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Result 30541-30560 of 32256
New directions of administrative sanctioning and the efficiency

New directions of administrative sanctioning and the efficiency

A közigazgatási szankcionálás új irányai és a hatékonyság

Author(s): Zsuzsanna Árva / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: administrative sanction; penalty; criminal prosecution; individual administrative sanction; digital services

The study examines the current state of the Hungarian sanctioning regime and the EU requirements in the light of the Digital Services Act (DSA) Regulation on the regulation of the digital services market and tries to propose which sanctioning solutions and mechanisms could be effective in the given area. It also considers whether the sanctions law may need to be amended and whether the current framework needs to be revised. In addition, new types of sanctions, which do not yet exist in the Hungarian system, may be considered in the light of some recent trends in irregularities. The latter may include individual or individual sanctions, which are mainly argued in the literature in the context of cartel law. From the point of view of effectiveness, the DSA Regulation sets out certain aspects, but leaves open the question of what sanctions the Member State wishes to introduce into national law in the area in question. Given the parallels between the regulation of the digital services market and antitrust law, the study considers existing sanctions in domestic competition law as a reasonable starting point, with the possibility of introducing new elements based on international practice.

The Digital Services Act and the consumer protection law of the EU

The Digital Services Act and the consumer protection law of the EU

A Digital Services Act és az EU fogyasztóvédelmi joga

Author(s): András Tóth / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: DSA; consumer protection; ranking; targeted advertising; dark patterns

More than twenty years have passed since the first EU legislation regulating online services was adopted. In that time, this sector has developed and changed enormously. This process has led to the need for regulatory reforms, one of which is the Digital Services Act (DSA). This paper describes the reasoning behind the DSA and the regulatory objectives that led the EU legislators to adopt it. After a general overview, the detailed consumer protection rules of the DSA are presented, where two major topics are discussed. The first topic is the DSA’s due diligence requirements arising from the special responsibilities, including the rules of ranking and promoting the legality of online advertising. The second topic covers consumer protection provisions for the own services of online platforms and is also divided into two parts, targeted advertising and dark patterns. The study is not limited to a presentation of the DSA rules, the specific parts of other EU legislation and their differentiation are also presented where relevant.

Main organisational governance issues in central government administrations

Main organisational governance issues in central government administrations

A központi kormányzati igazgatási szervek főbb szervezetirányítási kérdései

Author(s): Zsófia Kincső Varga / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: state administration; central government administrative body; organisational governance; organisational system; governance

As the “apex” bodies at the top of the administrative organisational system, central public administrations are of particular importance and have an impact on the whole system of public administration. The term 'central administration' encompasses several types of bodies, of which central government administrations are the ones we will focus on in this study. Central government administrations, by virtue of both their activities and their importance, not least, their role in determining the organisation of public administration, play a decisive role and have an impact not only on public administration but also on the management of the state, i.e. the governance of the country. These bodies have both general powers and special powers and influence on the organisation of the state administration in certain areas and branches of administration. Due to their prominent role, proper functioning is of key importance, which can be achieved through the tools of organisational governance and management. The purpose of this paper is thus to provide a summary overview of the functioning and organisational governance issues of central government administrations, but a brief overview of the taxonomy of the bodies under study and the theoretical issues related to governance is essential for their examination.

A Voice from the Grave

A Voice from the Grave

Egy hang a sírból

Author(s): Márton Szilágyi / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Sándor Petőfi; the poem Az utósó ember; Clouds cycle; The Myth of Ahasuerus; Ossian

This paper discusses one of the least analyzed poems by one of the most significant Hungarian poets of the 19th century, Sándor Petőfi (1823-1849). After presenting the philological background, the analysis focuses on the question of the origin and parallels of the most important element of the poem’s setting, the image of the last man left of humanity (the poem can be seen as his monologue). Apart from the parallels that can be drawn with works in world literature (such as Mary Shelley’s novel The Last Man), the paper finds a real philological connection with the Ossian myth and the story of Ahasuerus, which creates the image of the ’eternal Jew’, since both these antecedents are demonstrably part of Petőfi’s literary background, and he translated from both traditions.

