Studia Macedonica II
Studia Macedonica II
Contributor(s): Ivan Dorovský (Editor), Jana Horáková (Editor), Katarina Petrovićová (Editor), Václav Štěpánek (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Anthropology, Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Cultural history, Customs / Folklore, Sociology, Ethnohistory, International relations/trade, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Sociology of Culture, Philology
ISSN: 1211-3034
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Czech history; Macedonian history; cultural history; ethnography; folklore; Czech-Macedonian relations; philology; language;
Summary/Abstract: Twenty studies and essays written by scholars from Czech and Macedonian universities and other academic institutions which deal comparatively with Czech-Macedonian historical, linguistic, literary, and ethnographic / folklore topics. The problems of Czech-Macedonian cultural and political relations could not be researched before 1991. Only after the foundation of an independent Macedonian state, the Macedonian language, literature, and culture courses were introduced at Czech universities, and first scholar papers on both the oldest (Constantinand-Methodius) history and contemporary era in our mutual relations and their development began to emerge.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-8244-1
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-7959-5
- Page Count: 234
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: Czech, Macedonian
O makedonistice zevrubně
O makedonistice zevrubně
(About Macedonian studies in detail)
- Author(s):Ivan Dorovský
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Higher Education , Sociology of Culture, Philology
- Page Range:7-10
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Macedonian studies; Czech-Macedonian relations; research cooperation; Balkan studies; university education;
- Summary/Abstract:Předkládaná monografie je výsledkem dlouholeté a tradiční odborné spolupráce českých a makedonských badatelů na poli jazykovědném, literárněvědném, kulturním i ekonomickém. Přináší mnoho nových poznatků jak o makedonistice, tak o vzájemných česko-makedonských vztazích, její obsah má výrazně srovnávací charakter a poskytuje slavistům, balkanistům či makedonistům mnohé nové poznatky a podněty, studentům slavistických a balkanistických oborů pak i náměty na témata k bakalářským, magisterským i doktorským pracím.
- Price: 4.50 €
Makedonský fenomén a česká slavistika
Makedonský fenomén a česká slavistika
(Macedonian phenomenon and Czech Slavic studies)
- Author(s):Ivo Pospíšil
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):South Slavic Languages, International relations/trade, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Higher Education , Sociology of Culture, Philology
- Page Range:11-14
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Macedonian phenomenon; international Slavic studies; culture; Macedonian language;
- Summary/Abstract:Slovanská Makedonie je zakládající fenomén mezinárodní slavistiky. Má výrazný diachronní rozměr, jenž je právem spojován se staroslověnštinou a Ochridským kulturním centrem, k němuž se hlásí jak dnešní Makedonie, tak Bulharsko. I když makedonský jazyk nepatří ani mezi slovanskými k největším co do počtu mluvčích, je důležitou součástí jihoslovanské jazykové skupiny, rozvíjí se, obohacuje a vytváří umělecké, esteticky a poeticky hodnotná umělecká díla.
- Price: 4.50 €
Културен дијалог меѓу две пријателски земји
Културен дијалог меѓу две пријателски земји
(Cultural dialogue between two friendly countries)
- Author(s):Paskal Stojčeski
- Language:Macedonian
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Sociology of Culture
- Page Range:15-16
- No. of Pages:2
- Keywords:Czech Republic; North Macedonia; Czech-Macedonian relations; cultural cooperation; cultural dialog; friendly countries;
- Summary/Abstract:Ми претставува голема чест и задоволство денес да присуствувам на еден ваков чешко-македонски научен дијалог, кој претставува современ чекор напред во континуираниот културен дијалог меѓу двете пријателски земји. Минатата недела имав задоволство да присуствувам на V-тата Меѓународна конференција за јужно-словенски јазици и литератури во Брно, организирана од страна на Семинарот за јужнословенска филологија и балканистика при Филозофскиот факултет во Брно, а на која учествуваа професори од голем број универзитети, слависти, преведувачи, научни и книжевни работници, како и студенти кои ги изучуваат словенските јазици. Овие научни собири, како и низата други академски активности на Филозофскиот факултет во Брно, го потврдуваат општо познатиот и признат факт во славистичките кругови дека Брно е еден од водечките светски славистички центри. Во таа насока, високо цениме што на Масариковиот универзитет во Брно успешно функционира Лекторатот по македонски јазик.
