Židé v Čechách 7 - Sborník příspěvků ze semináře konaného 24. a 25. října 2018 v Třeboni
Jews in Bohemia 7 - Collection of papers from the seminar held on October 24 and 25, 2018 in Třeboň
Contributor(s): Vlastimila Hamáčková (Editor)
Subject(s): Jewish studies, Sociology, Ethnohistory, Modern Age, Recent History (1900 till today), Theology and Religion, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), History of Communism, History of the Holocaust, History of Antisemitism
Published by: Židovské Muzeum v Praze
Keywords: Jews; Czech Republic; Czechoslovakia; minorities; modern age; 20th century; ethnohistory; merchants; economy;
Summary/Abstract: On October, the 24.-25. 2018, the Jewish Museum in Prague, in collaboration with the State Regional Archive in Třeboň, hosted the seventh meeting of archivists, historians, Hebraists, and regional museum workers focused on Jewish history in the Czech Republic, particularly modern issues and border regions' history. The event covered the organization and legal status of Jewish religious communities from the mid-19th century to World War II, the evaluation of archival sources on Jewish history preserved in Czech and foreign archives, and included studies on the Holocaust, especially the fate of Jews from border areas. Regional topics and documentation of Jewish cemeteries were also discussed, along with a contribution on Jewish sigillography. Not all presented contributions were included in the proceedings, but efforts were made to publish them in a planned eighth issue. The authors are responsible for their studies' content, and the spelling of "žid" or "Žid" is left to their discretion.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-80-87366-59-2
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-87366-59-2
- Page Count: 247
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: Czech
Chaos jako důsledek emancipace Organizace židovstva v Čechách 1848-1893
Chaos jako důsledek emancipace Organizace židovstva v Čechách 1848-1893
(Chaos as a consequence of emancipation. Organization of Jewry in Bohemia 1848-1893)
- Author(s):Daniel Baránek
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, History of Law, Ethnohistory, Political history, 19th Century, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting
- Page Range:3-19
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Jewish tax; Bohemia; financial challenges; Prague; legal reform; 19th century;
- Summary/Abstract:The abolition of the Jewish tax in October 1848 and the equalization of Jews by the constitution of March 4, 1849, posed significant financial challenges for Jewish communities in Bohemia. The search for a solution spanned over four decades, with Prague quickly resolving the issue through ad hoc measures, while rural communities struggled. Efforts to legally secure funding for rural Jewish communities failed in the early 1850s, as only the Prague Jewish community had the status to enforce contributions. The Czech governorship's attempts to reform Jewish communities were met with resistance, leading to a prolonged period of legal and financial uncertainty. The situation was further complicated by the lack of clear criteria for determining the status of Jewish religious communities. Despite various proposals and negotiations, a comprehensive legal framework was not established until the late 19th century. The eventual issuance of a law in 1890 brought some order to the chaotic situation, but challenges persisted in implementing and enforcing the new regulations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Židovské náboženské obce Chodová Planá a Tachov na počátku 20. století
Židovské náboženské obce Chodová Planá a Tachov na počátku 20. století
(Jewish religious communities of Chodová Planá and Tachov at the beginning of the 20th century)
- Author(s):Jan Edl
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, History of Law, Ethnohistory, Social history, Recent History (1900 till today)
- Page Range:20-47
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:Jewish communities; Chodová Planá; Tachov; financial challenges; legal reforms; resilience;
- Summary/Abstract:At the turn of the 20th century, the Jewish religious communities in Chodová Planá and Tachov navigated significant organizational and financial challenges. Following the equalization of Jews in 1848 and the subsequent legal reforms, these communities sought to establish stable financial foundations. The issuance of model statutes in the late 19th century provided a framework for their operations, including the collection of religious contributions. Despite bureaucratic hurdles, both communities managed to adapt, with Tachov experiencing a notable increase in income and expenses due to higher salaries for religious officials. The financial records reveal the reliance on member contributions and the varied economic statuses within the communities. Detailed inventories of movable and immovable property highlight the communities' assets, including synagogues and cemeteries. The study underscores the resilience and adaptability of these rural Jewish communities in the face of legal and financial uncertainties, providing a comprehensive view of their internal dynamics and contributions to local Jewish heritage.
