Relevanța și calitatea formării universitare: competențe pentru prezent și viitor. Vol.I
Relevance and quality of university training: skills for the present and the future. Vol.I
Materials of the International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the founding of the University of Balti on October 9, 2020
Contributor(s): Natalia Gaşiţoi (Editor), Valentina Priţcan (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Education, Vocational Education, Higher Education , Educational Psychology, Pedagogy
Published by: Biblioteca Ştiinţifică a Universităţii de Stat Alecu Russo
Keywords: leadership; management; Higher Education; philological sciences; language teaching;
Summary/Abstract: Relevance and quality of university training: skills for the present and the future, Vol.I contains the papers of the International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the University of Balti.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-9975-50-254-2
- Page Count: 304
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: English, Romanian, French, Russian
Pregătirea viitorilor profesori pentru predarea elementelor de probabilitate și statistică matematică
Pregătirea viitorilor profesori pentru predarea elementelor de probabilitate și statistică matematică
(Preparing future teachers to teach the elements of probability and mathematical statistics)
- Author(s):Natalia Gaşiţoi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Adult Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:6-10
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:didactic of Mathematics; teaching technics; counting problems; probability; statistics
- Summary/Abstract:For more then 20 years probability and statistics are part of the mathematics curricula for gymnasium and high-school in the Republic of Moldova. However, we find that even now some teachers face difficulties in teaching probability and statistics contents. In this paper we analyse some reasons of these difficulties, and describe some recommendations and possible activities for training future teachers to teach probability and statistics.
Despre formarea atitudinilor creative ale studenților în contextul dezvoltării competențelor pe tot parcursul vieții
Despre formarea atitudinilor creative ale studenților în contextul dezvoltării competențelor pe tot parcursul vieții
(About the formation of students' creative attitudes in the context of the development of skills throughout life)
- Author(s):Emil Fotescu, Lilia Guțalov
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:20-26
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:creative attitude; divergent thinking; competence; creative productive activity; formative education
- Summary/Abstract:The article describes the essence of the notion of creative attitude, its connection with the notions of divergent thinking, competence, creative productive activity, formative education. The examples presented refer to the notion of creative attitude.
Rolul marketingului în cadrul universităților din Republica Moldova
Rolul marketingului în cadrul universităților din Republica Moldova
(The role of marketing in the universities of the Republic of Moldova)
- Author(s):Rodica Slutu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Marketing / Advertising, Business Ethics
- Page Range:26-31
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:marketing; educational marketing; product policy; price policy; promotion policy; demand for educational services; provision of educational services
- Summary/Abstract:Today, higher education has a dynamic character determined by the need to permanently adapt to the continuous changes that society is going through, but at a faster pace. This particularity is the result of the influence of factors that were intended to accelerate a number of transformations in higher education. Astefl, a higher education institution forms a component of a system. The modern educational institution evolves on the coordinates of the knowledge-based society and is becoming increasingly innovative, both scientifically and didactically, which is a precondition for competitive pedagogical performance at international and national level.
Educația antreprenоrială – factоr determinant al dezvоltării ecоnоmice durabile
Educația antreprenоrială – factоr determinant al dezvоltării ecоnоmice durabile
(Entrepreneurial education - a determining factor of sustainable economic development)
- Author(s):Natalia Branașco
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Education
- Page Range:50-54
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:entrepreneurship; student′s entrepreneurship; yоuth entrepreneurship; small business; state suppоrt; sustainable develоpment
- Summary/Abstract:In the cоntext оf glоbalizatiоn оf the wоrld ecоnоmy and technical-scientific prоgress, entrepreneurship has a fundamental rоle in ecоnоmic develоpment and represents the generatоr оf ecоnоmic prоsperity and the factоr that can find sоlutiоns tо ecоnоmic, envirоnmental and sоcial prоblems. At the same time, we emphasize that in the entrepreneurial ecоnоmy, investments in human capital are a key factоr in innоvatiоn and ecоnоmic cоmpetitiveness. The experts have shоwn that the entrepreneurship-based ecоnоmy thrives when suppоrted by highly skilled human resоurces.
