Студенчество как резерв интеллигенции
The article reviews the tasks of higher educational institutions, the main stages of intelligentsia formation, qualitative characteristics of modern students and their creative potential
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The article reviews the tasks of higher educational institutions, the main stages of intelligentsia formation, qualitative characteristics of modern students and their creative potential
The article studies the way the land intelligentsia helped the front dur-ing the First World War, and deals with land democratization. Special atten-tion is given to the role of zemstvo in the formation of patriotic political cul-ture, especially among the peasants. The article proves a non-traditional opin-ion on the moral political state of Russian intelligentsia during 1905—1917, on the inevitability of February Revolution
In his review the official opponent analyzes the logic of dissertation by A. V. Ermolyuk “The Relationship between Russian Orthodox Church and State and Intelligentsia in 1988—2000 (based on the materials of Chely-abinsk region)”, the candidate of History dissertation, specialty 07.00.02 — “Russian History”. The review covers advantages and disadvantages of this research.
The article analyzes the new tendencies that appear in the con¬sciousness of young generation of modern Russian intelligentsia, the range of its value orientations. The authors show the specific character of the given process in Tula region
The article describes the development of higher theological education at the end of the 19th — beginning of the 20th centuries. It analyzes the status of theology, the teaching staff of theological academies and their relation-ships with secular and theological authorities
The work contains the review of the monograph “Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Intelligentsia Research”, published in 2008 in Ivanovo State University. The book has been edited by Doctor of History, professor V. S. Memetov.
The article presents the analysis of the bibliographical reference book “The Historians of Belorussia in the beginning of the XXI century” by G. V. Korzenko. The reference book was published in Minsk by “Belorussian studies” publishing house
The article deals with thorough characteristics of Russian educational system. It includes the comparison of its methodological and human parame-ters with the corresponding educational paradigm of Soviet epoch. The author insists on the fruitfulness of historical tradition and convinces that creative potential of this tradition is by no means exhausted. The work touches upon the perspectives of modern education in the system of value criteria that in-clude the educational aspect.
The article covers the questions of reformation of higher educational institutions. It gives the analysis of this process based on the historical mate-rial and compares it with world experience. The article also deals with the priority problems in specialists’ training
The review of the opponent organization thoroughly analyzes the ad-vantages and disadvantages of the original text by E. V. Samoylova “Intelli-gentsia in Social and Cultural Sphere of the Principle Towns of Province in Western Siberia in 1860—1890”, the candidate of History dissertation, spe-cialty 07.00.02 — “Russian History”
Vaclav Klaus, the last man standing against the Lisbon Treaty, digs deep into the Czech national psyche to throw up a final roadblock.
Since 1989 liberal reformers have helped bring 10 Eastern bloc countries into the EU and turn out autocrats in the post-communist world. Now comes the hard part. A TOL special report.
In the classroom, the strong hand of the state has given way to the mixed blessings of freedom. A TOL special report. See more special coverage of the anniversary of the fall of the Iron Curtain at our 20 Years After website: http://20years.tol.org/. [As we look at how life has changed – or stayed the same – over the past 20 years, TOL correspondents in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia asked people in various professions to describe their working life today compared with conditions before 1989. This collection of interviews with history teachers is the second in the series that resulted.]
Amid recession and a far-right resurgence, a philosopher, a businessman, and a student assess the state of the Hungarian nation today. A TOL special report. See more special coverage of the anniversary of the fall of the Iron Curtain at our 20 Years After website: http://20years.tol.org/
The probable next Hungarian premier shows no sign of daring to wield the economic scalpel.
The Zurich agreement between Armenia and Turkey is progress, but the celebration is premature.
Bulgarians know well that “Buying and Selling Votes is a Crime,” but views on who the main culprits are depend on social affinities.
Eastern European media are still struggling to figure out how to cash in on the social networking boom
The contribution presents two protocols of meetings from 1943, when transylvanian saxon parents of students studying in Germany met in Brasov (Kronstadt). The students, citizens of Romania, refused to be enrolled to the nazi SS divisions as the transylvanian saxon leader of the german ethnic group in Romania demanded. The parents of the students discussed the situation of their sons and agreed to their refuse to join the SS.
In 1896, in Hungary celebrated a millienium since the settlement of the hungarian tribes in Pannonia. On this occasion, many monuments were built all over the country. One such monument was erected in Brasov (Kronstadt) on mount Tâmpa (ger. Zinne, hun. Cenk). The article presents the history of this monument as a symbol of magyar national pride and the conflicts surrounding it. Contains 1 picture.