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Result 30581-30600 of 32256
Memory and Mortuary Cult – Issues of the Relative Chronology of Some Ramesside Tombs in Thebes

Memory and Mortuary Cult – Issues of the Relative Chronology of Some Ramesside Tombs in Thebes

Emlékezet és halotti kultusz – néhány thébai ramesszida sír relatív kronológiájának kérdései

Author(s): Zoltán Imre Fábián / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 1/2024

Keywords: Egypt; El-Khokha; chronology; dating; tradition; Ramesside tombs; TT32; Djehutimes; TT183; Nebsumenu; TT184; Nefermenu

In this paper, new information is offered in relation to one of the most important constituting elements of the decoration of Theban Ramesside rock-cut tombs (the so-called offering scenes) for a more precise dating of these burial monuments. In these scenes, the mortuary cult is depicted by representing the deceased person receiving offerings. The inscriptions accompanying the representations frequently identify not only the deceased but also other persons. Now, after the excavations of three tombs on El-Khokha hillock (TT32, TT183, TT184), which have been regarded as near-contemporary, the representations of the offerings and the texts make it possible to propose a more reliable chronological approach. The motives and the texts of the three tombs are worth examining together, since, besides the similarities of their architectural and decoration programs and beyond the mere chronological aspects, they can also provide further information regarding their traditions.

Byung-Chul Han: What Is Power?

Byung-Chul Han: What Is Power?

„Az ego hatalma éppen az alter […] »igen«-jével éri el tetőpontját.” Byung-Chul Han: Mi a hatalom? Ford. Csordás Gábor

Author(s): Áron Pallós / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 1/2024

Byung-Chul Han: Mi a hatalom? Ford. Csordás Gábor. Budapest, Typotex, 2023, 163 p.

Everlasting Capitalism? Technological Changes, Challenges, and Institutional Responses in the Economic System of the 21st Century

Everlasting Capitalism? Technological Changes, Challenges, and Institutional Responses in the Economic System of the 21st Century

A kapitalizmus örök? Technológiai változások, kihívások és intézményi válaszok a 21. század gazdasági rendszerében

Author(s): József Golovics / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 4/2023

Keywords: capitalism; economic system; knowledge economy; general purpose technology

The competition among economic systems concluded at the end of the 20th century with the triumph of capitalism. However, can this dominant position be maintained indefinitely? This study focuses on contemporary capitalism and the challenges it faces. Through historical comparison, we examine how today’s knowledge-based economy differs from previous forms of capitalism and discuss the challenges that the economic system may encounter in the 21st century. We emphasize the role of technology, particularly in the context of artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. While analyzing potential impacts, we center our attention on the institutional characteristics of the system, while also touching upon issues related to education, innovation, and the world of work.

Automation and Digitalisation in the Automotive Industry

Automation and Digitalisation in the Automotive Industry

Az automatizáció és a digitalizáció az autóiparban

Author(s): Miklós ILLÉSSY / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 4/2023

Keywords: automation; digitalisation; innovation; automotive industry; job quality;

Since the 2010s, there has been a renewed concern in the social science literature about the job-destroying effects of technological change. Analyses are dominated by estimates based on quantitative approaches, while relatively little is known about the actual processes taking place within firms. This paper aims to address this knowledge gap by examining the impact of automation and digitalisation through a case study of three automotive companies. The main finding is that in none of the cases did the innovations studied lead to a reduction in the number of employees. It is also very important to highlight the positive effects of these innovations on working conditions and job quality, in particular the increase in employee autonomy and commitment, employee training, improved earning potential and a more favourable working atmosphere.

Working Time Reduction: A Feasible New Vision?

Working Time Reduction: A Feasible New Vision?

A munkaidő-csökkentés mint új vízió?

