerine dayanılarak bu iki dil arasındaki sözcüksel ve yapısal farklılıklar ortaya konulacaktır.
1932 yılında Mançurya bölgesinde Manchukuo Devletinin kurulmasıyla birlikte, ülkede Japonca eğitimi resmen başlamıştır. Çin- Japon savaşı (1894 – 95) ve Rus – Japon savaşının (1904 – 05) ardından Çin’de etki alanını arttıran Japonya, bölgede Japonca eğitim vermeye başlasa da, bu eğitim Manchukuo Devletinin kurulmasıyla birlikte yaygınlık kazanır. O dönemde Japonca eğitiminin yaygınlaşması politikası, dil öğretimi politikasına dayanmaktan çok siyasi ve askeri amaçlar yönündedir. Japonya’dan davet edilen Japonca öğretmenleri ile yaygın olarak eğitim verilse de, genel olarak öğretmen sayısının az olması en büyük problemlerden biri olmuştur. 1937 yılında Japonca eğitiminin yaygınlaştırılması kararlaştırılmış, sadece Japonca eğitimi değil aynı zamanda Japonların düşünce sistemleri, kotodama (sözcüklerin ruhu olduğu düşüncesi) ve Japon geleneklerine ilişkin bilgiler de bu eğitimin içerisine dâhil edilmiştir. Manchukuo’da Japonca öğretiminde en çok benimsenen öğretim yöntemi chokusetsuhō olur. Bu çalışmada, Manchukuo devletinin kuruluşundan yıkılış sürecine dek, Japonlara ve diğer etnik milletlere verilen Japonca eğitiminin tarihsel süreci incelenmiştir. Sonuçta, Manchukuo’daki Japonca eğitiminin beklendiği kadar başarılı sonuçlarının ortaya çıkmadığı anlaşılmıştır.
In this paper, I investigated the Turkish translation of Bitmemiş Hikayeler Kütüphanesi [Library of Unfinished Stories, つづきの図書館] by Sachiko Kashiwaba. Gestures, in the target text, are determined and are examined how gestures are translated from Japanese to Turkish. Based on this, it is presented how emblem gesture should be taught to Turkish native students. Findings showed that translating gesture requires other strategies such as gesture-dialogue connection, synchronization, and cultural sense. For translating emblem gestures, it is necessary to translate the meaning and function of the source text, besides approaching them with a complex perspective in the translation process. In addition, in the translation process from the source language to the target language, not only linguistic and syntactic knowledge but also the languageculture relationship of the source language should be taught to Turkish students. For this purpose, it is considered that the use of gesture and body movement, visual materials, and the introduction of gestures of source culture have the importance. By this way, it is expected that a new point of view can help students in education of translation studies.
The causative structure, which is seen as a complex, difficult to explain and understand grammar topic, shows itself in various forms in Japanese as well as in Turkish. In Japanese, the causative structure is called shieki and the auxiliary verb -(s)aseru is the affix which makes an action causative structurally. The causative structure is created with this affix addition to the unconjugated root part of transitive or intransitive verbs. However, when transferred into Turkish, the causative structure in Japanese which is created with the auxiliary verb - (s)aseru may not have one-to-one correspondence in terms of structure and meaning. In addition, as a result of comparing causative structure in these two languages morphologically, different Japanese causative forms appear. Apart from the basic structure of causative meaning in Japanese, there are also examples of causative structure that the auxiliary verb -(s)aseru is combined with the form of (te + yaru). In this study, Japanese phrases with causative meaning were analyzed in both structural and semantic framework. And though -(s)aseru auxiliary verb is used as the key of causative, structures with different meanings other than causative have also been given. Besides, utilizing example sentences from Minna no Nihongo (Japanese for all) and various other grammar books, how these structures exist in Japanese has been elaborated on, and semantic features encountered when transferred into Turkish have been categorized.
In this study, it is aimed to present the materials, methods and problems encountered by the 1st year students of Japanese Language and Literature Department to increase their Japanese vocabulary, and the solutions offered by the students themselves in order to eliminate these problems. For this purpose, in 2017-2018 academic year, 18 students of Japanese Language and Literature Department of Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University were interviewed. The research was conducted at the end of the spring semester with volunteer students. As a result of the interviews, it was understood that the students mostly used textbooks, various smart phone applications and dictionaries. The methods used to increase the vocabularies have varied. It is determined that the biggest problem faced by students, who expressed various problems about the vocabulary learning, is that the materials they use are Japanese-English. Finally, it is concluded that students offer similar suggestions to eliminate the problems they encounter during the word learning process. In this study, similar solutions are grouped under 3 categories.
The article reveals the problem of the religious aspect in the process of the education of the foreign-students. The theoretical and methodological aspects of the foreign students are actively updated; although we researched these aspects through the acquisition of the general knowledge by the students from the RFL department. The article also shows the linguistic and extra linguistic components, that have their demonstration of the cultural values and religious attitudes of the people.
The article is devoted to the description of the history of the working-out and introduction of the course " Religion or Ethics" in Russian primary education. The main ideas of the course, the first results of teaching, the difficulties of its implementation and prospects for further development are presented.
One of the elements tested during an exam is the ability to interact in particular communication situations. This skill is not only based on understanding the senders’ message (i.e. words) and the context of the utterance (situation), but on the knowledge of the conventional typical answer. The Turkish language, which, like most oriental languages, has a very extensive system of polite expressions, forces its users to know about 100 standardized formulas.