- Price: 4.50 €
K organizaci židovských náboženských obcí v českých zemích
K organizaci židovských náboženských obcí v českých zemích
(On the organization of Jewish religious communities in the Czech lands)
- Author(s):Vlastimila Hamáčková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, History of Law, Sociology, History of Judaism, 19th Century, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:48-59
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Jewish religious communities; Czech lands; 1890 law; Supreme Council; social care; heritage preservation;
- Summary/Abstract:The organization of Jewish religious communities in the Czech lands between the two world wars faced numerous challenges, as detailed in the extensive archival materials preserved in the Jewish Museum in Prague. The 1890 law established Jewish religious communities as public territorial corporations, mandating the collection of a religious tax to cover community needs. Despite the autonomy granted by the law, the communities struggled with issues such as appointing and maintaining rabbis, and the lack of broader organizations to coordinate inter-community relations. Efforts to create a unified organization culminated in the formation of regional unions and the Supreme Council of Jewish Religious Communities in 1927. These unions aimed to manage common affairs, represent Jewish interests to state authorities, and ensure the preservation of Jewish heritage. The Supreme Council also focused on social care, education, and the protection of historical and artistic Jewish artifacts. The study highlights the resilience and adaptability of Jewish communities in navigating legal and financial uncertainties, emphasizing the importance of preserving their history for future generations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Haličští uprchlíci na Domažlicku a Horšovskotýnsku v době první světové války
Haličští uprchlíci na Domažlicku a Horšovskotýnsku v době první světové války
(Halician refugees in the Domažlice and Horšovský Týn region during the First World War)
- Author(s):Radka Kinkorová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Migration Studies, Asylum, Refugees, Migration as Policy-fields
- Page Range:60-71
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Galician refugees; World War I; Domažlice; Horšovský Týn; migration; local response;
- Summary/Abstract:The arrival of Galician refugees in the Domažlice and Horšovský Týn regions during World War I highlights the complex dynamics of migration and local response. Thousands of predominantly Jewish refugees fled the advancing Eastern Front, with many finding temporary shelter in various towns and villages. The local authorities and communities initially welcomed the refugees, providing food, clothing, and shelter, but as the war progressed, resources dwindled, and tensions rose. The refugees' different cultural and hygienic practices sometimes clashed with local norms, leading to mixed reactions from the residents. Despite these challenges, efforts were made to integrate the refugees, including setting up schools for their children and organizing employment opportunities. The study underscores the importance of understanding historical migration patterns and the social dynamics involved, offering valuable insights into the human capacity for both compassion and prejudice during times of crisis.
- Price: 4.50 €
Nenápadná náboženská obec? Střípky ze života židů ve Vodňanech
Nenápadná náboženská obec? Střípky ze života židů ve Vodňanech
(An inconspicuous religious community? Fragments of Jewish life in Vodňany)
- Author(s):Josef Nožička
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Political history, History of Judaism, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:72-80
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Jewish community; Vodňany; local governance; industrial enterprises; archival materials; cultural landscape;
- Summary/Abstract:The history of the Jewish community in Vodňany is often overlooked, despite its roots tracing back to the late 15th and early 16th centuries. This study sheds light on the community's significant yet underappreciated contributions to the town's development. It highlights the involvement of Jewish residents in local governance, various associations, and the establishment of early industrial enterprises. The narrative also touches on the challenges faced by the community, including anti-Semitic sentiments and the impact of World War II. The preservation of archival materials, such as those organized by historian Jan Heřman, is crucial for understanding the community's role in Vodòany's history. The study emphasizes the importance of recognizing and documenting the Jewish community's influence on the town's socio-economic and cultural landscape. By exploring these historical threads, the research aims to correct past oversights and provide a more comprehensive view of Vodňany's heritage.
- Price: 4.50 €
Plzeňský průmyslník Otto Weissberger (1864-1944)
Plzeňský průmyslník Otto Weissberger (1864-1944)
(Pilsen industrialist Otto Weissberger (1864–1944))
- Author(s):Karel Řeháček
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, 19th Century, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:81-97
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Otto Weissberger; Pilsen; industrialist; anti-Semitism; World War II; resilience;
- Summary/Abstract:Otto Weissberger, a prominent industrialist born in 1864, significantly influenced Pilsen's society through his business acumen and social contributions. Despite facing anti-Semitic sentiments, he established a successful factory producing bronze and graphic colors, which became a European leader. Weissberger was deeply involved in various professional and social organizations, advocating for industrial and social progress. His life took a tragic turn during World War II when he and his family were persecuted by the Nazis. Weissberger died in Terezín in 1944, while his wife survived the war but faced post-war challenges. His daughters, Eliška and Anna, were executed for their resistance activities. The family's legacy is preserved through detailed archival research, highlighting their resilience and contributions to Pilsen's history. This study underscores the importance of documenting and preserving the history of Jewish families in Bohemia.
