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Drawing on the philosophy of science, this essay addresses ideological and epistemological heterogeneity in management and organization studies scholarship. The presented review and application of the meta-theory of scientific paradigms establish connections with prior controversies to delineate, deconstruct, and reappraise the current discourse in the pluralistic field of management and organization studies. Representing theories of society focusing on regulation (order) vs. radical change (conflict), and conceiving social science as concerned with objective vs. subjective realities, a classic taxonomy differentiates functionalist, radical structuralist, interpretive, and radical humanist paradigms. Scientific progress has transformed these into ontological, epistemological, and axiological configurations of post-positivist (normative, mainstream), interpretative (constructivist, hermeneutic), postmodern (dialogic, poststructuralist), and critical (dialectic, antagonistic) approaches. Associated meta-theorizing is applied to academic disputes involving critical management studies. Distinguishing degree and location, four fundamental and foundational inter- and intra-paradigmatic conflicts are analyzed: a) the evidence-debate between critical scholars and mainstream (post-)positivist functionalists; b) the performativity-debate within the field of critical management studies; c) the managerialism-debate between radical critical structuralists and poststructuralists; and d) the ideology-debate representing influences on adjacent fields, exemplified by an emerging critical paradigm in work and organizational psychology. Underlying dynamics are framed as fermenting and fragmenting forces, driving paradigm delineation, differentiation, disintegration, and dissemination. The developed meta-theoretical perspective facilitates self-reflexive scholarship, meaning-making, and knowledge-creation, promoting a deeper understanding and better navigation of the organizational literature as an ideologically contested terrain of social science.
Arts is as old as humankind and a worldwide phenomenon. A scientific investigation of arts, however, is rather seldom since the arts are oftentimes applied and touch on multiple disciplines. Arts production and consumption are perceived as less rational and tangible than classic goods and services. Neoclassical economics therefore hardly has any account of the commercialization of arts. The opening of the neoclassical economics model for behavioral aspects in the behavioral economics revolution has now paved the way to start researching the arts and surreal pricing mechanisms in the arts world. This paper is a call for research of arts from a Law & Economics perspective. Law & Economics offers ways to understand the value of arts in society and derive inferences on how to improve certain features and peculiarities of the arts market. A Behavioral Law & Economics perspective could help elucidate social welfare enhancement potential for the individual passive consumer of arts, the active arts market actors as well as economies and society as a whole, including future generations. With the growing commercialization of arts and rising use of arts as an unregulated collateral in the finance world, capturing the peculiar dynamics of arts markets holds unprecedented value. Legal recommendations could target at addressing market downfalls and risk management strategies in the arts world.
The study explores the development of family business research, starting with Dr. Léon Danco's contributions in 1975. It highlights the exceptional achievements of family businesses in various domains, such as business performance, employment generation, return on investment, and flexibility. The study emphasizes the beneficial relationship between family and company, resulting in unique competitive advantages. It also analyzes attributes associated with family governance, highlighting their distinctive capabilities for social capital, efficiency, and opportunistic investment.
The concept of solemnity in the act of justice has a long history, originating in antiquity and evolving with the development of society. Since the dawn of history, people have recognized the need to establish official procedures and ceremonies to reach fair and accepted decisions in various disputes and conflicts. Implementing incorrect or erroneous decisions would have deviated from the rules of justice and, at times, even undermined the act of justice. Our work is of practical interest by relating to professional ethics and deontology, as well as analyzing the efficiency of the judicial procedure and the correctness of the title subject to compulsory execution. From the perspective of scientific research methodology, this work addresses the concept of solemnity of the act of justice from the perspective of legal history, through an analysis of each historical era and in relation to certain peoples who have distinguished themselves over time through the rules established in the conduct of trials and the strictness with which they have imposed these rules.
