Tradiţie şi inovare în cercetarea ştiinţifică. Colloquia Professorum, ediţia a 8-a,: 12 octombrie 2018
Tradiţie şi inovare în cercetarea ştiinţifică. Colloquia Professorum, ediţia a 8-a,: 12 octombrie 2018
Author(s): Valentina Priţcan, Liubovi Razmeriţă, Elena Sirota, Viorica Cebotaroş, Diana Ignatenco, Alexandra Melnic
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Economy, Education, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Foreign languages learning, Business Economy / Management, Agriculture, Financial Markets
Published by: Biblioteca Ştiinţifică a Universităţii de Stat Alecu Russo
Keywords: Universitatea de Stat "Alecu Russo" din Bălţi;
colocvii ştiinţifice;
cercetări ştiinţifice;
Summary/Abstract: Volum cuprinde materialele de la ediţia a 8-a a Colloquia Professorum „Tradiţie şi inovare în cercetarea ştiinţifică”, care a avut loc pe 12 octombrie 2018, în incinta Universităţii de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălţi.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-9975-50-235-1
- Page Count: 369
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: English, Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian
Ioan Ianov: un junimist uitat
Ioan Ianov: un junimist uitat
(Ioan Ianov: un junimist uitat)
- Author(s):Diana Vrabie
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, History of Philosophy, Local History / Microhistory, Romanian Literature
- Page Range:7-9
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:junimea; Ioan Ianov (1836 -1903); poésies occasionnelles; chansons comiques
- Summary/Abstract:Ioan Ianow répresente lꞌun des junimists fidèle, qui a pris part aux réunions de la société jusqu'à la fin de sa vie. Écrivain, député, sénateur, avocat, conseiller communal, figure répresentative dans la société de Iași, il est aujourdꞌhui pratiquement oublié. Son oeuvre littéraire, composée de créations occasionnelles, d'intérêt intime ou public nꞌa pas bénéficié pour l'instant de la réception objective, étant perdue dans la presse du temps. Cet article a pour but de ramener le profil de cet écrivain dans l'actualité, en accentuant les registres esthétiquementrésistants de sa création. Nous considérons quꞌétant contextualisée de manière inspirée et rapportée à son époque, la créations poétique dꞌIoan Ianow implique des textes suffisants qui peuvent passer avec succès la validation esthétique.
Tipologia variaţiei frazeologice
Tipologia variaţiei frazeologice
(Tipologia variaţiei frazeologice)
- Author(s):Liliana Trinca
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Philology, Phraseology
- Page Range:26-31
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:repeated discourse; phraseological unit; phraseological derailment; deconstructed phraseological unit
- Summary/Abstract:Phraseology, as an important language compartment, has a dynamic character. The dynamics of phraseology is manifested by the increasing number of phraseological units and by their modification, as well as by a very productive phenomenon of phraseological variation, "phraseological derailment", which is a type of reorganization (by de-structuring / re-structuring the signifier and the signified of the phraseological unit) that occurs spontaneously or with a stylistic intent. "Phraseological derailment", the emergence of phraseological duplicates, whether ephemeral or occasional, is a testimony to the fact that phraseological units are dynamic models. The perpetual competition between canonical forms alias traditional ones as well as between various duplicates and innovative variants catalyses multiple changes in expression and content. The article focuses on the dynamics of phraseological units with archaic elements in modern Romanian from the perspective of the phenomenon of "phraseological derailment" and related phenomena, highlighting, as much as possible, a series of changes of form and meaning of some phraseological models consecrated by use as canonical and traceable forms in Romanian dictionaries.
Paul Goma: (r)evoluţia modelului
Paul Goma: (r)evoluţia modelului
(Paul Goma: (r)evoluţia modelului)
- Author(s):Iraida Costin
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Romanian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:36-43
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:narrative model; bivoc word; hybrid construction; plurilingvism
- Summary/Abstract:This paragraph examines the impact of Creangă’ narrative modelon Paul Goma’s prose. The relationship between the character and the author, the narrative figures, the stylistic dominants of the story „Amintiri din copilărie” by Ion Creangă and the novel „Din calidor”by Paul Goma are analysed. It examines the dialogical poetics of the novel, the dialectical relations of the bivoc word, the hybrid construction, plurilingvism, the instinctive genius sense of the language, the intrinsec elements of the narrative model in the line of the Creangă-Sadoveanu tradition.
Metafora conceptuală în construcțiile idiomatice românești
Metafora conceptuală în construcțiile idiomatice românești
(Metafora conceptuală în construcțiile idiomatice românești)
- Author(s):Ludmila Raciula
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Lexis
- Page Range:47-51
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:phraseological unit; Theory of Conceptual Metaphor; linguocultural analysis
- Summary/Abstract:The present article is an attempt to apply the Theory of Conceptual Metaphor to the analysis of idiomatic phraseological units of the Romanian language. We have already established that most of the idioms reflect in their form some cultural and historical information that is known to the native bearers of the Romanian language. At the same time, we believe that there is a group of idioms that can be analysed taking into account the conceptual metaphor that is of a universal nature. To this end, we shall make a distinction between the individual and conceptual metaphors and will apply the conceptual metaphor “mind is a container” to the Romanian phraseology, providing a linguocultural analysis of the idiom.
