Visoko and its Surroundings through History 3 Cover Image

Visoko i okolina kroz historiju 3
Visoko and its Surroundings through History 3

Contributor(s): Đenana Ganić (Editor)
Subject(s): Cultural history, Architecture, Economic history, Military history, Political history, Social history, Historical Linguistics, South Slavic Languages, History of Education, State/Government and Education, 19th Century, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), History of Art
Published by: JU Zavičajni muzej – Visoko
Keywords: Visoko; Austro-Hungarian period and the period of the Kingdom of Serbs; Croats and Slovenes/Yugoslavia; history; cultural history; socio-political circumstances;
Summary/Abstract: The book "Visoko and the Surroundings Through History III - The Austro-Hungarian Period and the Period of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes/Yugoslavia" explores the history and cultural history of the Visoko region during these significant periods. It examines socio-political circumstances, economic development, education, architecture, and the cultural life of the community, offering a detailed insight into the region's transformation and heritage.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-9926-8494-3-6
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-9926-8494-3-6
  • Page Count: 387
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: Bosnian
Visoko u doba Austrougarske uprave 1878–1918

Visoko u doba Austrougarske uprave 1878–1918
(Visoko during the Austro-Hungarian Rule 1878–1918)

Privreda u Visokom 1878–1914.

Privreda u Visokom 1878–1914.
(Economy in Visoko 1878–1914.)

Visoko u Kraljevstvu/Kraljevini srba, hrvata i slovenaca/Jugoslaviji 1918–1941.

Visoko u Kraljevstvu/Kraljevini srba, hrvata i slovenaca/Jugoslaviji 1918–1941.
(Visoko in the Kingdom/Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes/Yugoslavia 1918–1941.)

Privredne prilike u Visokom i okolini 1918–1941.

Privredne prilike u Visokom i okolini 1918–1941.
(Economic Conditions in Visoko and its Surroundings 1918–1941.)

Školstvo i obrazovanje u kotaru/srezu Visoko 1878–1941.

Školstvo i obrazovanje u kotaru/srezu Visoko 1878–1941.
(Schooling and Education in the Visoko District/County 1878–1941.)

Kulturno-prosvjetna i druga društva u Visokom 1878–1941.

Kulturno-prosvjetna i druga društva u Visokom 1878–1941.
(Cultural, Educational and Other Societies in Visoko 1878–1941.)

Jezik i pisana riječ u Visokom

Jezik i pisana riječ u Visokom
(Language and the Written Word in Visoko)

Kultura življenja - pisani/kazivani argumenti iz visočke sredine

Kultura življenja - pisani/kazivani argumenti iz visočke sredine
(Culture of Living - Written/Spoken Arguments from the Visoko Area)

Arhitektura Visokog 1878–1941.

Arhitektura Visokog 1878–1941.
(Architecture of Visoko 1878–1941)



Indeks ličnih imena

Indeks ličnih imena
(Index of Personal Names)

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