Identiteti feministkinje i aktivistkinje za prava životinja
Experience over several centuries of discrimination and exploitation led to consideration about the connection between female and animal issues, even before ecofeminist theory. The dominant patriarchal structure of the world reduced both women and animals to objects with little or no power at all, positioning women as the ones closer to nature and animals (what is non–human can be maltreated and abused). Feminists in the animal rights movement experience differently the involvement of women and women’s bodies in the fight for animal rights, thus showing that heterogeneousness in evaluation of the methods being used in the fight against oppression also exists within the same interest group. Whilst some think that animal liberation over female bodies is not justified and that such a practice dehumanizes women and encourages a misogynous view of them, others think that being involved in actions like Rather go naked than wear fur leads to re–evaluation of ethical and moral issues and enables engagement in more important and efficacious political action. The identities of animal rights activists are being formed through a polyphony of feminist voices, agreeing that the consistently raised issue of women rights in modern times also raises issues about animal rights.