Teaching the language of advice in efl classrooms
Teaching the language of advice in efl classrooms
(Teaching the language of advice in efl classrooms)
- Author(s):Viorica Cebotaroş
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Education, School education, Vocational Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:51-56
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:advice; culture; pragmatic competence; pragmatic failure; pragmatic instruction
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses the role of pragmatic instruction in EFL classrooms, with a focus on the speech act of advice. After revealing some peculiarities of advice in the Anglo and Romanian cultures, it offers some activities that may contribute to raising learners’ pragmatic awareness regarding the functioning of this speech act in the Anglo culture.
Establishing meaningful relationships within a small discourse community to enhance students’ academic writing skills
Establishing meaningful relationships within a small discourse community to enhance students’ academic writing skills
(Establishing meaningful relationships within a small discourse community to enhance students’ academic writing skills)
- Author(s):Viorica Condrat
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Foreign languages learning
- Page Range:56-60
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:comunitate discursivă; interacțiune academică; scris academic
- Summary/Abstract:Abilitatea de a crea texte coerente este o componentă esențială în formarea academică a studentului. Procesul de scriere în scopuri academice este unul anevoios, care este considerat de către studenți ca fiind unul nesemnificativ. Studenții deseori nu sunt pregătiți să producă texte coerente în scopuri academice. Mai mult, ei nu realizează importanța scrisului academic în formarea lor profesională. Articolul de față examinează factorii ce ar contribui la crearea unei comunități discursive, care, la rândul ei, ar spori calitatea scrisului academic la studenți.
An analysis of students’ perception of plagiarism: the case of Alecu Russo Balti State University
An analysis of students’ perception of plagiarism: the case of Alecu Russo Balti State University
(An analysis of students’ perception of plagiarism: the case of Alecu Russo Balti State University)
- Author(s):Viorica Condrat
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Communication studies, School education, Vocational Education
- Page Range:60-65
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:plagiat; infracțiune; integritate academică; norme academice
- Summary/Abstract:Una din problemele stringente ce ține de scrisul academic este plagiatul. Studenții par a nu înțelege gravitatea actului în sine, plagiind ori de câte ori le este greu să își formuleze propriile gân-duri sau nu știu ce exact trebuie să facă. Astfel, ei nu realizează că încalcă normele academice comițând o infracțiune. Articolul prezintă o analiză a percepțiilor față de plagiat ale studenților de la Facultatea de Litere din anul 4 de la Ciclul Licență și anul 1 de la Ciclul Masterat care studiază limba engleză ca limbă principală. Rezultatele indică lipsa de conștientizare a gravității unui asemenea act la studenți. Atitudinea lor pare a fi una superficială față de scrisul academic, iar însăși actul de sfidare a normelor academice pare a fi nesemnificativ pentru studenți.
Синкретизм в сложноподчиненных предложениях разных видов как одно из явлений современного синтаксиса
Синкретизм в сложноподчиненных предложениях разных видов как одно из явлений современного синтаксиса
(Синкретизм в сложноподчиненных предложениях разных видов как одно из явлений современного синтаксиса)
- Author(s):Elena Sirota
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Syntax
- Page Range:65-69
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:syncretism; contamination; complex sentence; semantic relations; structural-semantic classification of complex sentences; syntactic level of the language
- Summary/Abstract:The problem of the definition of the term “syncretism”is considered, its differential features are identified, the causes of its occurrence are established. This phenomenon is studied on the syntactic tier of the language at the level of complex sentences; possible types of combining meanings within the subordinate clauses are defined as belonging to one structural-semantic type, the conclusion of the frequency of syncretic formations in contemporary artistic discourses, which is due to the effect of a common linguistic tendency towards the realization of a non-differentiated connection is made.
Повествовательные формы новейшего русского романа
Повествовательные формы новейшего русского романа
(Повествовательные формы новейшего русского романа)
- Author(s):Tatiana Suzanscaia
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:74-80
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:narrator; discourse; speech characteristic of the character; author’s point of view; the system of “voices”
- Summary/Abstract:The Russian novel of the beginning of the twenty-first century is characterized by a variety of discursive practices, a variety of idiolect (individual style of the writer), various narrative forms which, according to the theory of the English researcher P. Labbock, fall into the following types: “panoramic survey”, “dramatized narrator”, “dramatized mind”, “pure drama”. The article provides a brief overview of the authors’ narrative features and speech practices of the characters in the novels “Laurus” by E. Vodolazkin, “Resident” by Z. Prilepin, “Fortress” by P. Aleshkovsky, “Winter Road” by L. Yuzefo-vich, “Zuleikha Opens her Eyes” by G. Yakhinaand others. Research focuses more on Alexandra Niko-layenko’s lyrical reflections and schizophrenic discourse in the novel “To Kill Bobrykin. The Story of a Murder”, winner of the Russian Booker independent literary prize in 2017.
