REPORT. Mid-term Evaluation of Natioanl Development Strategy »MOLDOWA 2020«. Key Findings
This document presents the results of the evaluation and analysis of the National Development Strategy (NDS) "Moldova 2020" implementation, which is the main national strategic planning document drafted by the Government and adopted by the Parliament in July 2012 for the period until 2020. In accordance with the provisions of the NDS, the Government, with the support of UN Moldova, initiated the process of evaluation of the implementation of the NDS for the period 2012-2015. The objectives of this assessment included: establishing how NDS fulfilled its function as a central strategic planning document in the field of sectoral policies and budgetary allocations; analysing the impact of NDS in areas of priority policies through predetermined monitoring and evaluation indicators; and identifying the lessons learned. All these activities were undertaken in order to design a new national development strategy "Moldova 2030".