Zalecenia i przestrogi lekturowe (XVI–XX wiek)
Zalecenia i przestrogi lekturowe (XVI–XX wiek)
Contributor(s): Agnieszka Bajor (Editor), Mariola Jarczykowa (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Summary/Abstract: Artykuły zawarte w tomie poruszają zagadnienia recepcji tekstów literackich, prac naukowych czy praktycznych poradników. Interesujące jest spojrzenie na historię czytelnictwa w aspekcie politycznym, religijnym czy kulturowym. W dobie staropolskiej rękopiśmienne i drukowane woluminy były przedmiotami luksusowymi, ich lekturę zalecano w specjalnie komponowanych w tym celu wierszach (Anna Sitkowa). Na łamach prasy oraz w podręcznikach savoir-vivre’u promowano nie tylko literaturę piękną, ale również książki „użyteczne”: poradniki czy publikacje naukowe (Bożena Mazurkowa, Anna Zdanowicz). Z drugiej strony dostrzegano niebezpieczeństwa mogące wynikać z czytania niepożądanych tekstów przez nieprzygotowanych odbiorców (Mariola Jarczykowa). W czasie zaborów książki były przekaźnikiem wartości patriotycznych, zastępowały zabronioną edukację polonistyczną (Grzegorz Nieć, Adrian Uljasz). Po lekturę coraz chętniej sięgały kobiety, które korespondencyjnie dzieliły się wrażeniami czytelniczymi (Małgorzata Komza), choć emancypacja w tym zakresie nie zawsze była dobrze odbierana (Agnieszka Paja). Dzięki staraniom działaczy i publicystów książki pełniły znaczące funkcje w programach kulturalnych poszczególnych dzielnic i prowincji (Krystyna Kossakowska-Jarosz, Anna Karczewska). Problemem było propagowanie tekstów o profilu religijnym, silnie ograniczane przez cenzurę zewnętrzną i wewnętrzną (Janusz Kostecki, Agata Muc). W okresie międzywojennym zwracano uwagę na dobór książek do bibliotek szkolnych (Hanna Langer). Sprzeciwiano się zasilaniu księgozbiorów publikacjami o charakterze nacjonalistycznym i faszystowskim (Zdzisław Gębołyś). Podejmowano także wieloaspektowe prace w zakresie podniesienia edukacji czytelniczej w środowiskach wiejskich, czego świadectwem są pamiętniki chłopów (Monika Olczak-Kardas).
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-535-3
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-2047-2
- Page Count: 222
- Publication Year: 2012
- Language: Polish
Indeks osobowy
Indeks osobowy
- Author(s):Not Specified Author
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:211-221
- No. of Pages:11
Książki „zalecane” przez Andrzeja Trzecieskiego
Książki „zalecane” przez Andrzeja Trzecieskiego
(Books „recommended” by Andrzej Trzecieski)
- Author(s):Anna Sitkowa
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:9-17
- No. of Pages:9
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses occasional poems in which Andrzej Trzecieski praised the 16th century worksand their authors. The poems, printed in „recommended” books fulfilled, above all, advertising functions.Among others, it was emphasized that Trzecieski encouraged equally enthusiastically to read works bythe authors enjoying authority in the 16th century and the debuting ones, wrote praises of Latin worksand written in the national language. He appreciated advantages of works that are fundamental froma today’s perspective, but also indicated the „advantages” of literary ephemerides. Worth attention, froma religious point of view, were Trzeciewski’s praising rhymes, both in books submitted to print by reformationadvocates and the Catholic church.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pożyteczne i szkodliwe lektury według Jana Amosa Komeńskiego
Pożyteczne i szkodliwe lektury według Jana Amosa Komeńskiego
(Useful and harmful books according to Jan Amos Komeński)
- Author(s):Mariola Jarczykowa
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:18-32
- No. of Pages:15
- Summary/Abstract:Jan Amos Komeński expressed his opinion on positive and negative effects of reading booksmany times, especially in pedagogic contexts. His views on the role of a book in religious education,reception of ancient writers, female reading, and topographic art are interesting. Komeński suggesteda foundation of specialist libraries with a limited access to books, preparation of compendium devotedto different groups of readers: learners, babysitters, etc. A great educator warned against excessivereading, did not avoid strong criticism of ancient and modern authors, provided means of an efficientacquisition of knowledge, on the basis of selected sources and a proper techniques of reading takingnotes from a book.