- Price: 4.50 €
Balkanistika a makedonistika v díle Bohuslava Havránka
Balkanistika a makedonistika v díle Bohuslava Havránka
(Balkan and Macedonian studies in the work of Bohuslav Havránek)
- Author(s):Ivan Dorovský
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Customs / Folklore, Macedonian Literature, International relations/trade, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Sociology of Culture, Philology
- Page Range:17-26
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Bohuslav Havránek; Balkan studies; Macedonian studies; Macedonian folk literature; cultural relations;
- Summary/Abstract:Dvacetileté období mezi dvěma světovými válkami bylo pro poznání Makedonie, makedonské lidové slovesné tvorby, makedonských nářečí, dějin, zeměpisu i sociálních poměrů, tzv. makedonské otázky a tudíž také vzájemných česko-slovensko-makedonských a česko-slovensko-jihoslovanských kulturních styků velmi významné. Tvoří samostatnou etapu. V desetiletích 1918–1939 došlo mj. k rozvoji vzájemných hospodářských, politických a kulturních styků a vztahů také mezi ostatními slovanskými národy.
- Price: 4.50 €
Makedonci v díle Jurije Wićaze
Makedonci v díle Jurije Wićaze
(Macedonians in the work of Juri Wićaz)
- Author(s):Tomasz Derlatka
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Media studies, Social history, Recent History (1900 till today), International relations/trade
- Page Range:27-38
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Juri Wićaz; Macedonians; journalism; Slavic studies; image of Macedonians; 20th century;
- Summary/Abstract:Hlavní účel tohoto článku bychom mohli definovat jako pokus představit obraz Makedonců, jenž vyplývá z reportáže pod titulem Makedoncy (Makedonci) novináře Jurije Wićaze (1899–1974), původem Lužického Srba z Horní Lužice, který – což je v tomto kontextu důležité – strávil většinu svého života v Praze a na Balkáně. Dosud v sorabistice/slavistice nezpracovaný úkol je o to zajímavější, že Wićazův text je jedním z mála, ne-li jediným příspěvkem v horno-lužickosrbské beletristice, který se věnuje situaci Makedonců v meziválečném období.
- Price: 4.50 €
Antonín Frinta a počátky pražské makedonistiky (1884–1979)
Antonín Frinta a počátky pražské makedonistiky (1884–1979)
(Antonín Frinta and the Beginnings of Prague Macedonian Studies (1884–1979))
- Author(s):Ivan Dorovský
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), South Slavic Languages, International relations/trade, Higher Education , History of Education, 19th Century, Philology
- Page Range:39-45
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Antonín Frinta; Macedonian studies; Prague; university education; history of education; Macedonian language;
- Summary/Abstract:V makedonské slavistické vědě se bohužel stále šíří několik mýtů, mezi nimi mýtus o první univerzitě v Evropě, kterou založil Kliment Ochridski, a o tom, že počátky pražské (československé) makedonistiky jsou spjaty s Antonínem Frintou (14. 6. 1884–21. 11. 1975). Přirozeně že jako mýty jsou buď nepravdivé, nebo vyjadřují pouze částečnou pravdu. Mýtus o první univerzitě na Balkáně a v Evropě tu nebudu rozebírat, protože pojednávám o tom jinde. Pouze pro klid duše podotýkám, že šiřitelé tohoto mýtu vůbec neberou v úvahu, že soluňští bratři Konstantin a Metoděj studovali na magnaurské vysoké škole v Konstantinopoli. A pokud jde o prof. Antonína Frintu, nebyl první, kdo se zajímal o makedonský jazyk. Jeho přenášky o spisovné makedonštině, o nichž se ještě podrobněji zmíním, byly završením etapy zesíleného zájmu o vše, co bylo spjato s Makedonií a zároveň začátkem nové etapy odlišného pohledu na makedonskou problematiku.