The Hidden Programme of Orpheus

The Hidden Programme of Orpheus

Az Orpheus rejtett programja

Author(s): Attila Debreczeni / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Ferenc Kazinczy; Orpheus; Freemasonry; literary publicity

This paper seeks to trace the Masonic implications behind the programme of Kazinczy’s periodical, Orpheus’. The context of the first issue of Orpheus and the simultaneously written Inaugural Address (Hivatalba vezető beszéd) in December 1789 show the unity of the aspirations of the school inspector and the editor, and the letters to György Aranka and Alajos Batthyány-Strattmann in March 1790 and January 1791 show the connection between this public programmatic thinking and Kazinczy’s ideal vision of Freemasonry. The first letter was written at the very beginning of the implementation of the programme, while the second one shortly before its final debacle, as a last attempt to renew it. Soon, however, Kazinczy’s career both as a school inspector and as an editor came to an end.

Semantic Analysis of Brand Names in a Chemical Guide

Semantic Analysis of Brand Names in a Chemical Guide

Egy vegyszerismertető márkaneveinek szemantikai elemzése

Author(s): Réka Sólyom / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: blend; creativity; technical text; semantics; chemical guide

Employing a functional cognitive frame, this paper analyses examples for brand names in a Hungarian technical text, Pontaqua, in which phonological-semantic playfulness and additional information as well as multiple meanings can be found. In the case of these names, the creators’ aims were to arise customers’ awareness, and help memorise the names of the products, sometimes with a humorous effect. The paper first identifies the chemicals, then analyses their names within the frame of Conceptual Integration (Blending), giving textual and graphical analyses. The paper focuses on the phonological and semantic features of the brand names, e.g. on the presence of metonymy, which occurs often in the expressions analysed.

The Role of the Portfolio in Teaching Professional Translation

The Role of the Portfolio in Teaching Professional Translation

A portfólió szerepe a szakfordítás oktatásában

Author(s): Ana Lehocki-Samardžić / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: portfolio; translation studies; translation methodology; competency assessment; self-evaluation

The subjects taught in the MA (currently only at the) Communication Department of the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature in Osijek are related to two major fields: communication science and translation science, and within the latter we teach translation and interpreting separately. With the subjects teaching translation science, we convey theoretical and practical knowledge, while developing the translation competencies required by the EMT. The primary goal of the course on professional translation is to prepare students for the tasks performed by professional translators, while also striving for the applicability of translation science. In this paper I try to find answers and solutions to the following question: How can we teach professional translation more effectively so that the result of the process is a professional who is not only familiar with the secrets of the profession, but is also able to continuously evaluate and develop his/her own abilities and skills in cooperation with colleagues?

Translation of Acronyms in Film Subtitles

Translation of Acronyms in Film Subtitles

Filmfeliratban szereplő betűszók fordítása

Author(s): Attila Imre / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: acronym; algorithm; translation; English; Hungarian

The introductory part of our study starts with the topicality of abbreviations and acronyms; subsequently, we distinguish between acronyms and abbreviations, including the difference between acronyms and initialisms. In order to study acronyms, we developed an algorithm to search for English and Hungarian acronyms from the first season of the TV series Designated Survivor and to collect them in a database. The database contains 128 individual English acronyms with 536 occurrences, while the Hungarian version contains 70 individual acronyms with 301 occurrences. Common translation strategies are examined and illustrated with examples, as well as spelling problems that we found examples of in the database are discussed. The concluding section argues for the importance of quality assurance, but also looks ahead to a possible future where we may encounter two types of text: the variant with or without acronyms.

Reconstruction of The Seagull Staged by the National Theatre in Subotica (1973)

Reconstruction of The Seagull Staged by the National Theatre in Subotica (1973)

A szabadkai Népszínház Sirály című előadásának (1973) rekonstrukciója

Author(s): Julianna Ispánovics Csapó / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: National Theatre in Subotica; Anton Pavlovich Chekhov; The Seagull; Chekhov cult; István Szabó Jr.

The study analyses The Seagull by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, directed by István Szabó Jr. in the production of the National Theatre in Subotica. The theatre-cultural context of the performance is the rich and constantly evolving cult of Chekhov in theatre-historical milieu of Vojvodina. The production is based on the text translated by Imre Makai. Contemporary criticism has not indicated any changes made to the structure or text of the play. The following remarks have been made: The staging was largely focused on creating the Chekhovian atmosphere, the acting was less precise, the smaller episodic roles were more successful, and the best performance of the production was given by Eta Süveges (Mashenka). According to the critics, the set and costume design by Pál Petrik were the most successful components of the production, with the highly expressive, magnificent scenery, costumes and appropriate stage lighting creating the Chekhovian atmosphere to a high standard. As to the significance of the production, the opinion of the small number of contemporary critics is mixed. Nevertheless, it was considered a success with audiences in Subotica.

