Catholic Religious Texts with Accent Marks: 1966-1998 Cover Image

Kirčiuoti katalikų tikybos tekstai: 1966-1998 m.
Catholic Religious Texts with Accent Marks: 1966-1998

Author(s): Antanas Pakerys
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas
Keywords: ritual; missal; prayer-book; stress; accent.

Summary/Abstract: The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, issued by the Second Vatican Council, recommended a wider use of vernacular languages. In line with the Constitution, Lithuanian Commission for Liturgy prepared a number of Lithuanian texts. Most of them have accent marks. This article presents an overview of accentuated Lithuanian liturgy texts and evaluates their importance in spreading the norms of standard Lithuanian. An account is given on the accentuation principles and trends of that time while some desirable corrections are also indicated. The article focuses on the following books: “The Roman Catholic Ritual”, “The Liturgy Prayer-Book” and “The Roman Catholic Missal” (Vol. 6). Some notes are also made concerning the accentuation of other Lithuanian Catholic texts.

  • Issue Year: 06/2004
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 36-43
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Lithuanian
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