The rise in hate speech crime is an undeniable reality around the world, and during the pandemic it has been exponential. Consequently, addressing the causes and effects of these crimes is one of the most difficult tasks or challenges facing many countries. European institutions and others have pointed out that violence and hateful actions directed against the identity of an individual have the potential to spread fear or even terror in whole communities and could even lead to the destabilization of democratic systems. On the other hand, it must be recognized that the impact of hate crimes can be far greater than that of similar crimes committed without a hate or bias motive, so that they could be considered as signal crimes in the sense that they target a particular identity characteristic and aim to send a threatening or hostile message that anyone who shares the specific characteristics of that person, meaning that they are part of that particular or definable group, could be subject to the same treatment. Thus, this type of crime could jeopardize the principles of equality and non-discrimination, recognized and guaranteed by all democracies, but may also have the potential to undermine the effectiveness of law enforcement and the criminal justice system.
The special procedure of the appeal concerning the duration of the criminal trial does not concern the resolution of a criminal case, it does not offer absolution on matters of fact or law that anticipate the way of solving the criminal trial, it does not dispose on the guilt of the defendant or on the punishment imposed on him. Instead, its primary focus is on addressing the excessive or unreasonable character of the duration of the criminal trial in a procedure characterized by contradictory and orality. In this context, the defendant, the injured persons, the civil parties, the parties with civil liability or the prosecutor, in the exercise of their rights, may use this special procedure necessary to respect the right to a fair trial.
A contract can be concluded by accepting, without reservation, a certain offer to contract or it can be preceded by negotiations. Within these negotiations, the parties can conclude certain agreements known as preliminary contracts. Among these, we will approach the pact of option, which represents a legal figure new to the Romanian judicial system, but not considered an innovation as it is of Italian inspiration. The regulation of this institution is deficient in the Romanian system of law, generating extensive discussions in doctrine pertaining to its legal nature. Because it influences the legal enforcement means of this institution, this paper presents a study of the evolution and legal nature of the pact of option from a historical and comparative perspective, considering the law, jurisprudence and the Romanian, Italian and French doctrine.
In the intricate dance between internal control and audit success, this study unveils a harmonious relationship through a comprehensive case study at Alpha. The empirical findings resonate with theoretical constructs, spotlighting deficiencies in customer receivables and asset procurement. This is not just a diagnosis; it is a revelation of opportunities for immediate correction and a blueprint for ongoing operational excellence. The practical assessment serves as a poignant exemplar, showcasing how a nuanced understanding and implementation of internal controls not only safeguard financial integrity but also elevates audit missions to comprehensive and insightful evaluations. The study underscores the critical role of auditors in fortifying internal controls, ensuring a meticulous examination of Alpha's financial landscape. As we revisit the central question of the study—how internal control contributes to the success of accounting and financial audits—the case study unequivocally asserts that internal control is more than a formality. It emerges as a fundamental element ensuring the reliability of financial information, fostering transparency, adherence to standards, and guaranteeing the triumph of audit missions. The substantial deficiencies unearthed in customer receivables management and asset acquisition processes at Alpha underscore the urgent need for enhancements in internal control. Recommendations stemming from these observations offer concrete paths to strengthen financial operations, providing practical perspectives to enhance the quality of audit missions in a complex financial environment. While acknowledging study limitations tied to its specificity, the insights gleaned provide a valuable contribution to understanding the practical importance of internal control. This study paves the way for future research in this indispensable domain of corporate finance, emphasizing the significance of financial resonance for sustained audit triumphs at Alpha and beyond.
Healing space is a complex concept that has become a targeted problem in the healthcare system and overall therapy all over the world in the last two decades. From ancient times, healing spaces were an active preoccupation of people. The fire dances and storytelling were therapeutic. Greeks constructed a healing city in Epidaurus, and sacred spaces were found all over the world. In modern times, there has been a growing interest in the last two decades in enhancing the healing process using environmental design elements, cultural elements and spiritual dimension. Nature and physical activities like tending horses or gardening, architectural elements, sunlight, air, integration of technology and healthy relationships like nurse-patient, therapist-patient or family relationships are key ingredients to cultivate rapid health recovery. A patient-centered holistic healing perspective is considered in the healthcare system and therapy. This study analyzes the various aspects of healing space, emphasizing its relevance in the context of social reforms in healthcare and therapy.