Rolul universităţii antreprenoriale în economia bazată pe cunoaştere
Rolul universităţii antreprenoriale în economia bazată pe cunoaştere
(The role of the entrepreneurial university in the knowledge-based economy)
- Author(s):Victoria Postolachi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Adult Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:55-60
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:university; entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial university; education system; commercialization of research results
- Summary/Abstract:In ensuring the sustainable development of the economy and society, solving the most pressing problems of the modern world, education is assigned a leading role. According to the famous researcher of educational systems Michael Barber, education reform is among the main tasks of almost all countries. Innovative scenarios for the development of the economy and society require the development of new strategies, principles and mechanisms for the development and modernization of the education system. The most promising and deep foundations underlying such strategies are the ideas about the leading role of human capital as the goal and means of modernization processes.
Startupul ca vector de dezvoltare inovativă în educație
Startupul ca vector de dezvoltare inovativă în educație
(Startup as a vector of innovative development in education)
- Author(s):Eugenia Foca
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:61-63
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:startup; innovation; innovative company; life cycle
- Summary/Abstract:In a constantly changing business and academic environment, the term startup is becoming increasingly popular. This article provides a clear definition of a startup and highlights its main features, as one of the urgent methodological issues is the lack of a unified approach to defining the main features of startups. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the existing approaches in the scientific and business environment for the definition and classification of startups.
Reforma curriculară 2019: Provocări pentru profesorii de matematică
Reforma curriculară 2019: Provocări pentru profesorii de matematică
(Curriculum reform 2019: Challenges for mathematics teachers)
- Author(s):Liubov Zastînceanu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:73-76
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Mathematics; curricular reform; STEM; STEAM
- Summary/Abstract:The article highlights the challenges posed to mathematics teachers by implementing the 2019 curriculum for grades V, VI, X and XI.
Strategii de afaceri aplicate în vederea creșterii sustenabilității
Strategii de afaceri aplicate în vederea creșterii sustenabilității
(Business strategies applied to increase sustainability)
- Author(s):Alina Suslenco
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:85-91
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:sustainability; tourism; strategic changes, strategy
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper we analyzed the essence and content of a business strategy applied in the field of tourism in order to increase the sustainability of companies in this field. Thus, in order to achieve competitiveness, world leaders develop competitive business strategies and apply them with particular attention in order to increase it but also to maintain a leading position on the market. Thus, the business strategy is a core of sustainability, of sustainability in the business field and must be applied with special attention but also always adapted to the changes in the market. The research methodology focused on the use of several research methods such as: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abduction, qualitative research. In conclusion, we note that business strategies in the field of tourism contribute beneficially to companies in order to ensure sustainable sustainability, but also to identify certain opportunities and threats that may appear on the market and that can be exploited by companies.
Transformări în raportul artă – învățare școlară
Transformări în raportul artă – învățare școlară
(Transformations in the relationship art - school learning)
- Author(s):Marina Morari
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
- Page Range:92-96
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:art education; music education; artistic activities; fields of artistic knowledge; learning activity
- Summary/Abstract:Art education is a fundamental component of the curriculum, because it is closely linked to the intellectual, social, cultural and emotional development of the student. The status of the arts in the education system is configured from two perspectives: art as a school subject, art as an artistic activity. The article characterizes and describes the opportunities to learn the arts in the context of the pandemic situation.
Particularități de prelucrare a oțelurilor-carbon în plasmă electrolitică de tensiune joasă cu acțiunea suplimentară a câmpului magnetic
Particularități de prelucrare a oțelurilor-carbon în plasmă electrolitică de tensiune joasă cu acțiunea suplimentară a câmpului magnetic
(Peculiarities of low-voltage electrolytic plasma-carbon steel processing with additional magnetic field action)
- Author(s):Pavel Pereteatcu, Cornel Cracan, Ion Țîganaș
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies
- Page Range:96-98
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:steel; plasma; induction magnetic; applying complex
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presents some results of St3 steel processing in low voltage electrolytic plasma with the application on the work area of a variable induction magnetic field, research has demonstrated the effectiveness of applying complex surface layer processing technology to increase operating characteristics.