On the Evolutionary History of Fiction Transformations of the Tragedy of Man – Particularly During the Madách Centenary Year

On the Evolutionary History of Fiction Transformations of the Tragedy of Man – Particularly During the Madách Centenary Year

Az ember tragédiája szépirodalmi transzformációinak alakulástörténetéről – kiemelten a Madách-centenárium évében

Author(s): Zsuzsanna Máté / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: transformation of art; transformation of literature; hermeneutics; free reproduction Imre Madách; The Tragedy of Man; struggle philosophy; Czóbel Minka; Frigyes Karinthy; Dezső Kosztolányi

Imre Madách’s dramatic poem The Tragedy of Man is the work of Hungarian literature that certainly has the greatest history of interpretation, as well as its intertextual, inter- and multimedia relevance. In my study, I examine the literary transformations written in 1923 and at the same time the peculiarities of their development history. In the development history, I highlight the free re-creations of Minka Czóbel and Frigyes Karinthy as the turning point of the departure from the basic work. In 1923, most of the poems published in the Madách commemorative issues of the magazines Nyugat and Pásztortűz in Cluj-Napoca engage in polemical discussions with the struggle-philosophy of the pretext „and yet”. This broke the tendency that included the acceptance of the pretext’s thoughts and glorification. Dezső Kosztolányi’s play Lucifer on the Teachers’ Platform (A Play in One Act) is the furthest away from the Madách pretext among the literary works I have analyzed, but it still shows the main points of connection along with its possibility to be further considered and actualized. This type of free re-creation can be considered a literary transformation that was surprisingly original a hundred years ago.

The Sounds of Childlike Innocence and Paternal Emotion

The Sounds of Childlike Innocence and Paternal Emotion

A gyermeki ártatlanság szólama és az apai érzelem hangjai

Author(s): Renátó Támba / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: child-centred pedagogy; childhood-historical iconography; father–child relationship; István Csók; Károly Ferenczy; child perspective

The paper presents and analyses the drawings and paintings of István Csók and Károly Ferenczy on their own children, taking into account the influence of the reformist pedagogical trends of the time and the child studies movement on the painters’ view of man and child. The main question posed in this paper is how the new ideological and historical currents of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries (together with evolutionism) influenced the artists’ approach, what factors led to the increased registration of children’s life in painting, which aspects and motifs of children’s life were emphasized, and how these motifs are related to the pedagogical trends of the time. One of the most comprehensive results of the analyses is that István Csók and Károly Ferenczy turned to the observation of the various stages of children’s lives with a profound interest in the development of the child’s soul, free of sentimentalism, which clearly indicates that these painters were not immune to the reception of the increasingly widespread approach of the reformist pedagogical movement of child studies.

Jean-Paul Sartre’s Journey from Phenomenology to Social Action

Jean-Paul Sartre’s Journey from Phenomenology to Social Action

Jean-Paul Sartre útja a fenomenológiától a társadalmi cselekvésig

Author(s): Adrián Bene / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 1/2023

J. L. Rodriguez Garcia: Sartre – A szabadság öröme. Ford. Simetich-Major Réka. Líra, Budapest, 2022 (A világ filozófusai sorozat).

Autonomist Aspirations of the World, Unite!

Autonomist Aspirations of the World, Unite!

Világ autonomista törekvései, egyesüljetek!

Author(s): Tamás Barcsi / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 1/2023

Kiss Viktor: Kívül/Belül. Egy új politikai logika. Budapest: Napvilág, 2021, 306.

