Author(s): Ivilina Genova / Language(s): Bulgarian
Publication Year: 0
In relation to the researched case, namely “The successful self-heritage after the encounter with death of the Other”, in the article I will present some of the main specifics and results in my work in the project “I have no one to turn to!” – socioanalytic dimensions of the vulnerability and using the methodology, integrated in the project of socioanalytical protocol. The main leading thread of my researches appear to be different forms of vulnerability, who could be observed and analysed in agents, suffered a loss of close person. First my work is focused on conducting socioanalytic conversations with agents, who lost their close ones. Abide by the received data socioanalytic identifiers, clear forms of vulnerability, caused by situational suffering stand out. Data of alethic and deontic modality and those that are connected with the everyday psychopathologies, which finds the agents (loneliness, sorrow, desolation, loss of sense and desire to live and others). In the second place my research has an experimental character, directed to examine, collect, cultivate and analyse data from the virtual space (Facebook), who has direct connection to the public denounce of suffering, cause by the lost of loved person. More specifically my work was directed to the profile of a suffering woman, who lost her mother. In the period of two years the woman herself made more than 80 publications, connected to the suffering, that she experiences after the loss of the loved one. That gave me ground to try to put the data in socioanalytic protocol, which has a task to show it, systemize and analyse it.