Solomon Marcus: pledoarie pentru „Dialogul disciplinelor”
Solomon Marcus: pledoarie pentru „Dialogul disciplinelor”
(Solomon Marcus: Advocacy for "Discipline Dialogue")
- Author(s):Diana Vrabie
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts
- Page Range:124-126
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:transdisciplinarity; dialogue; cultural transfer; educational system
- Summary/Abstract:An interdisciplinary researcher, involved in various scientific fields, from the mathematical analysis and general topology to linguistics, poetics, semiotics and applications of mathematics in the natural sciences, Solomon Marcus has shown, from the beginning of his career, a deep interest in what regards the problems of education and a strong will in creating the premises for a dialogue of disciplines in the educational system. In the present study we will follow the plea for transdisciplinarity of the researcher, as reflected in his representative works: Singurătatea matematicianului (Mathematician‟s Loneliness), Copiii sub agresiune (Children under Aggression), Nevoia de oameni (The need for People) etc.
Critica literară românească: cazul continuitate-ruptură
Critica literară românească: cazul continuitate-ruptură
(Romanian literary criticism: the case of continuity-rupture)
- Author(s):Natalia Hariton
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Romanian Literature
- Page Range:127-131
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:continuity; rupture; tradition; modernity; literary criticism
- Summary/Abstract:One of the most exploited topics of Romanian criticism concerns the place of Roma-nian literature in relation to the literature in the "field of power", based on the terminological binomial continuity-rupture. Leaving the area of a general interpretation, the terms here reach a neuralgic point for the Romanian exegesis, surprising the gap between the will to renew the literature (through rupture) and the will to preserve its traditional background (through continuity). The great Romanian critical theories explore, with the help of the concepts of continuity - rupture, the problem of the status of the Romanian literature in relation to the "center of power" (Pierre Bourdieu), generating a specific vocabulary: the form without background (Titu Maiorescu), synchronism, the change of aesthetic values (Eugen Lovinescu), the national specific (Garabet Ibrăileanu, G. Călinescu), protocronism (Edgar Papu), the "complexes" of Romanian literature (Mircea Martin), the modernization through tradition (Dan C. Mihăilescu), the synchronization with the past (Șerban Axinte), export criticism, "fifth essence" (Andrei Terian), fall culture, mimicry of synchronization (Angelo Mitchievici), delay to European cultures (Ion Bogdan Lefter) etc. Viewed from the perspective of these dimensions, literary criticism gains a strong self-awareness, or legitimizing the critical spirit is not possible without identifying the mechanisms of rupture, but also of continuity. The desire for synchronization derives from the need to accept the idea that the discourse of the writers and critics in Bessarabia is connected to the movement of ideas from the Romanian and Western spaces and proves that they write not only with and for themselves, within the geographical borders, but write with the world.
Изображение грозы в романе Ф. Достоевского «Идиот»: поэтика и символика
Изображение грозы в романе Ф. Достоевского «Идиот»: поэтика и символика
(The image of a thunderstorm in F. Dostoevsky's novel "The Idiot": poetics and symbolism)
- Author(s):Tatiana Suzanscaia
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Russian Literature
- Page Range:136-140
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:simbol; poetică; peisaj urban; imagine artistică; conotație; polifonie
- Summary/Abstract:În articol se examinează trăsăturile artistice ale imaginii furtunii din romanul lui Dostoievski «Идиот». Ca bază metodologică au fost folosite teoria simbolului, elaborată de A. Losev și S. Averintsev, ideea paralelismului psihologic în textul literar, investigată de A. Veselovsky și teoria romanului polifonic de M. Bakhtin. Partea practică a articolului este dedicată poeticii și simbolismului peisajului dinaintea furtunii din Sankt Petersburg și particula-rităților descrierii stării interne a prințului Mâșkin.