This article aims to discuss certain aspects of the relationship between science, truth, and beliefs, focusing primarily on the scientific activity of the biological and medical sciences and their connection to the notions of truth and belief. The relationship with religions will not be addressed. Science uses specific methods to acquire knowledge, and philosophers have analyzed how this scientific knowledge was acquired, trying to specify the approaches and establish some general rules. Some radical theorists have challenged the value of the scientific method, despite the undeniable success of science. Although it is rational, science is not free from belief, which can have a positive or negative impact on the acquisition of scientific knowledge and on the idea of human nature.
During the conquest of Jerusalem in 70 AD by the Roman armies, many Jews lost their lives, while others were caught up in the war. The city of Jerusalem was destroyed, and the temple, a masterpiece of art, was looted and burned. The Romans seized holy objects, including the seven-armed chandelier of solid gold, the golden table on which the 12 loaves of bread were placed, the embroidered curtain, the golden vessels and a Torah scroll later donated by the emperors Vespasian and Titus to the temple of the goddess of peace. The triumphal arch erected in the Forum in honor of Titus was decorated with relief reproductions of these trophies and depictions of scenes from the war in which the Jews had been so cruelly defeated. As testimony to this tragic event, there are also medals on which a woman's hands were tied and on which the inscriptions can be read: Iudeaea devicta, i.e., Judaea defeated, and Iudeea capta, i.e. Judaea captive. This article aims to provide an overview of the historical significance and impact of the Roman conquest of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
The problem of identity is, equally, an exogenous one—that of the identification and limitation of man and the borders of his person—and, an endogenous one—that of self-identification, re-identification and self-knowledge, more precisely, self-knowledge, its components and dynamics. This raises questions about the coordinates of this identification, self-identification and re-identification and self-knowledge of man, as unity and physical, spiritual, moral and cognitive identity of this world. How many come and how do they come from its exteriority, and what and how are those that belong to its interiority, that is, to feeling, intuition, the operations of thought, knowledge, logic, the concrete and the abstract? These are thought-provoking questions for which answers, benchmarks, structures, arguments, determinations and connections have been sought at all times. The question “Who am I?!”—which is both questioning and wonder—constitutes one of the fundamental problems of psychology, philosophy, logic, thought and self-awareness, but not only. Approaches to this are different and very complex, and the results are commensurate, in a dynamic and complex universe, open to all horizons. Who struggles with the management of identity, self-identification and re-identification, and other components of the human person and personality? The first answer could be: psychology, as a science of the soul or psyche; philosophy, as a science and art of thinking; and logic, in its capacity as manager of the generation, coherence of rationality and the reason of the expression of the realm of cognition. The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive overview, bringing a broader perspective to the profound and timeless topic of personal identity.
Humanity and ethics seem to be synonymous. Wherever human existence is discussed, wherever the relations developed between different social categories are explored, ethics become imperative. The source of ethical standards is also important, leading sociology to confirm the existence of countless ethical systems, each claiming to meet human needs. These include Christian ethics, which considers man to be more valuable than other ethical systems portray, and his value is ontologically given through creation. As a result, occupying such a significant place in the universe, man needs moral rules that respect his fundamental rights and provide support during crises and needs. The present article is a brief foray into the perimeter of Christian ethics, highlighting some aspects that define this system and presenting arguments in its favor. The argument is justified, as human society is in a constant search for an ethic that benefits each individual. The present discussion has a general footprint, offering only a few of the comprehensive multitude of the Christian ethical system meant to open the way for easy communication between different ethicists.
This article explores the relationship between science and religion from the perspective of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. While expressing concern regarding knowledge gained through scientific study, C. H. Spurgeon nevertheless rejected any approach—scientific or otherwise—that might lead man away from the full acceptance of the inspiration of Scripture and divine revelation. For this reason, starting from the premise that science and religion must never be in opposition, he developed a model for harmonizing them, emphasizing that through knowledge of God and acceptance of biblical truth, the best methods of interpreting, assimilating and developing the information obtained through scientific endeavors can be achieved.