- Price: 4.50 €
Poslední židé v soudním okrese Planá
Poslední židé v soudním okrese Planá
(The last Jews in the Planá judicial district)
- Author(s):Markéta Novotná
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Demography and human biology, History of the Holocaust, History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:98-130
- No. of Pages:33
- Keywords:Jewish community; Planá; Holocaust; property confiscation; census records; resilience;
- Summary/Abstract:The Jewish community in the judicial district of Planá experienced significant changes from the late 19th century to the 1930s. By 1930, only a fraction of the original Jewish population remained, with many having moved to larger cities or emigrated abroad. The community faced severe persecution during the Holocaust, with most members being deported to ghettos and concentration camps, where they perished. The confiscation of Jewish property and its subsequent redistribution post-war further impacted the community. Detailed records from the 1930 census provide insights into the lives of the remaining Jewish families, their occupations, and their contributions to local society. Despite the tragic losses, the historical documentation preserved in various archives offers a poignant glimpse into the resilience and legacy of the Jewish community in Planá. The study emphasizes the importance of these records in understanding the broader socio-economic and cultural history of the region.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zrakově postižení a nevidomí v ghettu Terezín 1941-1945
Zrakově postižení a nevidomí v ghettu Terezín 1941-1945
(The visually impaired and blind in the Terezín ghetto 1941–1945)
- Author(s):Tomáš Fedorovič
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Health and medicine and law, Welfare services, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), History of the Holocaust, History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:131-150
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Terezín ghetto; visually impaired; Reinhard Heydrich; Jewish assembly camps; resilience; Holocaust;
- Summary/Abstract:The plight of visually impaired and blind Jews in the Terezín ghetto during World War II is a poignant chapter in Holocaust history. With the establishment of Jewish assembly camps under Reinhard Heydrich's regime, many blind individuals were deported to Terezín, where they faced harsh conditions. Despite the adversity, the Jewish community organized care for the blind, including the creation of a dedicated home in the ghetto. Medical professionals and volunteers provided essential services, from eye care to daily assistance. The resilience of the blind inmates is evident in their efforts to maintain dignity and contribute to the community, despite their disabilities. The study highlights the importance of preserving these historical records to honor the victims and learn from their experiences. The documentation provides a detailed account of the administrative and social dynamics within the ghetto, offering valuable insights into the lives of the visually impaired during this dark period.
- Price: 4.50 €
Českoslovenští Židé jako oběti politických represí v SSSR
Českoslovenští Židé jako oběti politických represí v SSSR
(Czechoslovak Jews as victims of political repression in the USSR)
- Author(s):Jan Dvořák
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Political history, History of Communism, History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:151-161
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Czechoslovak Jews; Soviet repression; Gulag; deportation; survival; archival research;
- Summary/Abstract:The plight of Czechoslovak Jews under Soviet political repression from the 1920s to the 1950s is a harrowing tale of survival and persecution. Thousands of Czechoslovak citizens, including Jews, faced arrest, deportation, and execution under various waves of Soviet repression. Many were sent to Gulag labor camps, where survival depended on youth and health, with a significant number perishing. The research highlights the diverse backgrounds of the victims, from political emigrants and war prisoners to those fleeing Nazi persecution. Despite the harsh conditions, some managed to survive and later joined the Czechoslovak military units forming in the Soviet Union. The study underscores the importance of detailed archival research in uncovering these tragic histories and the resilience of those who endured such extreme adversity.
- Price: 4.50 €
(Ne)známé osudy Jiřího Weila 1933-1935
(Ne)známé osudy Jiřího Weila 1933-1935
(The (Un)known fate of Jiří Weil 1933–1935)
- Author(s):Marie Brunová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Political history, Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), History of Communism
- Page Range:162-170
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Jiří Weil; Soviet Russia; translator; political purges; Communist Party; resilience;
- Summary/Abstract:Jiří Weil's experiences in Soviet Russia from 1933 to 1935 reveal his deep engagement with Russian culture and politics. His journey, driven by a fascination with Russian literature, led him to work as a translator and editor in Moscow. Weil's time in the Soviet Union was marked by significant events, including his involvement with the Communist Party and his interactions with notable figures like Alexander Arosev. Despite facing political purges and accusations of anti-Soviet activities, Weil's resilience shone through as he continued to write and translate, contributing to various Czech and Soviet publications. His experiences during this period profoundly influenced his literary works, including his novels "Moskva-hranice" and "Dřevěná lžíce." The study of Weil's life during these years offers valuable insights into the complexities of intellectual and political life in the Soviet Union, highlighting the challenges and triumphs of a Jewish intellectual navigating a turbulent era.