К вопросу о системной организации художественного текста
К вопросу о системной организации художественного текста
(On the question of the systemic organization of literary text)
- Author(s):Fiodor Gorlenco
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Philology
- Page Range:140-445
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:organizare sistemică; semnificația cuvântului; conexiuni topical-tematice; conexiuni cu figuri de vorbire în formă asociativă
- Summary/Abstract:În articol se analizează problema organizării sistemice a textului artistic. Se atrage atenție asupra particularităților utilizării cuvântului în discursul artistic și datorită acestui fapt se disting două tipuri de conexiuni semantice: conexiune topico-tematică și conexiune cu figuri de vorbire în formă asociativă.
Recuperarea Sinelui în memorialistica detenției a lui Alexei Marinat
Recuperarea Sinelui în memorialistica detenției a lui Alexei Marinat
(Self-recovery in the memorial of Alexei Marinat's detention)
- Author(s):Svetlana Melnic
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Romanian Literature
- Page Range:145-149
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:detention memoir; Alexei Marinat; autobiographical pact; self; auctorial self
- Summary/Abstract:This article represents a brief analysis of the detention memoirs of Alexei Marinat, which reveal the fictional and the authentic side of the auctorial self, along with its expression in the language presented to the readers. The memoirs offer a rich perspective of analysis on life in captivity, of the author‟s intimate reflections in relation to the process of rediscovery and redefinition of the self, transformed after imprisonment. This study also attempts to demonstrate that the diarist‟s confessions constitute unique human testimonies, offering authenticity to the terrifying historical events.
Continuitatea și evoluția concepțiilor asupra virtuții
Continuitatea și evoluția concepțiilor asupra virtuții
(Continuity and evolution of conceptions on virtue)
- Author(s):Ecaterina Foghel
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Social Sciences, Education, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Sociology
- Page Range:150-153
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:virtue; virtue education; virtue ethics; concept; moral philosophy; internal goods
- Summary/Abstract:Starting from the premise that any human activity is to be anchored in a definite ethical framework, in which virtue is always among the defining concepts, the present article aims to follow at what point various virtue theories developed by scholars belonging to different epochs and areas of study, are ideologically close. The analysis of diverse virtue definitions, classifications and concrete examples become well-known from Aristotle to Alasdair MacIntyre, should discern certain general principles of moral rectitude and means of life goals achievement. The tradition of the Aristotelian ethics and of the Christian moral doctrine, the utilitarian approach of B. Franklin and the virtue of practices developed by MacIntyre, do not exhaustively treat the concept of virtue, that is susceptible to get new traits and avatars in the context of the modern cyberworld.
Оптимизация самостоятельной работы студентов при изучении лингвистических дисциплин в свете компетентностного подхода
Оптимизация самостоятельной работы студентов при изучении лингвистических дисциплин в свете компетентностного подхода
(Optimization of students' independent work in the study of linguistic disciplines in the light of the competence-based approach)
- Author(s):Elena Sirota
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:154-159
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:muncă independentă; studenți; subiecte lingvistice; abordarea bazată pe competențe; text; funcțiile cuvântului; activitate de gândire a vorbirii
- Summary/Abstract:În articolul de față este abordată problema modalităților de lucru independent al elevilor; implementarea lor în studiul subiectelor lingvistice în lumina abordării bazate pe competențe; sunt folosite toate funcțiile cuvântului, care sunt atât de necesare pentru dezvoltarea eficientă a activității de gândire a vorbirii elevilor, întrucât anume acest lucru va permite caracterizarea studentului în viitor ca un bun specialist care corespunde nevoilor profesionale ale societății. În plus, lucrarea textuală este inclusă și în procesul educațional, luând în considerare vorbirea ei internă și relațiile invariante-variabile între nivelurile interne și externe ale textului. Numai această abordare contribuie la formarea variabilității elevilor în exprimarea sensului și conștientizării atunci când aleg o opțiune de text.