Author(s): Miklós Antal / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 4/2023

Keywords: four-day workweek; practical feasibility; social attitudes;

The Covid-19 pandemic transformed the world of work. Besides remote working, substantial reductions of working time are increasingly discussed. Whether technological, institutional, and cultural trends help or hinder such reductions is an interesting question. This article summarizes results from the MTA-ELTE Lendület New Vision Research Group regarding changes in the measurability of working time, which matters for the practical implementation of working time reductions, as well as the factors affecting working time preferences, which are key for socio-political feasibility. The main conclusion is that the world of work is increasingly diverse: definitions of work are hardly comparable over contexts, while the realistic types, methods, and chances of working time reductions are increasingly different depending on the context.

Text-Creating Artificial Intelligence in Social Science Higher Education: Fears and Opportunities

Text-Creating Artificial Intelligence in Social Science Higher Education: Fears and Opportunities

Szövegalkotó mesterséges intelligencia a társadalomtudományi felsőoktatásban: félelmek és lehetőségek

Author(s): Robert Marciniak,Máté Baksa / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 4/2023

Keywords: generative artificial intelligence; ChatGPT; NLP; higher education; research;

This study evaluates the impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) tools, such as ChatGPT and Google Bard, on higher education, especially within the humanities and social sciences. The paper presents a balanced view of the potential advantages and risks associated with GAIs by reviewing recent literature. The proliferation of these AI tools heralds a new era of automation where tasks previously performed by knowledge workers are delegated to machines. This transformation could lead to improved efficiency and democratization of access in higher education but also raises ethical questions and threats to trust within the academic community. The authors underscore the need for higher education stakeholders to communicate transparently regarding the expected impacts of GAIs and cultivate a culture that optimizes their usage while minimizing risks. The authors did not use any GAI tools in this article.

Relations and Oppositions in the Opinions of Teachers and Students Regarding Future Visions in Higher Education

Relations and Oppositions in the Opinions of Teachers and Students Regarding Future Visions in Higher Education

Kapcsolódások és ellentétek a felsőoktatási jövőképekkel kapcsolatos oktatói és hallgatói véleményekben

Author(s): Zsuzsanna Géring,Gábor Király,Péter Miskolczi,Eszter Szendrei-Pál,Réka Tamássy / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 4/2023

Keywords: future of higher education; scenarios; students’ opinion; lecturers’ opinion;

The continuous social changes and the transformation of local and global environment present new and new challenges to the higher education sector. The comprehensive appearance of digitalization, the completely new online world of content provision and authentication are trends to which higher education institutions must also respond. That is why our research was aimed at mapping the main trends and possible future scenarios affecting business higher education. The scenarios created in this way serve as a very good basis for establishing a dialogue with the actors of higher education, for identifying the insights, advantages and challenges related to the outlined four possible future visions. Based on the experiences of several such scenario workshops, this analysis presents the attitude of the faculty and the students towards the visions of the future and the possible trends and changes outlined in them.

“Educate with Nice Words, But Let it Play Too”. The Challenges of the Presence of New Generations in Education and the Labour Market

“Educate with Nice Words, But Let it Play Too”. The Challenges of the Presence of New Generations in Education and the Labour Market

„Jó szóval oktasd, játszani is engedd.” Az új generációk jelenlétének kihívásai az oktatásban és a munkaerőpiacon

Author(s): Anda Nóra Milassin / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 4/2023

Keywords: generation; generational differences; generational conflict in the organization; generation Z in education;

In everyday life, it is common to immediately look for the answer to misunderstandings between people of different ages in rightful or wrongful stereotypes related to generations. The presence of social generations linked to birth years is widely accepted and widespread knowledge for both labor market players and higher education players. The actuality of the topic is given by the fact that, like every generation, the education system of today’s schoolchildren (Generation Z and Alfa) was developed and taught by a previous generation. However, the values and teaching methods of the X generation are entirely different from those of the generations that have grown up in the digital world today. Labor market players face similar challenges. Most of today’s managers are from different eras; they use different management and motivational tools and think about different organizational structures than those with which they could increase and retain current career employees’ commitment. In this article, I not only detail the educational and workplace conflicts of the different generations, but the formation of attitudes also plays a prominent role. The article’s author’s principle is that generational differences should not be treated as a problem but as an opportunity.