- Price: 4.50 €
(Ne)známé osudy Jiřího Weila (1939-1959)
(Ne)známé osudy Jiřího Weila (1939-1959)
(The (Un)known fate of Jiří Weil (1939–1959))
- Author(s):Hana Hříbková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Museology & Heritage Studies, Ethnohistory, Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), History of the Holocaust, History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:171-181
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Jiří Weil; Jewish Museum; cataloging; Gestapo; Terezín; resilience;
- Summary/Abstract:Jiří Weil's tenure at the Jewish Museum in Prague from 1943 to 1959 was marked by his meticulous cataloging of artifacts from destroyed synagogues and Jewish communities. Despite being arrested by the Gestapo in 1944, Weil continued his work in the museum, contributing significantly to the preservation of Jewish heritage. His involvement in the museum's planning meetings and his efforts in organizing exhibitions and publications were pivotal. Weil's post-war activities included rescuing Jewish books from Terezín and other locations, and his work inspired many of his literary creations. His resilience and dedication to documenting Jewish history are evident in his extensive archival contributions and his role in publicizing the Terezín children's drawings. Weil's legacy is preserved through his numerous studies, translations, and the exhibitions he helped curate, highlighting the importance of his work in the context of Jewish cultural preservation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Národní správa majetkových podstat - obvodová úřadovna Tábor. Archivní fond správně i mylně uložený?!?!?
Národní správa majetkových podstat - obvodová úřadovna Tábor. Archivní fond správně i mylně uložený?!?!?
(National Property Administration – Tábor district office. Archival fund correctly and incorrectly stored?!?!?)
- Author(s):Laděna Plucarová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Archiving, Public Administration, Ethnohistory, Political history
- Page Range:182-189
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:post-war Czechoslovakia; Jewish community; property restitution; Košice Government Program; National Administration of Property Assets; resilience;
- Summary/Abstract:In post-war Czechoslovakia, the Jewish community faced immense challenges in reclaiming their property and dignity after the Holocaust. The Košice Government Program of 1945 initiated the restitution process, addressing the confiscation of Jewish property during the Nazi occupation. Despite numerous legal hurdles and bureaucratic obstacles, efforts were made to return properties to their rightful owners or their heirs. The National Administration of Property Assets played a crucial role in managing these restitutions, dealing with properties across various regions. Detailed records from the State District Archive in Tábor reveal the complexities of these processes, including the handling of public spaces like synagogues and cemeteries. The study highlights the resilience of the Jewish community in navigating these legal and administrative challenges, emphasizing the importance of preserving these historical records for future generations. The archival materials provide a comprehensive view of the post-war restitution efforts and the ongoing struggle for justice and recognition.
- Price: 4.50 €
Materiály k dějinám Židů v českých zemích v Ústředním archivu pro dějiny židovského lidu v Jeruzalémě
Materiály k dějinám Židů v českých zemích v Ústředním archivu pro dějiny židovského lidu v Jeruzalémě
(Materials on the history of Jews in the Czech Lands in the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People in Jerusalem)
- Author(s):Markéta Pnina Younger (Rubešová)
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Jewish studies, Museology & Heritage Studies, Preservation, Ethnohistory, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:190-200
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Central Archives; Jerusalem; Jewish heritage; pinkasim; memorbuchs; digitalization; cultural preservation;
- Summary/Abstract:The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People in Jerusalem, established in the late 1930s, plays a crucial role in preserving Jewish heritage. Founded by historian Josef Meisl, the archive collects and maintains documents related to Jewish communities worldwide, from the Middle Ages to the present. The Czech collection, a significant part of the archive, includes materials from Bohemia, Moravia, and Slovakia, covering various aspects of Jewish life, such as community records, personal collections, and organizational documents. Notable items include pinkasim (record books) and memorbuchs (memorial books), which provide insights into the social, economic, and religious activities of Jewish communities. The archive's digitalization efforts have made many of these documents accessible online, enhancing research opportunities. The study emphasizes the importance of these archival materials in understanding the historical development of Jewish communities and preserving their cultural heritage for future generations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pečeti židovských obchodníků s vlnou z Prácheňska z 18. století
Pečeti židovských obchodníků s vlnou z Prácheňska z 18. století
(Seals of Jewish wool merchants from the Prácheň region from the 18th century)
- Author(s):Hana Legnerová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Jewish studies, Economic history, Ethnohistory, 18th Century
- Page Range:201-214
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Jewish seals; Mělník estate; 18th century; zodiac symbols; merchant marks; material culture;
- Summary/Abstract:The study of Jewish seals from the 18th century in the Mělník estate archives reveals the intricate social and economic interactions of Jewish merchants in Bohemia. These seals, discovered in documents related to the sale of wool, showcase a variety of designs, including zodiac symbols, animals, and merchant marks, reflecting both personal and professional identities. The seals' inscriptions, often in Hebrew and Latin, highlight the integration of Jewish merchants into broader economic networks while maintaining distinct cultural identities. The research underscores the importance of these seals as historical sources, providing insights into the legal and social status of Jews in 18th-century Bohemia. The study also addresses the challenges of interpreting these small and often worn artifacts, emphasizing the need for further research to fully understand their significance. The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of Jewish material culture and the complexities of Jewish-Christian interactions during this period.