Enunțuri negative fals interogative în aspect culturologic (în română și engleză)
Enunțuri negative fals interogative în aspect culturologic (în română și engleză)
(False interrogative false statements in culturological aspect (in Romanian and English))
- Author(s):Elena Belinschi, Micaela Ţaulean
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
- Page Range:159-165
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:enunciative sentences; semantics of negation; languages of different structure; comparative analysis; double negation; negative Romanian/English sentences
- Summary/Abstract:The language is not limited to questions with standard interrogative semantics. This issue is important for analyzing the structural and semantic organization of Romanian/ English simple sentence in theoretical and practical aspects, as well as for practicing Romania/English languages while overcoming interlingual interference. The article discusses the concepts of negative false interrogative statements in culturological aspect (in Romanian and English), the peculiarities of the "mutual ability to be translated" of the structures with double negation in the discourse, determines translation regularities aimed at the preservation of the communicative purpose of statements in the compared languages.
Оптимизация преподавания лексических микросистем в контексте компетентностного подхода
Оптимизация преподавания лексических микросистем в контексте компетентностного подхода
(Оптимизация преподавания лексических микросистем в контексте компетентностного подхода)
- Author(s):Liudmila Parahonico
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:165-171
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:predare; abordare prin competențe; microsisteme lexicale; tautologie; pleonasm
- Summary/Abstract:În articol este abordată problema predării microsistemelor lexicale, și anume tau-tologia și pleonasmul, în contextul abordării prin competențe; se subliniază importanța acestei abordări în activitatea pedagogică: procesul de formare a competențelor duce la rezultatul final al instruirii – competența unui specialist. O privire la unitățile de redundanță semantică din punctul de vedere al abordării prin competențe permite dezvoltarea corectă în activitatea de vorbire-gândire a studenților.
Некоторые размышления о формате обучения он-лайн в Республике Молдова: проблемы и перспективы
Некоторые размышления о формате обучения он-лайн в Республике Молдова: проблемы и перспективы
(Some reflections on the format online learning in the Republic of Moldova: problems and prospects)
- Author(s):Tatiana Cononova
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:172-179
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:educația online; educația la distanța; educația sincronă și asincronă; educația mixtă (blended learning); metoda clasei inversate; situația epidemiologică; instrumente și platforme educative on-line;
- Summary/Abstract:Acest articol examinează formatul de învățare online din Republica Moldova, care a devenit o realitate la toate nivelurile educaționale în timpul situației epidemiologice, aprobat de MECC și prevede învățarea la distanță folosind diverse instrumente și platforme online, tehnologiile informaționale și ale comunicațiilor. Autorul descrie în detaliu învățarea la distanță (sincronă și asincronă) și mixtă, prezintă rezultatele unui studiu empiric, la care au participat profesori de limbi străine din Republica Moldova și face concluzii cu privire la problemele și perspectivele formatului online din Republica Moldova.
Media education and the “Dialogue of cultures” in the EFL classroom
Media education and the “Dialogue of cultures” in the EFL classroom
(Media education and the “Dialogue of cultures” in the EFL classroom)
- Author(s):Micaela Ţaulean, Valerija Drozdova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Foreign languages learning
- Page Range:179-186
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:educația mediatică; educația la distanță; instrumente mediatice; dialogul culturilor; media digitală
- Summary/Abstract:Cultura media este studiată în cadrul abordărilor tehnologice, personale, creative și informaționale. Odată cu creșterea noilor media interactive, educația media va avea o schimbare de paradigmă, aducând studiul educației media într-o nouă eră. Factorul determinant în înțelegerea culturii media, în opinia noastră, devine o abordare interactivă care face posibil și eficient dialogul intercultural printr-o rețea globală de comunicații. Mass-media prezintă mediatorii în dialogul culturilor. Acest discurs tratează motivele, definițiile și abordările educației mediatice. De asemenea, autorii oferă o imagine de ansamblu asupra dezvoltării globale a formării în domeniul alfabetizării media.