«Слова выходят коротки и смачны» (к вопросу о формировании стилистической компетенции учащихся)
«Слова выходят коротки и смачны» (к вопросу о формировании стилистической компетенции учащихся)
(«Слова выходят коротки и смачны» (к вопросу о формировании стилистической компетенции учащихся))
- Author(s):Fedor Gorlenko
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Lexis
- Page Range:80-84
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:stylistic competence; linguo-didactic material; methods and techniques; stylistic analysis; cognitive activity
- Summary/Abstract:The articles deals with the problem of forming of stylistic competence of students; cited the reasons for the lack of linguo-didactic system up till now that aims at forming students` stylistic skills and abilities. A good example of forming of the students` stylistic competence is demonstrated in the poem written by V. Vysotsky; essential conclusions are drawn about the didactic role that determine the components of the educational process: selected linguo - didactic materials, methods and techniques of its delivering and stylistic analysis, as well as the forms of organizing of the cognitive activity of students.
Принципы построения системы упражнений в современном учебнике русского языка как иностранного
Принципы построения системы упражнений в современном учебнике русского языка как иностранного
(Принципы построения системы упражнений в современном учебнике русского языка как иностранного)
- Author(s):Larisa Paskar
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:84-90
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:exercise system; skills; communicative competence; text; speech activity
- Summary/Abstract:The article deals with one of the actual problems of teaching Russian as a foreign language: the principles of building a system of exercises in a modern textbook as a foreign language and the specificity of used exercises in an integrated lesson in the process of working on a literary text. In this regard, educational material is presented on one of the topics of the literary-thematic module. The recommended system of exercises in general and the individual series within it methodically in a new way, modernly encourage students to actively communicate, to express their point of view, their opinion, which is the main goal of teaching students to communicate in the studied Russian language
Особенности функционирования жаргонной лексики в современной молодежной среде
Особенности функционирования жаргонной лексики в современной молодежной среде
(Особенности функционирования жаргонной лексики в современной молодежной среде)
- Author(s):Vera Frolova
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Lexis
- Page Range:91-94
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Slang Words; Youth Community; Functions and Classification of Slang Words
- Summary/Abstract:The paper is based on the description of the russian slang words used in the youth community; their meaning, form and function. The analysis of the form and semantics of the slang allows depicting the specific features of its perception by the speakers and classifying depend on the sphere of interest of the youth community.
Teoria dialogului dezvoltativ în practica formării continui
Teoria dialogului dezvoltativ în practica formării continui
(Teoria dialogului dezvoltativ în practica formării continui)
- Author(s):Valeriu Cabac
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Communication studies, Theory of Communication, Vocational Education, Adult Education
- Page Range:109-112
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:teacher-student relationship; dialogue; developmental dialogue theory
- Summary/Abstract:The communication presents a training technology, which allows the transformation of the teacher-student relationship from a vertical one into a horizontal one, defined as – the technology of the developmental dialogue. The advantages of using this technology in continuous training are discussed.
Unele aspecte privind organizarea şi desfăşurarea olimpiadei universitare TIC în cadrul USARB
Unele aspecte privind organizarea şi desfăşurarea olimpiadei universitare TIC în cadrul USARB
(Unele aspecte privind organizarea şi desfăşurarea olimpiadei universitare TIC în cadrul USARB)
- Author(s):Radames Evdochimov
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Other, School education, Higher Education
- Page Range:113-116
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Olympics; Information and communication technologies; formation; ICT Olympics; digital competencies
- Summary/Abstract:The article is devoted to some aspects of the organization and deployment of the University’s ICT Olympics for non-IT specialties of Bălţi State University of Alecu Russo. The significance and possibilities of the Olympics for the formation of professional digital competencies are revealed, and the conditions for its effective implementation are described.
Oportunităţile dezvoltării agroturismului în Republica Moldova
Oportunităţile dezvoltării agroturismului în Republica Moldova
(Oportunităţile dezvoltării agroturismului în Republica Moldova)
- Author(s):Stanislav Stadnic, Ştefan Stadnic
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture, Tourism
- Page Range:121-127
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:agritourism; natural potential; strategy
- Summary/Abstract:The Republic of Moldova has a rich natural and anthropogenic potential, but insufficient use of resources through agritourism is determined by poorly developed infrastructure (roads, water supply and sewage). The development of in the Republic of Moldova is supported by various activities, organized and carried out by various governmental and non-governmental structures and organizations.
Tehnologii moderne de preparare a celulelor solare excitonice cu perovskit
Tehnologii moderne de preparare a celulelor solare excitonice cu perovskit
(Tehnologii moderne de preparare a celulelor solare excitonice cu perovskit)
- Author(s):Mihail Popa
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Other
- Page Range:146-152
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:perovskite; PEDOT-PSS; PC61BM; spin coating; ITO; Ag
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presents photovoltaic materials and modern technologies of preparation of excitonic solar cells type ITO/PEDOT:PSS/CH3NH3PbI3/PC61BM/Ag.