- Price: 4.50 €
Přínos literárního historika Zdeňka Urbana pražské makedonistice
Přínos literárního historika Zdeňka Urbana pražské makedonistice
(Literary historian Zdeněk Urban’s contribution to the Praque’s Macedonian studies)
- Author(s):Marcel Černý
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Macedonian Literature, South Slavic Languages, International relations/trade, Higher Education , History of Education, Philology
- Page Range:46-72
- No. of Pages:27
- Keywords:Zdeněk Urban; Slavic studies; Prague; history of education; university education; South Slavic literature; Macedonian literature;
- Summary/Abstract:Author of this article deals with Zdeněk Urban’s (1925–1998) Macedonian studies, especially his innovative doctoral dissertation on the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University in Prague Beginnings of the Macedonian literature in relation to the other South Slavic literatures and their reflections in Czech one (in Czech; 1949). Urban’s other works were mainly aimed at Bulgarian, folklore or Sorbian studies. There are some supplements of this article: a list of contents of Urban’s doctoral dissertation, review of its supervisor (Antonín Frinta) and opponet (Julius Dolanský) and the list of his Macedonian contributions. Urban explained the genesis of the Macedonian literature in two phases. Initially the feudal ecclesiastically Slavonic culture became the bourgeois (works of Kărčovski and Pejčinovič) and only then the young Macedonian middle class took part in the cultural life during its struggle against the hellenization from the 1850s. As the first Macedonian written literature was closely bound up with the Bulgarian one, the Macedonian National Revival gained extrinsically pure Bulgarian traits. Urban interpreted this fact from the Marxist point of view: qualitatively more backward and quantitatively weaker Macedonian bourgeoisie learnt from richer and culturally more advanced Bulgarian one during the common struggle for the national school system, church and culture. This direct contact between both literatures was radically disturbed in the 1870s, when the revolutionary democrats got control of the Bulgarian literary field. Urban anticipated in his monograph From the History of Czech-Bulgarian Cultural Contacts (in Czech; 1957) and article Problems of the Comparative Studies of South Slavic Literatures in the 19th and the 20th centuries (in Czech; 1968) Ďurišin’s conception of theory of the interliterariness process with its most important ideas of dioecism (polyoecism) and biliterarity (polyliterarity) in his interpretation of the “borderline” Bulgarian-Macedonian literature phenomenons.
- Price: 4.50 €
Примената на јазичните теории од Прашката школа во македонската лингвистика
Примената на јазичните теории од Прашката школа во македонската лингвистика
(The appliance of the language theories from the Prague school into the Macedonian linguistics)
- Author(s):Dimitar Pandev
- Language:Macedonian
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Macedonian Literature, South Slavic Languages, Higher Education , History of Education, Philology
- Page Range:73-81
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Macedonian language; Macedonian linguistics; Prague school; Slavic studies; history of education;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper is about the co-relations between the Prague school and the Macedonian linguistics (in the first decades of its development), giving the possible influences from Theses. Travaux du cercle linguistique de Prague and the language theories that come from the thesis.
- Price: 4.50 €
Životní a ekonomické strategie obyvatel horských regionů v Makedonii
Životní a ekonomické strategie obyvatel horských regionů v Makedonii
(The life and economic strategies in the mountain regions in Macedonia)
- Author(s):Barbora Machová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):National Economy, Economic history, Recent History (1900 till today), Labor relations, Economic policy, Rural and urban sociology, Economic development, Migration Studies, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:82-90
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:North Macedonia; life in mountain regions; economic strategies; labour market; land ownership; people migration to industrial cities; urbanization;
- Summary/Abstract:The author deals with the life and economic strategies of people inhabiting mountain regions of the Republic of Macedonia, during the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. The strategies can be studied either by means of analyses of economic behavior of an individual/a household or by research of socio-cultural aspects of human behaviour and motivation. The research of value systems became popular. The value system seems to be an impulse to the particular strategies. In addition to that potential strategies of individuals and households are defined by many other factors, e. g. current situation on the labour market, land ownership, capital or external intervention of the state policy. The strategies differ in particular regions depending on the local environment or a distance from the center. A case study from the village of Bitovo shows the present situation (2011, 2012) and goes back to the second half of the 20th century. Bitovo is situated in the region of Poreche in Western Macedonia and lies at 1200 m. a. s. l. In 2011 it had 43 inhabitants. The current occupation of local men was mostly woodcutter, wood transport and sheep breeding. The men procured a financial income of a household. Women were used to work as self-sufficient farmers and they procured a non-monetary income. After the World War II the village Bitovo had 360 inhabitants. It stands for the most common strategy of the villagers during the second half of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century was emigration. The motivation for emigration was principally economic. We distinguish two agricultural streams of migration and two industrial ones. First there were the agricultural streams with motivation to get a land to Vojvodina (the towns of Kačarevo, Jabuka) and to the Pelagonia lowland (around Prilep, Macedonia). During the 70’s the villagers started to settle to cities (urbanization) to be employed in industry and to go to work to Germany (as gastarbeiters).
