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article from iussue 1/1938 of the journal »ŽIVOT. ČASOPIS ZAPOPULARIZACIJU NAUKE«, there pp. 37 to 51
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article from iussue 1/1938 of the journal »ŽIVOT. ČASOPIS ZAPOPULARIZACIJU NAUKE«, there pp. 37 to 51
The cultural approach is based on the belief that - despite even the most dramatic contradictions between strict and disciplined theory and the hardly perceived detachment and disparity of human habitation - philosophy is nothing but the life itself in the logos. To reconstruct the past philosophical system means not only to correctly restore the logical scheme of the respective doctrine, but above all, to manifest its living flesh, its beyond logical element.
The monograph attempts to provide an empirically grounded answer to a number of discussional scientific issues related to individual decision-making differences by building a comprehensive conceptual model and constructing a specifically selected toolbox as a prerequisite for creating an empirically validated methodology in the field of research of individual differences in decision-making. Original empirical results have been obtained confirming that the style of decision-making is not identical to cognitive style (nor is it a subset, but contains a cognitive component that does not exhaust any of the styles) and is related to mental self-regulation due to individual differences, generated by the ways of satisfying the hedonistic motif (regulatory focus and fashion), the need to control excitement (stress control), and the need for connectivity and increased self-esteem. These results are a prerequisite for the further development of individual decision-making research as well as the decision-making theory itself, because it allows for a fuller consideration of individual differences and their interaction with the characteristics of the situation and the problem that is being solved.The methodological basis of the study is the cognitive survival theory of Seymour Epstein. The results and theoretical summaries obtained empirically confirm the validity of the global personality theory that has the potential to explain new scientific problems, incorporating private theories such as E. Tory Higgins' motivational theory and Mark R. Leary's sociometric mechanism.
At every moment of time, a single context becomes real. Therefore, every moment splits the class of all contexts into two parts, the realized ones until that moment and the contexts that are not yet realized. The first part represents the past at a certain moment. A proposition is necessarily true at a given moment if it is a consequence of the past. From this definition of necessity it follows that the modal values of propositions depend on time, namely, the modal value of a proposition can be different at two given moments. For instance, there are propositions so that they are possibly true at a moment and become impossibly true later.
The collection of papers Philosophy as a Life Journey was published in honour of Jan Zouhar, a distinguished professor, an expert in the history of Czech philosophy and an organizer of university life. The volume begins with an interview in which Professor Zouhar outlines his philosophical creed. The core of the collection comprises six personal contributions (Laudationes) and sixteen original scientific works that focus on a wide range of issues related to philosophy, history, literature, language, ethnography and culture. The final part of the volume (Appendices) contains a brief curriculum vitae of Professor Zouhar and a selection of his works and photographs followed by a list of volume contributors.
The paper defines normative contexts, describes the general concept of defeasibility and the logical means to its solution. It also illustrates defeasibility of legal norms on case studies.
W pracy podajemy nowe wyniki dotyczące "uwypuklania" wielomianów rzeczywistych, a w szczególności uogólniamy niektóre z rezultatów z pracy K. Kurdyka, S. Spodzieja, „Convexifying positive polynomials and sums of squares approximation”, SIAM J. Optim. 25 (2015), no. 4, 2512-2536. Pokazujemy też pewne zastosowania uzyskanych wyników w optymalizacji.
We give a new, elementary proof of the Zariski multiplicity conjecturein μ-constant families of non-degenerate singularities.
In this note we extend, to arbitrary characteristic, Lê's formula (Calculation of Milnor number of isolated singularity of complete intersection. Funct. Anal. Appl. 8, 127-131 (1974))
In this note we prove several results linking Lefschetz numbers with asymptotic behaviour of the orbit in flows. With the aid of the Lefschetz fixed point theorem and the presence of a non-trivial limit set we prove the existence of asymptotically non-periodic orbits.
Using some commutative algebra we prove Max Noether’s Theorem, the Jacobi Formula and B´ezout’s Theorem for systems of polynomial equations defining transversal hypersurfaces without common points at infinity.