Formation des compétences de lecture en français – cas de la lettre « I »
Formation des compétences de lecture en français – cas de la lettre « I »
(Training of reading skills in French - case of the letter "I")
- Author(s):Angela Coșciug
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Foreign languages learning
- Page Range:186-190
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:: particularitate; regularitate; grafem; unitate literă
- Summary/Abstract:În articol, ne propunem să trecem în revistă regularitățile de lectură a literei „i” în franceză, dată fiind complexitatea subiectului în cauză, limba franceză înregistrând situații când două sau chiar trei grafeme constituie, la pronunțare, un singur sunet.
Mehrsprachigkeit – ein anerkanntes ziel der europäischen Bildungspolitik
Mehrsprachigkeit – ein anerkanntes ziel der europäischen Bildungspolitik
(Multilingualism - a recognized goal of European education policy)
- Author(s):Oxana Chira
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:205-210
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:multilingvism; migrație; curriculum; științele educației; sistem de învățământ
- Summary/Abstract:O atenție sporită în domeniul științelor educației și cercetării educaționale a fost atrasă elevilor din familiile care nu sunt rezidente în Uniunea Europeană, familiile de imigranți. În special, studiile de evaluare comparative pe scară largă la nivel internațional, cum ar fi Programul pentru evaluarea internațională a elevilor (PISA), Tendințele studiului internațional de matematică și științe (TIMSS) sau Progresul în studiul internațional de alfabetizare în lectură (PIRLS) au atras interesul în sferele politice și publice asupra faptului că eterogenitatea lingvistică și culturală legată de migrație în rândul elevilor nu trebuie înțeleasă ca o problemă a unui „grup neglijabil”, ci ca o problemă de bază a educației.În acest articol țin să abordez un subiect actual despre dezvoltarea treptată a sistemului de învățământ prin prisma multilingvismului și prezint câteva dihotomii din domeniul politicii educa-ționale, rezultate consensuale în baza actualei cercetări: limba vs politica educațională, multi-lingvism vs curriculum, limba maternă vs prima limbă vorbită, limba literară vs limba colocvială. În același timp, nu toate fenomenele, consecințele migrației în sistemul de educație sunt percepute de societate și abordate de ministerele responsabile.
Correlation of the concepts of “Speech genre” and “Speech act” in modern pragmalinguistics
Correlation of the concepts of “Speech genre” and “Speech act” in modern pragmalinguistics
(Correlation of the concepts of “Speech genre” and “Speech act” in modern pragmalinguistics)
- Author(s):Elena Varzari
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Applied Linguistics
- Page Range:215-221
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:act de vorbire; gen de vorbire; concepte fundamentale; situație comunica-tivă
- Summary/Abstract:Articolul vizează problema corelației a două concepte fundamentale ale lingvisticii moderne – actul de vorbire (AV) și genul de vorbire (GV). Cu bună dreptate, întâietatea îi aparține remarcabilului om de știință, marelui filolog și filozof rus Mihail Bahtin, care a adus o contribuție uriașă la dezvoltarea teoriei GV. În linii generale, AV este o acțiune realizată prin intermediul vorbirii. Spre deosebire de AV, un GV este un ansamblu de AV unite printr-un singur scop ilocuționar. AV sunt componente structurale ale unui GV; același AV poate fi inclus în diferite GV. Varietatea GV este foarte mare, ceea ce se explică prin multitudinea situațiilor comunicative și a domeniilor de activitate în care vorbitorul folosește un anumit GV.
SMART projects to develop young learners' competences in EFL
SMART projects to develop young learners' competences in EFL
(SMART projects to develop young learners' competences in EFL)
- Author(s):Ana Muntean
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Foreign languages learning
- Page Range:221-227
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:învățare în bază de proiect; competențe-cheie; inerdisciplinaritate; creativitate
- Summary/Abstract:Curriculumul la Limba străină, aprobat în 2019, reiterează importanța învățămân-tului formativ-dezvoltativ și optează pentru deplasarea accentului de pe procesul de predare pe cel de învăţare. Formarea competențelor pentru secolul 21 necesită promovarea alternativelor metodo-logice de predare-învățare-evaluare, or învățarea în bază de proiecte constituie o asemenea alter-nativă. Articolul reliefează beneficiile implicării elevilor in proiecte cu condiția că profesorii vor aplica metoda SMART în specificarea obiectivelor și vor respecta etapele de implementare ale proiectului. Articolul prezinta un model de proiect, elaborat pentru a fi implementat la disciplina limba engleză cu elevii din clasa a 5-a. Proiectul cu deschidere interdisciplinară încurajează inte-racțiunea pozitivă, motivația și implicarea elevilor în propria învățare.