Cercetări privind aplicarea unor straturi subțiri de compuși semiconductori AII BVI în celulele solare pe bază de perovskite
Cercetări privind aplicarea unor straturi subțiri de compuși semiconductori AII BVI în celulele solare pe bază de perovskite
(Cercetări privind aplicarea unor straturi subțiri de compuși semiconductori AII BVI în celulele solare pe bază de perovskite)
- Author(s):Mihail Popa
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:137-143
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:perovskite; ETL; HTL; ITO; PEDOT:PSS; PCBM; PCE
- Summary/Abstract:n the work were presented preparation and research techniques of the electrical properties of the perovskite solar cells, in which ZnS, ZnSe and ZnTe thin films were applied. Using these layers as the electron transport layer (ETL), a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of about 2.57% was obtained, and cells with hole transport layer (HTL) the PCE achieved a maximum 2.14%. By doping ETL and HTL with chalcogenides a maximum yield of 3.98% was obtained. Preparation of solar cells with two layers of ETL or HTL increased of PCE to 7.40% maximum. By doping bulk heterojunction of perovskite with the calcogenide thin layers has increased PCE of cells up to 13.84%.
Aplicarea tehnologiei blockchain în managementul financiar-contabil
Aplicarea tehnologiei blockchain în managementul financiar-contabil
(Aplicarea tehnologiei blockchain în managementul financiar-contabil)
- Author(s):Nelli Amarfii-Railean
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Economy, Financial Markets
- Page Range:156-158
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Automated Audit; Block Chain Tehnologie; Real-Time Accounting; Triple-Entry Accounting
- Summary/Abstract:The effects of blockchain accounting for the firm are identified as increased automation of traditional accounting functions, significant reductions in internal and external fraud and increased trust and usefulness of financial information. Firms and professionals should be prepared for such developments as they could render traditional skills obsolete and could put a serious demand for IT skills in such industries. In this article,we describe the technology and its likely impact on business, and inpar-ticular on the accounting profession.The purpose of the research is to continue previous research on information technologies applications in accounting and financial analysisand to explore howtechnology could alter industries and professions over time.A literature review is conducted on peer-reviewed articles and professional literature relevant to the topic.
Metode de analiză a riscului financiar al întreprinderii în condiţiile incertitudinii
Metode de analiză a riscului financiar al întreprinderii în condiţiile incertitudinii
(Metode de analiză a riscului financiar al întreprinderii în condiţiile incertitudinii)
- Author(s):Irina Movilă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Economy, Financial Markets
- Page Range:159-162
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:valuation methods; financial risk; profitability threshold; leverage effect
- Summary/Abstract:The risk reflects the possibility that economic and financial results may evolve in a way that can lead to bankruptcy. Identifying and assessing these risks is the most complicated stage of an enterprise's risk management system. Risk assessment is divided into qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. The article presents methods for analyzing the financial risk of the enterprise under uncertainty: method based on the profitability threshold and the leverage method.
Instrumente de finanțare pentru exportatori în Republica Moldova
Instrumente de finanțare pentru exportatori în Republica Moldova
(Instrumente de finanțare pentru exportatori în Republica Moldova)
- Author(s):Lilia Dumbravanu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Economy, Financial Markets
- Page Range:162-166
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:outils de financement; transactions à l’exportation; incasso; accréditif; garantie; projet de financement
- Summary/Abstract:Dans cet article, on parle de possibilités de financement des exportations en Moldavie, comme: les prêts, l'affacturage, les lettres de crédit, les collections, les guaranties. L'auteur présente les avantages des instruments de financement de l’exportateurs. Aussi, on analyse les possibilités de financement des entreprises pour les exportateurs en Moldavie à travers divers projets soutenus par le gouver nement et la Banque mondiale.
Activități și practici specifice marketingului resurselor umane în cadrul întreprinderilor
Activități și practici specifice marketingului resurselor umane în cadrul întreprinderilor
(Activități și practici specifice marketingului resurselor umane în cadrul întreprinderilor)
- Author(s):Rodica Slutu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Economy, Marketing / Advertising, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:166-169
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:human resources marketing; human resources management; the brand of employer; employment application; job offer
- Summary/Abstract:Analysis of the impact of human resources management, marketing, human resources and in the light of its effects on the competitiveness of the enterprise becomes a theme increasingly widely researched in the scientific literature. Modern marketing is considered crucial for the success of today's organization, the miraculous solution resolves its problems, the basic tool in achieving great performance and maintaining the competitiveness of the enterprise. At the present time became, as it influences the lives of everyone, being the means by which it gives people the standard of living.
Îmbătrânirea populației şi evaluarea indicelui sarcinii demografice în regiunile Republicii Moldova
Îmbătrânirea populației şi evaluarea indicelui sarcinii demografice în regiunile Republicii Moldova
(Îmbătrânirea populației şi evaluarea indicelui sarcinii demografice în regiunile Republicii Moldova)
- Author(s):Irina Movilă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Human Geography, Regional Geography
- Page Range:169-173
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:population; aging population; demographic burden index
- Summary/Abstract:The article deals with the problem of aging of the population of the Republic of Moldova. The structure and dynamics of the population of the country by main age groups as well as territorially are analyzed. The problem of population aging is highlighted in the Northern region of the republic, as the region where the highest rate of population aging is observed. The indicator analyzes the demographic load in the Republic of Moldova, including the Northern region.