The purpose of this work is an introduction and overview of geometric and numeric properties of algebraic cycles in smooth projective varieties. We recall or propose several problems, which we consider worth to study. We are mainly interested in, but do not restrict our story to, codimension 2 cycles in projective spaces. These are points in P^2, curves in P^3, surfaces in P^4 and so on.
The jump of the Milnor number of an isolated singularity f₀ is the minimal non-zero difference between the Milnor numbers of f₀ and one of its deformations fs. We estimate the jump using the Enriques diagram of f₀.
Die vorliegende Arbeit erfüllt zwei Aufgaben. Erstens untersuche ich ausführlich Edmund Husserls früheste Philosophie der Surrogate, wie sie in seinem 1890 erschienenen Werk "Über die Logik der Zeichen (Semiotik)" zu finden ist. Ich analysiere seine psychologischen und logischen Untersuchungen von Surrogaten, wobei erstere sich damit befassen, zu erklären, wie diese Zeichen funktionieren, und letztere damit, wie sie dies zuverlässig tun. Seine Unterscheidung von Surrogaten auf der Grundlage ihrer genetischen Herkunft und des Grades ihrer Notwendigkeit wird erörtert. Zweitens wird die historische Bedeutung dieses Textes aufgezeigt, indem gezeigt wird, wie die Semiotik sowohl als Inspiration als auch als Folie für Husserls Erste Logische Untersuchung von 1901 dient. Husserl übernimmt nicht nur die Idee, dass sprachliche Zeichen durch Assoziation funktionieren können, sondern behauptet auch, dass solche Zeichen einen zur Ausführung einer von zwei Erfahrungen motivieren können. Der Hauptunterschied zwischen den beiden Texten besteht darin, dass Husserl 1901 seine Theorie der Surrogate aufgibt und stattdessen behauptet, dass man abwesende Objekte durch leere Absichten erfahren kann. Die Gründe, warum Husserl es für notwendig hielt, diesen Grundsatz seiner Philosophie zu ändern, werden ausführlich diskutiert.
The field of didactics of mathematics, natural sciences and vocational education is an important area of education and training. Its importance is growing over time and, given the results of measuring different areas of pupil literacy, it can be assumed that it will not be otherwise in the future. The International Conference on Didactics, organized by the Pedagogical Faculty of Masaryk University, DTI University and The Unity of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists branch office Brno, is an important platform for sharing and developing the area of common interests of experts. The conference proceedings provide an overview of both the theoretical and practical problems in education, focusing on didactics of the above mentioned fields of study, and sharing good practice.
Mathematics occupies a very important position in the Modern World. It may be remarked that Mathematics plays a vital role in technical professions and latest researches. Years ago, people believed that Mathematics is a classroom discipline. Now we realize Mathematics is a tool, rather than a discipline. This argument comes because; Mathematics is now the main ‘ingredient’ of any Applied Sciences. The paper emphasizes a growing need to develop such teacher`s skills which enable him/her to perceive and subsequently present a discussed issue in a broader context, and implement facts and knowledge from various scientific fields into science teaching. A teacher’s didactic mastery lies in his/her ability to see and point out the possibilities of interdisciplinary connections in teaching-learning process.