- Price: 4.50 €
Makedonské regionální skupiny. Problémy klasifikace, etnonym a kolektivních identit
Makedonské regionální skupiny. Problémy klasifikace, etnonym a kolektivních identit
(Macedonian regional groups. Problems of classification, ethnonyms and collective identities)
- Author(s):Helena Bočková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):South Slavic Languages, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure , Sociology of Culture, Philology, Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:91-103
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Macedonian ethnocultural groups; regional groups; collective identity; Macedonian national ethnology; ethnonyms;
- Summary/Abstract:The author deals with the history and present situation of Macedonian regional ethnocultural groups. She compares the studies on these topics in the Macedonian national ethnology with the studies in the Czech, Slovak and Bulgarian ethnology. For the regional groups the ethnology used and uses variety of terms, which differ in the diverse national traditions, and all of them have their own historical development. The shift of various terms (tribe, ethnographic group, subethnical group, regional group, ethnocultural group, ethnic group) is accompanied by a change in the interpretation. The conception of regional groups as ethnic subgroups leads nowadays to a new interest in them. Regional groups are delimited by a collective identity, an awareness of dissimilarity and by an ethnonym. Nowhere on the Earth they are a nation, they are smaller than a nation, they differ in a specific characteristic from the surroundings and geographically they cover the area from several localities to a macroregion. On the Balkans their main features are incoherence caused by the migration and heterogeneity caused by the Balkan‘s multiethnicity and multiculturality. Hence these groups were not of the same importance in a cultural characteristic of the regions in the Balkan countries as e.g. in Moravia. In multiethnic Macedonia, one or two regional groups, several ethnic minorities and members of the majority usually lived next to each other. Among the Macedonian regional groups we count particularly Torbeshes and Gorani in the large region of Sharr Mountains, who differ mainly in a religious way (Islam), while they keep a genetic language affinity with their parent ethnic group. On the basis of ethnonym, identity and language and culture specifics four other groups can be delimited: Brsjaks, Mijaks, Shopi, Mrvaks. During the 20th century a majority of these groups was split by new political borders into the new Balkan states. The identities of the members of the regional groups were made complicated by a spreading of modern national identities: the regional and national identities either became hierarchical or they got into a conflict. They were also influenced by national agitations from outside. Therefore some of these groups or parts of them consider themselves or they are considered as Bulgarian, Serbian or Albanian. On the multiethnic Central Balkans individuals or parts of the regional groups chose and choose various strategies of determination their identities.
- Price: 4.50 €
Makedonský temný vokál v lingvistickém diskurzu
Makedonský temný vokál v lingvistickém diskurzu
(Macedonian schwa in Linguistic discourse)
- Author(s):Kristýna Dufková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Phonetics / Phonology, Morphology, Comparative Linguistics, South Slavic Languages, Philology
- Page Range:104-108
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Macedonian language; dark vowel; schwa; Macedonian linguistics; phoneme; linguistic discourse;
- Summary/Abstract:The article describes the problem of the “dark vowel” or schwa, which is one of the phones of Macedonian. It has been discussed among linguists whether this phone is a phoneme too, or just “a dark tone”. Even if it does not exist as a phoneme, it can be often heard in Macedonian, but in some cases it also functions as a phoneme – because it distinguishes the meaning of words. It is not difficult for Czech speakers to pronounce the schwa, but they mostly do not even know that it exists or where it is located. The schwa is not even mentioned in contemporary textbooks, but in my opinion it should be.