- Price: 4.50 €
Księgi uczone i pożyteczne rekomendowane w „Zabawach Przyjemnych i Pożytecznych”
Księgi uczone i pożyteczne rekomendowane w „Zabawach Przyjemnych i Pożytecznych”
(Scholarly and useful books recommended in „Zabawy Przyjemne i Pożyteczne”)
- Author(s):Bożena Mazurkowa
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:33-42
- No. of Pages:10
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of considerations is formally diversified advertisement texts and occasional poems publishedin the first Polish literary periodical. They constitute an interesting source of studies on readingculture at that time. Texts written by highly‑regardededucation activists and writers (Grzegorz Piramowicz,Urban Szostowicz) and Michał Gröll, a publisher, printer and bookseller distinguished for our nativeculture, contain a directly or indirectly expressed encouragement to take into account publications ofan academic nature and writings of a broadly‑undersstoodusefulness when choosing books. The analysisof a source material allows for defining various strategies used by the above‑mentionedauthors inorder to interest readers with books proving technical and scientific novelties, achievements in medicalknowledge and works useful in an every‑daylife at that time. The subject of inquiries is a broad spectrumof persuasive means serving a proper presentation of author profiles and indication of a text renown topublish and their life usefulness.
- Price: 4.50 €
Lektury galicyjskiego arystokraty doby międzypowstaniowej (literatura w życiu i edukacji Stanisława Tarnowskiego do 1863 roku)
Lektury galicyjskiego arystokraty doby międzypowstaniowej (literatura w życiu i edukacji Stanisława Tarnowskiego do 1863 roku)
(Books by a Galician aristocrat of an inter‑uprising period (Literature in life and education of Stanisław Tarnowski until 1863))
- Author(s):Grzegorz Nieć
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:43-55
- No. of Pages:13
- Summary/Abstract:Stanisław Tarnowski represents an old Polish aristocracy, possessing great culture whereas familyand social contacts cover all three partitions and emigration in difficult times (repressions, censorship,Germanization). Elites, including the intelligentsia being shaped, shaped at that time, gave a tone toa social and political life in Galicia in the period of autonomy. Correspondence and writings, as well asfragments of Stanisław Tarnowski’s book collections allow for reviewing a literary education of a youngGalician aristocrat, a literary historian and critic to be. He was brought up in a house with a big and richlibrary, his education was shaped by famous people of a book, among the closest of whom he got familiarizedwith Romantic works and was fascinated with plays by Schiller and Lessing at school. During hisjourney to Spain, Egypt, Holy Land and Constantinople he also traced the paths of reading. Books andliterary classes helped him to survive difficulties of an Austrian prison, in which he found himself aftera failure of a January uprising. Literary knowledge and culture acquired through years allowed him a fastand brilliant academic and political career, despite a delayed beginning for objective reasons.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wychowanie historyczne w twórczości Walerego Przyborowskiego
Wychowanie historyczne w twórczości Walerego Przyborowskiego
(History education in the writings of Walery Przyborowski)
- Author(s):Adrian Uljasz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:56-68
- No. of Pages:13
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of the article is works by Walery Przyborowski (1845—1913), an author of history‑adventurousnovels for young people and a historian of national and local history, widely‑readnot onlyduring his life, but also by next generations. The article refreshes Przyborowski’s biography as well asa literary‑academicoutput. Especially important is the issue of educational values of the literature createdduring partitions “to cheer people’s hearts”, being at the same time, valued as accessible for being read “forpleasure”. The writer gave a universal tone to his books, highlighting action, adventurous and humorousmotives, as well as introducing many fictitious child characters, which enables young readers to identifywith them, and, thereby, experience the events described more strongly and get to know authentic historicalfigures from previous eras who their peers meet. In such a way he shaped sensitivity and historicalimagination of children and young people, that is, he laid the ground for historical education at a higherlevel. Also, he developed regional and local patriotism in readers. Permanent literary values and educationalhistorical novels written by Przyborowski make the texts be renewed and read also contemporarily.The author used a pedagogical principle to teach playing, rarely accepted at that time, and, simultaneously,having a universal value. He fairly often reflected in his works xenophobic views, following negative ethnicstereotypes when presenting some of hic characters. Re‑editionsof Przyborowski’s works containingchauvinist contents should be accompanied with a critical comment in an introduction and footnotes.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Duch z litery” w górnośląskim wariancie. Koncepcja książki jako „skarbnicy dobrych słów i złotych myśli” w programie rodzimych działaczy kulturalnych w XIX wieku