Formarea competențelor: perspectiva enactivă
Formarea competențelor: perspectiva enactivă
(Competence training: the inactive perspective)
- Author(s):Valeriu Cabac
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Vocational Education, Pedagogy
- Page Range:228-230
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:competence; dual definition; resources; complex situations; enaction
- Summary/Abstract:This article discusses the possibility of defining the notion of professional competence as a dual approach: as resources and as a resource mobilization process. Arguments are made that not only the human mind but also the whole body participates in the formation of competences.
Studiul individual dirijat în contextul învățării pe tot parcursul vieții
Studiul individual dirijat în contextul învățării pe tot parcursul vieții
(Individual study conducted in the context of lifelong learning)
- Author(s):Liubov Zastînceanu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Adult Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:230-233
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:lifelong learning; individual study; supervised individual study
- Summary/Abstract:În this article analyzes the specifics of the concept of supervised individual study in the context of lifelong learning.
Soluții TIC pentru prestarea serviciilor juridice la distanţă
Soluții TIC pentru prestarea serviciilor juridice la distanţă
(ICT solutions for the provision of remote legal services)
- Author(s):Lidia Popov, Vladimir Cocieru
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:233-241
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Application; information and communication technologies (ICT); digital skills; pandemic; legal services; service provision/delivery; remote meeting
- Summary/Abstract:This article describes the ICT solutions for the provision of remote legal services. Also, there are presented digital competencies formed and developed at the future specialists in the socio-legal field that they will apply in practice, in their professional field for the supplying of on-line services. Some types of legal services which can be provided remotely are highlighted, in different countries, as well as the resolution of these activities both during the pandemic and hereafter
Necesitatea adaptării sistemului de agricultură la condiţiile de secetă
Necesitatea adaptării sistemului de agricultură la condiţiile de secetă
(The need to adapt the agricultural system to drought conditions)
- Author(s):Boris Boincean, Stanislav Stadnic
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:245-252
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:sustainable agriculture; crop rotations; soil organic matter; drought; farming system
- Summary/Abstract:Modern agriculture is facing many challenges, including global warming. Industrial model of agricultural intensification isn′t adapted to the new created situation during the last 20-25 years and it requires significant structural changes. Noncompliance of crop rotation and a huge annual non compensated deficit of soil organic matter are contributing to further degradation of Cernozem soils in the Republic of Moldova, stabilization and reduction of the level of yields in the conditions of global warming. The article is examining short and long-term measures for the transition to a more sustainable farming system, more resilient to climate changes.
Utilizarea prezentărilor multimedia cu scopul îmbunătățirii eficienței predării disciplinei „Bazele programării”
Utilizarea prezentărilor multimedia cu scopul îmbunătățirii eficienței predării disciplinei „Bazele programării”
(Use of multimedia presentations in order to improve the teaching efficiency of the "Programming Basics" discipline)
- Author(s):Diana Moglan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:252-255
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:programming; educational process; multimedia presentation; visualization of teaching materials; Microsoft PowerPoint application
- Summary/Abstract:The article examines the features of the use of multimedia presentations in the educational process of higher education, analyzes the results of the introduction of multimedia technologies into the learning process for presenting educational material using a Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. The experience of creating multimedia presentations for lectures on the discipline "Bazele programării" and methods of work with Microsoft PowerPoint using the functional capabilities of the iSpring Suite package.