- Price: 4.50 €
Чешката литература во Република Македонија
Чешката литература во Република Македонија
(Czech literature in Republic of Macedonia)
- Author(s):Jasminka Delova-Siljanova
- Language:Macedonian
- Subject(s):Czech Literature, Western Slavic Languages, South Slavic Languages, Philology, Translation Studies
- Page Range:109-113
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Czech literature; translation of literature; Czech literature in Macedonian; COBISS;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper provides an overview of the first translations of literature from Czech into Macedonian language, until today. The information about the translated literature from Czech into Macedonian language is taken from COBISS Co-operative Online Bibliographic System and Services of the Republic of Macedonia.
- Price: 4.50 €
Франтишек Вацлав Мареш за местото на македонскиот јазик во словенското јазично семејство
Франтишек Вацлав Мареш за местото на македонскиот јазик во словенското јазично семејство
(F. V. Mareš on the place of Macedonian Language in the Slavic Language Family (on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of his death))
- Author(s):Emilija Crvenkovska
- Language:Macedonian
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, South Slavic Languages, Philology
- Page Range:114-119
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:F. V. Mareš; Macedonian language; South Slavic language family; Slavic studies; linguistic features of Macedonian;
- Summary/Abstract:The contribution of F. V. Mareš, Czech linguist-slavist, in Macedonian Language research is respectable. In this paper a short survey on his work on Macedonian Language is made, with the special attention on his article about the division of the Slavic Language Family and the place of Macedonian in it. F. Mareš is paying attention to all specific linguistic features of Macedonian in different levels. At the end there are also some remarks on the contemporary situation in the Slavic Language Family.
- Price: 4.50 €
Бохумил Храбал во Македонија
Бохумил Храбал во Македонија
(Bohumil Hrabal in Macedonia)
- Author(s):Sonja Stojmenska-Elzeser
- Language:Macedonian
- Subject(s):Novel, Short Story, Czech Literature, South Slavic Languages, Translation Studies
- Page Range:120-126
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Bohumil Hrabal; Czech literature; novels; short stories; translation into Macedonian;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper deals with the reception of the novels and short stories by the great Check writer Bohumil Hrabal in Macedonian culture. His poetic and style are very specific, so that the translation of his works is very serious and complicated issue. One of the best translators of his prose in Macedonian is Donka Rous. Still, there is a possibility for further discussion on some particular translational solutions. In this paper the focus is put on the translation of the term “pabitel” which is one of specific Hrabalian expressions.
- Price: 4.50 €
Уметничко-симбиотичката стратегија во творештвото на Владимир Мартиновски согледана преку преводите на чешки јазик
Уметничко-симбиотичката стратегија во творештвото на Владимир Мартиновски согледана преку преводите на чешки јазик
(The artistically symbiotic strategy in Vladimir Martinovski’s work elaborated in its Czech translations)
- Author(s):Zvonko Taneski
- Language:Macedonian
- Subject(s):Poetry, Macedonian Literature, Western Slavic Languages, Translation Studies
- Page Range:127-131
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Vladimir Martinovski; Macedonian literature; poetry; Czech translation;
- Summary/Abstract:The text is about the Czech translation of Vladimir Martinovski’s works, published by Slavomira Ribarova in Brno between 2011–2013. He is a renowned poet and musician coming from the younger generation of Macedonian poets. Martinovski participated in the international residential programme “Journey Across Europe-Remeasuring Cultural Space”, 2010–2011, which was coordinated by the publishing house “Windmills” (Větrné Mlýny) in the Czech Republic. The same house has later introduced the full paper edition of Martinovski’s “Quartets”, intended for reading, watching, singing and listening, to the Czech audiences and poetry scene. Ribarova‘s translations are carefully crafted in a correct and precise manner.
- Price: 4.50 €
Обредно-обичајната лексика на македонскиот јазик (во споредба со српскиот и бугарскиот јазик)
Обредно-обичајната лексика на македонскиот јазик (во споредба со српскиот и бугарскиот јазик)
(Ritual and custom lexis of the Macedonian language (in comparison to Serbian and Bulgarian language))
- Author(s):Ljiljana Makarijoska
- Language:Macedonian
- Subject(s):Customs / Folklore, Lexis, Semantics, Comparative Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, South Slavic Languages, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Sociology of Culture, Philology
- Page Range:132-141
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Macedonian language; comparative linguistics; tradition; customs; lexical fund; semantic; rituals;
- Summary/Abstract:The life and the spirit of every nation is a reflection of the traditional rites and customs practiced by the respective nation, which can be confirmed by the lexical fund as well. The Slavonic nature of the traditional culture is unquestionable, so the comparative analysis confirms numerous terms with identical semantic structure of the rituals related to the life cycle in the Macedonian, Serbian and Bulgarian language. Part of this lexis belongs to certain Macedonian regions and it represents a significant mark of a regional identity, while another part overlaps with the lexis of the Serbian and Bulgarian language, indicating to rites and customs that can be considered as Balkan, South Slavonic or Pan Slavonic features.