Work and Education – Visions for Yesterday and Today

Work and Education – Visions for Yesterday and Today

A munka és az oktatás – jövőképek tegnap és ma

Author(s): István Polónyi / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 4/2023

Keywords: bullshit jobs; post-industrialisation; third and fourth industrial revolutions; future scenarios on work and education;

This paper seeks to shed light on past visions of the future of work and education, and on those of the late 20th century. The paper first describes Keynes’ prediction of radically declining working hours and the ideas that explain the failure of this theory – first of all Graeber’s theory of bullshit jobs, and then the resulting buffet courses in higher education. The paper then examines the impact of post-industrialisation on work and education, and then discusses the similar effects of the information economy and the third and fourth industrial revolutions. Finally, the paper briefly discusses future scenarios for the evolution of work and education.

Factors Determining the Musical Identity of Music High School Students

Factors Determining the Musical Identity of Music High School Students

A zeneművészeti szakgimnazisták pályaválasztásának meghatározó tényezői

Author(s): Judit Váradi,Rita Kerekes,Melinda Pótfi,J. Miklós Radócz / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 4/2023

Keywords: music high school; professional music education; main subject teacher; motivation; career choices;

In our country, little attention has been paid to the secondary level of music education, even though it is not only a transition between primary and higher education but also a predictive force for the future of music education. In our research, we investigated the factors influencing career choice, professional motivation factors and students’ perceptions of the ideal music teacher in a high school specialising in music (N = 22). In the opinion of the students, musicians are best characterised by perseverance, humility and diligence, and music is a means of self-expression, providing relaxation, serenity, and a sense of refuge.

The Involvement of Fathers with School-Age Children in the Home: Dimensions and Forms of Fathers’ Involvement in the Home

The Involvement of Fathers with School-Age Children in the Home: Dimensions and Forms of Fathers’ Involvement in the Home

Az iskoláskorú gyermekes apák otthoni szerepvállalása: az apák otthoni részvételének dimenziói, formái

Author(s): Zsolt Csák / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 4/2023

Keywords: fatherhood; parenting involvement; semi-structured interview;

In our interview research, we are looking at school-age fathers’ child-rearing and other child-related activities at home. We are looking for answers to how fathers living in Hungary perceive, what activities and forms they are involved in at home, and how they think they contribute to their children’s development. The framework for the questions of the semi-structured interviews and the analysis of the conducted interviews was provided by the home involvement dimensions laid out by Pleck (2010, 2012). Our sample consisted of 18 fathers with school-aged children. Based on our results, fathers see their contribution to their child’s development mostly in physical activities (e.g., sports, excursions), in the transfer of knowledge through experience/practice, and in challenging the child.

Neurodivergent Students in Higher Education

Neurodivergent Students in Higher Education

Neurodivergens hallgatók a felsőoktatásban

Author(s): Zsófia Júlia Tószegi / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 4/2023

Keywords: neurodiversity; higher education; Process Model of Inclusion; students with specific learning differences;

This study is using the Process Model of Inclusion to present educational data of student groups with special needs, with a particular focus on students with neurodiversity at the University of Pécs, Hungary (UP). A 10-year time-series analysis of student data from the Neptun Unified Education System (N = 47 194) examines the differences that can be identified when comparing neurodivergent students to other student groups that received affirmative action. This paper analyses enrolment rates and the distribution across faculties at entry (input), compares supporting factors during study (process), and looks at performance indicators when exiting from programs (output). Our results show that neurodivergent students appear to be the most prevalent among the student groups with special needs. Our data analysis also confirms the rather surprising result that neurodivergent students are the most likely to graduate successfully from UP and the least likely to defer semesters during their studies.

