Czech position in the EU – challenges for the years 2012+. Materials for the expert seminar Czech European policy in 2012 and tasks for 2013 within the project. Cover Image

Česká pozice v EU – výzvy pro léta 2012+. Podklady k expertnímu semináři Česká evropská politika v roce 2012 a úkoly pro rok 2013 v rámci projektu.
Czech position in the EU – challenges for the years 2012+. Materials for the expert seminar Czech European policy in 2012 and tasks for 2013 within the project.

Author(s): Arnošt Marks
Subject(s): Supranational / Global Economy, Economic policy, Financial Markets
Published by: AMO – Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky
Keywords: economic crisis 2008; financial crisis 2008;
Summary/Abstract: The current situation in the European Union is still defined by the deep financial and economic crisis of 2009, which turned into an economic and political crisis of the entire EU and the Eurozone. This still dramatically threatens Greece, possibly several other southern EU states. // At the EU level, a whole range of tools and steps have been developed over the last two to three years to try to solve the situation. Their character and essence are different. From simple or one-off measures such as simplification of financing from EU funds in Greece to considerations of far-reaching institutional changes, including in the form of amendments to the basic Treaties. // This background material briefly maps the key topics for the debate on the general positions of the Czech Republic in the coming months of 2012 and 2013.

  • Page Count: 5
  • Publication Year: 2012
  • Language: Czech
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