- Price: 4.50 €
Диптихот Доровски низ призмата на една машко-женска поетска енергија
Диптихот Доровски низ призмата на една машко-женска поетска енергија
(The Dorovsky diptych through a male-female poetic energy prism)
- Author(s):Vesna Mojsova-Čepiševska
- Language:Macedonian
- Subject(s):Poetry, Czech Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:142-151
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Dagmar Dorovska; male-female poetic energy prism; identity; language; poetry; Czech literature;
- Summary/Abstract:Ever since mythical days identity has been designed through the “Other one” prism, and consequently, these Dorovski couple verses, show the phenomena of their personal identity as well as the possibility of its double poetic consideration both in their own language, and in the language of the „Other one”. Hence the 17 poems of Dagmar Dorovska and the 16 poems of Ivan Dorovski have both a Czech and a Macedonian version, and thus become available / readable for both the Macedonian and the Czech reader. The 33 poems from “The town, the Water, the People” represent a poetic picture of their deepest insights, confessions never told to their very end, confessions wanted to be uttered but not, sometimes simply because it was not the right time, pictures that draw a possible first person plural selfportrait, creating a hyperbolic „WE” through the strong power of the dichotomy nature – culture.
- Price: 4.50 €
Staroslověnské názvy nemocí a jejich protějšky v makedonštině (v porovnání s češtinou)
Staroslověnské názvy nemocí a jejich protějšky v makedonštině (v porovnání s češtinou)
(The Old Church Slavonic Names of Illnesses and Their Counterparts in Macedonian (in comparison with Czech))
- Author(s):Ilona Janyšková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Morphology, Lexis, Semantics, Historical Linguistics, Comparative Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Western Slavic Languages, South Slavic Languages, Philology
- Page Range:152-157
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Czech language; Macedonian language; Old Church Slavonic names; etymology; Illnesses; semantics; word-formation;
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper deals with the etymological explanation of the Old Church Slavonic names of illnesses, their symptomes and their counterparts in the Macedonian language in comparison with the Czech language. These are words of native origin in most cases, usually of the Proto-Slavic age. Mentioned are some differences between the individual languages, especially in their semantics (cf OCS jędza ‘illness’ and M jанѕа, dialectal енѕа ‘fever, temperature’), in word-formation etc.
- Price: 4.50 €
K vybraným lexikálním grécismům ve staroslověnštině a jejich rozšíření v slovanském areálu (s důrazem na makedonštinu a češtinu)
K vybraným lexikálním grécismům ve staroslověnštině a jejich rozšíření v slovanském areálu (s důrazem na makedonštinu a češtinu)
(On selected lexical grecisms in Old Church Slavonic and their spread in the Slavonic area (with an emphasis on Macedonian and Czech))
- Author(s):Helena Karlíková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Lexis, Semantics, Historical Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages, South Slavic Languages, Philology
- Page Range:158-163
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:lexical borrowings; Old Church Slavonic; borrowings from Greeks; semantics; Slavic language;
- Summary/Abstract:The article deals with lexical borrowings in Old Church Slavonic, particularly with borrowings from Greeks, from the point of view of their etymological origin, meaning and further spreading in other Slavonic languages. On examples from semantic field “architecture” it is shown that the borrowings in Old Church Slavonic constitute a peculiar part of the lexicon the sorting of which does not have a simple solution according to generalizing rules.