The purpose of this article is to explore some aspects of Jesus' discipleship described in the Sermon on the Mount. Taking into account notable writings on the concept of discipleship in the Sermon on the Mount by prominent theologians such as R. T. France and Bonhoeffer, this article examines these aspects. We will analyze the inner aspects of the Matthew text, aspects that Jesus presents. An indication that Jesus spoke in the text is that the disciples (prophets) know each other by their fruits (Matthew 7: 15-20), meaning according to their deeds. Furthermore, it is also important due to the fact that many Christians in the world claim to be disciples of Jesus, but their deeds show the opposite. Our analysis will extend to the concept of discipleship during the period of the Second Temple, a period that also includes the time in which Jesus lived. Following this, we will look at some concepts that Jesus presents in the text, giving special attention to the inner aspects emphasized in Matthew 5-7.
Charity is one of the biggest social network efforts to combat poverty, inequality and achieving a better society. Charity is most of the time referred to as an act to give money to common social endeavors or spending time on noble causes. The digital age has warranted attention to the advent of social online media. Charity has also found a vital place in online solutions, such as crowdfunding platforms and international online donation drives, e.g., in Facebook’s Birthday donation calls or Twitter donation causes and Google charity for helping non-profit organizations to use some of their services (partially) for free. The internet and social online media forums have also become contested terrains that have been found to breed negative social dynamics and perpetuate cancel cultures. This paper makes the novel case that charity can also come to life in the form of non-monetary purposes. Not only devoting time and effort for the pursuit of noble social causes but also overcoming negative trajectories in social online media forums via mental strategies of forgiving is introduced as a way of charity. Opening up charity for non-monetary causes widens the range of charity givers to also the not so affluent and those with less time at hand. Experiencing charity as a non-costly act of forgiving and not canceling others can also breed positive notions of self-determined internal locus of control mechanisms, which usually go hand-in-hand with following through a plan more stringently and leading to better reported outcomes in terms of happiness. Charity in forgiving can thereby become a natural flow moment that is pursued for deriving pleasure from the act of forgiving. Extending the classical concept of charity for these novel purposes and causes promises to breed a more social and just society and online virtual world, in which people meet with respect, dignity and empowered strength to forgive – all features that are available for everyone, not just the affluent. Charity for non-monetary purposes therefore holds the key to equality in giving and improving societal conditions.
In this study, the author aimed to clarify some issues concerning the relationship between religion (faith, Christianity, cults, Islam, religiosity, prayer and spirituality) and the COVID-19 pandemic from a (mental) health perspective. The conclusion reached is that only three of the factors related to religion, COVID-19 and mental health have been investigated in the literature: Religious doctrinal responses to the pandemic - the effect of religiosity/spirituality on (promoting) health in the COVID-19 pandemic type; changes in religious behavior - the effect of spiritual connections, religious practices, 'social distancing', religion as a risk of virus spread, restrictions, and technology; and religious confrontations - the effects of religiosity/spirituality on (promoting) health. Prejudice, i.e., attitudes and behavior towards religious groups that increase suffering and precipitate mental illness, was ignored.
Food chain patterns in nature and throughout the biosphere have led to the perpetuation, preservation, and continuity of biological life, and when incidents have occurred, they have impacted the entire chain through various disruptions and even endangered life itself. It is quite natural and normal that in all living things, there should be a spirit of self-preservation, which is an astonishment to scientists, but a food chain itself contains a science beyond human science, and here scientists recognize that there is something that is beyond life, although they may not be able to name what or who that something is. If divinity has thus projected its image in its creation, it is only natural and academically honest that in science too there should be recognized so-called trophic chains, or in other words, interrelationships of the sciences, interdependent in their diversity and spectrum of activity, yet with a single purpose, the purpose of transcending them towards the ultimate reality of knowledge.
This paper analyzes the biblical episode involving the daughters of the deceased Zelophehad and demonstrates that Hebrew society had the ability to overcome prejudices regarding the primacy of the male sex, even in an eminently patriarchal period. Inheritance is no longer transmitted through the male line and the distinction of sex is eliminated. It must also be recognized that the first important legal disputes in the world appeared in Jewish society long before the codes issued (ius scriptum) during the Roman Empire. They indicate the effervescence of disputes in Jewish legal life. Finally, the Zelophehad episode raises questions about the inspiration and authorship of the biblical text. The ability of the human receiver to perceive and modulate the divine message is accidentally called into question. The study considers societal norms, legal consequences, and ethical aspects involving the daughters' request for inheritance, offering reflections on the evolving nature of laws and the attitudes of society in Hebrew culture.