Provocări pentru o cultură a inovării în organizația școlară
Provocări pentru o cultură a inovării în organizația școlară
(Provocări pentru o cultură a inovării în organizația școlară)
- Author(s):Tatiana Şova
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education
- Page Range:178-180
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:innovation; culture of innovation; organizational culture; resistance to change
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses the problem of innovative culture in the school. The promotion of innovative culture in the school organization is a systemic and systematic process. It involves the correct adaptation and integration of the educational institution’s specific values and the potential of the human staff in an organizational culture oriented towards innovation and performance. The transfer of innovations takes into account the specific of the educational partners’ activities and the characteristics of the innovative activities designed for implementation.
Tehnologizarea învățământului: aspecte actuale și de perspectivă
Tehnologizarea învățământului: aspecte actuale și de perspectivă
(Tehnologizarea învățământului: aspecte actuale și de perspectivă)
- Author(s):Ilie Nasu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, School education
- Page Range:185-190
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:technical-scientific progress; education; technologization of education; information technologies; internet; virtuality; electronic computer; chip; genetic modification of the Man; artificial
- Summary/Abstract:The technical and scientific progress has provided people with devices, machines, technologies and inventions which ease the work and even replace the Man not only in the sphere of production, but also in the sphere of intellectual activity, striving for a longer future, and in some spheres of activity, even in a fairly near future, completely replacing human activity. In his article "Technologization of education: current and long-term aspects", the author tries to partially predict the influence of the technical and scientific progress on education as an important, indispensable sphere of human activity, including the possible changes of the Man under this influence.
Instituția Publică Liceul Teoretic Văratic abordat ca o organizație ce învață
Instituția Publică Liceul Teoretic Văratic abordat ca o organizație ce învață
(Instituția Publică Liceul Teoretic Văratic abordat ca o organizație ce învață)
- Author(s):Ilie Nasu, Adriana Cernei
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Cultural Essay
- Page Range:202-208
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:organization; school; training; management
- Summary/Abstract:In modern world, the need to change mentalities is an important necessity from the psychological, pedagogical, social and especially managerial point of view. The central ideea, in this sense, is that the school assumes as an organization, through the aims and objectives pursued, at the basis of the instructive-educational activity, carried out in a formal and / or non-formal environment, highlights the values cultural aspects of the whole society, reflected in the pedagogical plan. S. Cristea said that: the school is an organization that performs a pedagogical activity within a specialized institutionalized framework with socially defined statutes and roles in order to achieve the micro-structural finalizations of the educational process and the macro- structural education system. By paraphrasing this definition, we could argue that the school is the organization whose main purpose is to make the student's personality within a specialized process, conceived at the same time as a teaching-learning-evaluation activity.
Reprezentarea mintală a selfului la tineri
Reprezentarea mintală a selfului la tineri
(Reprezentarea mintală a selfului la tineri)
- Author(s):Luminiţa Secrieru
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Social Sciences, Psychology, Individual Psychology, Personality Psychology
- Page Range:218-222
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:self representation; effect; intelligence; honesty
- Summary/Abstract:he article addresses the topic of mental self representation of young people from the Republic of Moldova. The results of our study have shown that young people feel that honesty is much more desirable than intelligence, more controllable, and less verifiable than intelligence.
Rolul particularităţilor individuale al tânărului specialist în formarea reprezentărilor viitorului profesionist
Rolul particularităţilor individuale al tânărului specialist în formarea reprezentărilor viitorului profesionist
(Rolul particularităţilor individuale al tânărului specialist în formarea reprezentărilor viitorului profesionist)
- Author(s):Inga Baciu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Psychology, Individual Psychology, Personality Psychology
- Page Range:250-258
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:occupation; individual features; representations; professional future; young specialist
- Summary/Abstract:The specialized studies support the concept of representation of the professional activity is inextricably linked to personality. It includes two aspects: First issue of the image "I" personally, and secondly, the aspect related to the work and professionalization personality. Also, research has shown the importance of capacity representation of the future. Namely these representations is a goal that seems required "for granted". Thus representing professional future can act as a magnetic force which orders the actions, provides energy and courage to take initiatives, provide solutions and drive for success. In the future these projections operate as sets of needs guiding and select individual personality actions towards professional activity.
Implicații metodologice ale evaluării criteriale prin descriptori în clasele gimnaziale
Implicații metodologice ale evaluării criteriale prin descriptori în clasele gimnaziale
(Implicații metodologice ale evaluării criteriale prin descriptori în clasele gimnaziale)
- Author(s):Viorica Crişciuc
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education
- Page Range:259-262
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:musical education; art; musical skills; evaluation by descriptors; evaluation methodology
- Summary/Abstract:In the context of this research, the features of the new paradigm called Critical Evaluation by Descriptors are highlighted: the focus of assessment falls on the formative assessment that evaluates students in action within the learning process; is contextualized, within the modular themes, based on the connection between concrete experiences of life and what is being learned. The evaluation has effects on students, teachers and other educational agents on decision-makers responsible for the quality of the learning process. The change that is occurring is not accidental, since it is becoming ever more intense and right to speak of elements of discrimination of students, namely by classical evaluation. The diversity of evaluation functions and its formative valences is ensured by the variety of evaluation methods and techniques specific to the Music Education discipline.