- Price: 4.50 €
Расказите на Карел Чапек на македонски јазик
Расказите на Карел Чапек на македонски јазик
(Karel Čapek’s short stories on Macedonian)
- Author(s):Lidija Kapushevska-Drakulevska
- Language:Macedonian
- Subject(s):Short Story, Czech Literature, South Slavic Languages, Translation Studies
- Page Range:164-169
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Karel Čapek; Czech literature; short story; Macedonian language; translating literature into Macedonian;
- Summary/Abstract:The Reception of Karel Čapek’s short stories in Macedonian starts with Vera Janeva-Stojanovich, the author of the only PhD dissertation dedicated to the great Czech and world-wide writer which is named: “Karel Čapek and expressionism” (Skopje, 1973). Čapek’s work is also translated on Macedonian by: Dimitar Dimitrov, Dime Mitrevski and the most by Professor Donka Rous. Although Čapek’s short stories are written a hundred years ago, they have lost nothing of theirs freshness; nowadays, they are still admirable with their great sort of humanism.
- Price: 4.50 €
Конверзиите автор – читател (едно можно читање на есеистиката на Милан Кундера)
Конверзиите автор – читател (едно можно читање на есеистиката на Милан Кундера)
(The conversions author – reader (one possible reading of essays of Milan Kundera))
- Author(s):Marija Gorgieva Dimova
- Language:Macedonian
- Subject(s):Novel, Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:170-179
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Milan Kundera; author-reader conversation; Czech literature; writer; novelist; theory of novel;
- Summary/Abstract:The text is focused on essays of Milan Kundera, interpreted through their illustration regarding the author – reader conversion’s point of view. This conversion in Kundera’s essays has multiple demonstration: in the comments for himself as author/novelist, in the comments for himself as a reader not only of its own novels, but also as reader of other author’s novels, in the comparative analyses of specific texts, processes and topics that reveals his reading experience and contains wider implications regarding history and theory of the novel.
- Price: 4.50 €
Патувањето и пишувањето во прозните дела на Петра Хулова
Патувањето и пишувањето во прозните дела на Петра Хулова
(Travel and writing in Petra Hůlová’s prose)
- Author(s):Vladimir Martinovski
- Language:Macedonian
- Subject(s):Novel, Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:180-188
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Petra Hůlová; prose; novel; travel literature; traveling and writing; Czech literature;
- Summary/Abstract:The Italian theoretician Domenico Nucera remarks that travel literature nowadays forms an important part of the international and intercultural communication. From this perspective, in our research we attempt to analyse the relationship between travel and writing—as well as the Czech and Macedonian literary traditions—in two segments of the prose opus of the Czech authoress Petra Hůlová (1979): 1) in the travel short stories ‘Brno’ and ‘Třetí oko’, related the authoress’ travel experiences in the cities of Brno and Skopje, published in the book Kde nejeste doma (2012), as well as 2) in the novel Pamĕť mojí babičce (2002), related to her travel experiences in faraway Mongolia. Hůlová’s novel has also been considered through several parallels with works from the contemporary Macedonian prose production (Petre M. Andreevski, Kica Kolbe, Jagoda Mihajlovska-Georgieva, Lidija Dimkovska, Rumena Bužarovska and Petar Andonovski).
- Price: 4.50 €
За наставата по македонски јазик како втор (немајчин или странски) во Република Македонија и надвор од неа
За наставата по македонски јазик како втор (немајчин или странски) во Република Македонија и надвор од неа
(The teaching of Macedonian as a second language (non-mother tongue or foreign language) in the Republic of Macedonia and abroad)
- Author(s):Gordana Aleksova
- Language:Macedonian
- Subject(s):Foreign languages learning, Language acquisition, Sociolinguistics, South Slavic Languages, School education, Philology
- Page Range:189-195
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Macedonian language; teaching Macedonian; foreign language learning; primary and secondary schools; Macedonian as foreign language;
- Summary/Abstract:The article is a review of the teaching of Macedonian as a second language – non-mother tongue or foreign language in the Republic of Macedonia and abroad. It states some facts about the teaching of Macedonian language in the primary and secondary schools, to students whose mother tongue is Albanian, Turkish or Serbian, and are based on the current curriculums and teaching plans, the contents of the appropriate books and my own position on their current and possible realization plans. In the Macedonian linguistic terminology the phrase second language refers to, almost always, the language that is not students’ native or to the one that is widely spoken in the social environment. The actual conditions of the teaching of Macedonian language as a foreign are only briefly mentioned.