BookTok and ‘Dark Academia’

BookTok and ‘Dark Academia’

A BookTok és a „dark academia”

Author(s): Ronald Erik Hochhauser / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 03/2024

Keywords: BookTok; dark academia; trend; video; visuality

Visual aestheticization of literature on TikTok has been trending during the last couple of years. The videos encountered by users are color-coded and equipped with light filters, and book covers included into these videos have similar designs. This gives rise to increasingly popular aesthetic trends on the platform, such as "dark academia aesthetic" or "cottage core aesthetic." While these trends did not necessarily originate in the field of literature, each of them is centered around a work of fiction that incorporates the defining elements of the trend. In the case of ‘dark academia’, The Secret History by Donna Tartt serves as the central piece for the trend. Both BookTok and the dark academia trend gained noticeable popularity during the first wave of the 2020 COVID pandemic. This popularity is understandable as the isolation and suddenly imposed change in lifestyles left people craving for some meaningful reading experiences. The article describes and contextualizes the main elements of the trend.

The Relationship Between Image and Text in Contemporary Children's Poetry Books

The Relationship Between Image and Text in Contemporary Children's Poetry Books

Kép és szöveg kölcsönhatása napjaink gyermekversköteteiben

Author(s): Katalin Lakatos-Fleisz / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 03/2024

Keywords: children’s poetry books; text; illustration

The study examines the connection between text and illustration in contemporary children’s poetry books. In most cases, illustrations employ some form of visual enhancement or stylization. Even when they faithfully follow the themes of the texts, they establish their own visual language. Stylization thus emerges as a crucial creative element, uniquely belonging to the medium of the image. Stylization reveals that image and text can never fully coincide, even if the image depicts the same subject matter as the text. The question then becomes to what extent the illustrations align with the spirit of the text or diverge from it. To what extent do they consider the reader as a co-creator, and how much do they engage with the possibility of symbolic decoding? Children’s poetry books, compared to prose, offer greater freedom, symbolism, rely on the sensuality of sound, and enable broader, more metaphorical connections with images. A separate area of examination is the realm of children’s drawings and adult illustrations imitating children’s drawings, encompassing aspects such as the technique, color palette, and typographical solutions employed in the images.

Transylvanianism and Identity

Transylvanianism and Identity

Erdélyiség és intertextualitás. Az identitás és autentikusság lehetőségei Kovács András Ferenc költészetében

Author(s): Lilla Bocskor-Salló / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 03/2024

Keywords: identity; intertextuality; imitation; irony; Transylvanianism; authenticity

András Ferenc Kovács's poetry is unique because it stands at the threshold of a significant era, not only from a poetic but also from a historical-political perspective: the turning point of 1989 significantly reshapes Transylvanian Hungarian literature as well. In this rather complex situation, a new, highly fruitful lyrical discourse is born. This poetry is made unique by the peculiar historical-political-social situation stemming from minority existence. In the paper, I examine whether these texts contain mere role-playing, irony, and imitation, or if behind the texts emerges an authentic discourse stemming from the unique Transylvanian situation. I believe that poetry reclaims Transylvanian Hungarian poetry's place in both Hungarian and global literary canons through its distinctive form and content. Behind the intertexts and masks, András Ferenc Kovács's Transylvanian consciousness reflects an authentic poetic identity.

Towards the Concept of Sin

Towards the Concept of Sin

Útban a bűn létfogalma felé

Author(s): Tamás Beck / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 03/2024

Keywords: sin; Heidegger; philosophy; ontology; existence

In my thesis I examine certain historical antecedents of the Heideggerian concept of sin. More precisely, I select two important precursors of Heidegger from the modern German philosophical tradition to show how, following the changes in their ethical concept, they leave behind the concept of action of sin after a while, reaching the idea of the originality of our sinful existence. I must touch upon the relationship of the two authors to religion or to modern educational theory, and I will also attempt to draw some surprising conclusions about human autonomy and the possibility of happiness using examples from fiction. In my work, I keep in mind that ominous authors have always developed their work within the realm of ethics, and only Heidegger will transform the concept of sin into an existential term, opening a new era in universal ontology.

Axe to the Tree

Axe to the Tree

Fába fejsze

Author(s): Péter Demény / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 03/2024

Kőrizs Imre: Szárnyalni gyalog. A félhosszú vers poétikája. Mûút, Miskolc, 2023.

Wandering through Literary History

Wandering through Literary History

Irodalomtörténeti vándorlás

Author(s): Stefánia Andrea Nagy / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 03/2024

Gömöri György: Magyar vándorok Angliában 1572–1750. Savaria University Press, Szombathely, 2023.

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