„Duch z litery” w górnośląskim wariancie. Koncepcja książki jako „skarbnicy dobrych słów i złotych myśli” w programie rodzimych działaczy kulturalnych w XIX wieku
(A soul from a letter in an Uppersilesian variant. A conception of a book as „a treasury of good words and words of wisdom” in a programme of native culture activists in the 19th century)
- Author(s):Krystyna Kossakowska-Jarosz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:69-81
- No. of Pages:13
- Summary/Abstract:The following text complements the author’s previous studies on the literary culture of Upper Silesiain the 19th century. From the nature of the studies conducted follows that the conception of the bookwas formed in the atmosphere of conviction of a mission ascribed to a printed word realised in a nativecircle, introducing „a domestic school”. The specificity of this campaign consisted in different socialconditions because the very tasks were taken by working and peasant circles, whereas in other regions itwas intelligentsia that was engaged in the action. The realities, as well as the need to reinforce ideologicallyunderstood tradition influenced the model of promoting “good book” realized in Upper Silesia andsimultaneously act against an “unworthy” book. Aiming at a successful realization of the programme,a newspaper discourse strongly encouraged to accept patriotic ideals (“lofty feelings”) and discouragedfrom a new sensitivity (“soul emotions”). Generally speaking, one can state that a programme of „a goodbook” worked out in a native circle, derived from a Romantic tirteism propagated the power of a wordand its influence on people. Presenting particular symptoms of the actions taken, the author underlinesthat the choices of Uppersilesians realised a certain utopian model.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pożytki i szkody płynące z lektury według poradników savoir‑vivre’u z lat 1806—1939
Pożytki i szkody płynące z lektury według poradników savoir‑vivre’u z lat 1806—1939
(Benefits and damages deriving from reading according to savoir‑vivre handbooks from 1806 to 1939)
- Author(s):Anna Zdanowicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:82-97
- No. of Pages:17
- Summary/Abstract:Problems connected with a book, magazines and reading usually constitute a margin of considerationsin handbooks of good manners, yet appear in most of them. The article bases on 59 handbooks ofgood manners from 1806 to 1939 published in Polish. Basing on them, the development of a reflection onreadings can be divided into three stages. In the first half of the 19th century when the savoir‑vivrehandbooksput the greatest deal of emphasis on the character of a well‑bredperson, an isolating and escapingfunction of a book and its bad influence on the scholars and dreamers was condemned. In the second halfof the 19th century when lack of knowledge within savoir‑vivreprinciples was criticized also scientificignorance and the lack of knowledge of the most vital issues of contemporary culture were not accepted.As late as between 1919 and 1939 the appropriate sources of information and means of using them wereindicated, and reading more ambitious books was encouraged.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Puszka Pandory”, czyli czego obawiali się dziewiętnastowieczni publicyści piszący o czytelnictwie kobiet
„Puszka Pandory”, czyli czego obawiali się dziewiętnastowieczni publicyści piszący o czytelnictwie kobiet
(„Pandora’s box” or what the 19th century columnist writers were afraid of in female reading)
- Author(s):Agnieszka Paja
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:99-107
- No. of Pages:9
- Summary/Abstract:The author analyses fears of the 19th century columnist writers who raised the issue of women readingin the context of their up‑bringingand education. Fears of authorities usually concerned the scopeand style of women books. Thus, dangers coming from excessive, and free female reading of books ofany subject‑matter,often romances which allowed for isolating from the reality, also discouraged fromtaking on traditional social roles. A key element for considerations is a myth about Pandora which in the19th century columnist writing, represented a type of a woman aiming at satisfying curiosity and gainingknowledge irrespective of consequences. Among others, George Sand was perceived in such a way, thatis, a figure being an anti‑modelof female biography. From the perspective of the 21st century one cansee how inefficient and groundless warnings of columnist writers were; women still read romances andare emancipated to a large extent though still possess families and perform roles written for them by anandrocentric culture.