- Price: 4.50 €
Глаголскиот вид во негираните форми на императивот во македонскиот јазик и во чешкиот јазик
Глаголскиот вид во негираните форми на императивот во македонскиот јазик и во чешкиот јазик
(The verb vid in negative form of imperative in Macedonian and Czech)
- Author(s):Maksim Karanfilovski
- Language:Macedonian
- Subject(s):Syntax, Lexis, Comparative Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:196-200
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Negative forms; imperative forms; advice; recommendation; warning; Macedonian language; Czech language;
- Summary/Abstract:V negativních a imperativních tvarech v textech s významem rada, doporučení nebo upozornění se v makedonštině používá v podstatě nedokonalý vid. Na rozdíl od makeodnštiny se v češtině v různých textech používají oba vidy s tím, že určitou přednost má nedokonavý vid.
- Price: 4.50 €
Категоријата простор во фразеологијата (македонско-руско-чешки паралели)
Категоријата простор во фразеологијата (македонско-руско-чешки паралели)
(Category of Space in Phraseology (Macedonian – Russian – Czech parallels))
- Author(s):Biljana Mirčevska-Boševa, Jasminka Delova-Siljanova
- Language:Macedonian
- Subject(s):Comparative Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages, Eastern Slavic Languages, South Slavic Languages, Phraseology
- Page Range:201-206
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Macedonian language; Russian language; Czech language; phraseology; comparative linguistics; category of space;
- Summary/Abstract:Space as one of the most important categories is ever present issue in different scientific disciplines, as well as in linguistics. In this article we present a small fragment of the category space or more preciously the phrases denoting close distance. This segment is reviewed in Macedonian, Czech and Russian language in order to perceive similarities and differences in the expression of this meaning in the phraseological material in the languages representatives of South Slavic West Slavic and East Slavic language group.
- Price: 4.50 €
Предлогот в/во во македонскиот јазик со временско значење и чешко-руско-српски паралели
Предлогот в/во во македонскиот јазик со временско значење и чешко-руско-српски паралели
(Preposition v/vo in Macedonian with a temporal meaning and with parallels in Czech, Russian and Serbian)
- Author(s):Roza Tasevska
- Language:Macedonian
- Subject(s):Syntax, Comparative Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages, Eastern Slavic Languages, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:207-211
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Preposition v/vo; Macedonian language; Czech language; Serbian language; Russian language; comparative linguistics;
- Summary/Abstract:V této práci je představena předložka v/vo s časovým významem v makedonštině, v češtině, v ruštině a v srbštině. Vysvětluje se také zvlaštní použití předložky v/vo ve spojení s dny týdne.
- Price: 4.50 €
- Author(s):Ivan Dorovský
- Language:Czech, Macedonian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Social history, Recent History (1900 till today), South Slavic Languages, International relations/trade, History of Education, Philology
- Page Range:212-229
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Social history; Macedonians; The Second World War; national liberation struggle; Balkans; Macedonian language; education; Macedonian studies; Macedonian-Czech relations;
- Summary/Abstract:Na začátku považuji za nezbytné připomenout několik důležitých fakt. Podle našich i cizích encyklopedických a jiných příruček žilo ve 20. století v Řecku 95 % Řeků, zbytek tvoří občané makedonské, turecké, albánské, židovské, romské nebo jiné národnosti. Nedlouho po skončení 2. světové války v Evropě v květnu 1945 došlo na jihu Balkánského poloostrova k prvnímu ozbrojenému konfliktu. Levicové a demokraticky orientované síly v Řecku, které sehrály rozhodující úlohu v antifašistickém a národně osvobozeneckém boji, byly pronásledovány členy četných profašisticky, monarchisticky a pravicově orientovaných skupin a spolků. I přes nepříznivou vnitřní a zahraničně politickou situaci se proto na podzim roku 1946 začaly formovat první partyzánské jednotky. Jejich zástupci podepsali dohodu s Národně osvobozeneckou frontou (NOF), jež sdružovala Makedonce z Egejské Makedonie. Řekové i Makedonci však byli zřejmě nedostatečně informováni nebo vůbec nevěděli o jednání W. Churchilla a J. V. Stalina v říjnu 1944 o rozdělení zájmových sfér na Balkáně.
- Price: 4.50 €