The book presents developmental outcomes from an EU Erasmus+ project involving eight partner universities in seven countries in Europe. Its focus is the development of mathematics teaching and learning at university level to enhance the learning of mathematics by university students. Its theoretical focus is inquiry-based teaching and learning. It bases all activity on a three-layer model of inquiry: (1) Inquiry in mathematics and in the learning of mathematics in lecture, tutorial, seminar or workshop, involving students and teachers; (2) Inquiry in mathematics teaching involving teachers exploring and developing their own practices in teaching mathematics; (3) Inquiry as a research process, analysing data from layers (1) and (2) to advance knowledge inthe field. As required by the Erasmus+ programme, it defines Intellectual Outputs (IOs) that will develop in the project. PLATINUM has six IOs: The Inquiry-based developmental model; Inquiry communities in mathematics learning and teaching; Design of mathematics tasks and teaching units; Inquiry-based professional development activity; Modelling as an inquiry process; Evalutation of inquiry activity with students. The project has developed Inquiry Communities, in each of the partner groups, in which mathematicians and educators work together in supportive collegial ways to promote inquiry processes in mathematics learning and teaching. Through involving students in inquiry activities, PLATINUM aims to encourage students` own in-depth engagement with mathematics, so that they develop conceptual understandings which go beyond memorisation and the use of procedures. Indeed the eight partners together have formed an inquiry community, working together to achieve PLATINUM goals within the specific environments of their own institutions and cultures. Together we learn from what we are able to achieve with respect to both common goals and diverse environments, bringing a richness of experience and learning to this important area of education. Inquiry communities enable participants to address the tensions and issues that emerge in developmental processes and to recognise the critical nature of the developmental process. Through engaging in inquiry-based development, partners are enabled and motivated to design activities for their peers, and for newcomers to university teaching of mathematics, to encourage their participation in new forms of teaching, design of teaching, and activities for students. Such professional development design is an important outcome of PLATINUM. One important area of inquiry-based activity is that of “modelling” in mathematics. Partners have worked together across the project to investigate the nature of modelling activities and their use with students. Overall, the project evaluates its activity in these various parts to gain insights to the sucess of inquiry based teaching, learning and development as well as the issues and tensions that are faced in putting into practice its aims and goals.
Philosophy and Religious Studies, one of the three main departments within the Islamic Sciences and Theology faculties, investigates the phenomenon of religion through the lens of humanities disciplines such as history, sociology, logic, psychology, philosophy, and education. Situated at the intersection of theology and the humanities, the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies plays a significant role in the internationalization of theology education. Concurrently, these disciplines serve as intermediaries in contextualizing Islamic Sciences within contemporary understanding. The Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies generates data on contentious contemporary issues such as artificial intelligence, transhumanism, migration, and conflict resolution, thereby elucidating the intellectual background of these issues and providing theoretical insights through empirical research. Within this framework, the study addresses the incorporation of courses offered by the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, presenting them aligned with the project's objectives. The study aims to introduce the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, elucidating its content, functions, and outcomes, to foster critical thinking and analytical skills among students through philosophical education, facilitating a deeper comprehension of diverse aspects of religion, and delineating the disparities and connections between philosophy of religion and religious sciences. Furthermore, the study seeks to enable students to assess the logical and philosophical dimensions of various religions and belief systems, while also contributing to theological education by highlighting the unique fields of study and values inherent in Philosophy and Religious Studies. Ultimately, the study endeavors to facilitate the international integration of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies and its adaptation to contemporary needs within theological education. The research is predicated on the premise that Philosophy and Religious Studies should to be more inadequately introduced to students, particularly at the secondary school level, despite their increasing relevance in light of evolving global agendas. As a result of the analyses conducted, insights have been gleaned regarding the content, functioning, outcomes, fields of study, and methodologies of departmental courses. Consequently, this book aims to introduce the field of Philosophy and Religious Studies to students from high school to graduate levels, guiding new researchers, and offering ideas and direction to advisors and students regarding potential areas of study. Covering a broad research area alongside its departments, this book will guide prospective theology students, current departmental students, and those seeking graduate education within this discipline. In alignment with the stated objectives, the study will conclude by compiling chapters contributed by lecturers from diverse disciplines. Employing a quantitative research method and documentation technique, the study has gathered data from articles, books, field research, and lecturers’ experiencies. Detailed accounts of sub-units of Philosophy and Religious Studies, such as the History of Religions, Sociology of Religion, Psychology of Religion, Philosophy of Religion, Religious Education, Islamic Philosophy, Logic, and History of Philosophy, are provided, covering aspects such as history, methodologies, research topics, notable figures, fundamental resources, graduate education, academic journals, interdepartmental relations, and international collaborations. Each completed chapter has been peer-reviewed by relevant department lecturers using blind refereeing principles, with necessary corrections implemented by the authors. The book encompasses eight departments, delving beyond superficial analysis to address foundational issues within each department. Additionally, each chapter includes recommended readings and films. This study asserts itself as a potential textbook for introducing Philosophy and Religious Studies as an elective course in Imam Hatip high schools. It can also serve as an elective textbook for first-year undergraduate programs.