- Price: 4.50 €
K dějinám židovského osídlení v Rožmberku nad Vltavou
K dějinám židovského osídlení v Rožmberku nad Vltavou
(On the history of Jewish settlement in Rožmberk and Vltavou)
- Author(s):Daniel Polakovič
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Museology & Heritage Studies, Preservation, Ethnohistory, 17th Century
- Page Range:215-227
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Jewish settlement; Rožmberk nad Vltavou; synagogue; pinkas; resilience; heritage preservation;
- Summary/Abstract:The history of Jewish settlement in Rožmberk nad Vltavou is traced back to the late 17th century, following the expulsion of Jews from Vienna and Lower Austria. Although the existing literature repeats the information that the beginnings of Jewish settlement in Rožmberk date back to the mid-13th century. Early records mention Jewish merchants and families settling in the area, contributing to the local economy and establishing a synagogue and cemetery. Despite facing periodic expulsions and anti-Semitic decrees, the Jewish community persisted, with notable families like the Herlinger and Wehle playing significant roles. The community's resilience is evident in their ability to rebuild after fires and other adversities, maintaining their cultural and religious practices. The preservation of archival materials, including the pinkas (community record book), provides valuable insights into the community's social and economic life. The study emphasizes the importance of these historical records in understanding the broader context of Jewish life in Bohemia. Efforts to document and preserve the Jewish heritage of Rožmberk nad Vltavou continue to be crucial for future generations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Židovský hřbitov v Mladé Vožici
Židovský hřbitov v Mladé Vožici
(Jewish cemetery in Mladá Vožice)
- Author(s):Iva Steinová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Jewish studies, Museology & Heritage Studies, Preservation, Ethnohistory, 17th Century
- Page Range:228-244
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Jewish settlement; Mladá Vožice; synagogue; cemetery; resilience; heritage preservation;
- Summary/Abstract:Jewish settlement in Mladá Vožice began in the early 17th century, with significant growth in the following decades. The community faced various challenges, including anti-Semitic decrees and periodic expulsions, yet they established a synagogue and cemetery. Prominent families like the Synks and Liftschitzes played key roles in the community's development, contributing to local commerce and religious life. The Jewish cemetery, founded in the late 17th century, contains numerous historical tombstones, including those of notable figures such as Elias Baroch and Sinaj Woschitz. Despite adversities, the community demonstrated resilience, maintaining their cultural and religious practices. The preservation of archival materials, including the pinkas (community record book), provides valuable insights into the community's social and economic life. The study emphasizes the importance of these historical records in understanding the broader context of Jewish life in Bohemia. Efforts to document and preserve the Jewish heritage of Mladá Vožice continue to be crucial for future generations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ediční poznámka
Ediční poznámka
(Editorial note)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Editorial
- Page Range:245-245
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:editorial; ethnohistory; Jews;
- Summary/Abstract:V říjnu 2018 uspořádalo Židovské muzeum v Praze ve spolupráci se Státním oblastním archivem v Třeboni sedmé setkání archivářů, historiků, hebraistů a pracovníků regionálních muzeí, kteří se zabývají dějinami Židů v Cechách především se zaměřením na novodobou problematiku a historii pohraničních oblastí.
Seznam autorů
Seznam autorů
(List of authors)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Scientific Life
- Page Range:246-246
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:about authors;