Based on several translation-oriented disciplines and fields using translation, some of which constantly use new technologies, the teaching of translation in Applied Modern Languages departments involves multilingual computer processing, a field that largely overlaps with that of the language industries. The multidisciplinary training for the translation professions (also considered professions of linguistic and cultural mediation) requires a perfect synergy between the disciplines of intercultural communication and appropriate interdisciplinary pedagogical approaches. Business simulation is one of these methods. It is perfectly suited because, on the one hand, it can be adapted to be used to train specialists in many trades the focal point of which is translating and, on the other hand, it can help a future professional to get used in advance with his/her working environment and learn to live his job. This is what the author tries to illustrate through translation teaching approaches involving the simulation of translation projects in the field of the language industries.
Starting from her own experience of teacher of translation, the author shows the role that contrastive linguistics can – and should – have in teaching reasoned translation to apprentice translators. As an illustration, the author presents several fragments of a translation-oriented grammar (French-Romanian and Romanian-French) focused on several specific linguistic structures which are the object of a (translational) systematic contrastive analysis. The author then emphasizes the process of explicitation (addition, amplification), illustrated by the use of some categories of explicitational terms.
This study analyzes the changes undergone by the “grammar-translationˮ type French-Italian bilingual textbooks, used especially in the teaching of Modern Foreign Languages in Europe in the eighteenth century, following the institutionalization of MFL teaching in the nineteenth century. The treatment of common conversation idiomatic expressions is here examined in four avatars of Giovanni Veneroni’s 1678 textbook (published in 1737, 1786, 1821 and 1864). It shows that it is not the grammar-translation method of these textbooks that should have been challenged in the late nineteenth century, but a shift in the conception of language from living orality to old-fashioned writing. The identification of historical, social, linguistic and political causes that motivated this educational involution allows us today to re-assess the key role of translation in the teaching of MFL and at last gives these old bilingual textbooks the place they deserve, especially in the eighteenth century, in the history of Franco-Italian translation.
This paper can be considered an inter, trans- and multi- disciplinary study. The author combines several disciplines (the pedagogy, criticism and history of translation) which, while retaining their specificity, are involved in the acquisition of transversal skills that are common to the practice and history of translation, to translation theories and terminology. The author's intention is to demonstrate that the translation competence, built on an undeniable editorial skill, can increase simultaneously with the documentary and terminological competence and that translation teaching and learning goes hand in hand with the teaching of the translation history and translation studies.
The teaching of translation involves several disciplines – translation into L1 and L2, history and deontology, etc. – each of them with its own specific objectives and methods. This study sets out to explore various ways in which translation for children can be used at the beginning of the university professional training of future translators. The author's starting point is the observation of the fact that this type of translation can illustrate “in miniature” most of the difficulties (terminological, cultural, linguistic and other) occurring in professional practice and the various kinds of possible solutions.
Based on the dynamic nature of signification, the present paper analyzes “the play” of reformulations provided by translators. In particular, it focuses on the ways in which professional translators change the content of the source text in the translation process. Taking into account that source text production and target text production are not identical processes, special emphasis is placed on those reformulations which move away from the literality of the original text. In addition, the solutions offered by translators are looked at in terms of their pertinence. The paper is part of the body of literature dealing with applied linguistics - more specifically, with the linguistics of utterance (linguistique de l’énonciation) - in the field of translation, and is based on a corpus of tourism-oriented texts translated from Romanian into French.
Die Sprache(n) prägen unseren Alltag und sie ermöglichenuns die Kommunikation. Die Herkunftssprache ist Ausdruck einer kulturellenPraxis und hilft uns anerkannt zu werden. Die Schule nimmt in Bezug auf Spracheeine wichtige Funktion ein: Sie soll allen SuS gleichermaßen befähigen dieBildungssprache zu erlernen, um erfolgreich Bildungspotential zu entfalten,unabhängig von sozialer Herkunft, Religion oder Herkunftssprache. Ein wichtigesZiel schulischen Wandels ist eine qualitativ hochwertige und sozial gerechteBildung, durch die alle Heranwachsenden die Kompetenzen erwerben können, diesie benötigen, um in einer Gesellschaft unter Anerkennung der Menschenrechte zuhandeln und an demokratischen Prozessen teilzunehmen. Der Artikel versuchteinige Erfahrungen für eine inklusive Bildungspraxis in derEinwanderungsgesellschaft vorzustellen, um die Lehrkräfte und andere mit derSchule befassten Fachkräfte zu befähigen.
The article presents a theoretical analysis of the concept of intercultural competence, which is considered from the point of view of conceptual ideas of the competence approach. The author defines the concept of “competence” and demonstrates that mastering intercultural competence forms the basis for developing the necessary skills of successful intercultural dialogues in future specialists: mobility, flexibility, adaptability to new situations, which implies the integration of the individual into global and national cultures.
The paper looks at what a language teacher’s reflective work and action research entail, focusing on the contemporary move away from the positivist paradigm toward a postmodern one. It describes various types of eflective and action research practices and their characteristics, and various research methodologies. It also raises questions about these methodologies, the practices’ goals and outcomes, and the practitioner’s beliefs about “research”, “knowledge”, “understanding” and “emancipation” in the relativist postmodern era.