Developing pro-ecological attitudes in secondary-school foreign-language lessons (on the example of materials for teaching French as a second / subsequent foreign language) Cover Image

Kształcenie postawy proekologicznej na lekcjach języka obcego w szkole ponadpodstawowej (na przykładzie materiałów do nauczania języka francuskiego jako drugiego / kolejnego języka obcego)
Developing pro-ecological attitudes in secondary-school foreign-language lessons (on the example of materials for teaching French as a second / subsequent foreign language)

Author(s): Ewa Półtorak
Subject(s): Language studies, Education, Foreign languages learning, Physical Geopgraphy, School education, Human Ecology, Political Ecology, Philology
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: CEFR; action-oriented approach; developing communicative language competences at school; learning French as a second / subsequent foreign language; ecological education

Summary/Abstract: Ewa Półtorak’s aim in this article is to reflect on how to incorporate elements of ecological education into the foreign-language teaching / learning process, as implemented in the third level of the Polish education system. Półtorak focuses on methods used to develop communicative language competences at school, especially on the example of teaching / learning French as a second / subsequent foreign language.

  • Issue Year: 2022
  • Issue No: 31
  • Page Range: 1-18
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Polish
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