- Price: 4.50 €
Znaczenie lektury w życiu młodych ziemianek na początku XX wieku
Znaczenie lektury w życiu młodych ziemianek na początku XX wieku
(A book in life of young landowners at the beginning of the 20th century)
- Author(s):Małgorzata Komza
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:108-121
- No. of Pages:17
- Summary/Abstract:A posthumous tribute of Stanisława Lewoniewska, from an educated Żmudź, connected with theDepartment of Agricultural Chemistry at the Agricultural Faculty at Jagiellonian University appeared in1957. Her colleague, prof. Tadeusz Lityński, having discussed her academic achievements, claimed thatthis unique woman was inspired by not only chemistry, but also literature. He wrote with admirationthat she revealed literary talents and had an easiness of writing. She could recite whole fragments of themost outstanding literary works. Thus, the question on which environment shaped her seems interesting.The answer partially comes from letters between 1906 and 1913 written by her to her sister studyingin Cracow and the remaining girls in Żmudź. Currently they are stored in the Library of the LithuanianAcademy of Sciences in Vilnius. Unfortunately, the addressee’s replies, apart from little fragments, werenot saved. However, the texts sent to her, colourful, including many detailed descriptions of written by16 and 17‑year‑oldgirls, show not only their social life, daily chores, attitude to political events, ethnicproblems, but also their books, attitudes to books, difficulties connected with ordering them, the attemptstaken by maidens to educate peasant children, arranging a school for them, as well as problems connectedwith the choice of proper textbooks. The letters in question constitute a precious source material, givinga lot of information on cultural preferences of Polish landowners, especially women, and show their rolein building a national awareness of local people.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Ducha wiary obudzić, myśl zbłąkaną sprostować…”. Opinie publicystów związanych z Kościołem katolickim o czytelnictwie ludowym w Królestwie Polskim w drugiej połowie XIX wieku
„Ducha wiary obudzić, myśl zbłąkaną sprostować…”. Opinie publicystów związanych z Kościołem katolickim o czytelnictwie ludowym w Królestwie Polskim w drugiej połowie XIX wieku
(„Awaken the spirit of faith, and straighten wandering thought…”. Opinions of columnist writers connected with the Catholic church on people’s reading in the Duchy of Poland in the second half of the 19th century)
- Author(s):Anna Karczewska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:122-133
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:One of the key issues of a public debate in the Duchy of Poland in the second half of the 19th centurywas the problem of people’s education. It was a common knowledge that the Catholic church, as aninstitution recognized as a big authority in rural environments, could play an important role in solving it.The clergy were expected to initiate the foundation of elementary schools and libraries in the countryside.In the meantime, their intellectual potential and limitations of a political nature did not facilitate theiractivity in this respect. However, it was church representatives who often took responsibility for popularizingeducation in their rural parishes. The main aim of these actions consisted in moral development,whereas the main means to this goal was religious books and press for rural readers. A discussion on thecontents, cognitive advantages and formal features of this type of publication is a key to understand ideologicaldilemmas which modeled the awareness of the 19th century observers of social reality.
- Price: 4.50 €
Carska cenzura zagraniczna wobec importu literatury religijnej w języku polskim w latach 1865—1904
Carska cenzura zagraniczna wobec importu literatury religijnej w języku polskim w latach 1865—1904
(Imperial foreign censorship towards importing religious literature in Polish between 1865 and 1904)
- Author(s):Janusz Kostecki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:134-144
- No. of Pages:11
- Summary/Abstract:Religious prints constituted the second most numerous, following the literature, group of publicationsimported to the Russian partition (2 212 books, which constituted 17.17% of total importing,were imported between 1872 and 1904). They came mainly from Austrian provinces (62.99%), especiallyfrom Cracow. Over 98% of them concerned Christianity. Publishing houses concerning practical theologyconstituted the broadest category and it was above all texts written by Polish authors that were imported.Religious publications were most strictly censored. Over a half of them was questioned (51.27%)between 1872 and 1904, 43.58% of which was totally forbidden, and 7.47% were forbidden in fragments.The periods of escalated repression were between 1889 and 1893 as well as 1901 and 1904. Religious periodicalsand works treating about the problems of the functioning of the Catholic church and practicaltheology were particularly questioned. In the case of 9 authors (J. Stagraczyński, blessed Józef SebastianPelczar, J. Siedlecki, J. Krukowski, S. Załęski, K. Riedl, M. Mycielski, P. Skarga, P. Smolikowski) severalworks were questioned.A complete change of the censorship’s attitude to religious publishing houses happened as late asafter 1905, when they were questioned 3 times less often than at the turn of the centuries. Only every fifthbook of this type was forbidden between 1906 and 1914.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wpływ cenzury kościelnej na program wydawniczy. Księgarni i Drukarni Katolickiej
Wpływ cenzury kościelnej na program wydawniczy. Księgarni i Drukarni Katolickiej
(The influence of church censorship on a publishing plan of the Catholic Bookshop and Printing House)
- Author(s):Agata Muc
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:145-158
- No. of Pages:14
- Summary/Abstract:Church censorship has had a long tradition and reached the first centuries of Christianity and oneof its forms, a previous censorship, has functioned in a Catholic church since modernity. A Code of a CanonicLaw standardized the principles of text control and procedures of awarding imprimaturs in theinterwar period. The very principles defined, apart from the subject and object of censorship, specific tipsfor publishers aiming at getting an approval of church authorities to publish a book. The work shows theextent to which a church censorship influenced a publishing plan and the process of production of theCatholic Bookshop and Printing House, one of the dioceses in Upper Silesia.