Caracterul sistemic al activităților muzical-didactice prin dramaturgia lecţiei de educaţie muzicală
Caracterul sistemic al activităților muzical-didactice prin dramaturgia lecţiei de educaţie muzicală
(Caracterul sistemic al activităților muzical-didactice prin dramaturgia lecţiei de educaţie muzicală)
- Author(s):Marina Caliga
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Music
- Page Range:262-265
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:musical dramaturgy; musical-didactic activities; systemic character; musical education lesson
- Summary/Abstract:The history of musical pedagogy describes its formation based on different educational systems. Each of these systems pursued objectives, purpose and methodologies. In this study I intend to research and apply the concept of musical dramaturgy during the activities at the musical education lesson.
Postulate ale axiologiei educaţiei ca ştiinţă pedagogică
Postulate ale axiologiei educaţiei ca ştiinţă pedagogică
(Postulate ale axiologiei educaţiei ca ştiinţă pedagogică)
- Author(s):Aurelia Beţivu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology of Education
- Page Range:266-268
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:philosophy; axiology; education; interdisciplinary; education axiology; epistemological criteria
- Summary/Abstract:The axiological approach to pedagogical real scenes of the modern world is considered in the article. We aim to further develop the understanding of scientific objectivity beyond the notion of the axiology of education as an interdisciplinary science at the level of relations between pedagogy and philosophy in general, between the general theory of education and the general theory of curriculum, as fundamental pedagogical sciences, on the one hand, and axiology,as a field of philosophy.
Aspecte conceptuale cu referire la competențele artistice ale cadrelor didactice intercalizate în învățământul primar din perspective diferite
Aspecte conceptuale cu referire la competențele artistice ale cadrelor didactice intercalizate în învățământul primar din perspective diferite
(Aspecte conceptuale cu referire la competențele artistice ale cadrelor didactice intercalizate în învățământul primar din perspective diferite)
- Author(s):Iulia Postolachi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Adult Education
- Page Range:268-272
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:artistic skills; skills; teachers; primary education; capacities
- Summary/Abstract:In this article I will reveal different approaches to the artistic skills intertfused in primary education from different perspectives. They assume: the ability to know the students and to take into account their age and individual peculiarities in the design and realization of instructive-educational activities; the ability to design and realize optimal instructive-educational activities (clarification of didactic objectives, proper selection of forms, methods and assessment tools etc.); the competence to manifest psycho-pedagogical, creative-innovative conduct by practicing modern teaching strategies.
Aspecte critice cu privire la reglementarea procreării medical asistate în Legislația Republicii Moldova
Aspecte critice cu privire la reglementarea procreării medical asistate în Legislația Republicii Moldova
(Aspecte critice cu privire la reglementarea procreării medical asistate în Legislația Republicii Moldova)
- Author(s):Veaceslav Pînzari
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Sociology of Law
- Page Range:272-276
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:famille; procréation; filiation; stérilité; infertilité
- Summary/Abstract:L'une des fonctions de la famille nucléaire, du point de vue du droit, est la fonction démographique, la reproduction de la population ou, comme on dit, la perpétuation de l'espèce humaine, fonction qui incombe la plupart du temps à la famille. Mais il existe peu de cas où, en raison d'affections, la procréation, en tant qu'acte par lequel un nouvel être est présenté au monde, ne peut être réalisée de manière naturelle. Dans de telles situations, le législateur réglemente les autres formes de filiation, telles que l'adoption ou la procréation médicale assistée. Dans cet article, nous présenterons quelques aspects critiques de l'institution de la procréation médicale assistée.
Unele referiri cu privire la conceptul și trăsăturile criminalității
Unele referiri cu privire la conceptul și trăsăturile criminalității
(Unele referiri cu privire la conceptul și trăsăturile criminalității)
- Author(s):Anatolie Faigher
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law
- Page Range:282-287
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:criminality; concept; features; crime
- Summary/Abstract:One of the main elements of the subject of criminology as science is criminality, without the study of which it is not possible to elucidate other criminological problems related to the determinants of criminality, the organization of the process of combating it. That is why in this scientific article the author has demonstrated that the concept of crime is a multidimensional concept, which has different approaches in the literature and has highlighted the basic features of this phenomenon.
Contractele privind pachetele de servicii de călătorie și serviciile de călătorie asociate în reglementarea directivei 2015/2302/UE
Contractele privind pachetele de servicii de călătorie și serviciile de călătorie asociate în reglementarea directivei 2015/2302/UE
(Contractele privind pachetele de servicii de călătorie și serviciile de călătorie asociate în reglementarea directivei 2015/2302/UE)
- Author(s):Valentin Cazacu, Stella Negru
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:287-292
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:contract; package travel; linked travel arrangements; Directive 2015/2302/EU; traveller; organizer; retailer
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper briefly analyzes the provisions of Directive 2015/2302/EU on package travel and linked travel arrangements. The study focuses on the main changes proposed in the new text, comparing them with the provisions of the old Directive 90/314/EEC, which was repealed on 01.07.2018. It also highlights the role of the new Directive in achieving a higher level of consumer protection.