Lessons for Universities Based on the Success Factors of Knowledge-intensive Organizations

Lessons for Universities Based on the Success Factors of Knowledge-intensive Organizations

Tanulságok az egyetemek számára a tudásintenzív szervezetek sikertényezői alapján

Author(s): Mária Dunavölgyi / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 4/2023

Keywords: university leadership; knowledge-intensive organisations; leadership; success factors;

The article seeks to answer the question of what lessons can be drawn from the success factors of knowledge-intensive organisations in the competitive sector in the context of changes of the Hungarian universities. It highlights good practices that can be successfully applied in universities. It draws attention to four success factors that have received much attention in the literature: knowledge-friendly organisational culture, trust, a pro-innovation mindset and a transformational leadership style. In the light of these success factors, the analysis points to some of the management and organisational risks that universities face in the process of change. The novelty of the research is demonstrated by the fact that this approach is unprecedented in the university literature.

The university of culture and the culture of the university

The university of culture and the culture of the university

A kultúra egyeteme és az egyetem kultúrája

Author(s): Gábor Klima / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 4/2023

Ronald Barnett, Søren S. Bengtsen & Rikke T. Nørgård: Culture and the University: Education, Ecology, Design. London, 2022. Bloomsbury Academic. 1 Online-Ressource. ISBN: 978-1-3501-9302-4

And what about education? The future of artificial intelligence and learning

And what about education? The future of artificial intelligence and learning

És mi lesz az oktatással? A mesterséges intelligencia és a tanulás jövője

Author(s): Péter Harsányi / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 4/2023

Daniel Araya & Peter Marber: Augmented Education in the Global Age. Artifical Intelligence and the Future of Learning and Work. New York, 2023. Routledge. X + 306 p. ISBN: 9781003230762

From Smallholders to Giant Estates. Contract Tenant Peasantry in the Counties of Veszprém, Sopron, Borsod and Bihar

From Smallholders to Giant Estates. Contract Tenant Peasantry in the Counties of Veszprém, Sopron, Borsod and Bihar

Törpebirtokostól az óriás uradalomig. A szerződéses jobbágyság Veszprém, Sopron, Borsod és Bihar vármegyékben

Author(s): Laszlo Tompa / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 2/2022

Keywords: peasantry; regulation of seigneurial dues; contract; Maria Theresia; taxation; praestatio; counties

One of the groups of sources that can most profitably be used for the examination of the argarian population of Hungary in the early modern era is the archival legacy of the regulation of seigneurial dues ordered by Queen Maria Theresia. Alongside the quantitative data, the responses given to the points of the inquiry shed light on the living and legal conditions of the most characteristic group within the eighteenth-century peasantry, that of contract tenants. While part of the jobbágy-peasantry and as such excluded from the noble nation and from all kinds of political and economic power, this group of the subjected population nevertheless theoretically enjoyed exceptionally wide guarantees in everyday economic activity as opposed to the lord’s economy, with which it lived in an uneasy harmony, sometimes conflicting, and to the lord himself. Based on the material of four counties (Veszprém, Sopron, Borsod, Bihar), the paper explores the regional patterns of contract tenant peasantry in 887 settlements, as well as their ethnic, social and economic features, and those of the lords who dominated them. It likewise explores the proportion of landless peasants and resettled ethnic minorities, prevailing landholding forms, and the issues of serfdom and freedom in correlation with the contract relationship. Through a qualitative analysis of the responses given by the population at the time of the regulation, the paper also explores the formal characteristics of contract-making, offering a „typology” of such contracts by ordering the different contracts into a system.

The Social Question in Changing Perspectives. The Agrarian Social Political Concept of Jenő Czettler

The Social Question in Changing Perspectives. The Agrarian Social Political Concept of Jenő Czettler

A szociális kérdés alakváltozatai. Czettler Jenő mezőgazdasági szociálpolitikai koncepciója

Author(s): Éva Petrás / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 2/2022

Keywords: agrarian social policy; peasantry; conservatism; Catholicism

Jenő Czettler (1879–1953) was a prominent economist, social politician, scholar, and conservative Christian party politician who specialized in the field of agrarian and peasant question. He excelled in the first decades of the 20th century, became an expert of the question, and held a numerous decisive political and academic positions, which made him a key figure in his field before World War II. As a consequence of his career’s arc and political commitment, however, he fell victim of persecution in the Rákosi era and after a show trial he died in prison. The study deals with Czettler’s biography from the point of view of the development of his agrarian social political concept.

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