- Price: 4.50 €
Znaczenie lektury w życiu społeczności wiejskiej w świetle pamiętników chłopów w okresie dwudziestolecia międzywojennego
Znaczenie lektury w życiu społeczności wiejskiej w świetle pamiętników chłopów w okresie dwudziestolecia międzywojennego
(The role of a book in life of a rural community in the light of peasants’ diaries in the inter‑war period)
- Author(s):Monika Olczak-Kardas
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:159-170
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses the role of a book and press in a rural environment in the interwar period.Theanalysis covered 150memories from published diaries.The following issues were raised: reading choices,book and press availability, and benefits derived from reading. Also,many relationships between readingand gender, age, education level and place of living were presented.The influence of social organizations,agricultural schools and people’s universities on reader’s choices were shown. Also, forms of work witha book— individual reading, reading in a group and competitions of a good reading were analysed.Theattention was paid to the titles of books and magazines selected.The exemplification constitutes lives ofparticular countryside dwellers, for whom a book was the beginning of a new life, education, spiritualdevelopment, social promotion, and a conscious participation in social and political life. Books andmagazines were the source of knowledge and means of gaining information on the surrounding world.They constituted rest and killed their free time. A book was a companion when they struggled with lifeadversities. It developed their imagination, aroused dreams, and broadened horizons and sometimes hadan influence on life choices.
- Price: 4.50 €
Biblioteka szkoły powszechnej miejscem edukacji czytelniczej i bibliotecznej (1918—1939)
Biblioteka szkoły powszechnej miejscem edukacji czytelniczej i bibliotecznej (1918—1939)
(A library of a state school as a place of reading and library education (1918—1939))
- Author(s):Hanna Langer
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:171-190
- No. of Pages:20
- Summary/Abstract:Changes in pedagogy happening at the beginning of the 20th century influenced among others thedevelopment of school libraries.Their condition, especially in the first years after regaining independenceby Poland, was catastrophic. Among others it was actions taken by the Ministry of Religious and PublicEnlightenment that was to bring about a proper functioning of libraries. A commission responsible forevaluation of books for school youth was appointed in 1923 and an Instruction concerning libraries for theyouth in state schools was released in 1925, in which it was underlined that a well‑furnished library is ne‑cessary for a proper functioning of school and realization of a didactic‑educational programme, includingthe development of reading. Reading and library education was treated as one of themost important dutiesof a civic youth education. It was to involve such elements as using information publishing houses, cata‑logues and library files,mastering the ability to choose a proper book, getting ready for a self‑developingwork, including the ability of proper note taking, and was to be connected with teaching curricula.Thebest place for a reading and library education was a library, a reading room with a free access to shelves.As the school libraries usually did not have proper book collections in particular, cooperation with pub‑lic libraries is what was suggested. It developed best inWarsaw where a chain of best functioning publiclibraries for children functioned at the end of the 1930s.
- Price: 4.50 €
Książka zakazana i niepożądana w niemieckich bibliotekach szkolnych i oświatowych w II Rzeczypospolitej
Książka zakazana i niepożądana w niemieckich bibliotekach szkolnych i oświatowych w II Rzeczypospolitej
(Forbidden and unwanted book in German school and educational libraries in the Second Republic of Poland)
- Author(s):Zdzisław Gębołyś
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:191-210
- No. of Pages:20
- Summary/Abstract:The German minority in Poland in the Second Republic of Poland constituted about 740 thousandpeople, which gave it the fifth place after the Ukrainians, Jews, Russians and Belarusians. Real power androle of Germans in Poland were far beyond a demographic factor. Germans inhabited mainly westernand northern voivodeships in Poland, and had a pretty big economic potential at their disposal. Theywere also a political power in their attempts to a parliament and local self‑governments. German minor‑ity was well‑organised, acted in numerous associations and societies of professional and cultural profiles.Except for Germans living in eastern voivodeships of the Second Republic of Poland, Germans, literatein majority, were active participants in a cultural life. Four factors played an indirect role in maintainingand reinforcing national identity, namely family, school, church and media.The aim of the text is to present the role of book in the very process. Deliberations will cover theseGerman books which from the point of view of Polish authorities spread revisionist and Pole‑destructiveopinions among Germans and were eliminated by them.The subject of analysis constitutes the literaturegathered in German school and public libraries, educational and academic ones. A special emphasis wasput on spreading books propagating the Nazist ideology in German libraries.
- Price: 4.50 €