Particularitățile apărării pârâtului prin intermediul obiecțiilor material-juridice în procesul civil
Particularitățile apărării pârâtului prin intermediul obiecțiilor material-juridice în procesul civil
(Particularitățile apărării pârâtului prin intermediul obiecțiilor material-juridice în procesul civil)
- Author(s):Dumitru Dumitraşcu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law
- Page Range:293-297
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:civil procedure; equality of arms; the contradictory principle; right to defence; material objections; plaintiff; civil defendant
- Summary/Abstract:The contradictory principle and equality of arms contributes to the realization of civil justice by the fact that plaintiff and defendant has the right to defence. The most common the mean of defence used by defendant are the material objections. The material objections relate to the circumstances on which the plaintiff is based to persuade the court not to admit the action, that is to adopt a judgement rejecting the plaintiff's claims. So in the this article we examine the particularities of represent and defence through material objections in the civil process.
Diversitatea sancţiunilor procedurale civile
Diversitatea sancţiunilor procedurale civile
(Diversitatea sancţiunilor procedurale civile)
- Author(s):Tatiana Crugliţchi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law
- Page Range:297-300
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:la responsabilité; la sanction; la coercition de l'État; la société; general; privé; revocatione; l'amende judiciare
- Summary/Abstract:La responsabilité sociale comme forme de réglement du comportement de l’homme dans la société n’ est pas spécifique a la loi, elle se trouve dans tous les domaines de la vie sociale. La responsabilité implique une réflexion sur les conséquences attendues de nos actions; premierèment, du point de vue naturellement et moralement, comme une solution contre les comportements antisociaux et ensuite, légalement. La société établit des règles de conduite du caractére religieux, moral, culturel, politique, et juridique, que les individus qui la composent sont appelés à observer, pour guider la direction, selon les règlements pour ces intérêts communs dans le but de la combinason de son intérêt personel avec celui social de l’assurance de la coherence et de la fonctionnalité du système social. La responsabilité et les recours juridiques sont les deux faces du mêmephénomène social. Les droits et les obligations connexes qui se posent à la suite d'avoir commis un acte illégal définissent simplement la responsabilité. On affirme certainemment que ce complexe de droits et d’obligations constitue le cadre pour la réalisation de la contrainte de l'état en appliquant des sanctions juridiques.
Contractul de vânzare a bunurilor de consum şi propunerea modificată de directivă privind anumite aspecte referitoare la contractele de vânzări de bunuri
Contractul de vânzare a bunurilor de consum şi propunerea modificată de directivă privind anumite aspecte referitoare la contractele de vânzări de bunuri
(Contractul de vânzare a bunurilor de consum şi propunerea modificată de directivă privind anumite aspecte referitoare la contractele de vânzări de bunuri)
- Author(s):Valentin Cazacu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law
- Page Range:304-310
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:sales of goods; Digital Single Market; full harmonization; consumer protection; conformity with the contract; remedies for lack of conformity
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper briefly analyzes the provisions of the Amended proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain aspects concerning contracts for sales of goods. The study focuses on the main changes proposed in the new text, comparing them with the provisions of the Directive 1999/44/EC, which will be repealedif the proposal will be approved. It also highlights the role of the amendedproposal for a Directivein achieving a higher level of consumer protection.
Проблема соотношения права и закона в философии И. Канта и Г. Радбруха
Проблема соотношения права и закона в философии И. Канта и Г. Радбруха
(Проблема соотношения права и закона в философии И. Канта и Г. Радбруха)
- Author(s):Efim Mohorea
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Political Philosophy
- Page Range:310-316
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:imperativ; raţiune practică; voinţă; drept (natural, pozitiv); lege; libertate; valoare; judecată de valoare; dreptate; stabilitate; ordine
- Summary/Abstract:Lucrarea e consacrată analizei coraportului dintre drept (jus) şi lege (lex) în filosofia dreptului a filosofului I. Kant şi a juristului şi filosofului dreptului G. Radbruch. Ambii savanţi întemeia-ză dreptul a priori pe raţiune, dar îl determină pe principii diferite: I. Kant – pe libertate, în contextul imperativului categoric, iar G. Radbruch – pe dreptate ca valoare ideală supremă.
Cu privire la conceptul „Sfârșitul / Moartea filosofiei” din perspectiva fenomenelor cultural-didactice actuale
Cu privire la conceptul „Sfârșitul / Moartea filosofiei” din perspectiva fenomenelor cultural-didactice actuale
(Cu privire la conceptul „Sfârșitul / Moartea filosofiei” din perspectiva fenomenelor cultural-didactice actuale)
- Author(s):Valeriu Parnovel
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Metaphysics, Social Philosophy
- Page Range:316-320
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:the crisis of Philosophy; the end of Philosophy; the Socratic model of existence of Philosophy
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper is a study of the modern of „the crisis of Philosophy” in the realm of the new cultural and educational phenomena, such as, the penetration of Philosophy in all spheres of education, the establishment of the International Olympiad in Philosophy for school pupils, of the International Day of Philosophy, the development of the “Children’s Philosophy”. The approach of confrontation allows to present the crisis of Philosophy not as its decline, but vice versa, as a turning point towards its Socratic model of existence.