Aplicarea macro-definițiilor la exportul de date din Microsoft Excel și Microsoft Power Point pentru analiza reușitei studenților
Aplicarea macro-definițiilor la exportul de date din Microsoft Excel și Microsoft Power Point pentru analiza reușitei studenților
(Applying macro-definitions to data export from Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Power Point to analyze student success)
- Author(s):Vitalie Ţîcău
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:260-265
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:macro-definitions; programming in Visual Basic for Application; student success analysis; spreadsheet processor Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point
- Summary/Abstract:This article research the possibilities of automated export of tables and diagrams from Microsoft Excel to Microsoft Power and programming macro-definition. It describes ways to programming in Visual Basic for Application, to applied VBA in Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Power Point. Also is describes how to program macro-definitions to analyze student success.
Teoriile etice normative: principalele aspecte și reflectarea lor în responsabilitatea socială a afacerii economice
Teoriile etice normative: principalele aspecte și reflectarea lor în responsabilitatea socială a afacerii economice
(Normative ethical theories: the main aspects and their reflection in the social responsibility of the economic business)
- Author(s):Irina Movilă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Economy, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:273-277
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:ethics; theories and approaches to ethics; human behavior; business ethics; social responsibility of business
- Summary/Abstract:The article examines the normative theories of ethics through the prism of business social responsibility. The approaches of ethics and human behavior are analyzed, as well as the possibilities of their application in business practice, such as: a religious approach, a virtuous approach to ethics, a utilitarian approach to ethics, a deontological approach and other. Emphasizes an approach to ethics based on equity and fundamental human rights. Attention is focused on the social responsibility of business owners and managers. In conclusion, the author came to the conclusion that the normative theories of ethics are different and cover all aspects of the enterprise. The combination of theories of ethics and their use in business practice can increase the level of social responsibility of the enterprise.
Diagnosticul activității și poziției financiare a întreprinderilor agricole. Abordare macroeconomică
Diagnosticul activității și poziției financiare a întreprinderilor agricole. Abordare macroeconomică
(Diagnosis of the activity and financial position of agricultural enterprises. Macroeconomic approach)
- Author(s):Nelli Amarfii-Railean
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:277-284
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:diagnosis; agricultural enterprises; financial position; financial results; sustainable development
- Summary/Abstract:The research examines the activity and financial position of enterprises in the agricultural sector. The author highlights the main results obtained and trends in capitalization of profit in the sense of its efficient use for the development of agricultural holdings, increasing production volumes and ensuring financial stability. For the macroeconomic analysis of the financial position of farm holdings in the corporate and individual sector were used the data provided by the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova
Probleme de sprijinire a întreprinderilor mici și mijlocii din Republica Moldova în contextul pandemiei de coronavirus
Probleme de sprijinire a întreprinderilor mici și mijlocii din Republica Moldova în contextul pandemiei de coronavirus
(Problems of supporting small and medium enterprises in the Republic of Moldova in the context of the coronavirus pandemic)
- Author(s):Andrei Balînskii
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:284-289
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:pandemic; coronavirus; emergency; SMEs; losses; revenue; loans; taxes; unemployment; bankruptcy
- Summary/Abstract:The article reveals and analyzes the problems faced by small and medium-sized enterprises of the Republic of Moldova in the context of restrictive measures of their activities caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Measures are proposed that can mitigate the damage caused to SMEs due to restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Merchandisingul ca modalitate eficientă de stimulare a vânzărilor
Merchandisingul ca modalitate eficientă de stimulare a vânzărilor
(Merchandising as an effective way to stimulate sales)
- Author(s):Alla Trusevici
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Business Ethics
- Page Range:289-293
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:merchandising; visual merchandising; trade; ambiance and interior structure of the store; commercial space
- Summary/Abstract:A shop is simply the point of sale where customers usually do their shopping. Any store, no matter how small, must meet all the requirements of buyers and in addition it would be good for its image to be original compared to that of competitors. To have a successful business, entrepreneurs usually draw attention to planning store. This involves considerable work both inside and outside the store. Each store has its own style, the design that differentiates it from the others.