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Prezentacje multimedialne w wystąpieniach naukowych
The Multimedia Presentations at Academic Conferences

Contributor(s): Mariola Antczak (Editor)
Subject(s): Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Library and Information Science, Education and training
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: multimedia presentations; scientific presentations; academic conferences; scientific speeches; scientific communication; scientific paper
Summary/Abstract: Speeches at academic conferences are a permanent element of every researcher's activity, closely related to the area of his/her work, consisting, among others, of communicating the results of his/her research to the community. The quality of scientific communication is the basis for the flow of information, made with the visualization of data and conclusions, which becomes essential and expected by recipients in the 21st century. One of the methods of processing information into a multimedia form is a presentation that enriches oral communication and enables the recipients of the message to use multi-sensory channels at the same time: hearing and sight. The book formulates answers to two questions: "How to prepare a good scientific speech?" and "How to prepare a good presentation that enriches a scientific speech?" The publication has an academic and practical character. It divides into three parts. The first one concerns scientific speeches at scientific conferences, the second is devoted to multimedia presentations used during such speeches, and the third discusses specific examples of changes the authors introduced into their presentations to improve them and meet the requirements of a scientific one. The monograph also discusses other issues related to public speaking, such as clothing, savoir vivre, and voice emission. The main goals pursued by the authors of individual texts are knowledge and description, but also practical and implementation of the set goals. Authors use the following methods: desk research, analysis and criticism of literature, deductive, comparative & heuristic methods, and case studies. The book uses rich literature on the subject. The publication can be used by practicing and novice scientists, Ph.D. students, and students representing various academic disciplines.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8331-267-5
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8331-266-8
  • Page Count: 316
  • Publication Year: 2023
  • Language: Polish


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