Managementul strategic și internaționalizarea învățământului superior
Managementul strategic și internaționalizarea învățământului superior
(Managementul strategic și internaționalizarea învățământului superior)
- Author(s):Valentina Priţcan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education
- Page Range:330-333
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:internationalization; university autonomy; international cooperation; international mobility; internationalization strategies; strategic management; strategic priorities
- Summary/Abstract:The reason of discussing the topic of internationalization derives from the necessity of integrating the Universities of the Republic of Moldova into the unique European area of knowledge and research, the need to facilitate the cooperation and international mobility activities of teachers and students. The research focuses on the intention to highlight the need for a strategic approach to the processes of internationalization of education and research in the HEI of the Republic of Moldova, the analysis of the needs, the challenges, but also the finding of the appropriate solutions within the framework of the "ELEVATE - Elevating the Internationalisation of Higher Education in Moldova, Reference number: 573921-EPP-1-2016-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP project co-funded by the Erasmus + Program of the European Union.
Unele dificultăți în materia asistenței juridico-penale internaționale: abordare teoretico-normativă
Unele dificultăți în materia asistenței juridico-penale internaționale: abordare teoretico-normativă
(Unele dificultăți în materia asistenței juridico-penale internaționale: abordare teoretico-normativă)
- Author(s):Victoria Ţarălungă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:333-340
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:international legal assistance in criminal matters; international treaty; international cooperation
- Summary/Abstract:Given that integration into different spheres of international relations has become a priority, the joint effort of the international community to combat crime can certainly be considered as one of the priorities of international cooperation. In the process of cooperation, states address such important issues as harmonizing the qualification of crimes that pose a threat to several states, coordinating measures to prevent and repress them, establishing jurisdiction over offenders, and legal assistance in criminal matters. In this article the author elucidates some difficulties of international legal assistance in criminal matters, making recommendations for remedying some gaps in this field.
Unele reflecții privind dreptul infractorului la împăcare cu partea vătămată
Unele reflecții privind dreptul infractorului la împăcare cu partea vătămată
(Unele reflecții privind dreptul infractorului la împăcare cu partea vătămată)
- Author(s):Mariana Spatari
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law
- Page Range:341-346
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:conciliation; infraction; auteur de l’infraction; victime; conflit; sanction pénale; accord de conciliation
- Summary/Abstract:La conciliation constitue l’une des causes qui supprime la responsabilité pénale ou les conséquences de la déclaration de culpabilité. Entant qu’institution juridique, la conciliationvise à éteindre le conflit né entre l’auteur de l’infraction et la victime. Le présent article propose une analyse du droit de l’auteur de l’infraction d’être pardonné tant par la victime que par l’État, lequel est tenu de sanctionner toute personne ayant enfreint les valeurs sociales protégées par la loi pénale.
Reinforce the entrepreneurial and digital skills of students enhancing the modernization of higher education. Critical satisfaction on students target group
Reinforce the entrepreneurial and digital skills of students enhancing the modernization of higher education. Critical satisfaction on students target group
(Reinforce the entrepreneurial and digital skills of students enhancing the modernization of higher education. Critical satisfaction on students target group)
- Author(s):Nelli Amarfii-Railean
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:355-358
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Entrepreneurial Education; Digital Skills; Soft Skills; Statistical Data Analysis
- Summary/Abstract:Modern computer tools significantly increase the attractiveness of the educational process, with reference to the business administration field, which is the driven mechanism for the all the processes in the economy. This study is the result of extensive research of the survey for the analysis of students ‘perception and satisfaction regarding the level of satisfaction concerning the acquired digital and entrepreneurial skills in the university. Along with the digital required competence, the study outlined the main skills a graduate should have in order to be competitive on the labour market and to achieve success in his/her entrepreneurial career. The study was conducted on the basis of the empirical data at Alecu Russo Balti State University, within the project: Reinforce entrepreneurial and digital skills of students and teachers to enhance the modernization of higher education in Moldova (No. 585353-EPP-1- EPPKA2-2017-1-E-CBHE-JP).
Fostering university-enterprise cooperation and entrepreneurship of students via SMART Caffes. Student’s needs
Fostering university-enterprise cooperation and entrepreneurship of students via SMART Caffes. Student’s needs
(Fostering university-enterprise cooperation and entrepreneurship of students via SMART Caffes. Student’s needs)
- Author(s):Valentina Priţcan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:362-369
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:entrepreneurship; university-enterprise cooperation; entrepreneurial education; innovation; entrepreneur-friendly ecosystems; creativity
- Summary/Abstract:Nowadays, universities develop policies meant to improve the quality and effectiveness of the scientific research and the innovation process, develop human resources through and for research, connect research to the European and international value system, and recognize research performance. The national priorities stipulated in the 2020 Education strategy of the Republic of Moldova has set the following goals: (1) improvement of University-enterprise cooperation, (2) entrepreneurship and employability of graduates, and (3) reinforcement of the links between education, research and business. The research is focused on the summary presentation of the results of the survey conducted to reveal students' needs in entrepreneurship initiatives and entrepreneurship education at universities, the analysis of those needs and suggestion of appropriate solutions within the framework of the "Fostering University-Enterprise Cooperation and Entrepreneurship of Students via SMART Cafes (SMART)" project co-funded by the Erasmus + Program of the European Union.